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1、小升初英语检测题听力部分(40%) 温馨提示:听之前,一定先浏览一遍听力部分的图和题,这样听起来就心中有数了。一、听录音,选单词。(10%) ( ) 1. A. meterB. lobster C. younger( ) 2. A. hurt B. shark C. tired() 3. A. matchB. each C. even( ) 4. A. knowB. soon C. nose() 5. A. betterB. matterC. headache( ) 6. A. yesterday B. flyC. might( ) 7. A. washedB. cleaned C. visi

2、ted() 8. A. peopleB. little C. bored( ) 9. A. fluB. feel C. funnier( ) 10. A. medicine B. thinC. weekend二、听句子,选图片。(10%)三、听对话,做选择 在每小题A或B上画“”。(10%)四、听问句,选答句,将正确答案的字母编号填在题前的括号里,每小题读两遍。(10分)()1.A.Im 45kg.B Im 155cm.C. Im 15 years old.()2.A.She has a cold. B. Hes sad. C. Shes 11.( ) 3. A. He washed the

3、clothes. B. He is washing the clothes.C. He washes the clothes.()4.A. Its six oclock.B. Its June 1. C. Its Monday.()5. A. He likes apples.B. He likes collecting stamps. C. He likes reading.()6.A.I went to a park. B. I go to a park. C. She went to a park.()7. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she doesnt. C. Ye

4、s, she likes.() 8. A. We are happy. B. Hes sick. C. You look sad.()9. A. 76cm.B. I wear size 35. C. Im 50kg.() 10. A. Kumming. B. This evening.C. He played football.笔试部分(60%)五、火眼金睛下面每组单词中有一个是不同类的,请选出来,把序号填在题前括号内。(10%)( )1. A、bike B.subway C.stop D.plane( )2.A.north B.south C.east D.buy( )3.A.play B.

5、watch C.find D.post office( )4.A、actor B.singer C.traffic D.writer( )5.A.rain B.cloud C.stream D.bike六、挑挑选选单项选择(10%)( ) 1. Wu Yifan is 164 _tall. A. mm B. km C. cm( ) 2. Im _than you. A. thin B. thinerC. thinner( ) 3. - _does Amy feel? - She is tired. A. What B. How C. Where( ) 4. Im two years _ tha

6、n my sister. A. older B. oldder C. old( ) 5. What _you do last weekend? A. do B. did C. does( ) 6. Did you _? A. go fishing B. went fishing C. going fishing( )7.-_ is the cinema? -Its next to the post office. A. When B. Where C. What( )8.What are you going to do _Sunday? A. on B. at C. in( )9.Walk s

7、traight _ 3 minutes. A. for B. at C. with( )10.Where does the _come from ? It comes from the clouds. A. rain B. sun C. cloud七、根据对话内容,补充对话。把答案的编号写在横线上。(10分)Mum: Tom! Tom! Its time to get up. Tom: _?Mum: Its about 8:00.Tom: What? Is it 8:00 now? _. I am late.Mum: Oh, Tom. Dont hurry. _.Tom: I cant hav

8、e breakfast. Theres no time. I must go now. Im late.Mum: _?Tom: For school. Classes begin at 8:00, not at 8:30.Mum: Well, _? Please tell me.Tom: Its . Its Sunday! (Tom and his mother are laughing)AWhat day is today?BWhat are you late for? C. I must get up D. Whats the time? E. Just sit down and have

9、 breakfast.八将给出的单词连成通顺完整的句子(注意大小写及标点符号10分)1) does,your,do,mother,what 2)eight,its,oclock,about 3)are,what,the,clothes,colour 4)shoes,your,put,under,bed,your 5)having,now,English,an,they,class,are 十二、阅读理解 (20%) Im Wu Yifan. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday morning, I washed my clothes. Then I coo

10、ked noodles. In the afternoon, I stayed at home and did my homework. In the evening, I visited my grandparents. We had a big dinner together, I set the table and did the dishes after dinner. On Sunday morning, I played sports with my friend. On Sunday afternoon, I planted trees. In the evening, I pl

11、ayed computer games, watched TV and listened to music. I had a good time.(A)根据短文内容选择正确答案(8%)( ) 1. On Saturday evening, I _. A. played sports B. did my homework C. visited my grandparents( ) 2. I didnt _ on Sunday evening. A. do my homework B. play computer games C. watch TV( ) 3. I listened to music on _. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Friday evening( ) 4. I had a _ weekend. A. happy B. sad C. angry(B)按顺序给图片标上序号(12%)( )( )( )( )( ) ( )


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