Based on three-dimensional solid modeling research study of modern engineering design graphics.doc

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1、 Based on three-dimensional solid modeling research study of modern engineering design graphicsAbstract This paper discusses the conduct three-dimensional solid modeling as the core of modern engineering drawings need for research study to design a physical structural analysis, investigate typical c

2、omponents and product innovation three research-based learning program, hoping to effectively improve the quality and efficiency of student learning, promote student problem-solving ability and creative thinking capabilities. Keywords: Three-dimensional solid modeling research study of modern engine

3、ering design graphics 1 Introduction the status quo at home and abroad As science and technology and productivity, the rapid development of industrial structure and mode of education have undergone profound changes, mechanical products have entered the digital design, analysis and manufacture of the

4、 times. Three-dimensional design software for its image, intuitive, accurate, quick and convenient, easy to grasp, easy to modify the characteristics of the enterprise to be widely applied. In October 1990 launched a new generation of Boeing B777 aircraft all the design work started on the computer,

5、 from design to manufacturing are no drawings. In early 2005, Chinas first combat aircraft developed by the Joint Strike Flying Leopard 3, mainly in the French Dassaults CATIA software to complete a digitized design without drawings. In order to meet the twenty-first century, technological developme

6、nt, many institutions at home and abroad on the graphics curriculum reform, such as the Nanjing University of Science created a Web-based collaborative learning system, Engineering Drawing, Guangdong University of Technology three-dimensional solid modeling as the core building works Drawing Quality

7、 Course, the United States Austin (Austin) University of Texas opened in the lower grades to solid modeling as the core of the engineering design graphics course. In May 2000, the Ministry of Education, held in Xian, Engineering Drawing Teaching Steering Committee pointed out, engineering drawing co

8、urses should focus on capacity, broaden the face, highlighting works. Student Learning Survey For a long time, the traditional cartographic education due to limited technical means, had to give up with an intuitive sense of a strong three-dimensional diagram to express the products, but a large numb

9、er of two-dimensional graphics, making graphics teaching content and methods have been lagging far behind the modern industrial production practical. I had in July 2003 to the school of Mechanical Engineering 03 A total of 253 students in five classes conducted a questionnaire survey found that most

10、 students considered Drawing Course esoteric, boring, tedious, so their studies lack of interest, lack of self-confidence . On the one hand the times we need to cultivate innovative talents to meet the requirements, on the other, drawing curriculum out of touch with the times, classroom teaching is

11、still followed the teacher-based teaching model, students lack of initiative, passive acceptance of Teachers impart knowledge. Although many schools in teaching the use of modern educational technology, but because teaching has not changed, people filling plus electric irrigation, resulting in pupil

12、s knowledge of fatigue, also not conducive to cultivating innovative talents. 2 Based on three-dimensional solid modeling of modern engineering graphics research study outlined in About Research Study Research-based Learning (Researching Study) refers to the learning activities of students take the

13、initiative to explore it to transform the way for the purpose of learning, emphasizing a pro-active spirit of inquiry and innovative practice, get rid of passive acceptance, mechanical training, rote memorization, simple repetition learning approach to develop students awareness of innovation, creat

14、ivity and innovation capability as the objective. Research-based learning to the problem as the carrier, the students under the guidance of teachers, from the natural, social and life choices and identify research topics, and take the initiative in the course of the study to acquire knowledge, apply

15、 knowledge and solve the problem. based on three-dimensional solid modeling research study of modern engineering graphics Three-dimensional solid modeling based on modern engineering graphics (Modern Engineering Drawing based on 3D Solid Modeling, 3DMED) research study to learn a series of thematic-

16、based line, three-dimensional solid modeling as the core, using 3D CAD software, computer technology and network technology, so that Students in the discover problems - Analysis of the problem - to solve the problem in the process of training to collect, analyze and use information to improve proble

17、m-solving skills, learn methods and techniques of collaboration and exchanges, and gradually acquire the knowledge acquired significance construction. 3DMED research study carried out the following steps: Change advanced technical schools teaching model drawing, and completely abandon the traditiona

18、l mechanical drawing teaching content from abstract to concrete space plane system, the establishment of three-dimensional shapes from two-dimensional view of the express configuration system. 3DMED research study to create a dedicated website to provide students with their thinking can cause situat

19、ions to explore the necessary information resources and related links, an interactive platform for consultation and discussion, summary evaluation of space, teachers, online tutoring, virtual model library, as well as bulletin boards and so on. closely around the three-dimensional solid modeling, re

20、search-based learning activities so that students in the information technology environment with the necessary tools (3D CAD software, networks, etc.) take the initiative to explore the learning problems, and under the guidance of teachers, and gradually develop spatial thinking ability and innovati

21、ve design capabilities. 3DMED research study characteristics of discoverability Bruner believes that the best way to learn knowledge, discovery learning. Discovery learning can enhance students the wisdom of the potential students intuitive thinking, intrinsic motivation will help inspire students t

22、o better promote the initiative of students quest for knowledge. 3DMED research study around a problem situation to start focusing on the activities the students to explore. Students under the guidance of teachers, by identifying and analyzing problems and solve problems, stimulate and nurture creat

23、ive thinking. the process of 3DMED research study emphasized the use of academic knowledge to develop students ability to solve problems, the spirit of unity and cooperation and to promote the development of creative thinking of students. Correspondingly, the evaluation criteria established by stude

24、nts to gain new knowledge not only examine the situation, but also concerned about the ability of the students studied the changes in the development of a comprehensive assessment of students. human nature Student-centered classroom activity is a research study 3DMED a major feature. In the research

25、 study the implementation process, the students needs, interests and motivations at the heart position, to encourage students to independently choose their own way of learning, the full development of their personality and create favorable conditions. Practical Stressed the students through personal

26、 experience and initiative to explore access to knowledge, in the doing School, in the explore, research, design found in the problem, and through problem-solving to develop and improve students ability to innovate. advanced 3DMED research study in line with the development needs of the times, in or

27、der to foster talent development needs of the times provided a timely source of knowledge. 3 3DMED research study design principles 3DMED research study designed based on the following principles: subject - the leading principle The 3DMED research study, students were placed in the dominant position

28、 of the study subjects, contents, methods, progress, implementation and final outcome of other major manifestations of individual students or students from the team to decide. Students are the main body of information processing is the active construction of knowledge, meaning those. In the meantime

29、, the leading role of teachers has not been overlooked. Teachers should not only stimulate students interest in learning, help students develop motivation to learn, but also through the creation of content in line with the requirements of teaching situations and tips for clues to link between the ol

30、d and new knowledge, to induce the students themselves to identify problems, give full play to the initiative of students, enthusiasm and pioneering spirit, and ultimately achieving students effectively achieve what they have learned the meaning of the current construction purposes. the principles o

31、f an effective cognitive tool for Learning environment for students free exploration and self-learning sites, they use a variety of tools and information resources to obtain knowledge. Therefore, an effective learning environment for students to explore initiatives to provide a great help. 3DMED res

32、earch study should not only explore the learning of students provides a networking platform, but also from the cognitive levels of teaching practice and students choose the right starting the three-dimensional CAD software for the students to create good conditions for self-study. the principle of s

33、elf-learning Teachers need to pay special attention to develop students self-learning ability, namely: the setting of learning table (for the completion of a given learning task-related knowledge required to list) the ability to obtain relevant information and data capacity, utilization and evaluati

34、on of relevant information and data capacity. the principle of collaborative learning In the independent study, based on the conditions of teachers should, where possible, organize the students to discuss, exchange, jointly examine various theories, ideas, beliefs and hypotheses. In such a learning

35、environment, learners (teachers and students) groups thinking and wisdom shared by the entire group of students to build knowledge, meaning more efficient and better quality. 4 3DMED research study design physical structural analysis self-learning target Learn computer three-dimensional solid modeli

36、ng methods, awareness of space objects in three-dimensional structure, composition and design principles, students space for imagination, multiple intelligences, and self-learning ability. significance Starting from the three-dimensional modeling, direct access to three-dimensional configuration, fu

37、lly strengthened the capacity of training in spatial thinking, not only in line with the objectives and requirements of modern culture, but also to stimulate the students interest in learning and motivation. teaching structure flow chart Figure 1 physical structure analysis self-learning teaching st

38、ructure flow chart Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/ Typical parts investigate inquiry-based learning target Enable students to understand the typical components of the type of project, construction features and applications, familiar with various types of components of genera

39、l expression methods and technical requirements. significance Students the ability to process information. According to the results of inquiry-based learning, using 3D CAD software, the establishment of three-dimensional model used parts library to provide resources for follow-up study. teaching str

40、ucture flow chart Figure 2 investigate typical parts inquiry-based learning teaching structure flow chart product innovation collaborative learning target To enable students to understand the various components in the assembly relationship between the assembly and working principles; understanding o

41、f parts and components, assembly structure, the relationship between the shape of its function; students innovative design products, concepts and capabilities. significance So that students master the basic theory and basic knowledge, to enhance practical ability, spatial thinking, and innovative de

42、sign ability. teaching structure flow chart Figure 3 product innovation collaborative learning teaching structure flow chart 5 Conclusion Cartographic education in advanced technical schools to carry out research study, not only conforms to the information age, the pace of development and consistent

43、 understanding of the law students so that students enjoy learning fun. Research study, while emphasizing student-centered, but it definitely can not ignore the guidance of teachers, especially in the learning process deviations and differences, teachers should guide students to construct meaning in

44、 favor of the direction, so that research learn more effective and higher quality. References: 1 HE Ke-resistant, Zhengyong Bo, Xie You-like. Instructional System Design M. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2002 2 the national primary and secondary schools in modern education technology expe

45、riment Leading Group Office of the editor. School modernization, M. Beijing: China Central Radio and TV University Press, 1999 3 David. H. Jonathan. Cheng Tai-year Renyou group translation. Gao revision. The theoretical basis for the learning environment M. Shanghai: East China Normal University Pre

46、ss, 2002 4 Zhang Xiaowei. Teaching methods and learning styles change - Insight Research Study M. Beijing: Beijing University of Technology Press, 2004 5 LIU Shen-li, Guo Han, Liu Jipeng. Three-dimensional solid design and engineering graphics curriculum reform J. Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management (Social Science Edition), 2002,12 6 DONG country. Modern engineering graphics M. Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2003 reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/12


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