Unit4What would you do.doc

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《Unit4What would you do.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit4What would you do.doc(1页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 What would you do?Period5 (Self check)学习目标 1 会读写、使用本课时的5个新单词。(knowledgeable, represent, rest, come up with, let down) 2 会谈论假想的情景,用if引导的虚拟条件句给出相对应的建议。 3 使用虚拟语气写一篇短文,给出合理的建议。学习过程1 你会写吗?知识渊博的;有主见的 使失望 代表;表示 提出;想出 剩余部分;其余 2 Game: who is the best dreamer? 二 借助媒体,正音操练1 听录音,初步感知。然后跟读,注意语音语调。2 自由阅读,弄清

2、文章大意,回答下列问题:Mei is a shy girl. Read and answer:. What will happen next month?. Who do the classmates want to represent the class in the school contest?. Is everyone sure she will win?. What are Meis worries?. If you are Meis friend, What do you think you should tell her?. What do you think you shoul

3、d tell the rest of the students?3 文中重点词汇解读knowledgeable, represent, the rest of the students剩余的学生, come up with想出, let down使失望, come top in the school exams在校考试第一, good solutions to problems好的问题的解决方法三 合作探究,体现提升 1 小组讨论,看看这封电子邮件写回复时要注意写清楚什么,要写几个方面的内容。2 给这封电子邮件写回复。在小组内读一读。然后在班级中交流自己写短文。四 达标检测,盘点收获 选词填空

4、(nervous shy tired terrible friendly) 1.Im really _. Ive been studying all day.2.I dont like making speeches. I feel _talking in front of many people.3.If you were more _ to people, you wouldhave more friends.4.My stomach feels _. I think I ate something bad at lunch time.5.People think Paul is very

5、 _ at first. But in fact he talks a lot with his friends.翻译句子 1.我不想当众说这件事. I dont want to say it _ _. 2.未经允许请别借我的书. Dont borrow my books _ _. 3.在借我的东西之前,你应该先征得我的同意. You should _ _ _ before borrowing my books.4. 我想把我的好朋友汤姆介绍给大家. Id like to _ my good friend Tom _ you5. 我正在等我的好朋友. Im _ _ my good friend。


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