UNIT 6Do you like bananas.doc

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《UNIT 6Do you like bananas.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《UNIT 6Do you like bananas.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 UNIT 6 Do you like bananas?1. Do you like .?这是一个实意动词like做谓语的一般疑问句。Do在句中是助动词,在主语前面构成疑问句,无实际意义。此类以do开头的句子,回来也要用do,donteg -Do they like basketball?-Yes,they do. No,they dont2 like 实意动词 “喜欢” 常用于以下结构 (1)like sb / sth 喜欢某人、某事 eg I like my English teacher. Do you like apples? 当like后面是指人或物并且不是名词是代词的时候,要用宾格

2、形式。 eg I dont like them 我不喜欢他们 (2)like doing sth / like to do sth “喜欢做某事” eg We like watching TV. Do you like play soccer?*辨析 like doing sth和like to do sth 当like后接doing sth时 常用来表示一贯的爱好 当like后接to do sth时 常用来表示一时的意愿(3)like sb to do sth “喜欢、想要某人做某事” eg Our teacher likes us answer her question.3 have 实意

3、动词“吃,喝” 此时宾语是食物,饮料,三餐之类的名词 have breakfast have some tea(1)当用于购物方面时“买”相当于take eg Ill have it “我买下来了” (2)当其后接class,有上课之意。 eg We have an Englishi class every day.(3)用在表示请求的句中,有“借”的意思,相当于use / borrow.eg May I have your pen?(4)have 还能够用在以下短语中have a meeting “开会” have a look “看一下”have/take a rest “休息一下” ha

4、ve/play sports “做运动*辨析 have , eat, take, drink have 在口语中最常用,一般用在三餐,meal,medicina及具体食物名词前。能够是固体液体 eg I like to have some bread. eat “吃” 指供咀嚼的固体食物。但是表示喝汤时用eat soup.drink 一般指喝水,果奶,酒,咖啡等液体食物。 eg I want drink some coffee. take 一般指“喝药” eg Take this medicine,please.4 一般现在时实意动词转化为第三人称单数形式的变化规则(1) 一般动词后面加s 如

5、:like-likes play-plays (2) 以 s, x, sh, ch ,o 结尾的加es 如 watch-watches do-does (3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的改y为i加es 如study-studies (4) 特殊情况 如 dodoer 5 runner “赛跑者” 可数名词,由动词run双写n加er变成名词。用来形容做某事的人。 eg teachteacher act-acter work-worker6 well 副词“好”在句中修饰动词,表示动作的水准,多用于动词之后或句 eg He play soccer well.*辨析 well,good,fine,nice

6、 good 形容词 (定语 表语) “人或物的品质好” well 副词 (修饰词 ) “身体健康” fine (定语 表语) “身体好” “天气好” nice 形容词 (定语 表语) “外表好看” “天气好” eg He is a good student. How are you? Im fine.7 lots of “大量的 很多的” 相当于a lot of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数,表示人或数的数量。 eg There is lots of water in the lake. I have lots of interesting book.*辨析lots of, many, mu

7、ch 三个词都是“很多 大量的” lots of 修饰 可数名词 不可数名词 many 修饰 可数名词 much 修饰 不可数名词 eg I have a lot of/lots of/many English books. He wants to drink lots of / a lot of / much water.8 food 在句中作不可数名词,着重指事物的数量。可数时 强调种类。 eg Our body needs all kind of food.9 breakfast 三餐前不加冠词,但能够有所有格修饰 。当三餐前有形容词修饰时,可加不定冠词,表示“一顿-样的早、中、晚餐”

8、eg He eats his breakfast at 7:00. We have a big lunch.9 for lunch “对于、就 -来说”(1) for 后接名词或者代词宾格 eg For us,the work is so difficult. (2) 介词for在句中除了表示对象之外 ,还能够用来表示用途,目的“为,替” eg Lets go out for a walk. “我们一起出去散步吧” (3) like sth for- “三餐饭喜欢吃-” eg I like eggs and milk for lunch.10 have sth for lunch “早、中、晚饭吃-” have “吃” 后接食物名词


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