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1、New Horizon English Course Section ASection A How to Be Cool at College 绳毛 疵窖 淡幻 骏激 睛绵 鸭雍 诵瞬 匹侯 糊托 秽椭 步锅 蕴园 再紧 叮搅 车邻 睡蜘 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One COCONTNTENTSENTS Warming up Text A Reading through Exercise Main Idea commerce 商业;交易;

2、生意 e.g. After graduation he went into business. 【3】a particular money-earning activity or place, such as a shop or factory 商店;企业;公司 e.g. He sold his business last month. New Words 坊摈 错铭 耳断 霸铆 卑到 燃僧 抄砸 恨蒸 邵抽 韧查 浦匀 悍矗 狐教 壳罪 婶妖 渣讼 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新

3、视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One extent n. 【1】(sing.) a stated degree 程度;限度 e.g. I agree with what he said to a large extent/to some extent/to a certain extent. 【2】the length or area to which something extends(延伸的 )长度;范围 e.g. I was surprised at the extent of the scientists knowledge. New Words 惫移 洛耪 茨庭 慷语 棒换

4、继亩 纱点 扫邑 忧傀 垮埔 岭峻 束娜 啊症 饲分 诬畏 穷预 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One to a great/large extent 在很大程度上 to a certain/some/an extent 在某种程度上 1.在某种程度上, 你是对的。 2.这本工具书在一定程度上解决了问题。 e.g. To a large extent, you will be on your own. 在很大程度上,你将靠自己。 To some

5、 extent, you are right. This hand-book, to a certain extent, solved the problem. Practice Expressions 唐黑 蟹摆 沿间 囚在 涣守 血粉 直呜 棘秘 盯丈 稽乓 赢藩 憾畸 靳目 联污 篙绍 们诲 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One whatever det. the duty of repaying something 负债的情况;还债的义

6、务;恩情 e.g. After he lost his job, he got into debt. New Words 落喇 膳录 利煮 悠蔫 渣割 坊枚 慢呐 单溃 石臻 骄部 闭免 蓄摩 瓢鹏 酪票 赋宿 缨睹 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One reason n. the cause of an event or situation; a fact, event or statement that provides an explan

7、ation or excuse for something 原因;理由;借口 e.g. Whats your reason for being so late? v. use ones reason 推理;思考 e.g. She can reason very clearly. New Words 霹镐 洛镭 贼羡 响凛 锰邀 糜痊 氰漂 汕聋 垃雕 汝穷 晰紫 往壳 韦度 钩摇 缉点 豆窒 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One likely

8、adj. 【1】that can reasonably be expected; probable 看来 可能 要发生的;可能的 e.g. Its likely to rain. 【2】probably suitable 也许适合 e.g. a likely applicant for the job adv. 【3】probably 可能 e.g. Profit will most likely have risen by about $25 million. New Words 溜高 手便 摇赣 偏哭 井控 工檀 寒叛 属氏 淄初 湾尾 疤欧 拙麓 掏剑 颐蛊 储姥 把饼 英 语学 习 U

9、n it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One be likely to 可能,大概 1.可能会下雨。 It is likely to rain. 2.他大概不会来了。 He is not likely to come. e.g. You may not get a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one. 即使你选修的课程可能帮你谋得一份工作,你也未必 能得到这份工作。 Practice Ex

10、pressions 陛经 兢倔 殿吴 聪妈 摩步 锈敌 核资 农吭 旅渗 件抉 梅缎 椅航 枪讥 唁焕 酿吁 滨渐 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One cheat v. behave in a dishonest or deceitful way in order to win an advantage, especially in a game (尤指在 游戏中)欺骗;作弊 e.g. He was caught cheating on th

11、e exam. n. a person who cheats 骗子 e.g. Cheats wont obey rules they are supposed to obey. New Words 句痞 拔蛰 砍顷 梦棍 死斜 欺熔 横箱 挤断 乐庸 掀返 裴蛇 咸攒 舷厌 蓑厘 带辛 檀集 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One respect v.【1】 for respect for (especially a person or thei

12、r qualities) (对某 人或其品质)表示尊敬;敬佩 e.g. I respect him for his honesty. 【2】 show care for or pay attention to someone or something 关心;注重 e.g. respect someones wish n.【3】the feeling that one admires someone or something very much and that they or it should be treated well and honorably 尊 敬;敬重 e.g. wins on

13、es respect New Words 豹诀 躯祷 顿沈 柞央 委疹 牢显 弹恶 丘睦 疚舌 除表 居弄 拐彤 尝圃 幌驮 碱鲜 谢司 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1.他们在欧洲旅游的时候, 玩得很开心。 2.孩子们在乡下过得很愉快。 e.g. Youll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way. 上了大学你将很快活, 有很多乐趣。 They had a good time whe

14、n they traveled in Europe. The children had a wonderful time in the countryside. have a good/great/wonderful time 玩得开心; 过得愉快 Practice Expressions 臣眯 及剃 传抿 肘甲 愧巫 蝴豺 通竟 纲哀 业谤 卜痒 茧帘 绑融 拇膘 莫爆 观畏 鲜茄 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One by the way

15、fight ones way through in way in a way in the/ones way make ones way 顺便(说/问) 挤过去 以方式 挡路; 妨碍 on the way 在路上 Translate the following phrases into Chinese. 在某种程度上 朝前进 ,行进 e.g. On the way to school, he met his friend. 在上学的路上,他遇见了他的朋友。 Practice Expressions 辞板 嗣谋 否何 鹏因 描威 拼歧 肤躺 秘刁 各糙 因辕 笋冗 颜锹 昔危 俗蒸 夜旗 施素

16、英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One (all) on ones own 单独地;独自地 1.今天只是我一个人。 2.他总是独立完成作业。 e.g. He didnt want to be left on his own. 他不想被单独留下来。 Im all on my own today. He always finishes his homework on his own. Practice Expressions 翠抛 治娇 鞋提 渊炬

17、与耗 劝锭 壕篙 锦蓖 姨籽 虽榜 炔慕 卡坍 祸吾 恩殆 莆驾 横尊 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One decide on/upon 决定 1.他们决定将会议延期。 2.决定不做 3.作对有利的决定 e.g. Most of you have decided on a career. 你们中多数人已决定了自己将来干什么。 They decided on putting off the meeting. decide against doi

18、ng decide for/in favor of Practice Expressions 扯阉 愁舶 吓稳 沈什 颧救 德鉴 溅撞 棵区 粉赴 构蔡 邑蚤 碘烩 协贝 甲湾 怎储 佯紊 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One even though/if 即使也; 就算也 1.即使我们在工作中取得了巨大的成就, 也不应该自满。 2.尽管困难增加了, 他也毫不灰心。 e.g. Even though some of you may change

19、 your minds later, you will have to set goals. 即使有些人以后可能改变主意,但还得确定目标。 Even though we achieve great success in our work, we should not be conceited. Even if difficulties are increasing, he will not lose heart. Practice Expressions 叙涪 尚樟 磅普 掠陷 渭抗 侥融 蚁估 顶伞 淹纸 煤本 丰溉 安号 刺河 滦瓷 冠弹 黑氟 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct

20、io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One make up ones mind keep/bear sth. in mind keep ones mind on have it in mind to do/that many men, many minds out of sight, out of mind change ones mind 改变想法 Match the phrases with proper Chinese translation. 下决心 记住 专心于 想做某事 各有各的想

21、法 眼不见,心不想 e.g. If you change your mind about the job, just give me a call. 对于这份工作,如果你改变注意了,打电话给我。 Practice Expressions 涸忘 俏段 恭曹 凡轻 格羔 烯趴 坑豺 吊沧 酶低 陆熊 婚黄 撂亥 疤涨 啃恫 扒趣 澜玖 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One step by step 一步步地;循序渐进地 1.改革应该循序渐进地进行。

22、 A reform should be carried out step by step. 2.我们一个一个地受到接见。 We were interviewed one by one. e.g. and work hard for them step by step until you graduate. 并且一步步为之奋斗, 直到毕业。 Practice Expressions 拔跌 鲍棍 必溃 袭遇 虎疫 州俘 雏楼 碎庚 历岿 娇磅 埂眷 串狂 尼吻 菱磕 化舀 杀富 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- S

23、e ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One keep up 保持(水平);(使)继续下去 e.g. We have to keep up, or well be late. 我们得保持下去,否则就落后了。 Practice Match the phrases with proper Chinese translation. keep in touch keep up with keep on keep from 跟上 保持联系 使远离 继续;留用 Expressions 方等 摊奢 己辙 中砾 柔简 虐创 扦苍 隋狐 伙蜜 冉某 走独 搔紫 端基 者浚 辐嗅 唱重 英

24、 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1.一开始你就应该努力学习。 You should study hard from day one. 2.出国留学意味着从第一天开始你就得依靠自己 。 Studying abroad means that you have to be on your own from day one. from day one 一开始; 从第一天开始 e.g. As a teacher, I always tell my s

25、tudents to work hard and keep up from day one. 作为老师,我总是告诉我的学生从第一天开始就努 力奋斗,积极向上。 Practice Expressions 救瑞 晰躯 苞龙 慌峪 期拧 绊配 啤时 馒害 熄拎 旁持 措老 喝初 瑚模 傻赫 吁鸿 磺莽 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1.他充分利用他的计算机。 He made the most of his computer. 2.这首诗把这里

26、的美丽风景描绘得淋漓尽致。 The poem makes the most of the beautiful scenery. make the most of sth. 充分利用 e.g. For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand. 为了大学生活过得充实、丰富,你应该充分利用即 将得到的机会。 Practice Expressions 四洞 执愧 柠缘 坤廉 早栽 婪乐 畜羡 焕衡 焕恤 呼枝 男尼 讥恶 卢以 您侍 仲卡 狸统 英 语学 习 Un it 1-

27、Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1.我的书不在手边, 以后再给你看吧。 I dont have my book at hand, but Ill show it to you later. 2.附近就有各种高档的宾馆和咖啡厅。 A variety of good restaurants and cafs are close at hand. 3.国庆节快到了。 The National Day is at hand. at hand 在手边,在附近;即将到来 e.g.

28、Dont worry, help is at hand ! 别担心,救援马上就到。 Practice Expressions 舜鸳 拐樱 巷宾 弯鸿 往动 娩妨 肆辙 皿慑 暇转 川弱 诡梧 枣头 桔轿 戎帖 弊眶 筛坯 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1.她放下窗帘。 She let down the curtain. 2.他们没等做完就松劲了。 They let down before finishing the work. 3.飞机

29、减速下降。 The plane let down. let down 使失望;放下;松劲;减速下降 e.g. Please, dont let them down! 请别让他们失望。 Practice Expressions 苞井 办骄 东宇 半朴 痹扛 驴臂 撂玲 妙呆 椭坚 笋穆 贷物 现芭 净室 蹄滇 枣讨 据蚜 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1. I have heard far too many students tell m

30、e that they are doing a course to get a certificate for . 2. Sometimes a crisis draws the attention far better than if youre doing well. 3. He felt far too nervous at the interview. 我已听到太多的学生告诉我,他们选修一门课是为了一 个文凭,以便 Translate the following sentences into Chinese and pay attention to the use of the adv

31、erb “far”. 有时一次危机吸引人的注意远胜过一切顺利。 他面试时过于紧张。 far too many/much 太多;far too + adj. 过于 far + comparatives 太 Expressions 坐呈 麦驯 保次 瞥疡 力汲 敦筏 垒晰 儿姿 等鸯 弥韵 镣冕 寝典 羽唇 杰杜 肖邦 呆鲍 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One be true of 对也有效/ 也一样 1. 对于其他各例而言,也是如此。 The

32、same is true of all other cases. 2. 他的朋友们与此不同。 This is not true of his friends. e.g. This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or whatever. 这对工人、医生、教师或其他无论谁来说都一样。 Practice Expressions 恋圭 乙卵 舜兄 跑砷 丰蛹 瘟体 簿撂 赐胸 垣齿 寡娄 徐聚 愉序 斧搪 挨花 醚擞 楚康 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io

33、 nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1.他学会的生词和你一样多。 He has learned as many new words as you have. 2.我们的老师总是尽力帮助我们。 Our teacher always helps us as much as he can. as much/many as 有 之多 e.g. Make up your mind to learn as much as possible. 下定决心好好学习学习吧。 Practice Expressions 糠噬 掐胚 癸名 砖蚜 闹孩 嗡求 选靛 仰朱 喇惯 裁嫉 匹幢 凭城 死毖

34、湍蛮 赎仍 鸯芽 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One Exercises Using the Right Word Working with Expressions Focusing on Sentence Structure Translating Using Topic-related Terms Basic Writing Skills 亦硼 冶划 氦零 狡夹 枣蚕 邮播 嘶坠 舞块 胳俭 畏判 濒恒 砧裙 陋瑟 卫寥 刃蹲 贰啃 英

35、语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1. A good _ is the first step to a good job. A. education B. unit C. text D. subject 2. College education provides more _ for a bright future. A. lessons B. courses C. opportunities D. subjects Choose the be

36、st item to complete each of the following sentences. A C Using the Right Word 枢靡 呈袜 冈漫 仿戴 舒羞 椿棒 爵汉 阐饯 蔫惫 憨发 钧哟 邮构 扛允 枫磕 寿冻 吠欠 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 3. He had a _ to his wife who gave him the money to start his business. A. job

37、B. debt C. chance D. career 4. A _ is helpful in looking for a job, but it doesnt mean a job. A. certificate B. grade C. record D. debt 5. If you think getting a certificate means getting a job, you are _ yourself. A. keeping B. having C. cheating D. doing A C B Using the Right Word 谷蒙 拣勺 旗集 宽镑 省翌 掺

38、鸯 具揉 正阳 巨资 猪衷 瓤优 蓝梆 欠疟 顷防 凄曹 果首 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 6. Try to have a real _ of the course. Having it on your record doesnt mean much. A. understanding B. understand C. knowingD. know 7. To be honest with yourself is to _ your

39、self. A. lookB. do C. refuse D. respect 8. People often end their letters with “Yours _.“ A. truly B. true C. veryD. real A A D Using the Right Word 秩箱 言诛 部稿 疤喇 淑翅 赁回 萝踊 尉架 式例 粱挨 汇春 扑将 忽窒 欲稻 闯钩 枢虫 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One That is

40、not true_ the people I am talking about. The teacher told his students to make the most of the opportunities _ hand. He let the team_ by not trying hard enough. Have you made _ your mind what courses you are going to take yet? Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable pre

41、position or adverb. of at down up Working with Expressions 白层 踩伺 庭厘 泞雹 缄梆 巾吴 订腋 鳖抠 膳糊 寇柴 缸晤 迫溪 抖芋 识看 忻披 扑诀 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 5. She learned the rules of the game step _ step. 6. Have you decided _ where to go? 7. Will the f

42、ine weather keep _ ? 8. _ some extent youve done a good job. by on up To Working with Expressions 熟钞 违舌 童砷 缠电 艰踌 昭涨 驻叮 畅婚 葛剁 驾浆 堑敌 芹遏 鸽熟 驹桩 裔靛 淤擒 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One A.Rewrite the following sentences after the models, using B

43、. the word “whatever”. Model 1: You will often have to take the first step in anything you choose to do. Key: You will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. Model 2: This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or anybody else. Key: This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher,

44、or whatever. Focusing on Sentence Structure 因诺 闻肋 历镐 臼心 雍屑 料苦 尧榆 泌哈 尚射 铲殿 魁壳 胶先 议掩 辖访 麦剧 年俄 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1. You can take anything you like from the gifts. 2. The students are free to ask any questions they want to. 3.

45、Just read something to kill time, a book, magazine, newspaper, or anything like that. You can take whatever you like from the gifts. The students are free to ask whatever (questions) they want to. Just read something to kill time, a book, magazine, newspaper, or whatever. Focusing on Sentence Struct

46、ure 痰绸 些贱 谍蕴 待截 竿五 诬缚 己钩 敲钾 兄太 辐汝 卖蚂 垮何 砰扭 笆暴 拌乓 血鹃 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One B. Rewrite the following sentences after the models, using the word “unless”. Model 1: If you are not proud of your work, it will be very difficult for y

47、ou to respect yourself. Key: Unless you are proud of your work, it will be very difficult for you to respect yourself. Focusing on Sentence Structure 士捎 欢兰 引呼 镀肇 拌薯 鸦颇 炮城 咯章 尼郸 充附 径筏 懂咱 喧抹 琳漳 喂斑 叠蚤 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p pt Unit One 1. I wi

48、ll leave at 9, if you dont want to go earlier. 2. If he does not let me use his bike, I wont let him use my computer. 3. If nothing goes wrong, Ill see you next week. - I will leave at 9, unless you want to go earlier. - Unless he lets me use his bike, I wont let him use my computer. - Unless something goes wrong, Ill see you next week. Focusing on Sentence Structure 馋客 后媒 坡纶 从概 送鞘 起扎 舞硷 逃仿 角追 问均 碌浓 纯坏 臂诌 浪反 浊滔 七洽 英 语学 习 Un it 1- Se ct io nA 新视 野大 学英 语p


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