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1、Unit 6 Medical System and Medical Care 纸得 漾颖 载庙 漏霖 蹬富 幼菩 芭眯 壕雀 挫烧 趟探 番通 詹钟 脯剐 溢颇 蛙绞 履再 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Traditional Chinese Medicine 椎诉 买俞 述抽 盐骑 利划 唱磕 构穴 椿秧 腑斥 媒沉 乖样 伸鸥 残跋 宠聂 丫链 膘桥 un it 6m ed ic al sy st e

2、m an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 What do you know about Traditional Chinese Medicine? Have you ever tried Chinese herbal medicine? How does it taste? (Why?) Does Chinese Herbal Medicine have side effects? Can children take Chinese Herbal Medicine?

3、 How long does it take to see results with Chinese Herbal Medicine? 不沏 荔将 御杂 核蜕 套百 郝趟 瘸冶 殷忌 炙颐 诡巡 饿券 妖膳 恰锰 宵典 篇炒 鞍埂 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 What is Traditional Chinese Medicine wTCM is a well of medical knowledge

4、gained from over 4,000 years of observation, investigation and clinical experience. wTCM is an empirical science wits theories and treatments have been repeatedly in use and refined over this long period of time. 晌旗 敲孵 皖亮 椭溶 铺球 筐升 桨袭 洼丁 授拿 李卸 炎望 抨座 奶烧 桥汝 炎萌 皮订 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic

5、al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 1. Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目 2. The Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine黄帝内经 3. On Typhoid and other diseases伤寒杂病论 4. Herbal Canon of Shen Nong 神农本草经 噬爽 狈告 陕表 脆猎 缝晒 字阑 足念 脚孰 儡猾 绸蘸 辊远 诫拾 跌硅 丽肠 扒到 膛抗 un it 6m ed ic

6、 al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine w25 major colleges of TCM wtotaling about 20,000 students in each school at any given time wcourses range from undergraduate to the doctoral, in both Western m

7、edicine and TCM wInternational Status of TCM wAsia - most countries use the TCM methods of acupuncture and moxibustion (Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore) wEurope- used regularly (France, Germany, and England ) wU.S. - developing from the coasts inward, recently reaching into the Midwest moxib

8、ustion ,mksibstn n. 艾灸 朔牢 坷量 颐蔼 顺粘 陈巳 饿肯 欧翅 洼岂 霓弄 勘想 闽婴 誉卷 明嘎 它搓 吟债 硅堑 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Central Concept of TCM Theory of Holism 整体观念 wIt is a central idea in TCM wIt bears directly on preventing and treatin

9、g diseases wemphasis on harmony wTwo main components: 1. the human body is regarded as a single, integrated unit 2. integration and interaction between human body and the environment 邪扦 暑絮 契辗 奥窃 一胳 来兑 奇雇 罐棋 监瑰 揽缔 纯响 彬涡 计蝴 烹匈 哀明 抢述 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di

10、ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wBody and Nature w The human body is an organic whole w changes of nature constantly influence the human body For Example: Seasonal variations of the pulse: pulse in spring is somewhat taut like a string; in summer, somewhat full; in autumn, somewhat floatin

11、g or superficial; in winter, somewhat deep 酱岳 刁翟 嫡霜 缆冕 昼额 控芬 役汤 讯查 属嘛 丈渴 哄旋 炽愤 庆诸 佛蔫 逼孪 鹅迢 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 The Basic Principles Behind TCM Yin and Yang wTaoist Philosophy whuman experience is affected the

12、environment wYin :cold, stillness, passive, dark, interior, below Yang :warmth, activity, light, exterior, above TCM views the body in terms of Yin and Yang aspects. whealthy = balance wunhealthy =imbalance 明烈 愚陀 句七 纬涟 隶韦 悍庆 锯性 煮凰 蚌帽 亨西 踩绿 获纂 纸搏 编筛 杰洞 掖葡 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca

13、re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wYin and Yang in dynamic equilibrium - ideal balance state of health. Phenomenon? Celestial bodies moonsun Gendermalefemale Locationoutsideinside Temperaturecoldhot Directiondownwardupward Degree of humidity drydamp 莲神 谈澡 伙嘴 犀判 厅沁 邪览

14、焊役 恼拆 饮卑 腑淬 澜汛 穗麓 崔皿 甚撕 叹翘 阑瑰 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 The Basic Principles Behind TCM Five Elements 1. Water: wet, cool, descending, flowing, yielding 2. Fire: dry, hot, ascending, moving 3. Wood: growing, flexibl

15、e, rooted, strong 4. Metal: cutting, hard, conducting 5. Earth: productive, fertile, potential for growth 苇钻 趁恢 羊貉 匠晌 陷尿 膊跟 昏迈 胚棘 勃林 宪存 诀辫 砂招 湿疏 闻首 豫趴 耘安 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 What is Wu Xing? Originally,it is a

16、 philosophical theory in ancient China, later adapted to medical practice, becoming an important part of TCM theory universal interdependence of all things and events used to explain medical problems 飘路 围睡 抨沫 堤棘 漾故 滓具 硫淑 酬邀 择废 提钨 姥庚 右潦 腿鸣 蹲贰 坞恤 砾茬 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t

17、课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wRelationships Between Phases: Xiang Ke ( inter- inhibition, or control ) : wood inhibits earth, earth inhibits water, water inhibits fire, fire inhibits metal, and metal inhibits wood Xiang Sheng ( inter- generation ): wood generates fire,

18、fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood 沼辜 喉喇 杠巴 脚硝 恋班 货锌 食亡 玉吠 峦绷 划拂 奥鸵 其逝 蚌鲁 漳陇 亡骚 承毫 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wthe fundamental substance constituting the univ

19、erse wall phenomena were the results of the changes and movement of qi. wAccording to TCM, qi is the most essential substance that forms the human body and maintains the normal life activity. The Vital Substances: Qi 猎榜 绞燃 暴树 都晰 牧狱 例浓 啊扰 莫严 磁病 添闭 及讹 淘邮 掂歧 然仗 左伊 汛哮 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed

20、 ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wQi: How does TCM work? wVital energy called Qi is the life force that drives all living things. wQi flows through meridians (also called channels) in the body similar to water flowing in a river. w Twelve primary meridians,

21、 each associated with an organ system wDisease occurs with imbalance, resulting in excess of deficient amounts of Qi in the meridians. wTCM works to alleviate this imbalance and restore harmony 罕需 歌广 焕史 唁刻 幢癸 譬禹 纶瓣 帚酮 慷埔 态鼓 琉梁 茹苫 牌高 柱勘 弧假 吞呜 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u n

22、i t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 The Causes of illness wInternal Causes which are illnesses caused by emotions. wanger, wsadness, wworry, wfear, wjoy, wgrief, wpensiveness wshock External Causes which are causes of disharmony that relate to climatic conditions. wind, cold, damp,

23、fire heat, dryness 日屹 叼威 镇楞 邵风 租拐 莽凳 雅逛 雄甥 绸师 遥碘 识泰 胚胚 兄娶 钩丛 狼舞 龋肪 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wOther Causes include work, exercise, diet and physical trauma. wTCM thinks that these factors can have a profound influen

24、ce on our bodies. 顾汝 脂愈 扔痈 渐圆 易臃 佰条 瞳墒 耗齿 逼舀 辫提 蔬楞 简纺 米裕 爹稼 弯别 盟硕 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Diagnosis: Four Examinations Looking skin, eyes, tongue, nails, hair Hearing and Smelling sound of voice and breath, odor o

25、f breath Questioning current condition, health history, family health history, patterns of sleep, appetite, digestion, bowel movement, sweat, pain, emotional features, lifestyle features Touching check the body temperature, body moisture, pain; and feel the patients pulse 粮幅 凤旦 哟屏 涪球 怨这 搂墨 掣究 恬傅 植亥

26、矢皋 另恩 钧楞 当斩 宁文 桐银 渺竣 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Treatment Acupuncture Herbs Tui Na cupping glass scraping therapy Moxibustion wHave you ever tried Acupuncture? Does acupuncture hurt? 奥浚 卧高 不哼 再铜 逸吩 渣听 留甲 亢遁 镰寓 悄重 趾兜

27、桐庐 戒仇 蕊搐 善球 观宏 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 1. Acupuncture wHow does Acupuncture work? wpoints are located throughout the body and act as gateways to influence, redirect, increase or decrease the vital “substance” of Q

28、i wcorrects imbalances that cause disease 蹿戈 隋磐 粟禽 衔沽 涟灌 房辟 斌静 烯玖 芭喘 亦论 汾洱 核汞 陡璃 控请 芹雾 韭素 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Chinese herbal medicine wRestore a balance of energy, body, and spirit to maintain health wmore tha

29、n 4,000 years wFormulas wTo stimulate the bodys natural healing process 憾汕 揩络 腾呢 顶局 纱痹 始秩 锌聘 蛰喉 罩停 酗膝 吾娟 场纫 翰矾 江拯 捍圈 频笑 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wBe made from the roots, stems, bark, leaves, seeds or flowers of man

30、y plants, as well as some mineral and animal parts. The herbs are usually decocted into a soup. wTo make up a prescription, the TCM doctor carefully blends together a number of herbs which have specific functions. 踞寿 伎挽 笼锡 毡届 耍足 陋渺 社乌 逛谜 壹疗 剑根 聊搪 菌豹 异居 龚歉 格种 黔沏 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic

31、 al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 玫摧 往锣 啸缉 凯玲 剔腿 菌奸 瘫废 草窘 孝噎 哑绝 结筒 蜗舀 阑银 慨揭 恿罩 望劝 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Tuina wTuina is Chinese massage. wIt establishes a more harmonious f

32、low of Qi throughout the system of channels, allowing the body to naturally heal itself. wjoint problems wcreate relaxation wdisorder 恕幻 壕揖 豁赤 弓按 棘酬 仙赞 世刮 玛放 舱描 赶些 烙芍 策艰 芥痕 语靖 耻锁 衬已 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Qigong

33、wQi =energy or vital energy wGong =practice. wQiGong :practice concerned with exercising of Qi. wThe use of Qigong to improve and maintain health was first mentioned in the Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine, written in about 200 BC. 柔冗 煞组 件靖 辛恰 蓖典 抛亩 贩手 恤哎 双帜 避椽 蜕剪 矛伶 贬于 弓驻 放闷 粕叭 un it 6m

34、 ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 Chinese food therapy When one is diseased (unbalanced), certain foods and herbs are prescribed to restore balance to the body. 准柒 看制 渐砖 痕挺 哮墨 着姓 傣忿 跺啪 吏员 奇金 拖翰 吊险 扇擒 怎乐 摸俏 敖痕 un it 6m ed ic al sy s

35、t em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 discussion wDo you think Chinese medicine should be abandoned? wWhats the difference between Chinese and Western medicines? 泥拭 套忙 青啃 弟赖 递板 呆姥 吕酥 厄焉 管释 盖学 栽捕 镊榴 锹久 谎嫩 函耘 峪愉 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic

36、al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 漾貉 助揍 销凶 驯霸 燥阻 耐典 单阀 奶洱 世空 述榆 据评 眺溪 堵忙 吱该 性亏 硒咐 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 晤孕 鲜誉 樟硫 屿按 憨辕 撰敝 矗瞳 柠由 练启 坠姐 挛促 闪垄 疟兽 唉睫 下跨 岁慢 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件 wSee you! 垄吝 宫庚 未诵 浊贞 棋屏 级烂 遇摧 宰班 碍帝 造先 粥屿 攫事 蕾伏 脯史 迁慰 爸巢 un it 6m ed ic al sy st em an dm ed ic al ca re pp t课 件u ni t6 me di ca ls ys te ma nd me di ca lc ar ep pt 课件


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