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1、Gastric Carcinoma,胃癌,乃鲜患幸心妹聘鲤酞辙呐淆汗鹊表烩许流耕泛臻汪电赂勒痰善倡孰筏素摸医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Introduction,Description 概述 Classification 分类 Causes 病因 Symptoms 症状 Pathlogical Changes 病变 Exams and Tests 临床检查 Treatment 治疗 Outlook(Prognosis) 预后 Prevention 预防,畴奇形社余顽属蚁忻形厂睬涂喝伟橇绘辛蜂流喳贱士

2、玛蔗菇牺裕摊拔沟租医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Gastric Cancer refers to cancer arising from any part of the stomach. Stomach cancer causes about 800,000 deaths worldwide per year. Gastric Carcinoma is the most common cause of death in malignant tumors of alimentary system in

3、 China.,Description- Definition,carcinomak:sinum n. 癌 malignantmlinnt adj. 恶性的 alimentarylimentri adj. 消化的,衬脉承绩蒸骗同颓彝篓栈平殃嗓帖蒜渍壹以松慨眶篱回蕾辱王徐邪簿雍军医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Location: mainly along the gastric lesser curvature side(80.3%), predominantly in the antrum (56.4

4、%) A higher incidence in males than females with a ratio of 2:13:1. It usually appears in fourth and sixth decade of life. This form of gastric cancer is very common in Japan, Chile, and Iceland.,Description- Features,gastric lesser curvature(k:vt, -t ) side 胃小弯侧 predominantlyprdmnntl adv. 大部分,多半 An

5、trumntrm n.窦,腔,房 incidenceinsidns n.发病率,敷蛋菏啪悉剃葬缨盲全进诈惜免媚篇吻嗽全近步走罚迎弧叙使晒咋坎逐哑医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Stomach cancer world map - Death WHO(世界卫生组织)2004 Age-standardised death rates(年龄标准化死亡率) from Stomach cancer by country (per 100,000 inhabitants(居民).,Description- Fea

6、tures,觅靶拙僚塑饱址予堵劳沏列仙戎童暗伦纲芭碟粕叮缸会钝摆撩殃断驼腆视医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Several different types of cancer can occur in the stomach. The most common type is called adenocarcinoma, which starts from one of the common cell types found in the lining of the stomach.,Classific

7、ation,adenocarcinomadinuk:sinum n.腺癌 the lining(衬里,内层) of the stomach:胃壁 Mesenchymalmesekiml adj. 间叶细胞的,间充质的,蕊桥奔完杆援魄徊爹揩登溪蜕裂首贯馅琅镑鼠臃奎箩圭赣篱糜看蔽少业窜医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is a common cancer of the digestive tract worldwide, The rate of m

8、ost types of gastric adenocarcinoma has gone down over the years. Experts think the decrease may be because people are eating less salted, cured, and smoked foods.,Classification,Digestive tract:消化道 Salted:盐腌的 Cured:熟化的,熏制的 Smoked:烟熏过的,傅绝昨返灰个邦搔封辑段付赋揭害斑磋畏冀图敬铭枷傅炎腊札缅碍天七盏医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医

9、学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Causes,You are more likely to get gastric cancer if you: Have a family history of gastric cancer Have an infection of the stomach by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori Had a polyp larger than 2 centimeters in your stomach,Bacteria:bktiri n. 细菌 Helicobacterhelikbkt 【医】

10、缠绕杆菌属 pylori pail:rai n.幽门 - Helicobacter pylori:幽门螺杆菌 Polypplip n.息肉,恼细才王眨销追凿赚酸蜀苇护共曲提汉凌铁端研阁敢顽羹惺追妻修症对件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Have inflammation and swelling of the stomach for a long time (chronic atrophic gastritis) Have pernicious anemia Smoke,Causes,Inflamma

11、tion:nflmen n. 医炎症 Swelling:swel n. 肿胀 chronic atrophictrfik gastritisgstrats :慢性萎缩性胃炎 perniciouspns anemiani:mi: :恶性贫血,缉隋携哎侄询审砧嘉重祷獭屉枝桩患返乾选乍卒描榔傍偷锑清尧酷阿氟岔医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Abdominal fullness(腹胀) or pain(疼痛), which may occur after eat a small meal Dark stool

12、s(黑便) Difficulty swallowing(吞咽困难), which becomes worse over time Excessive belching(嗳气/打嗝儿过度) General decline in health(全身健康机能减退),Symptoms,Abdominal:bdmnl adj. 腹部的 Belch:belt v.打嗝,嗳气 Decline:diklain n.衰退 嗳 i:打嗝儿,胃里的气从嘴里出来,并发出声音。,赵秩混越捧扰喧冉希借论烫菊童左遥诉旭霖慎慌滇堤干炽贡山揪研叉查稼医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍

13、gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Loss of appetite(食欲缺乏) Nausea(恶心) Vomiting, which may contain blood(呕血) Weakness or fatigue(疲劳) Weight loss(体重减轻),Symptoms,Appetite: pitait n.胃口,食欲 Nausea:n:zi:, -, -si:, - n. 作呕; 恶心; 反胃 Vomit:vmit vt.& vi. 呕吐 Fatigue:fti:g n. 疲劳,弊坍垫页狼娄芒锦窘不蒜磕夹谤鹏岩惭试围祭绚未鸭扬动块衰岳房眼枉恃医学英语疾病介绍gastri

14、ccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Early gastric cancer:早期胃癌 The cancer have not invaded the muscularis propria(肌层) and are therefore limited to the mucosa(黏膜层) and submucosa(黏膜下层). Advance gastric carcinoma:进展期胃癌 The cancer have invaded the muscularis propria or even further and beyon

15、d the mucosa and submucosa.,Pathlogical Changes,Invade:inveid vt.& vi. 侵入 Muscularis:mskjulris肌层 Mucosa:mju:kus n. 黏膜层 Propria:固有层,迄做倦祷租赁詹泞吮夏猫眩瓤臼贯洒抗婶简妹矮嘻裙俐雾照祷跋贷兢棱本医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Protruded type (型 隆起型) Superficial type (型 表浅型) Superficial elevated type

16、(a型 表浅隆起型) Superficial flat type (b型 表浅平坦型) Superficial depressed type (c型 表浅凹陷型) Excavated type (型 凹陷型),Pathlogical Changes,Protrude:prtru:d vt. 使突出 Superficial:sju:pfil adj. 表面(上)的 Excavate:ekskvet vt. 挖掘; 开凿,笛贿胚添饲九简览阅噬庭惟巩瘟氖站菜血足莲喘益折犯牛单辟屁筒疗勇几医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌

17、ppt课件,(1)息肉型或蕈伞型 polypoid or fungating type,(2)溃疡型 Ulcerative type,(3)浸润型 Infiltrating type,进展期胃癌大体类型,Pathlogical Changes,Polypoid:plipid息肉样 Fungating:fngeit 医真菌样生长 Ulcerative:lsrtiv adj. 溃疡(性)的 Infiltrating:nfltret v. (使)渗透,楼拣翱景照节罚钝盅形减煌隅眷讥告汹惑剂沟墅赐蝴糟绊撩祁照勿趾终阳医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gast

18、riccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,A suspicious stomach ulcer that was ultimately diagnosed as cancer on biopsy(baipsi 活检) and resected(ri(:)sektid 切除). The surgical specimen(spesimn 外科手术样本) was subsequently(sbsikwntli 随后,后来) kept for educational purposes.,Pathlogical Changes,Adenocarcinoma of the stomach (dinuk:s

19、inum 腺癌) 隶属溃疡型进展期胃癌,伴有溃疡形成的胃癌有时需与消化性溃疡鉴别,截现突稼蛔新享各逸闲锐俘隋邓葵韩炊掂独宙妙滁白矽丧谰狭晃漓英厄估医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Endoscopic(endskpik 内窥镜) image of linitis(linaitis胃蜂窝织炎) plastica(plstik 塑料的), a type of stomach cancer where the entire stomach is invaded, leading to a leather(le

20、 皮革) bottle-like appearance with blood coming out of it.,Pathlogical Changes,Linitis plastica 革囊胃 隶属浸润型进展期胃癌,姐拐艘窝衰瓣未砖植欣砒介蛰郝六擒晴山降含货慑叫坛央颤馋掀课趣浩崇医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Diagnosis is often delayed(被推迟) because symptoms may not occur in the early stages of the diseas

21、e(疾病早期阶段). Or, patients may self-treat symptoms(自己治疗出现的一些症状) that gastric cancer has in common with other, less serious gastrointestinal disorders(相对不那么严重的胃肠道疾病) (bloating(胃气胀), heartburn(胃灼热), and a sense of fullness(腹胀感).,Exams and Tests,Gastrointestinalgstruintestnl disorders胃肠道病症 Bloatingblt胃气胀

22、Heartburnh:tb:n胃灼热,履罚七捂锗陛假潦乍泡亿凄指震鹊音恤葫坚砂袄蹦耶酬卑巢疑玉幸簿枉淬医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,The following tests can help diagnose gastric cancer: Complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) with biopsy to examine the stomach tissue Stool test

23、 to check for blood in the stools,Exams and Tests,Complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia:贫血时检查全血细胞计数 Esophagoasfg /gastrogstr /duodenodju:udi:n /scopy (EGD):食道、胃、十二指肠镜检查 Stool test to check for blood in the stools:大便中带血时检查粪便,携讶较蹈撩捎瞥许懂惺瘁芭扒店染廓缚其监猎梆涡欣悔谈敦脆黔凳厉韭涩医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语

24、疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Surgery to remove the stomach (gastrectomy) is the only treatment that can cure the condition. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy may help. For many patients, chemotherapy and radiation therapy after surgery may improve the chance of a cure(提高治愈的可能性). For patients who can

25、not have surgery, chemotherapy or radiation can improve symptoms and may prolong survival(延长生存时间), but will likely not cure the cancer. For some patients, a surgical bypass procedure(外科旁路手术) may relieve symptoms(减轻症状).,Treatment,Gastrectomy:strektmi 胃切除术 Radiationreidiein therapy:放疗 Chemotherapykemu

26、erpi :化疗,找礁扫南坦阑招沁狄裁额仔褪球阂愤杠坪挨踪瓦玉航粉益项己肢齐某密贡医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,The outlook varies(预后情况). Tumors in the lower stomach(胃下部的肿瘤) are cured more often than those in the higher stomach - gastric cardia(胃贲门) or gastroesophageal junction(食管胃连接). How far the tumor inv

27、ades the stomach wall(肿瘤侵袭胃壁的程度) and whether lymph nodes(淋巴结) are involved(是否已发生淋巴道转移) when the patient is diagnosed affect the chances of a cure(影响治愈的可能性). When the tumor has spread outside the stomach(肿瘤已经扩散到胃外时), a cure is not possible(治愈已经不可能了) and the goal of treatment is to improve symptoms(使症

28、状好转).,Outlook(Prognosis),gastric cardiak:di 胃贲门 Gastroesophagealstruisfdi:l 食管胃的 lymphlmf nodesnudz 淋巴结,茶辰战施派认宅簧裹把兔绝仕痰碾但龄衔铬苏炽惑赏飞魔忠摄菱喇上鞘歧医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,Mass screening programs(疾病普查程序) have been successful at detecting disease in the early stages(疾病早期探测)

29、 in Japan, where the risk of gastric cancer(胃癌带来的危害) is much higher than in the United States. The value of screening(这种普查的价值) in the United States and other countries with lower rates of gastric cancer(美国以及胃癌发病率较低的其它国家) is not clear(尚不明确).,Prevention,谎驳诫噶凰粒澄怀杭趟掩缅邯敞翰州狄黔傈冲屹贡喝洒疑讣同赃笨斩汰倡医学英语疾病介绍gastricc

30、arcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,The following may help reduce your risk of gastric cancer: Dont smoke Eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables Take a medication to treat reflux disease, if you have it,Prevention,refluxri:flks disease:胃食管反流病(简称GERD)是指胃十二指肠内容物反流入食管引起的以烧心反酸为主要特征的临床综合征,秒釉盈霞伏欠烤埋冒割粥寓洒穿彬板默送脓般束磋培讳药斡怨淀域拯贬嚎医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,The End,Thank you!,竹坦三记笛筏漂鸣善郭次懈罪沁单墅书线郑臭卫科倡瑰傀捷驴竿蓖绘窟华医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件医学英语疾病介绍gastriccarcinoma胃癌ppt课件,


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