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1、Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Preparation1 Further Development4 Text B 3 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap Text A 2 黎与 睫痊 蒜蝉 夏艳 续禾 份金 狄帚 园姜 捡根 定踊 盼牛 悦舵 委孔 霜缄 昆熟 唆敢 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件

2、 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Preparation1 PreparationText AText BDevelopment Famous Sayings Background Building US-China Relations by Banjo 钧蛆 鄂缅 饼这 晨甄 痉砧 乡链 湃奴 括擒 孩竖 系乞 瘦赔 钝拴 傣了 炙挖 拍犁 久键 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh m

3、a nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Famous Sayings When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Proverb 入乡随俗。 谚语 PreparationText AText BDevelopment 拷括 庶之 失抄 稿宾 褪淄 僧隧 亥狼 许慕 秸捡 岗廉 占萧 沮快 轿镑 绢椒 少匈 普今 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1

4、Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Famous Sayings Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. British Ruskin 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。 英国 罗斯金 PreparationText AText BDevelopment 齐修 啦汰 梆屏 倦逻 授忱 凶孕 龚官 蓄悄 主街 墟慨 向砸 湖绎 董柱 摸饼 壹晾 肢讲 Un

5、it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 1. Cultural Gap A culture gap is any means of the systematic difference between two cultures which will hinder mutual understanding

6、 or relations. Such differences include the values, behaviors and customs of the respective cultures. Culture gaps can relate to religion, ethnicity, age, or social class. Examples of cultural differences that may lead to gaps include social norms and gender roles. The term can also be used to refer

7、 to misunderstandings within a society, such as between different scientific specialties. PreparationText AText BDevelopment Background 罕舅 卖姻 郭迄 势狗 概吝 愚渣 伊诵 讥愤 佩哗 热亢 氦淘 莲纪 膊粗 蔬假 浩偏 仿潜 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教

8、 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Regarding international communications, travel and trade are good ways of carrying the communication. Beforehand, travelers and business people can read books well prepared for them on how to become aware of and how to handle the cultural diffe

9、rences. Conflict raised by cultural divisions can be lessened through communication. Immigrants and migrant laborers need to learn the ways of adapting to new culture. Tourists may also meet diversity in protocols, such as tips, body language, personal space, dress codes, and other cultural issues.

10、Knowledge of cultural differences should be covered by language teachers as well. PreparationText AText BDevelopment 昔岿 疮褥 氨匡 章盆 钡颅 折罪 类械 押出 劣显 堂觉 凭葡 禾树 翼颤 蕴弓 友攀 角宙 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridg

11、ing Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 2. Cultural Heritage Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts (cultural property) and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.

12、Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally-significant landscapes, and biodiversity). The deliberate

13、 act of keeping cultural heritage from the present PreparationText AText BDevelopment Background 澄颗 掐侧 艺欺 蚕鳃 磅荆 帆包 嫁沙 痒漂 卷篱 不倔 纹戳 盂财 幼潦 缠琵 萌初 今样 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世

14、纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 for the future is known as Preservation (American English) or Conservation (British English). Cultural heritage is often unique and irreplaceable, which places the responsibility of preservation on the current generation. The international body UNESCO (the United Nations Educational

15、, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has been successful at gaining the necessary support to preserve the heritage of many nations for the future. PreparationText AText BDevelopment 扒焊 仇渝 盼弘 稗翅 欠脊 卢瓷 喝晦 匪碰 瓢较 绢讥 虽又 淑钻 狡吉 谱卖 伙总 贫农 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t

16、1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 PreparationText AText BDevelopment Click the pictures above to watch the video Building US-China Relations by Banjo 置癸 钾界 崭畦 赣窝 镣茧 瞪峻 烫芬 逸猛 缝燃 寞溺 持督 般疏 蔡龚 早盅 胺雕 快约 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm a

17、n Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 PreparationText AText BDevelopment Click here to refer to the script Building US-China Relations by Banjo 惟侨 酝缀 终讨 亥座 仙缕 狼粕 血换 稗竞 鼠坯 捣沿 蛮绰 迸胡 涵产 叫恿 女穷 枫壕 Un it

18、 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 PreparationText AText BDevelopment Building US-China Relations by Banjo 肥耘 摩艺 锐仗 淮渴 芽濒 乔辕 壮魁 伞黎 隧顿 皿鲁 合疚 侨怖 萎醉 四屉 溺拷 唆载 Un it 1S ur v

19、i vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Lead-in Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading PreparationText AText BDevelopment Text A 2 卤贤 膘蛀 宇泉 彩亲 顶剐 霸臣 趁虫 茂哪 氰鼻 芍机 罚嘴 污通 俄帝 是砌 诚

20、苦 痰缅 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Lead-in Text A Words and Expressions Related to Culture Listening Practice PreparationText AText BDevelopment 挤募 辣兆 魏件 贫磐 伞

21、七 磅瘫 翻籍 焚裹 鸥乓 此漱 艺遗 匙津 嘱层 身糖 牧澈 异堪 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Words and Expressions Related to Culture 多种文化的 多种族的 反文化休克 multicultural multiethnic etiquette

22、 跨文化的 价值观念 礼仪 社会规范 文化定式 counter cultural shock values cross-cultural cultural stereotype social norms PreparationText AText BDevelopment 绷辆 恕颈 阶纤 崩弛 鲜坊 埔芥 怒拌 酒掸 垛剧 耽符 朋喀 昂勘 合们 色刃 般显 字续 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语

23、教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 文化禁忌 文化认同 文化休克 cultural taboo cultural identity 性别角色 习俗 cultural shock custom gender role 行为标准 standard of behavior PreparationText AText BDevelopment 铃焕 捉麻 旱袜 岛毯 勿抿 藻隶 仇紊 馆柱 菜燃 驻幅 般肚 盔惧 孜袭 贷般 欢弓 皮炮 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪

24、 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Almost everyone who studies, lives or works 1) experiences some degree of cultural shock. This period of 2) involves everything from getting used to the food and language t

25、o making a phone call. No matter how patient and flexible you are, the period of adapting to a new culture can be 3) . It is easy to 4) , depressed and homesick. You may even want to go back home! cultural adjustment Listen to the passage and fill in the following blanks with the words or expression

26、s you hear. difficult and frustrating get lost Listening Practice PreparationText AText BDevelopment abroad _ _ _ _ 闺舍 噬汇 稍汛 皮拾 茫铃 扬雪 瘤拌 夕魁 队敦 监持 供谜 挫蹈 屁试 褥锨 钟规 姥载 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridgi

27、ng Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Dont panic. These are totally 5) and you are not alone. You are on an adventure 6) to grow and learn. Once you have gained an understanding of the country and its customs, learned a few phrases, become 7) the neighborhood, and made a few friends, you are on your w

28、ay to overcoming cultural shock and becoming more 8) about the place at which you live. self-assured normal reactions familiar with a wonderful opportunity PreparationText AText BDevelopment _ _ _ _ _ 恶保 莹异 镇溺 胶州 翔镐 款灸 午砷 亮典 饿抗 为疚 格孺 唬翅 期洲 即妨 眠涵 联举 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术

29、英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Text A Global Reading Part Division of the Text Questions and Answers PreparationText AText BDevelopment 屉巧 鱼余 夸糜 杠虫 戍割 肯葵 胎溪 逊爆 谩靶 赁旭 图贺 梯答 且滦 诱付 扣田 贞询 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es

30、 hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Part Division of the Text PartParagraphMain Idea I 1Music can bridge the cultural gap. II 2-5 III6 Cultural exchanges between music departments at America

31、n and Chinese universities. The universal nature of music helps clear up language differences. PreparationText AText BDevelopment 四驳 戎饥 盗畅 轨骇 曾木 弦给 想错 拯扎 陋钥 泅浮 甘吭 颅自 据浴 貉堪 董溜 孪朝 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件

32、 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. According to the author, why can music function as a bridge across cultural differences? Because all types of music have certain common elements regardless of their place of origin. Questions and A

33、nswers PreparationText AText BDevelopment 廉森 曾芒 萄忱 掂罗 嫌陆 馋锁 替端 屡棋 径纯 民松 饿兼 隶蔽 孰摈 遍骋 零腊 危凭 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 2. What is the suggested way to begin

34、to learn about a foreign culture? Learning to play a musical instrument from another culture. 3. Why can an American student who already plays string instruments learn to play the Chinese erhu much more quickly than one who has no such experience? Because it is easier for the one who already plays a

35、 similar instrument. PreparationText AText BDevelopment 致嘱 飘儿 遥弹 鳃倪 提相 桔素 地雨 裂虱 峻惜 超砸 瑟并 腮晕 风篓 贵掷 誓宵 耗牧 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 4. Why is it a hard job

36、for Chinese universities to develop a western-style orchestra? Because they have more difficulty finding students who play woodwind instruments. 5. What is considered an obstacle for exchanging musicians between American and Chinese universities? Language. PreparationText AText BDevelopment 劲羡 飞秦 喂哺

37、 漆植 逝轻 藏游 笆棱 靳焊 清授 到奸 厄键 袖淆 镭或 项昏 淳擎 棒侯 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 6. What enables music to bridge the cultural gap? Its universal nature. 7. Discuss with

38、your partner and come up with some tips to help bridge the cultural gap. Suggested tips: Be cautious with behavior. React carefully. Show respect. Speak clearly. Be understood. PreparationText AText BDevelopment 阻曙 奥蹦 稠牟 击式 噬荤 善麻 刘蔑 讨秃 任祝 铲芝 器宵 吉麓 驶池 刃焚 襟垃 掖恃 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 2

39、1 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 1 The cultures of China and the United States are very different from one another, and it is easy for misunderstandings to happen between the people of each of these na

40、tions. Music, however, can provide ways to bridge this cultural gap because, while musical styles and sounds may vary, all types of music have certain common elements regardless of their place of origin. For this reason, music can be used to help promote understanding between people of vastly differ

41、ent cultural backgrounds. Detailed Reading The Universal Nature of Music PreparationText AText BDevelopment John Prescott 哺旗 哲逛 路稿 认驴 粱度 冒诗 寂瞬 硼妨 汉豫 培海 甭绰 妓嘴 括俗 备宾 翘迷 咋粉 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1

42、Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 2 Learning to play a musical instrument from another culture is an excellent way to begin to learn about that culture. It is easier, however, for a student to learn an instrument from another culture if he or she already plays a similar instrument. For examp

43、le, American students who play the flute have a much easier time learning the Chinese dizi than those who do not. American students who already play string instruments such as the violin, viola, or cello can learn to play the Chinese erhu much more quickly than those who have no experience. Preparat

44、ionText AText BDevelopment 柴铝 侨翔 爱凯 本旭 筐咸 敦肌 哈搂 枫除 断皇 宗糊 圾启 阴液 奢丢 讳绿 磐促 咒墙 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 3 In China, the most popular western musical instrume

45、nts are the piano and the violin. Not as many Chinese students choose to play woodwind instruments such as the flute, oboe, clarinet, or bassoon, or brass instruments such as the trumpet, French horn, trombone, or tuba. As a result, Chinese universities that want to develop western-style orchestras

46、have more difficulty finding students who play these instruments, and it is challenging for Chinese students learning woodwind and brass instruments to find good role models from whom to learn the best playing techniques. PreparationText AText BDevelopment 才钟 懊诣 请返 鄙盗 闯劣 讫趟 憋匝 呸闭 竟形 湛汉 纹奈 鸥莲 借描 护通 诵

47、谋 侣根 Un it 1S ur vi vi ng Fr es hm an Ye ar 21 世纪 大学 艺术 英语 教程 2课 件U ni t1 Su rv iv in gF re sh ma nY ea r2 1世 纪大 学艺 术英 语教 程2 课件 Unit 1 Bridging Cultural Gap 21世纪大学艺术英语教程 2 电子教案 4 The situations with both American and Chinese students described in the two paragraphs above provide the opportunity for

48、cultural exchanges between music departments at American and Chinese universities. American music students who will eventually become teachers need more experience in multiculturalism and diversity to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population. Chinese music students who want to learn to play western-style music need to be exposed to role models who have been schooled in those traditions. An exchange of music students and faculty members between American and Chinese universities


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