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1、 不定代词专项训练I. 用some、any填空。1. There isnt _ water in the bottle. 2. Do you have _ English books? No, I dont have _. 3. There are _ people in the room. 4. Could you give me _ paper, please? 5. If there is _ meat, I will buy _. 6. I will come to see you _ day. 7. Li Ming is more careful than _ other boy i

2、n the class. 8. Would you like _ pop, please? II. 用many、much、a lot of填空。1. There are _ people in the street. 2. I dont have _ money, but I have _ friends. 3. _ foreigners come to visit the Great Wall every day. 4. I have so _ falls that Im black and blue all over. 5. There is too _ homework for stud

3、ents to do now. 6. I want to know whether he has _ meat. 7. Do you know _ English food? 8. I want to buy _ books to read. III. 用little, a little, few & a few填空。1. Dont worry. There is _ time left. 2. He did very well in the exam. So he made _ mistakes. 3. Do you have any friends in the US? Yes, I ha

4、ve _. 4. He cant understand my English words, because he knows _ English.5. Very _ of us can speak French. 6. Could I have some water, please? Sorry, I have _ now. 7. He has made quite _ friends in China. 8. Would you like some rice? Thanks, but just _. IV. 用all、both、every、each填空。1. _ of my parents

5、work in this shoe factory. 2. Li Ming and Li Ping are _ from China. 3. _ of us is good at playing football. 4. _ student should work hard at their lessons. 5. _ of my boy classmates play football after school. 6. There are a lot of buildings on _ side of the street. 7. Please give _ the books to you

6、r class teacher. 8. These apples are those childrens. Please give them _. V. 用no one、none、nobody、nothing填空。1. -Who is in the room? -_. 2. -How much meat is there on the plate? -_.3. _ of us can speak French. 4. _ knows what they fought about. 5. -Can you see anybody in the room? -No, I can see _. 6.

7、 -Do you know how many dictionaries they have already bought? Yes, I do. They have bought _. 7. What did you see in the box yesterday? I saw _. 8. Have you all finished the homework? No, _ has finished it yet. VI. 用something, somebody; anything, anybody; nothing, nobody; everything, everybody填空。1. T

8、here is _ wrong with his computer. 2. I hope _ goes well. 3. Do you know _ about the US? No, I know _ about it. 4. Since _ is here, lets begin our meeting. 5. I cant say _ about him. I am afraid of him. 6. _ is in the room. So you cant hear any voice. 7. _ except Li Ping went to the park. He was ill

9、. 8. I have _ important to say. Please wait a minute. VII. 用one、ones、another、the other、others、the others、other填空。1. Mrs Smith has two children. One is a girl and _ is a boy. 2. I dont like this shirt, please show me _. 3. This desk is Marys and that _ is Kates. 4. I bought a lot of bananas. Only a f

10、ew of them are green, _ are yellow. 5. Look at the desks. The blue _ are for the girls and the yellow _ for the boys. 6. This shirt doesnt fit me. Do you have any _ kinds? 7. The children are all working in the classroom. Some of them are cleaning the windows and _ are sweeping the floor. 8. We must

11、 help each _ with our English. VIII. 选择填空 1. _ of us knows English. You must speak Chinese. A. Either B. Neither C. Each D. One 2. Im hungry. May I have _? Certainly, here you are. A. something delicious B. anything delicious C. delicious something D. delicious anything 3. The child does as _work as

12、 the adult. A. many B. much C. more D. few 4. Here are two rulers. You can take _ of them. I take the rest. A. all B. each C. either D. both 5. There isnt _ in the classroom. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody 6. Please wait just _ minutes. Ill finish the work very soon. A. a little B. li

13、ttle C. few D. a few 7. How many did you see yesterday, Li Ping? _, so I had to do the work by myself. A. Nobody B. None C. Nothing D. No one 8. I dont think _ of them will go there with him. A. some B. any C. lots D. much 9. There are a lot of trees on _ sides of the street. A. each B. either C. bo

14、th D. all 10. -_ came to see you this morning. Thats right. I talked to him for a long time. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Everybody D. Nobody 答案:I. 1. any 2. any any 3. some 4. some 5. any some 6. some 7. any 8. some II. 1. a lot of/many 2. much many 3. A lot of/Many 4. many 5. much 6. much 7. much 8.

15、lots of III. 1. a little 2. few 3. a few 4. little 5. few 6. little 7. a few 8. a little IV. 1. Both 2. both 3. Each 4. Every 5. All 6. each 7. all 8. all V. 1. No one/Nobody 2. None 3. None 4. No one/Nobody 5. Nobody 6. None 7. nothing 8. nobody VI. 1. something 2. everything 3. anything nothing 4. everybody 5. anything 6. Nobody 7. Everybody 8. something VII. 1. the other 2. another 3. one 4. the others 5. ones ones 6. other 7. others 8. other VIII. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A


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