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1、药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,1,Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Function,Gao Fen-Fei,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,2,OUTLINE,Peptic Ulcer Digestion Vomiting Diarrhea Bile Review-Questions,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,3,Ulcer-Background,20世纪初,与应激、生活、饮食等有关,故主张镇静、休息、饮食治疗。 1910年,Schwarz提出”No Acid No Ulcer” 1971年,Black等发现H2受体。1976年,第一代H2受体拮抗剂西咪替丁

2、用于临床第一次革命。诺贝尔奖。 20世纪80年代中期,质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitor,PPI)奥美拉唑问世。 1983年,澳大利亚学者Warren与Marshall分离出Hp,病因观念转变,再一次革命。根治成为可能。2005年,获诺贝尔奖。,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,4,Introduction of Ulcer,Epidemiology incidence of a disease: 10%-12% Europe and America: DU GU; Japan: GU DU Etiology General consideration: No Acid No

3、 Ulcer Main Destroy Factors: HCl, Pepsin, Hp Protective Barrier: Mucus-HCO3-,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,5,Pathogenesis of Peptic Ulcer,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,6,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,7,Review,How is the secretion of gastric acid adjusted ? What is the mechanism of secretion of gastric acid ?,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,8,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,9,药

4、物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,10,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,11,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,12,How to treat peptic ulcer ?,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,13,Anti-ulcer Targets,HCl Mucus Hp,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,14,Anti-ulcer Classification,Antacids- Neutralize HCl Gastric Antisecretory Drugs HCl secretion Antagonize Rs. on Parietal Cell- H2,M3, G Inhibitor of H+-

5、Pump Protectors of Mucosa Agents kill HP,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,15,. Antacids,Mechanism: AlkalizersTo Neutralize HCl Agents: Mg(OH)2 Al(OH)3 CaCO3 NaHCO3 Adverse Effect: Systemic alkalosis, Diarrhea , CO2,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,16,Major constituents of antacids,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,17,.1. H2-R Antagonists,Mechanism: Phar

6、macologic Effects: Basal gastric acid nocturnal secretion Agents: Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine Adverse Effect: Gynecomastia, prolactin , CYP450 , headache,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,18,.1. Antimuscarinic Agents,Mechanism: Blocking M3-R on Parietal Cell, M-R on ECL cell and G cell Pharmacologic Effects: HC

7、l spasmolysis Agents: Atropine ,Probanthine Pirenzepine - M1,M2-R selection Adverse Effect:,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,19,.1. Antagonist of G-R,Mechanism: Competing Gastrin-R on Parietal Cell Pharmacologic Effects: HCl Mucosal Agents: Proglumide Adverse Effect:,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,20,.2. Proton Pump Inhibitors,Mecha

8、nism: H+,K+-ATPase H+ K+ Pharmacologic Effects: HCl Pepsin Mucus-HCO3- ; Cytoprotective effect Pharmacologic Effects: Prevention of ulcers iduced by NSAIDs Contraindication: Women with childbearing,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,23,2. Sucralfate Mechanism: Polymerization & gelatine barrier PGE2 Mucus-HCO3- Hp Pharm

9、acologic Effects: Effective in Duodenal Ulcers Notice: Acid pH Empty stomach,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,24,3. CBS Mechanism: Pepsin PGE1 Mucus-HCO3- Coating Hp (disputed) 4. Teprenone 5. Marzulene,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,25,. Anti-Hp Drugs,90% DU,70% GU - Helicobacter pylori (G-) Anti-Ulcer Agents: Bismuth Compounds Pro

10、ton Pump Inhibitors sucralfate Antibacterial Drugs: Amoxicillin Gentamicin Metronidazole,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,26,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,27,Combination Therapy,Therapy of triad Oversea PPI + two Antibacterial Drugs Domestic CBS + PPI or H2-R Antagonist + Antibacterial Drug,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,28,Digestion Aids,Contents

11、 of Digestive Juice: Pepsin Pancreatin Helpful Bacterias in Bowel: biofermin,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,29,Antiemetic Drugs and Drugs Promoting Gastrointestinal Motility,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,30,Medulla Oblongata Vomiting Center,Stimuli,Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone,Stomach and Abdomminal Musculature,Pathogenesis of Vomi

12、ting,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,31,延髓呕吐中枢,刺激,晃动,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,32,Antagonists of Receptors of H1: Nucleus of tractus solitarius, vestibulocerebellar pathwayDiphenhydramine, Dimenhydrinate M : Nucleus of tractus solitarius, CTZScopolamine D2 : CTZ, Nucleus of tractus solitarius, Stomach, Small intestineThiethylp

13、erazine,Metoclopramide 5-HT3 : Stomach, Small intestine, CTZ, Nucleus of tractus solitariusOndansetron,Granisetron Prokinetics: Metoclopramide Blocking Gastrointestinal Domperidone D2-R Cisapride:Ach release,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,33,Antidiarrheal Drugs and Adsorbents,Opium preparation and Derivatives Opiat

14、e receptors in Gastrointestinal tract tonemotility(),secretion(),Ach release Loperamide: Derivatives of Haloperidol Astringents Tannalbin Bismuth subsalicylate, Bismuth subcarbonate Adsorbants Medicinal Charcoal Kaolin,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,34,Laxatives,Contact cathartics Irritant or stimulant intestinal m

15、otility Phenolphthalein, Rhubarb, Senna, Castor oil Osmotic laxatives nonabsorbable distending peristalsis MgSO4, Na2SO4, Lactulose, Celluloses Surface-active agents Lubricating, Stool soften Liquid paraffin,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,35,Choleretic drug,Cholic Acid HMG-CoA reductase (rate limiting enzyme) bile salt,cholesterol Chenodiol (Chenodeoxycholic acid) MgSO4 cholecystokinin Cinametic acid Anethol trithione,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,36,Review-Questions,The classification of drugs used in the treatment of peptic ulceration. the mechanisms and the agents of each.,药物的肝脏毒性,消化系统用药,37,Good Bye!,


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