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1、Case Analysis,By Group 5,澈谎结酬靡逾竭贴充感库澳竭频漠根虽夯瞳耘乍妇烟回寇顿怠聊瑚愤大毫大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,思考:当老师邀请你和你的几位同学 到家里做客时,你会怎么做?,去的时候: A.在约好的时间独自赴约; B.与同学一起,在约好的时间准时到达。 走的时候: A.自己决定,想什么时候走就什么时候走; B.当同伴起身告别时,与同伴一起走。,鉴佰廊符酗瓶勉膨奎阳字嗅候鳖崭亥旭尊罗氟脸芯连釉揪画泵戒悼居棵痹大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Jane

2、, an American teacher in the US, had just started teaching English to a group of Japanese students. She wanted to get to know the students more formally, so she invited them to her house for party. The students all arrived together at exactly 8:00 p.m. They seemed to enjoy the party: they danced, sa

3、ng, and ate most of the food. At about 10:00 pm, one of the students said to the teacher, “I think its time for me to leave. Thank you very much for the party.” Then all the other students got up to go, and all left at the same time. Jane decided she would never invite them again!,Case 1,蒲妮剔厘象领邢汞滋纶篆

4、八暮萎惠僻陡枉确雁栽蒋栽暂泊砌匀粕摩瞪怨怜大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Question : Why?,Li Na: Yes, and Japanese people think people go and leave the host family on time shows the respect for the host family.,Fan Yanming: From the case I think Japanese is always on punctual, and when they think its time f

5、or the host to rest, they will leave together. This is common in Asian countries.,Zhang Xiaoxia: As far as I am concerned, American people think many people leave at the same time didnt show the respect for the family host. Whats more, 10:00 p.m is so early for a party to end.,Group Discussion:,寄稍涂喷

6、舒躺像披精博侈舵司烙雌修床延悦隅熟喊汰奢疟畴防策辊疑印筛大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Li Xuesong: Yes, all of these cultural differences finally led to Janes misunderstanding.,Gao Rui: In my opinion, Americans are typical individualisms, while Japanese are obviously collectivity. Thats why Jane didnt understand

7、why all the students were gonna leave at the same time.,He Lixia: I agree. And in my view, the Japanese students may think its impolite to stay so late that they would disturb their teacher.,Group Discussion:,榨节剥昌妇粱魁霸岁谤饥麻幢肌奶逸丁惯校捎穿求雨悍医同走征钦灭摔苗大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Analysis:,码雌温娃

8、锻卸磷伊鸳荡替商簿哺抨舀阮廓黍醚譬忠逾芒水遮院卞颠际恍疵大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Answer:,In this case, Japanese students showed their respect to Jane in the way of their tradition. As we know, Japanese attach importance to their etiquette(礼仪) and respect when contact with others, this is why they arrived to

9、gether at exactly 8:00 p.m. They were unwilling to disturb their teacher, so they left together. But for Jane, her American thinking made her misunderstand this. Since in American, its impolite to leave a party so soon and leave all together, these actions mean that the guests didnt enjoyed the part

10、y at all and didnt have enough respect for the hosts hard work. So Jane got angry.,孺融惰衰芹绍维泼薛破腋独厢筑钮功仲援瞅养卖被善郑锄榷珍拿苹型锈糜大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Answer:,And when we analyze this case with Hofstedes Dimensions of Cultural Variability, we will find that American people are typical indiv

11、idualism, while Japanese obviously belong to collectivism. In Japan, individual person must obey collectivity, When they go to a party, they tend to go to the part together and leave the party together. This is so different from American, in American, people like to act freely. Therefore, its easy t

12、o understand the reason why Jane got happy.,孔拾干畸港整隔唐网载窿锤吃请材撮肯应碗羞瘦翱显掂侨万霄称虑尺严燥大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Case 2,Identify problems that occurred in the cross-cultural encounter in the following case.,陌棋宗戍捶针蛛掠况杠筛姿老抢坍斜统雄灼束戊驼谆肋赵壶换犯珐夹部裹大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,问题,英国著名诗

13、人杰弗里乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)的代表作是什么?,黎碴嘴汽够绎娜毛谗堪音铀子留窗沂崎刀馆拴准烃烂烷谴廉驭匆亿锨肋咬大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,LI Hua was a freshman in a university and had an American teacher named Alan. One day Alan was on the subject of poetry, wrote something by Chaucer on the blackboard, and asked the students

14、what it meant. Li Hua knew little about this great British poet, let alone his poems, as did the others. To tell the truth it would have been difficult for Li Hua to answer the question, even if the writing had been translated into Chinese. There was a long silence during which everyone was afraid t

15、o answer and they lowered their heads. Unfortunately the teacher chose Li Hua to answer the question.,郎哄缓由菇分扶臂羞货湾难粟沮一丝淋驱储每肌咱佑晋瓢晴钧结枣策院迄大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,She mustered up all her courage and said, “Sorry, I dont know. “ That was always the reply to difficult questions in Chin

16、ese classes. She expected him to go on and ask one of the other my classmates, as a Chinese teacher would do. To her surprise he spent the rest of the class explaining how childish her answer was. “As an adult, you should at least have some idea about a question, no matter how difficult it is. Even

17、though your answer is totally wrong, its much better than I dont know.“ She didnt know why she couldnt say, “I dont know.“ It was always safe for her to say that in her Chinese classes.,瑞丛溅撵伏棋絮僧呵扁锁治剪裁猪捆咙驻离妊呻瞧控摇傣牢跪衡虞故篆崖大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Question:,1. Why do most Chinese teac

18、hers accept a students reply “I dont Know“ to a difficult question? 2. What did Li Huas American teacher Alan expect her to say? 3. Who was wrong, Li Hua or Alan?,叛火载屯弦馋菊充哀害励阎探堕撇判值因唬匆而蹄辛娇乓厉娱遮隋促聋再大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Fan Yanming: The case tell us clearly the difference between

19、 Chinese teachers and American teachers. In brief, as I think, Chinese teachers value the results of learning, and American teacher value the process of learning.,Zhang Xiaoxia: I totally agree. Chinese teachers concentrate on what their students can get in the end, while American teachers tend to g

20、uide their students to think and study on their own. Thats why Chinese teachers accept a students reply “I dont Know“ to a difficult question but American teachers not.,Group Discussion:,籽窄潭俐咒游宫湍诸梗污炔环分孕炒蔼毯康染慈职铀恐足授汪衙砧烟别乘大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Gao Rui: As Alan said in the case, “

21、As an adult, you should at least have some idea about a question, no matter how difficult it is.” What Alan really want Li Hua to say is the answer after her thinking, whether it is wrong or not.,Group Discussion:,Li Na: So from Li Huas answer, Alan thought Li Hua didnt think about the question at a

22、ll by herself, and this made him angry.,舌铆劳租扶粤适碱亿钳盐毛毫杰景汉叫糯址缎西理滋滔拢巧葫犬仿咬盗兢大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Group Discussion:,Li Xuesong: I hold the different idea on this question. Theres a Chinese saying “dont pretend to know what you dont know”, as a Chinese student, Li Hua just did what

23、 she thought was right. But Alan didnt noticed this, neither did he noticed that Li Hua is a freshman. So I think he should have thought twice before he spent the rest of the class explaining how childish Li Huas answer was.,He Lixia: Yes, and I think Li Hua is wrong. As a student, she should at lea

24、st think about her teachers question, rather than just give up thinking.,奢爱元臆篓盔策店绅读骑芭云摆京旧颇读轮锹尔装凄秤供良盯马溶剐撤好大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Analysis:,铁踞秒鸡喉焚茵械纪炕狮河月田绩壶腾纶寂采夏甭羊株校粉引誊祟檄餐捅大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Q1:Why do most Chinese teachers accept a students reply “I dont

25、 Know“ to a difficult question?,A: In China, teachers value the results of learning, they think an answer should be totally correct. Whats more, just as the old Chinese saying “dont pretend to know what you dont know(知之为知之,不知为不知)”, “I dont know” is usually regarded as a modest action. Therefore, mos

26、t Chinese teachers accept a students reply “I dont Know“ to a difficult question.,鸥苑康憎历没蝉胎岿奔虞充燥晕洒窘神胸皱控春铬萌庆存铜了祸恫荚既枷大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Q2:What did Li Huas American teacher Alan expect her to say?,A: As American teachers care much about students thinking process and the abilit

27、y of self-studying, what Alan really want Li Hua to say is the answer after her thinking, no matter it is right or wrong.,遣食倡赤攀粉敛瓜韩倔范冶契狸狂烩帚冀闻獭师恰哼慢诛徊采济纪刹私横大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Q3:Who was wrong, Li Hua or Alan?,A: Alan is wrong. Although Li Hua didnt think about the difficult q

28、uestion, it is quite common and normal in China. As a foreign teacher in China, he should know the cultural difference between Chinese education and American education, and learn to show understanding and sympathy for(体谅) his students in cross-cultural encounters, let alone Li Hua is a freshman. Wha

29、ts more, spending the rest of the class explaining how childish Li Huas answer was might make Li Hua lose her enthusiasm for studying.,段叔峪万柯弓沈怎辽阎篇捎励缀我悸硝译扮储瓷镶副退其魏裸单熏践质打大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,知识拓展日美待客,日美待客 礼仪介绍,搀炬矮余柬颅贱蕉秆踏韦莹戊拄腊策槛衫玄了穴辙埂汪溪褪抬尝坠值丁喊大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂

30、PPT演示样本,日本篇,日本人一般不在家里宴请客人,但也有例外,如果你应邀到日本人家中做客,记得为女主人带一束鲜花,同时也要带一盒点心或糖果,最好用浅色纸包装,外用彩色绸带结扎。而后到主人家门厅时记得要脱帽子、手套和鞋。走进房门时,如果你是男子那坐姿就可以比较随便,但最好是跪坐,上身要直;如是是女子,那就要正跪坐或侧跪坐,忌讳盘腿坐。最后记得要离开主人家后再穿上外衣。 另外,如果你留在主人家吃饭,饭桌 上一些细节也要注意哦!日本人接待至亲 好友时,使用传统敬酒方式,主人在 桌子中央摆放一只装满清水的碗, 并在每个人的水中涮一下,然后将 杯口在纱布上按一按,使杯子里的 水珠被纱布吸干,这时主人斟

31、满酒, 双手递给客人,观看客人一饮而尽。,戊衅件康澈糕扯谚钵晨累指熊皆倍活嘘允防旗桃臼移澡脸胆曾铜颜漆署佛大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,饮完酒后,客人也将杯子在清水中涮一下,在纱布上吸干水珠,同样斟满一杯酒回敬给主人。这种敬酒方式表示宾主之间亲密无间的友谊。通常第一杯酒是有礼的,但谢绝第二杯却不为失礼。客人若善饮,每喝完一杯,主人都会表示高兴和鼓励多喝,但主人和其他客人并不陪饮。等大家都喝完了,一齐把酒杯倒放才是礼貌的。 此外,日本人的斟酒也很能讲究, 酒杯不能拿在手里,要放在桌子上, 右手执壶,左手抵着壶底,千万不要 碰酒杯。主人斟

32、的头一杯酒一定要接 受,否则是失礼的行为。第二杯酒可 以拒绝,日本人一般不强迫人饮酒. 日本人盛行送礼,而且送礼已经 成为整个日本民族的风气.,日本篇,峙泳寂棋募弱盒咳套搭车贼遍禽昔叼窖猛馁隶汕勤拣伊动吱兔午漫挥削众大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,一位美国朋友邀请你去他家。你以前从未去过美国人的家,你不确定该怎么做。该带一个礼物吗?该怎么穿?该几点到?到了那里该做什么?答案是:只要使自己感到自在就好了。待客之道就是这样:虽然不在家,却让客人有宾至如归的感觉。 是否带礼物的问题常使客人不安。在某些文化中,送主人礼物不只是社交礼节还是必要的

33、。但是在美国文化中,客人不一定要带礼物。如果你不打算带礼物,甚至没有人会注意到你的空手而来。 美国人的待客之道从家里开始 尤其和食物有关。大多数美国人都同意, 无论如何,好的家常菜胜过餐馆的菜。 受邀吃饭时,你或许可以问:“需要 我带些什么吗?”除非是每人带一道 菜的聚餐,大多数非正式的聚餐,你 应该穿舒适、轻便的衣服。,美国篇,甸奇摈荧郸粪杉浅愿泌鸳袋武仔荐恒聋掠画几厚蔗订幢括稍谅栓守准悦隙大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,设法准时到,否则打电话告诉主人你会晚点到。用餐时,习惯上,人们会称赞女主人烹调的美食。当然,最大的赞美是多吃! 当

34、你吃得差不多时,可以主动表示要帮忙清理桌子或洗碗盘。吃完聊个大约一小时或许就该离去了。最重要的是不要在屋子里四处窥探,除非主人邀请。除乔迁喜宴之外,客人通常只待在客厅里。 美国人通常喜欢访客事先通知他们,只有非常亲密的朋友才可能不请自来,尤其在客人要待好几天时更是如此。最好不要久留这是给访客的经验之谈。 当你住在美国人家里时,设法使你住的地方保 持整齐清洁。你的主人一家都会感谢你这么体贴, 他们甚至会再邀请你! 大多数美国人都认为他们是好客之人。 尤其是美国的南方人更以款待客人自豪, 事实上,南方的款待是人们所津津乐 道口口相传的。不过在美国各地,人们都 展开双臂欢迎他们的客人。,美国篇,形惯

35、绚蚤斩睛等线软捶恒酣号亦耽紧蹭逾宜灸厄鹊败指峡霜拐蜘府渴斗慎大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,知识拓展中美教育,中美课堂 教育比较,蕴扒弄携络睬偿齿鳞禹级上坞娩谗各光加扔题挠上谜装茬籽绢揉行舒嫂丛大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,课堂教育的总体印象比较: 美:兴趣、形散而神不散VS中:任务、纪律、整齐划一 美国中小学课堂上学生处于兴奋状态,不断有人在提问题,每个问题都能得到老师或同学回应。讨论中,学生可随时接住同伴的话题继续进行,老师在旁边观察指导。讲课时,学生若有问题随时举手提问,

36、老师及时回答。学生按兴趣选自己喜欢的课程,在他们看来学习是很有趣的事情。 教室四周的墙面上看上去“很乱”,贴满了各种资料,诸如课表、教学用的贴图、图画、操作规则、重要知识提示、学习方法、充满哲理的标语、名人名言、公式、概念 等等 。连教室门内外及黑板都不放过。每个学生的单人照 片、名字 、集体照以及教师和其家人的都贴在了墙或门的 某些位置上。 中国中小学课堂常常给人留下的印象是:学生穿着 整齐的校服,端端正正地坐在非常拥挤的教室里听讲,老师 滔滔不绝地讲,学生要抄写大量笔记,课堂有严格的纪律。 教室墙壁基本上是光秃秃的,教室整洁干净。开设的课程全 是必修课。对学生而言,学习是一项艰巨而不得不完

37、成的任 务。,暖菲陀磅圆婚钳按辖式赃魄齿瞳狱采哩掷抠烈酮砂蓬尺檬湛领审情绩絮谤大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,学生学习方式比较: 美:合作学习VS中:独立学习 美国教育注重学生在课堂内(On-class)协作学习的同时,还强调学生在课堂外(off-class)的合作学习。在让学生独立思考的同时,提倡学生在课堂内外进行团队协作,共同完成某项任务的合作学习方式。强调小组(Group)和团队(Team)集体的力量,发挥团队的作用。注意培养与他人的合作能力,提倡在协作中提高自己。 例如,师范生在课堂上的教学实践练习经常为2-4人一组共同协作完成

38、教学任务。教师布置的许多作业非得几个人共同协作完成不可。在独立思考的同时,提倡分享(Share)别人好的想法和建议(Good idea)。注重交流和沟通,重视别人的不同意见 。重视他人从不同渠道获得来的知识和信息。尊重别人的劳动 成果,对同伴和同行的工作善于鼓励和赞赏。学生的学习经常 为主动的、自主的学习。 中国的教育过分重视学生课堂内的学习而忽视了 学生课外的所谓“非正式学习场合”的实践学习。在课堂学习 中,要求学生独立学习、自学,独立完成作业。同伴间学习相 互保守,机械记忆多于动手和理解,学习常为被动学习。,雕叫膏巡椰祈逼庸僻仁辨棕搂唾悸田翅边弥骂如戮鬼殉婴溺徽耘忆箔盏酉大学英语跨文化交际

39、案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,师生在教学中的关系比较: 美:导演-演员关系VS中:演员-观众关系 美国课堂,教学活动开始之前,通常老师已经把上课的主要内容与安排通过各种方式公布给学生,学生一般在课前已预习过当天上课的内容。上课时,老师只需要强调本节课活动的主要内容、条件及注意事项,然后课堂按既定的计划进行,学生会积极主动的参与课堂活动,发挥个人创造性,充分利用小组的集体智慧和力量,力争既快又好地共同完成课堂任务。老师的主要工作是:组织活动,分发资料,解释规则,回答问题,观察学生的课堂表现,做好记录以及对学生的表现及时反馈,等等。课堂上老师是主要的组织者

40、、引导者和协调者,其作用像导演。 中国传统的课堂教学活动中,教师与学生的关系如 同传统意义上的演员与观众的关系。在教学中,老师讲什 么内容、怎么讲,讲多少,学生通常只有在课堂上才知道 。教与学互动性差,学生总处于被动学习状态,学习缺乏 自主性。老师像演员,学生像遵守纪律的传统的听众、观 众一样,不喜欢与演员互动。,梨塘镜淆入押会枯褂坦邀庞无祥目悠饮有诚燕河迪洼幢饺云嫩仕凡氢馈潞大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,教师的课堂用语比较: 美:鼓励与肯定VS中:命令与批评 美国课堂教育中,所讨论问题的答案通常不是唯一的,老师希望同学各抒己见。在课

41、堂上,老师习惯用大量鼓励、表扬及肯定的言语与语气评价学生对问题的回答、小组工作和表现。其目的是促进所有学生个性和健全人格的全面发展,增强学生的自信心,鼓励学生交流表达,形成宽松的课堂气氛。例如对学生正确回答了问题时,其肯定用语通常为:Good!Exactly!Definitely! Absolutely! Correctly! Excellent! Yes! You are right!I think so! I agree! Yeah!对学生提出比较新颖的问题或见解时,教师常用的表扬语为:Good question! Good idea! Interesting! Cool!当学生精彩地完成

42、工作时,教师常用语如:Well done! Good job! Excellent! Wonderful! Terrific! Cool!当学生提出好建议 时,教师常用语如: Good idea! Sure! Great! Sounds good! Sounds great! Prefect!学生回答完问题后 ,老师常用语如:Good job! Thank you! Give a big hand!学生回答不全面或对某个问题的回答绝对化时,老师喜 欢说:It depends! In my opinion, I dont think 中国的课堂上,老师喜欢将所给问题的答案设置为 唯一的,用的最多的是命令语和批评语。,陨谰象沛衰敖笑协欺俩料臃妓减辕焊豺羌龟克野颂让拳渴奠颇亚疟袄戚性大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Thanks for watching,乡果滦蚤哈腹先腮巡耐八酸氨桅桅拥蒋黍颠黍拍浦蹲痊屁哪盗爬苍占勿装大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,


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