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1、瘸 锅 应 槐 渴 村 综 姓 邮 某 但 侨 呼 涵 络 惧 沿 挣 挥 房 言 凶 蹋 厨 姻 去 子 夹 软 省 席 梯 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Unit Twenty Netiquette 网络礼仪 材 忧 眺 宦 罕 咀 弧 谭 锌 褐 悼 秃 荷 和 也 裴 驯 目 掂 跟 筛 享 告 港 成 吠 迎 逆 邵 导 身 莽 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪

2、U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Focal Points 1. Netiquette (Network Etiquette or Internet Etiquette) Basics 2. How to follow the netiquette 3. Business e-mail communication etiquette 四 裂 鞘 漂 左 郁 淤 舷 墅 凉 犯 仇 样 棘 归 滴 眉 吃 唐 敞 绚 武 退 袭 沁 坯 创 稚 回 宿 瓷 远 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼

3、 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Contents Lead in1 Reading A2 Reading B3 Reading C4 5 Exercises 舌 瞳 呐 喘 唇 蒸 坯 灿 皋 臼 抓 香 疏 诵 坯 柬 五 兑 砖 淬 涧 矩 汾 镐 曝 昌 隶 迟 樱 伶 藤 浅 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Do you recognize these chat abbreviations (or acro

4、nyms), try to match each with its corresponding meaning. Warming-up IMOFor Your Information KIT BRB FYI BTW LOL be right back in my opinion By the way keep in touch laughing out loud 拭 映 同 瘪 纯 清 理 侣 驭 牵 惮 竖 弧 占 找 湿 莱 却 刻 崩 漫 粥 偷 丸 酉 缀 骄 苏 跳 枣 锋 宰 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼

5、 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Core Rules of Netiquette What is Netiquette? Simply stated, its network etiquette - that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And “etiquette“ means “the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life.“ In other word

6、s, netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Rule 1: Remember the human The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten teacher taught you was pretty simple: Do unto others as youd have others do unto you. Imagine how youd feel if you were in the other persons shoes. Stand up for

7、 yourself, but try not to hurt peoples feelings. Reading A 锨 镭 母 胃 用 蜡 妹 疵 栋 抛 勾 净 歼 涵 躺 智 狄 粤 渤 衫 蛹 辩 项 狰 镁 铭 涌 渍 爆 厚 棕 潘 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Core Rules of Netiquette Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you

8、 follow in real life In real life, most people are fairly law-abiding, either by disposition or because were afraid of getting caught. In cyberspace, the chances of getting caught sometimes seem slim. And, perhaps because people sometimes forget that theres a human being on the other side of the com

9、puter, some people think that a lower standard of ethics or personal behavior is acceptable in cyberspace. The confusion may be understandable, but these people are mistaken. Standards of behavior may be different in some areas of cyberspace, but they are not lower than in real life. Reading A 亚 纷 横

10、 嚏 养 榔 庆 段 泽 槐 舌 卉 铲 钾 排 贺 眠 叶 绎 尔 材 靴 态 朽 铲 纷 瘩 窗 从 目 精 甘 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Core Rules of Netiquette Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace Whats perfectly acceptable in one area may be dreadfully rude in another. For example,

11、in most TV discussion groups, passing on idle gossip is perfectly permissible. But throwing around unsubstantiated rumors in a journalists mailing list will make you very unpopular there. Rule 4: Respect other peoples time Its a clich that people today seem to have less time than ever before, even t

12、hough (or perhaps because) we sleep less and have more labor-saving devices than our grandparents did. When you send e-mail or post to a discussion group, youre taking up other peoples time (or hoping to). Its your responsibility to ensure that the time they spend reading your posting isnt wasted. R

13、eading A 暑 曾 狰 权 涂 春 逊 争 弟 咆 羔 密 柒 蠢 碱 蛆 镀 眶 隔 同 姜 央 惋 襟 茸 锋 芹 更 胶 靖 谢 析 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Core Rules of Netiquette Rule 5: Make yourself look good online Most people who communicate online just want to be liked. Networks - partic

14、ularly discussion groups - let you reach out to people youd otherwise never meet. And sometimes none of them can see you. In that case you wont be judged by the color of your skin, eyes, or hair, your weight, your age, or your clothing. You will, however, be judged by the quality of your writing. Fo

15、r most people who choose to communicate online, this is an advantage; if they didnt enjoy using the written word, they wouldnt be there. So spelling and grammar do count. Reading A 桶 词 谣 透 郧 韩 厌 渝 径 替 神 驹 啡 霹 奈 鸡 靳 沧 汪 爸 淫 驯 精 缔 寇 迂 皮 后 性 菏 藐 腿 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪

16、 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Core Rules of Netiquette Rule 6: Share expert knowledge The strength of cyberspace is in its numbers. The reason asking questions online works is that a lot of knowledgeable people are reading the questions. And if even a few of them offer intelligent answers, the su

17、m total of world knowledge increases. The Internet itself was founded and grew because scientists wanted to share information. Gradually, the rest of us got in on the act. So do your part. Dont be afraid to share what you know. Rule 7: Dont flame or counterflame A flame is an angry attack in a messa

18、ge, the kind that flares when a debate grows into a spat. Keep yourself cool. If you are flamed, dont rise to the bait. Flame wars only escalate, and no one ever wins. Reading A 创 硝 山 姿 腐 俞 安 阀 霍 启 卿 眉 什 尾 韶 钵 溉 钞 级 报 善 科 敦 役 静 第 桂 信 滔 故 彭 眼 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U

19、n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Core Rules of Netiquette Rule 8: Respect other peoples privacy Of course, youd never dream of going through your colleagues desk drawers. So naturally you wouldnt read their e-mail either. Rule 9: Dont abuse your power Some people in cyberspace have more power than othe

20、rs. There are wizards in MUDs (multi-user dungeons), experts in every office, and system administrators in every system. Knowing more than others, or having more power than they do, does not give you the right to take advantage of them. For example, sysadmins should never read private e-mail. Readin

21、g A 踌 沦 触 围 彝 钩 僵 胆 集 咽 了 涯 轻 令 渍 蓬 畦 剂 垂 木 哩 午 芹 槽 警 茨 啄 奋 蜘 叭 萨 补 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e Core Rules of Netiquette Rule 10: Be forgiving of other peoples mistakes Everyone was a network newbie once. So when someone makes a mistake - w

22、hether its a spelling error or a spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer - be kind about it. If its a minor error, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before reacting. Having good manners yourself doesnt give you license to corr

23、ect everyone else. Reading A 杖 勺 想 枝 裳 懊 拴 吸 身 吗 掳 询 轻 浚 憨 搜 跋 斜 姿 阎 乏 吞 宽 阵 迹 想 露 翔 俏 砖 厉 姓 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e How to Follow the Netiquette More and more people are communicating over the Internet now than ever. And with this boom

24、 in communication comes more opportunity to offend with bad manners. People behind the veil of Internet anonymity and the lack of face-to-face interaction between peers can lead to rude behavior or at least behavior that is perceived as rude. In many cases people arent even aware of how they are com

25、ing off to people who read what they post. To help remedy this problem you should follow some rules of Internet etiquette, also known as “netiquette,“ to ensure you arent fueling this fire. Reading B 邢 静 贺 桩 瞩 善 撩 舞 托 潭 荐 查 帅 刃 苗 逗 罕 甚 羚 儒 避 性 瞧 即 头 觉 缸 忽 临 贸 滋 实 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u

26、e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e How to Follow the Netiquette Large E-mail Files One of the most annoying things you can do to someone online is probably one of the most unintentional. If you have ever sent a large file to someone by e- mail then it is likely they were frustrated

27、that you didnt compress the file prior to sending it. Its possible you didnt know you were supposed to, and thats OK - as long as you do it the next time. Large video or audio files or other attachments to e-mail may slow down a persons computer while he is trying to work. So be considerate and use

28、a program like WinZip or another file compression software to downsize what you are sending before attaching it to the e-mail. The recipient can extract the same quality info on her end without tying up her entire system to do it. Sending very large uncompressed files is just rude in the computer wo

29、rld. Reading B 兔 倒 恬 箭 札 愤 承 方 推 胃 亢 侧 枣 吗 呵 驼 重 械 害 皿 悦 椎 镭 轩 啦 仑 躺 型 继 烬 客 滔 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e How to Follow the Netiquette No SHOUTING You wouldnt like it very much if all your friends walked up to you and shouted whatever they

30、 had to say at the top of their lungs. It might be funny once, but it would get old really fast. In Internet chat or e-mail, using all caps when you type is the equivalent of shouting. It is to be used sparingly and only for occasional affect. Still, some people cant help but use all caps all the ti

31、me. It is considered rude by those who know better, and it is a bit annoying to read. Careful With Sarcasm Sarcasm can be a great thing sometimes. It is a way to express frustration and even be funny when others can relate to what youre saying through the tone of your voice. When you try sarcasm on

32、the Internet, remember that the reader Reading B 观 滔 他 贬 贼 饯 侯 豢 砸 哩 之 延 卫 噪 滔 盟 尚 祖 涌 固 甸 祟 畴 废 罚 豺 陛 弄 媳 搪 哺 智 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e How to Follow the Netiquette cant hear your tone. All they see are the words. And the nature of sar

33、casm can make your words read pretty harsh or at least have an unintentional affect. If you send a chat message to your buddies saying, “I cant wait for that new Miley Cyrus album to drop Tuesday,“ and you couldnt care less about Miley, they may not realize that you arent serious. Adding “LOL“ or sm

34、iley faces can help get your point across, if you must. Cool Your Flames With so many opinions floating around social networking sites and message boards, it may be hard for other highly opinionated folks to refrain from putting their own views out there. There is no problem with a dissenting view a

35、s long as you dont use the platform as a way to wage your own personal war against other Reading B 荔 块 严 霖 畸 毡 垄 笼 登 柔 鳞 俐 拄 般 若 栗 虾 赖 可 殊 峭 迁 堂 设 玩 篙 苫 诅 闷 轩 面 酌 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e How to Follow the Netiquette people. Blasting one

36、 another with heated exchanges in a place where other people can see it is bad netiquette that is so common it even has its own name. Its called flaming. So the next time you feel like bombarding someone for something he said, spare the others who can see it and just cool down and ignore it. Thats t

37、he best way to get back at him anyway. Wat R U Thinking? While it may be cute to use shortened words and nonsensical grammar to you, most people reading your words just think its a reflection of your intelligence. And if they know you have the ability to communicate properly, it is just regarded as

38、annoying. Improve your etiquette by using proper spelling and grammar in your messages to others. The shorthand developed to make texting easier in a time Reading B 皮 坎 堑 倾 亡 贷 笨 毁 垢 烛 疏 貉 卉 汀 蠕 革 么 尼 咨 堆 敌 渔 发 委 吹 硕 维 屉 向 喳 米 常 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e

39、 t i q u e t t e How to Follow the Netiquette when numeric pad letters were the only option is over. And if you are sitting at a regular keyboard there is no excuse for not spelling things the right way. Reading B 撕 妙 胸 入 乘 摊 已 胶 邑 悠 饼 猜 娩 袁 糯 敝 莉 宾 霹 揭 弱 悼 勒 展 跑 初 蒜 奏 脯 僵 讼 刽 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2

40、0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e E-Mail: Thinking Twice Before You Send It Even though e-mail is a new, immediate and personable medium, business communication by e-mail is still business communication, and it must have a certain level of formality. In practice, this

41、 means obeying the basic etiquette rule of showing consideration for the other person when composing a business e-mail communication. Here are some common-sense suggestions for ways to maximize the advantages of e-mail and avoid turning it into an obstacle to your success. Consider the readers dispo

42、sition and perspective. A tricky feature of written communication lies in the fact that the message is static once its sent. Unlike spoken messages, which you can quickly modify if you see the receiver getting annoyed or displeased, your written messages are vulnerable to the readers mood, existing

43、perceptions, and attitudes toward the subjectand toward you. Reading C 蜡 威 萌 往 郝 鞋 焰 征 陷 趋 串 忆 依 糖 歉 勋 使 愿 轩 汐 辕 衫 芋 姨 度 激 钥 魏 唬 串 炭 健 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e E-Mail: Thinking Twice Before You Send It Know that an e-mail can come across

44、 in unintended ways. Sometimes, perhaps because you sent the message off hurriedly, or even because the receiver is not in the best of moods, an e-mail you send can be interpreted entirely differently than what you had in mind. In reply, the recipient may send a surly message or other wise show his

45、or her irritation. Your first reaction, upon receiving it, may be to fire back a real zinger to justify or defend yourself. However, the wise choice may be to nip that exchange in the bud by changing the medium immediately. Pick up the telephone or, if possible, go to that persons office or cubicle

46、and talk through the matter. Apologize for the misunderstanding, if necessary. Reading C 尼 伦 砚 答 椅 包 靡 瑶 赂 贡 枕 咐 幂 蛛 休 孔 休 写 兰 赏 妓 度 检 翔 脯 颂 嘲 层 铆 吵 涂 钡 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e E-Mail: Thinking Twice Before You Send It Review before you

47、 send. Even if you dont consider the e-mail sensitive, review it a couple of times before you send it to make sure that your tone isnt brusque or demanding. Often something as simple as putting the word please in front of a sentence will soften the tone. If after reviewing the e-mail youre still unc

48、ertain about how it will be received, put it in the Drafts folder for a while. When you go back to it later, you can look at it with a fresh eye and judge it more objectively. If youre still not sure, consider having someone else take a look at it before you send it. Less formality doesnt mean anyth

49、ing goes. E-mails informality and conversational style can make the message readable and personal, but dont confuse informality with carelessness. As in any written communication, the errors Reading C 成 恶 疼 前 辱 蚁 呻 扳 掖 轻 主 霓 乾 袒 甘 妄 历 襟 慎 沧 乓 芽 徽 测 磁 揭 土 喊 招 鹤 越 詹 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e 国 际 商 务 礼 仪 U n i t 2 0 N e t i q u e t t e E-Mail: Thinking Twice Before You Send It can stay around to haunt you for a long time. While most people are more tolerant of the occasional typo in e-mail messag


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