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1、中考英语语法复习介词周早菊【考点扫描】 介词是表示它后面的名词、代词、短语、从句等与句子其他成分的关系的词。在句子中它不能单独使用,只能由名词、代词、数词、动名词等构成的介词短语作句子的成分。介词分为简单介词、复合介词、双重介词、短语介词和分词介词五种类型。中考介词主要考查要点如下:1、介词与其后的名词或代词构成介词短语,在句中作状语、宾语、表语、宾补语后置定语。2、介词与其前面的动词或形容词构成动词词组,后面要有宾语。这时的词组相当于一个及物动词。3、最常见表示时间、地点与方式介词的用法。4、某些意思比较相近的介词用法辨析。【策略点拨】从各地的中考题来看,考查介词的题型多见于用适当的介词填空

2、、选择适当的介词填空、改错或完成句子等。完成这类题要求我们首先通读全句,掌握常见的介词用法规律,注意意思相近的介词间的区别,还要认真判断是否是固定词组等。【知识概要】I. 要点1、介词和种类(1) 简单介词,常用的有at, in, on, about, across, before, beside, for , to, without等。(2) 复合介词,如by means of, along with, because of, in front of, instead of等。2、介词和其他词类的习惯搭配关系(1) 和动词的搭配,如agree with, ask for, belong to

3、, break away from, care about等。(2) 和形容词的搭配,如afraid of, angry with, different from, good at(3) 和名词的搭配,如answer to , key to, reason for, cause of, visit to等.3、介词短语可以有自己的修饰语,这种修饰语通常有right, just, badly, all, well, directly, completely等少数几个副词。如:He came right after dinner.He lives directly opposite the sch

4、ool.4、 某些介词的意义与用法举例(1) at, on, in(表时间)表示时间点用at,如at four oclock, at midnight等;表示不确定的时间或短期假日也用at,如at that time, at Christmas等。指某天用on, 如on Monday, on the end of November, 指某天的朝夕用on,如on Friday morning, on the afternoon of September lst等。指长于或短于一天的时段用in,如in the afternoon, in February, in Summer, in 1999等。

5、(2) between, among(表位置)between仅用于二者之间,但说三者或三者以上中的每两个之间的相互关系时,也用between, 如Im sitting between Tom and Alice.The village lies between three hills.among用于三者或三者以上之间。如:He is the best among the students.(3) beside, besidesbeside意为在旁边,而besides意为除之外。如:He sat beside me.What do you want besides this?(4)in the

6、tree, on the treein the tree 指动物或人在树上,而on the tree 指果实、树叶长在树上(5)on the way, in the way, by the way, in this wayon the way 指在路上 in the way 指挡道by the way 指顺便问一句 in this way 用这样的方法(6)in the corner, at the cornerin the corner 指在拐角内 at the corner 指在拐角外(7)in the morning, on the morningin the morning 是一般说法

7、 on the morning 特指某一天的早晨(8)by bus, on the busby bus 是一般说法 on the bus 特指乘某一辆车【例题解析】例1 Do you know any other foreign language_ English?A except B but C beside D besides解析:A、B两项except等于but,意为除了,C-beside意为在旁边,不符合题意。而D-besides, 意为除了之外,还有。所以该题正确答案为D。该题意为:除了英语外,你还知道别的语言吗?例2 He suddenly returned _ a rainy n

8、ight.A on B at C in D during解析:我们均知道,at night这一短语,但如果night前有修饰词,表具体的夜晚,则要用介词on来修饰,故该题正确答案为A。例3 Im looking forward _your letter.A to B in C at D on解析:该题正确答案为A。look forward to 为固定搭配,意为期望、盼望。【真题再现】1. Kelly cooked dinner _ her parents while they were cleaning the yard. (成都)A. with B. for C. to剖析:本题是考查介词

9、的用法。for在这里可以表达“为”或“替”的意思。答案:B2. My father goes to work_his car.(泸州)A. by B. in C. on剖析:by、in、on都可以表示方式,后接交通工具的名词。但by一般后面直接跟交通工具名词;表示“在车里”不常用on。答案:A3. I often go shopping with my mother _ Sunday mornings. (南通)A. in B. at C. for D. on 剖析:此题是考查时间介词的用法。泛指 “在早晨(上午、下午、晚上)”等情况时,常表达为in the morning/afternoon

10、/evening, 但如果指具体某一天的早晨、上午、下午或晚上,则不用介词in,而要用介词on。答案: D4. The foreigners arrived_Shanghai late_night (上海)A. at, at B. in, at C. in, in D. at, in剖析:此题是考查介词与其它词之间的搭配用法。动词arrive常可与介词at或in搭配,意为“到达某地”,at后常接小地点,而in后常接大地方,且大小是相对的,这要根据具体的情况来确定。此句中Shanghai属大地点,应用in。与night搭配的是介词at,构成at night。【现场练兵】I.用适当的介词填空。1

11、.Im sorry I cant say it _Chinese.2 .Do you usually go to school _bike?3 .Look, the farmer is carrying apples _a truck.4 .Is anyone _home?5 .Please look _my bird when Im away.6 .Are Jim and Li Lei_the same class?7 .There is a hole _the wall.8._the beginning of this term, I met my new friend, Jim .9 .

12、There are a few leaves _the tree.10 .The girl_the red coat is my sister.11 .Could you give an orange_me?12 .Its time to go _bed.13 .I can see a bottle _orange.14 .Put the basket _there.15 .Whats wrong_your watch?16 .One _the students is in the classroom. 17 .I think the shop is closed _this time of

13、day.18 .My father teaches English _a school.19 .We have lunch _the middle of the day.20 .You can buy some school things_your way home.21 .I was born _ July 1st, 1982 .22 .May I borrow a pencil _you?23 .Dont sleep _the open air.24 .I often help my mother_the housework.25 .Its time_school.26 .I have q

14、uite a lot _homework to do.27 .Whats the time ? Its half _ five.28 .Ducks are good _ swimming.29 .What are you talking _?30 .He is sitting_the front of the car.II.选择填空。( )1. _ the money, she bought a new coat _ her father.A. With, for B. With, to C. For, with D. To, with ( )2. The beautiful bottle w

15、as made _ glass.A. from B. in C. of D. by ( )3. This is a map_China.A. in B. at C. of D. on ( )4. A group_ boys and girls are dancing in the park.A. with B. of C. for D. to( )5. Tom always comes late_school.A. at B. inside C. to D. for ( )6. Mr. Smith caught hold_ Bob and said, This is a good lesson

16、_ you.A. of, for B. for, of C. of, of D. for; for ( )7. The shop_ clothes is _the right side _ the street.A. of, at, beside B. for, on, at C. for, on, of D. of, in, of ( )8 .Its hot_summer in Beijing .A .byB .on C .atD .in( )9 .China is famous _ her Great Wall .A .asB .for C .toD .of ( )10 .These knives are made _metal and wood .A .fromB .of C .byD .in第4页(共4页)


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