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1、2014年最新PEP小学六年级英语第一单元检测题Listening Part(听力部分)I. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. bookstore B. science museum C. hospital D. cinema( )2. A. hospital B. cinema C. store D. post office( )3. A. left B. right C. straight D. crossing( )4. A. next B. near C. beside D. behind( )5. A. far B. follow C.

2、 feature D. streetII. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的句子。)( )1.A.Lets go straight and turn left at the crossing. B. Lets go straight and turn right at the crossing.( )2. A. How can we get to the hospital? B. How can we get to the crossing?( )3. A. The museum shop is near the door. B. The museum shop is

3、near the bookstore.( )4. A. Where is the science museum? B. Where is the museum shop?( )5. A. There is a science museum next to my home.B. There is a post office next to my home.III. Listen and choose(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)( )1. Where is the bookstore?A. Its next to the zoo. B. Its behind the zoo. C. Its in

4、front of the zoo.( )2. Is there a hospital near here?A.I dont know. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there isnt. ( )3. How can we get to the restaurant?A. Turn left at the bookstore B. Turn right at the bookstore C. Turn right at the hospital.( )4.Where is Robin? A. Next to the bookstore B. Near the booksto

5、re C. In the bookstore ( )5. Is it far?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.C. I dont know.IV. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,把句子补充完整。)A: Excuse me, wheres the ?B: Its next to the .A: I get to the ?B: First, at the bookstore. Then at the hospital.A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome.Writing Part(笔试部分)I. Read a

6、nd choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)( )1. A. map B. compass C.ear D. GPS( )2. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library( )3. A. plane B. cinema C. bike D. bus( )4. A. turn right B. go home C. turn left D. go straight( ) B. hamburger C. hot dog D. restaurantII. Read and choose(读一读,选出正确的答案)( ) 1.

7、-_ is the library? -Its over there. A. When B. What C. Where( )2.The hospital is in front _ the school. A. on B. of C. to( )3.- How can I _the cinema?Go straight and turn left. A. get to B. get on C. get off( )4. What _interesting film it is! A. a B. an C. the( )5. Where is John?- _ the bookstore. A

8、. Of B. For C. In( ) 6. Turn left _ the cinema. A. on B. of C. at ( )7. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the _. A. hospital B. library C. cinema ( )8.The restaurant is next to the park _Dongfang Street. A. at B. on C. to ( )9. Is there a post office near here?Yes, _. A. there is B. there i

9、snt C. it is ( )10. -_ has GPS? Robin. A. Who B. How C. WhereIII. Read and choose (读句子,选出正确的答语。)( )1. What are you doing? A.Turn left at the bookstore.Then go straight ( )2.Where is the museum? B. Its next to the hospital.( )3. How can I get there? C. Its under the desk.( )4. Is there a cinema ? D.

10、No, there isnt( )5. Where is the dog? E. Im reading a book .IV. Write the proper words or phrases.(根据图片写出相应的单词或短语。) V. Read and connect to become a sentence. (连词成句)1. how, I, can, get, the, to, post office(?) 2.a, hospital, near, is, there, here(?) 3. the, next, its, to, bookstore(.) 4. school, at,

11、the, right, turn(.) 5. a, what, museum, great(!) VI. Read and choose. (根据短文内容,选择正确答案)Dabing and Xiaowei usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a toy shop. The toy shop is next to the supermarket. Yaya and Xiaoli usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank and a

12、 post office. The bank is next to the post office. Longlong usually goes to school by bike. He passes by a police station, a library and a swimming pool(游泳池).( ) 1. How many people are there in the passing? A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.( ) 2. How does Longlong go to school? A. By car.B. By bus.C. By bik

13、e.( ) 3. Does Xiaoli take a taxi to school? A. No, she isntB. No, she doesntC. Yes, she does.( ) 4. Where is the toy shop? A. Its far.B. Its next to the supermarket. C. Its near the school.( ) 5. Where is the bank? A. Its very near.B. Its next to the supermarket. C. Its next to the post office.VII.

14、Writing.(写作)Lily 和她的朋友们要去一家意大利餐馆吃比萨饼。请你根据提示写出他们行走的路线。提示:他们现在在电影院前面,直走,到书店右转。他们到达了邮局的后面,然后他们左转就到达餐馆了。Lily and her friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They are in front of the cinema now. They _附:听力材料Unit 1I. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。)1. hospital 2. post office 3. straight 4

15、.beside 5. streetII. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的句子。)1.Lets go straight and turn left at the crossing.2.How can we get to the crossing?3. The museum shop is near the door.4. Where is the science museum?5. There is a post office next to my home.III. Listen and choose(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)1. The bookstore is

16、next to the zoo.2. The hospital is near here.3. Turn right at the hospital, we can get to the restaurant.4. Robin is next to the bookstore.5. The hospital is very far.IV. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,把句子补充完整。)A: Excuse me, wheres the hospital ?B: Its next to the post office .A: How can I get to the crossing ?B: First, go straight at the bookstore. Then turn left at the hospital.A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome.


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