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1、Book5 Unit5 First aid Period 1 (语言知识课)导学案 班级: 组别: 组名: 姓名: 【学习目标】 1. To learn the important words and phrases in the text. 2. To learn how to use these words correctly.【学习重点】 To master the usage of some important words.【学习难点】 How to help yourself learn to use the words and expressions .【学习步骤】Step Lan

2、guage points in reading 1.【课文原句】: First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. (on page 33 warming up)我来译:_【句子分析】1)句中temporary 意思是“暂时的;临时的”,其反义词为permanent,“永久的,持久的”。2)句中的given是过去分词作_(成份),表被动含义,该成份还可以是doing(表主动和进行)和to do(表

3、将来) 来充当。其中who 引导_(从句),句中的 fall ill 意思为_, 它是系表结构。fall既可以作系动词,也可以作实义动词。相关的短语还有: fall silent/asleep等等。fall为实义动词的相关短语有以下一些,请同学们根据以下例句在横上写下它们的意思。 He didnt want to fall behind in his studies. _ Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably. _ You must watch your step so as not to fall down. _ He h

4、as fallen in love with Mary. _ Its very easy to fall into the habit of smoking, but extremely difficult to stop. _ She fell in with my idea at once. _【尝试运用】1) The problem _(在讨论的) at the committee now is vital to the development of our school. (discuss) 2) The project_(将实施的) next month will greatly i

5、mprove traffic conditions in that area. (carry) 3) Anyone _(发现抽烟) in the hall will be fined. (find) 4) Whenever she referred to the things and the people _ (对他重要的) in her life, she couldnt help crying. (matter) 5) -Do you have anything to say for yourself?-Yes, there is one point _(我们必须坚持). (insist)

6、6) Having been ill at home for a month, Joseph _(落后于) the rest of his class.(fall)2.【课文原句】: So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.我来译:_【句子分析】 1) 句中as 引导非限制性定语从句,和which 用法类似。只不过which 只能放在主句之后,多译为“这,这一点”,而as 可以放在句首和句中,一般译为“正如”。as 引导定语从句常用的表达法有以下一些,请同学们努力记住。 as we can s

7、ee正如我们所看到的 as we all know/as is known to all众所周知 as if often the case 情况往往如此 as was mentioned above 正如上面所提到的2)句中的get burned 中的get 相当于系动词,burned是过去分词,在此表被动。 【尝试运用】 1)He passed the exam, _(正如我们所预料的). (expect) 2) The owner of the cinema need to make a lot of improvements to keep it running,_(这意味着花费) te

8、ns of thousands of pounds. (mean) 3) The computer _ (坏了)when we were moving. (damage)3.【课文原句】: Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on which layers of the skin are burned. 我来译: _【句子分析】 本句中的depending on 作_(成份),表“根据”,相当于according to 和based on 。句中的which引导的是_(从句) 【尝试运用】1) _(Mi

9、ke出席会议)surprised all the people present. (attend)2) We sat by the window, _(谈论发生的事)yesterday. (talk)3) _(没有意识到) that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest. (realize)4) You have to be cautious when you are cooking_(以避免烫伤). (avoid)5) The old man, _(在国外漂泊) for ten years, is on the

10、way back to his motherland. (knock)4.【课文原句】: Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn. 我来译:_【句子分析】1)句中if necessary 是个省略句,还原句子为:if it is necessary。在when, while, whenever, until unless, if , as , as if, though, although 等连词引导的状语从句中,若从句主语与主句主语相同或从句中的主语是it,且从句谓语中含有be动词时

11、,则从句中主语和be动词 常被省略。 2) 句中的unless为从属连词,引导状语从句,意思“除非否则的话”,有时候相当于ifnot 3)句中的stuck 的原形是stick, 在本句中的意思是_。它的过去式和过去分词分别为_和_。常用短语有 stick to 意思为“坚持”。eg. Reporter should stick to investigating the facts. stick还有以下一些意思,请通过以下例句记住它们。 The nurse stuck the needle into my arm. 护士把针扎进我的胳膊。 The key has stuck in the loc

12、k. 钥匙卡在锁里了。 John cant stick living with his parents. 约翰受不了和父母住在一起。【尝试运用】 1) Look out for cars_(过街时) the street. (cross) 2)She worked extremely hard _(尽管身体还很不好) in health. (poor)3)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _regularly, can improve our health. A. being carried out B. carr

13、ying out C. carried out D. to carry out 4)We wont go to the wedding _(除非被邀请). (unless)5.【课文原句】: The cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming unbearable and reducesswelling. 我来译:_【句子分析】1) 句中的unbearable 为形容词,反义词为bearable, 是由动词bear变来的。其过去式和过去分词分别为_,_。bear 的用法和意思我们以前学过,请在横线上写出它在例

14、句中的意思。She cant bear being laughed at. _She bore the responsibility for most of the changes. _The document bore her signature. _She bore a beautiful girl yesterday. _bear/keep (it) in mind sth = remember sth 记住bear the responsibility for 承担责任bear/stand/stick doing sth 忍受2) 句中的reduce意思是_, 它的用法有以下一些,请同

15、学们通过例句记住。 The governor announced a new plan to reduce crime. 州长宣布了一个减少犯罪的新计划。 They were reduced to begging or starving. 他们穷得不乞讨便挨饿。 She was reduced to tears by the teachers criticisms. 老师的批评使她流下了眼泪。 Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year. 过去一年各项费用已经减少了20%。 The number of employees was redu

16、ced from 40 to 25.雇员人数从40减少到了25人。reduce的用法归纳如下:reduce sth 降低,减少reduce sb to doing sth 使沦落,使陷入(困境),迫使某人做某事reduce sb to tears/silence 使某人流泪/安静reduce by 减少了 reduce to 减少到【尝试运用】1) Giving up smoking _(减少风险) heart disease. (risk)2) Nobody can bear _(捉弄) by others. (make)3) Our government attaches great im

17、portance_(减少)the gap between the rich and poor .(reduce)4) The new technology _(使减少成为可能) the time taken to build a power station. (reduce)6.【课文原句】: For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezingthem out and placing them on the burned area over and

18、over again for about an hour until the pain isnot so bad. 我来译:_ 【句子分析】1) 本句为复合句,其中主句是_(句式)。句中的putting , squeezing,placing 三个并例的v-ing 作方式状语。squeeze out 意思为“榨出,挤出”。squeeze 还有以下一些常用结构,请同学们记住。squeezefrom/out of从挤/榨出 squeeze into 挤进squeeze through挤过,勉强通过 squeeze ones way 挤过,推开通过2)句中的over and over again 意

19、为“反复,多次”,和它有同样意思的短语还有以下一些。 again and again over and again time and again over and over【尝试运用】 1) Time is like the water in the sponge, If you like, it can still be _.A. squeezed out B. picked out C. left out D. wore out 2) He wants to _(从苹果中挤出果汁). (squeeze)3) Make the coat dry by _ (挤压衣服里的水) over and over again until it is fit to wear.4) _(行动) before its too late, or well lose the battle,(action)5)_(避免查字典) when you are doing reading exercises. (refer)【课后反思】课后认真复习本导学案所讲的内容。请写出你掌握了的和你还没有掌握的知识点。本节课你对自己的表现满意吗?下次上课还需要注意哪些地方? 及时反思对提高自己的成绩有帮助哦?_


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