4AM4U2 At Century Park 4课时 教案.doc

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1、2010年浦东新区小学四年级英语新教材主题单元教学研讨主办:浦东教发院教研部小学英语组承办:浦东新区高行小学 浦东新区周浦小学 浦东新区南码头小学2010年12月1日Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)4A M4 U2 At Century ParkTeacher:Cai Beini(高行小学)Chen Jieqiong(高行小学)Sun Meiling (周浦小学)Zhu Li(南码头小学)Book:Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 4A M4 U2 At Century ParkDate:

2、2010-12-1 Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, video, Work sheet, a map of Shanghai, etc.教学设计说明学生情况分析:四年级学生通过三年多的英语学习,已经积累了一定的语言知识。就词汇而言,学生在数词、食品类单词、水果类单词、学习用品类单词、玩具类单词、学校场所类单词等方面初有积累;就句型而言,学生能熟练运用to be句型、to have句型和can句型等。因此,学生具有语言学习和交流的欲望,也愿意与同伴分享学习的快乐。可以说,他们活泼好动、愿意表现,对游戏、竞赛、故事等尤感兴趣,有着较强的求知欲和表现欲

3、。模块教学任务分析:本模块教学涉及的三个单元话题都是学生熟悉并喜欢的,通过本模块的学习,能进一步了解和描述农场动物的种类、外形、习性以及喜欢的理由;通过外出游玩所需物品的准备以及对世纪公园特定场所位置、所进行的活动的描述,体验郊游活动的快乐;同时,通过对不同地方、不同月份气候情况的询问与了解,初步感受气候状况,感受大自然的魅力,形成热爱自然的美好情愫。单元教学任务分析:通过本单元的学习,要求学生掌握公园里不同场所的名称aviary, fountain, pond, plant house,去公园游玩时要准备的东西sketchbook, cap, camera;学习并掌握询问地点的特殊疑问句Wh

4、ere is/are ?, 并能进行准确的回答。通过了解去公园前所要准备的东西,在公园中的活动,公园里的规则,能用所学句型描述公园里的所见所闻所感,学会做一名文明的小游客。Listen and enjoy: 儿歌的诵读,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的语感。Look and learn: 核心学习板块,主要进行单词教学,重点是sketchbook, cap, camera, aviary, fountain, pond等。Look and say: 核心学习板块,主要进行句型学习,重点是:Where is ? Its以及What do you have? 等。Say and act: 情景运用,

5、通过在公园里游玩的场景来学会新学、操练新学,为运用新学提供平台.Look and read: 阅读延伸,通过不同的照片描述公园里的所见所闻,进一步巩固Where is ?句型和Where are ?句型。学生可以结合自己的照片,说说自己在照片中的所见所闻所感,提高学生的学习兴趣。Think and write: 引导学生在公园游玩时要遵守公园里的规则,做一个文明的参观者。逐步引导学生无论在什么场合,都要遵守这个地方的规则。Learn the sound: 语音学习,感受辅音字母组合th-的不同发音,树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。 单元教学目标说明:1、能学习和掌握单词:sketchbook

6、, cap, camera, aviary, fountain, pond, far away, road, take等;2、学习和掌握特殊疑问句Where is ? 并能运用此句型进行问答。3、了解去公园游玩前所要准备的东西,在公园中的活动,公园了的规则,能用所学句型描述公园里的所见所闻所感。4、学会和掌握字母组合th-的发音,初具音素概念。单元课时划分:课时词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合运用能力备注说明第一课时sketchbook, cap, camera,aviary, fountain, pond- What do you need for a picnic?- I need for a

7、 picnic.正确朗读并理解单词:sketchbook, cap, camera, aviary, fountain以及pond。利用need句型、there be句型、can句型和Dont句型了解have a visit需要的物品以及简单介绍公园内的部分场景。本单元围绕“世纪公园”,侧重于对游玩世纪公园或外出郊游所需物品的学习与描述;了解与学习世纪公园中不同场景的地理位置、不同场景下的不同活动;感受与践行公园里所遵守的行为规则;同时,能运用所学句型来描述公园里的所见、所闻与所感,在感受美丽自然的同时,学做文明游客。建议教师将所学的内容用一条线索串联,通过游览前的物品准备、游览前对场所的初步

8、了解、游览过程中对景点位置等信息的描述以及对所摄照片的描述,形成较为完整的、对游览过程的认识。第二课时far away from, take the bus, take the taxi- Where is ?- Its 能看懂公园的地图,能正确说出公园里的不同场所,说出它们的位置,并能对公园做简单的描述。第三课时mapplant house- Oh, its a , Miss Fang. I like Where is/are?- Oh, its/theyre here. Its/theyre the能运用Where is/are?对公园一些场所位置进行提问。能运用Its here. Its

9、 the等句型对到达公园某个场所最合适路径进行描述。第四课时The pronunciation of “-ing” such as playing, watching, etc. Identify the pronunciation of “th-” in words such as this and theseDont This isHe/She has He/She is (place)Hes/Shes _ing.初步了解现在进行时-ing的表达,并能根据公园里面拍的照片,运用所学知识描述照片里的内容。通过公园里一些不文明现象的照片,学习公园的相关规则,引导学生学做文明小游客。第五课时单元

10、复习第一课时教学目标: 1、正确朗读并理解单词:sketchbook, cap, camera, aviary, fountain, pond等。2、利用need句型、there be句型、can句型和Dont句型了解去世纪公园have a visit需要的物品以及简单介绍公园内的部分场景。3、通过对野餐所需食物以及公园场景的学习,帮助学生进一步了解外出活动所需物品;了解公园内的场所设施,培养学生的文明意识。Topic: Things for a visitROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEPre taskpreparation1. Sing a song1. Sing

11、 a song: Im so happy通过歌曲让学生快速进入学习英文的氛围。通过师生间的对话引出今天的话题场所:Century Park2. Century Park1. Daily Talk 2. Lead in: Century ParkWhile - taskprocedure1. a bag of foodWhat do you need for a visit?2. capsunglasses3. sketchbook4. aviary5. pond6. fountain7. camera1. a bag of food1) Notice2) Dialogue between Ki

12、tty and Danny3) Ask and answer: 4) Pair work: - What do you need for a visit?- I need for a visit.2. cap1) Look at the weather report to elicit the word: cap2) Read and spell the word according to the sound3) Learn: a pair of sunglasses4) Dialogue between Kitty and Danny5) Pair work3. sketchbook1) R

13、ead the word2) Answer some questions3) Read the passage4. aviary1) Share some pictures on the sketchbook 2) Present the word: aviary3) Read the word4) Ask and answer to introduce the aviary5. pond1) Present the word: pond2) Read the word3) Say something about the pond by giving key structures6. foun

14、tain1) Present the word: fountain2) See a movie about the fountain3) Rhyme4) Say something about the fountain by giving key words7. camera1) Present the word by a dialogue between Kitty and Danny2) Read the word3) Take photos 创设情境:Rainbow Primary School将去世纪公园游玩。Kitty不知需要准备些什么,她与Danny 展开了一系列对话。让学生通过看

15、天气预报思考不同天气去游玩时需要的不同服饰,引出新授单词。通过问题进行sketchbook的单词新授。通过展示sketchbook中所呈现的公园内场所图画引出aviary, pond, fountain的教学。通过当场操作camera让学生对单词进行巩固并加深对camera的功能了解。Post- taskactivity1. Review2. Group work1. Listen and fill in the blanks to finish the passage2. Read passages and finish the table according to the two diff

16、erent plans for a visit Place:Time:Food you need:Things you need:Clothes you need:Places you can see:通过听力练习,提升学生听力能力,同时对所学单词进行巩固。通过小组活动让学生了解不同的游玩计划,为自己制定出游计划做准备。Assignment1. Listen read and copy the words on page 52 2. Think about a place you want to go and make your plan for a visit3. Search more i

17、nformation about the Century Park on the Internet. e.g.: Where is Century Park?To consolidate what the students have learnt in this lesson.Main Material:Kitty: Im sad. I have no idea. What do I need for a visit?Kitty: What do you need for a visit, Danny?Danny: I need a bag of food.Kitty: I need a ba

18、g of food, too. But how is the weather?Danny: En Lets look at the weather report.Danny: I need a cap.Kitty: I need a cap, too.Danny: Oh, I also need a sketchbook tomorrow.Kitty: I need a sketchbook, too. I can draw some pictures in the aviary, near the fountain, next to the pond. But its not conveni

19、ent. What do I need?Danny: Oh, you need a camera.Kitty: A camera?Danny: Yes, a camera.Kitty and Danny: We will have a good time there!小组活动材料:Place 1: Tomorrow I am going to Shanghai Zoo to have a visit. I need a packet of sweets, a bar of chocolates, two bottles of water for a picnic. It is very hot

20、 tomorrow. I need a pair of shorts,a T-shirt and a pair of sunglasses. I like taking photos so I need a camera. There is a fountain, an aviary in Shanghai Zoo. I will have a good time there.Place 2: On Dec. 13th, my father, my mother and I are going to Chang Feng Park. We can see a dophin show there

21、. And there is a big pond in the park. I need two packets of crisps, two tins of cola, a loaf of bread for a picnic. I like painting very much so I need a sketchbook. It is windy and sunny. I need a pair of trousers and a cap. There is a pond and a fountain there. I look forward to(期待)going there.第二

22、课时教学目标:1、学习、掌握、运用Wh-questions 来准确问答相关的地点或场所:e.g., -Where is ? - Its .2、学习到达世纪公园的不同的方法,初步形成一定的空间概念。3、能表达前往世纪公园的便捷方法,积累生活经验。Topic: Get ready for a visitPROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEPre-taskpreparation Review the words.1. Have Ss say about the things in Kittys bag. 2. Have Ss guess what the other thre

23、e things in Kittys bag are. (camera, sketchbook)3. Find out the cap in the classroom复习前一课时中所学的内容。While-taskprocedure1. Learn the new presentation: - Where is . ?- Its .1. Have Ss read the sentences2. Read the chant.3. Ask and answer 4. More questions about Where is . ?Its . 5. Dialogue about the pla

24、ce you live by using Where is .? Its .新授本课时的主要句型,并进行巩固。2.Learn the new phrases:far away from1. Have Ss know some famous places in Pudong.2. Listen and match the location on the map. 3. Read the new phrase: far away from 4. Short dialogue with the map5. Group work about the other places帮助学生在掌握本课重点词组的

25、基础上,依据自己的生活经验对于地点做出远近的判断。并且知道通过具体的交通方式去公园游玩。3. Learn the new phrase: take 1. Discuss the best place to have a picnic and talk about how to go there2. Read the phrases 3. Ask and answer4. Read and fill in the blanksPost-taskactivityGet ready to go to the Century Park1. Have Ss look at the map and fin

26、d out interesting places.2. Talk about the place you like3. Dialogue for setting out通过看世纪公园的地图,为出游做功课,综合巩固前一课时所学内容,完成出发前的准备工作。Assignment1. Listen, read the dialogue after the tape and copy the dialogue on P532. Look at the map of Century Park and write a place you want to go by using Where is . ? It

27、s .Passage 1Where is _? Its _.Is/Are there _ near your _? Yes, _./ No, _.How is it/ are they? Its/ Theyre _. Do you like your _? Yes, I do.Passage 2-Hello, everyone. Where is _? -Its on _. My school is on _.Its far away from_.-What can you do there?-We can _ there.Passage 3Miss Fang and the children

28、 want to go to_.The park is _the school.Its on _.They can _there because its _.They can _in the park.第三课时教学目标:1、运用Wh-questions 来准确问答世纪公园内的景点的地理位置:e.g., -Where is the plant house? - Its .2、能熟练使用不同的方位词来表达,e.g., Its next to the aviary. 与此同时,能合理描述所参观的景点;3、能感受公园景点的美丽,学会欣赏生活中的美好。Topic: A visit to Century

29、ParkPROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEPre-task preparationTalk about the places in the park.1. Enjoy the Video about Century Park.2. Talk about the map of the park. 3. Talk about the places in the park.4. Say a chant.观看视频,直接引出本节课的任务,参观世纪公园,并复习前一课时中所学的内容,为本课做铺垫。While-taskprocedureThe dialogue about Danny

30、 and Miss Fang: - Wheres?- Its itsthe1. Listen to the dialogue 2. Practice the dialogue in pairs.3. Introduction the fountain, take a photo for Danny.对话整体呈现本课主要句型语篇,并进行操练巩固。Jill wants to go to the aviary.1. Introduce Jills will. Go to the aviary.2. Introduce “the aviaries are homes for birds” to Ss.

31、 And helping them to complete the dialogue about Jill and Miss Fang.3. Work in pairs.4. Enjoy the video about the aviary. And give them some tips in the aviary.帮助学生在掌握本课重点句型的基础上,依据自己对地图的记忆合理回答Jill的问路。通过观看鸟舍的视频,进一步理解鸟舍的含义,积累语言点。Help Alice to find the place she wants to go.1. Listen to the record.2. E

32、njoy a video about plant house.3. Let Ss help Alice and apply the dialogue we have learned.4. Work in pairs.巧设情景激发学生发挥主人翁精神,帮助Alice找花房,将本课重点语段内化运用。通过观看视频了解花房里有些什么,为下文对话做铺垫。Post-taskactivity1. Listen and read the passage.2. Introduce the photos1. Enjoy Kittys photos and explanation.2. Choose one kids

33、 photos to introduce.3. Enjoy some pictures about the activities in parks.通过分享Kitty 的相机照片,回顾本课所学内容,为下文选择一位孩子照片假做介绍做铺垫。Assignment1. Read the dialogue on P59, 4A.2. Write a passage about a visit to Century Park.MaterialsDialogue 1:Danny: Oh, its a big park, Miss Fang. I like fountains. Where is the fo

34、untain?Miss Fang: Its here. Its next to the plant house.Dialogue 2:Jill: Oh, its a big park, Miss Fang. I like . Where are the .?Miss Fang: Oh, they are here. Theyre the .Dialogue 3:Alice: Oh, its a big park. I like flowers and plants. Where is the plant house?Ss: Its here. Its the Passage 1 (From K

35、itty): At Century ParkIts sunny today. We go to Century Park. The park is so big. There are many aviaries, a plant house, a fountain and two ponds. Danny goes to the fountain. The water goes up and down. Jill goes to the aviaries. Therere many birds. Alice goes to the plant house. There are many pla

36、nts and flowers in it. I take many photos. Theyre funny. I am so happy today.第四课时教学目标:1. 初步了解现在进行时-ing的表达。2. 初步了解“th- ”在单词和儿歌中的 发音。3. 能运用所学知识描述照片场景中的人物、穿着、地点、正所做的动作等。4. 了解公园中的规则,学做文明小游客。Topic: My photosPROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEPre-task preparationChantTo active students and prepare for the next

37、 step.Talk about the class photo album1. Visit Century Park2. What can you see?Where is it/are they?Have students reviewed the places.While-taskprocedureRules for the park1. Where is ?2. Its a beautiful day. Dont Know the rules by talking about the places and the thing he/she is doing. Photo show1.

38、Listen and say(Danny)2. (1) Look and say(Alice) (2) Learn the pronunciation of “-ing” (3) Chant3. (1) Learn the sound(2) Fill in the blanks (Kitty) 4. Look and say(Peter and Jill)5. Make a new chantHelp students output step by step.Post-taskactivityMy favourite photo show1. Listen and guess2. Listen

39、 and fill in the blanks3. Photo showHelp students talk about their favourite photos.Assignment1. Listen and read the book Page 55,562. Read “A beautiful day at the beach”3.Write about your favourite photo Material:A beautiful day at the beachLook at Fredas photo. This is her daughter. Its in October. She has a white blouse and a pair of blue pants. Shes at the beach. She is playing with the sand. She wants to make a sandcastle. My daughter is very happy to be there. Its a beautiful day, and shes at the beach.


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