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1、集体备课教案Unit4 I can play basketballTeaching aims:Aims of knowledge: 1、Be enable to read, spell and write the words: basketball, football, jump, skate and swim.2、Can master the new patterns: 1 can ” “Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I canit.”Aims of ability:Can read, say and use the new words and patterns in

2、 our dailylife.Aims of emotion:了解足球和篮球的起源,并且掌握些其他的球类名词。了解英美国家所喜欢的体育活动。The important points:1、语音:字母f在单词中的发音。2、球类名词前不可以加the,如 play football”。The difficult points:1、句型:Can you - ?及其回答 Yes, I can. / No, I caHt.2、对于 either”用法的理解。The first periodStepl Pre-reading1. Listen to the songListen to the song and

3、 then tell us the verb the students can hear in the song.Can you eat? Can you drink?Yes, I can. Yes, I can.Can you run? Can you run?No, I cant. No, I cant.2. Tell us the other verb we have learned. Such as: shout, drink, sleep, run, talk.3. 揭题 I can play basketball,教 basketballStep2 While-reading1.

4、Listen and answerListen to the tape and answer two questions: How many people here? And who are they? Where are they?2. Read and matchRead the story and try to find who can play basketball.NameCan play basketballWang BingMikeLiu Tao3. Read and underlineRead the story again, try to find the questions

5、 and underline them.4. Listen and imitateListen to the tape and mark the tune in the books and then read and imitate.5. Read in rolesStep3 Post-reading1. Show time2. Summary当我们问别人“你会吗?”应该怎么说?回答是什么? “我会”怎么说?球类名词前加“ play”表示打什么球,比如打篮球是“ play basketball,还有什么吗?补充“ football ”Step4 Homework1、 Copy the new

6、words two times.2、 Read and recite the passage.The second periodStep1 Review1. Read the passage together.2. Review the verb.Step2 Fun time1. 教授 jump, skate, swim(以旧引新,动作猜单词)2. Say a chantWhat, what, what can you do?Jump, jump, I can jump.3. 改编 chantStep3 Song time1. Listen to the song2. Sing the son

7、g together3. 句型练习Can you?Yes, I can. /No, I can t.Step4 Checkout time1、关于情态动词“can” 的用法。人称+can/can t+动词原形一般疑问旬:把Can”提前,人称其次,把动词原形照抄。2、 Listen and judge3、 Read and sayStep5 Homework1. 完成练习与测试第1,2,3课时。2. 背诵课文。The third periodStep1 Name the sport1. Review the new words2. Review the sentences:Can you jum

8、p?Can you swim?Step2 Cartoon timeT: Do you know who can swim?Can ducks swim?T: What can birds do?Ss: They can fly.T: Can Bobby fly?Ss:T: Read after the tape.Step3 Summary1. 找出表示声音的词: quack, tweet, ouch2. 比较两组句子 I can swim.I can swim too. I can t fly.I can t fly either.发现too和either都是“也”的意思。tOo”用于肯定句中;either”用于否 定句中。Step4 Sound time1. 由flyjive”引出f”的发音。2. 理解书上的例句。3. 说出一些发f 的已学单词。Step5 Homework1 .背诵 Cartoon time。2 .完成补充习题第四单元。主备: 刘新玉成员:孟铜娟


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