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1、HF35D/35机器生产规格参数定单 Manufacture specification order formHF35D/35改进规格参数说明HF35D/35 improvement specification explanation机器改进编码说明Improvement Code (IC) explanationIC-0: 标准化设计: 同一机型必须保持前后设计参数的一致性,改进项目除外 Identical design: Excepting improvement items, same model have to have identical specifications with di

2、fferent orders.IC-1:抗化学品腐蚀措施:任何与化学品接触的塑料部件要使用HDPE材料或抗化学品材料, Chemical resistance measures: Any parts contacted with chemicals should be chemical resistance materials.IC-2(新NEW): NEMA和CE标准 所有电器部件要符合美国的NEMA和欧洲的CE标准,NEMA and CE standards:All of the electric parts need to meet with American NEMA and Euro

3、ps CE standards.IC-2.1: 电路接口防爆防腐保护:所有的电器电线接头都要有防爆防腐保护措施。如这次的按钮失灵,可能与此有关.措施是更换施耐德按钮 Wire connection protection:All of electric connection should have explosive proof devices. For example, the malfuction of control button might be related to the reason. The solution is Replaced with Schneider bottomIC

4、-2.2:线路线头保护:电线出口,如化学箱出来的电器接头,还有柴油机与控制箱的电线和其它接口都要有金属盖板或合适的保护措施。All low water sensors, and other through tank fittings shall have a metal cover to protect the electrical connection points from being damaged IC-2.3(新NEW): 所有的连接管和阀门: 所有的管子不能用塑料管连接,除非是HDPE硬管.All piping cannot have plastic joints unless t

5、he plastic is HDPE, including all plastic valves. IC-2.4(新NEW):考虑雾炮单元可拆卸方便,采用一根线从元件一直到电器箱,中间无接头连接;For being easy to disconnect cannon, only use one cable directly connect to the control box without any extra connection between the connon and control box.IC-3:防锈问题:所有的钢管的末端都要封死,不让湿气进入以免锈从内生。Rust preve

6、ntion: All steel tubing shall have the ends capped so that moisture cannot get in and begin to rust steel IC-3.1:防锈问题:油漆必须有喷砂-底漆-面漆的过程,今后,我们可能要用聚脲树脂新技术来做漆。在安装任何部件前,钢架必须先上好防锈漆和油漆。Rust prevention: All steel tubing and parts shall be primed and painted prior to the mounting of any equipment. IC-3.2(新NE

7、W):钢架的空心开口要封掉,防止水气进入生锈 The open of the steel frame have to be closed to prevent from rust inside.IC-5(新NEW):出水过滤器(80微米/200目的过滤器)必须装在水箱出水口附近,注意,过滤器一定要垂直安装,并有挡板保护。Water filter: (80Micron/200 mesh) have to be installed vertically and protected by steel plate.IC-6(新NEW):水箱充水问题:水箱充水设在水箱的底部,并要配备阀门和快接接头。注意

8、: 充水口与出水口在同一高度,离底部都要有50 mm距离,防止水中的杂质流入系统,Water filling problem: Water tank filling open is set at bottom of the water tank and shall have a valve and quick filler connection. Attention: the height of inlet and outlet of water should be same and is around one inch to prevent sediment particles gettin

9、g into system. IC-7: 柴油机相关的问题: 如排气管的弯头罩,调节阀弹簧配件,仪表盘的面板盖,的问题等 Deisel related problems: curve exhaust fitting, adjustment valve spring parts, panel cover, low fuel level shut off system,burn oil problem etc.IC-7.1: 柴油机运行计时器:新的柴油机增加了频率表和运行时间计时器,计时器是一个4位的数码管。The new diesel engines have increased frequen

10、cy indicator and Engine hour meter.IC-7.3(新NEW):柴油机功率不够大,改成10-15KW稀土风冷柴油发电机. 电压频率参看电机 The diesel need to be expanded to 10KW-15KW rear earth Air cooled generators and the voltage and frequency refer to the electric motors.IC-7.4(新NEW): 增设柴油机低油位自动熄火系统 Increase a new function to shut down the diesel w

11、hen the fuel level is low. IC-8: 梯子系统: 机器将要有一个梯子系统让工人能接近喷嘴来更换和清洗 ladder system: The machine will have a ladder and platform for worker to be able to access, clean and change nozzles on misting cannon as per de-sign 。IC-9.1/IC-7(新NEW): 设备软件改进-1/柴油机定时保养报警系统: (托尼认为此功能不重要,最好不要,但柴油机是否有总运行时间记数表,象汽车的总里程表一样

12、,即可Software improvement-1/Diesel regular maintenance alarm system: This function can be eliminated as long as the diesel has operation time counter.IC-9.2(新New): 不再设定M1M2M3M4等等工作定时的模式,暂时统一为工作30分钟,停10分钟;客户有特殊需求,工作时间在出厂时,根据其要求更改 Eliminating Mode M1M2M3M4to make a identical working pattern as working f

13、or 30 minutes and resting for 10 minutes.功能键如下所示 The function buttons are shown below:上排 Up rowM1M2左四分之一Left Quarter 右四分之一Right Quarter 手动/自动 Manual/Auto.下排 Down row启动 Start停止 Stop水平 Horizontal 垂直 Vertical急停 Emergency stopIC-9.3(新New): TONY要求所列的五种旋转控制模式均要实现;即:水平180;垂直70(实际只能达到70度);水平加垂直;左四分之一圆;右四分之一

14、圆;The machines have to have five rotation models that are horizontal 180 degree, vertical 70 degree; horizontal plus vertical; left quart circle; and right quart circle.IC-9.4(新New): 根据讨论,报警器还是要保持!用于低油位停机或过载停机,低水位停雾炮头报警。Alarm system still need to be kept to stop diesel when the fuel level is low or

15、overload or the cannon when water level is low.IC-9.5(新New): 红外自动启动,为附加功能,HF-35,HF-35D均有此项功能.在仪表盘上,此按钮为双相选择按钮,即,一边是手动,一边是自动;当按钮拨在手动侧,雾炮只能通过按钮或遥控启动,红外感应不起作用; 当按钮拨在自动侧,只要雾炮有电,当有垃圾车经过触发红外线时,雾炮将自动启动,工作时间为10分钟;如果10分钟内,无垃圾车经过,则10分钟后, 雾炮停止,直到下次触发;如果在10分钟内,有垃圾车经过,则计时将被置零,重新计时.这样的话,如果在高峰时期,雾炮将会连续工作,又不会反复启动.I

16、C-11(新New): 高压泵相关问题: 如泵与电机不配,密封垫无抗化学药性(孙总已做过试验,原来高压泵的密封垫全部不是抗化学药品的。不知你们是怎么改进的,请沟通这一问题的处理方法)。 Problems from high pressure pump. For example, non match between pump and motor and non chemical resistance with the seals.IC-12(新New): 电机相关问题: 电压220v,50hz,三相(欧洲,澳洲)60HZ (美国,加拿大)Problems related to electric

17、motors: voltage (220v,50hz,3PH for Europe and NZ; 60hz for USA and CAN.)IC-12.1:电机过滤器: Air Filter of electric motors. IC-12.2(新New): 高压泵电机功率不够,由0.75KW改1.5KW. The power of pressure pump motor is not enough and need to be upgraded to 1.5KW.IC-13: 控制箱相关问题: Problems related to control boxIC-13.1: 控制箱的散热

18、问题: Heat releasing problem for control boxIC-13.2(新New): 遥控: 托尼建议只需要启动和停止设备(柴油机和雾炮头)的功能;旋转控制无需遥控,都采用手动控制;Remote only keep four keys: two for start diesel and fan and two for cannon. IC-14: 水路,管路连接和阀门问题 Water flow, Pipe Connection and valve problemsIC-14.1(新New): T形过滤器必须垂直安装,并有挡板保护; 要把原配比泵后的Y型过虑器取掉,因

19、它会增回压力,因我们已有一个T型过滤器装在了原配比泵的前面。The banana filter must stay in its place and counting meter must be mounted vertically as we did on the machines at LaoGong; The Y filter has to be eliminated from the pipe because it will increase some pressure and we have had a T filter installed front of the dosatron

20、.IC-14.2(新New): 取消所有机器的配比泵,装一个不少于60升的塑料箱,并标上刻度,请看具体的设计图(它有圆锥形或棱形的底) ,用一个硬管使之与大水箱相连(水箱边上打一个孔来连接)。Eliminate the dosatron on all machines.Mount a 20 gallon or 75 liter plastic tank with conical or prism shaped bottom with place to put tubing that can be attached to a hole in the side of the large tank;

21、IC-14.3(新New): 机器上要配一个固定的盒子用来装所有型号的喷嘴,还要有备用喷嘴配备。增加7号喷嘴。We should have a box permanently installed on the machine to hold nozzles. Need #7 nozzles.IC-15: 升降系统问题: problems of lifting systemIC-17: 可拆卸式支撑架(请看具体的设计图): Detachable support frame for shippingIC-16.1: 装运用叠装支撑脚(请看具体的设计图): Support legs for over

22、 load of the frame with diesel on that.红外自动启动:IC-16.2: 叉车起重设施: 在底座底部 ,要有供叉车从侧面插入的方钢管,方便叉子插入来搬动机器。(注意叉子距离和方管的位置以空载重心为准)Fork lift pocket: Need to have fork lift pocket where forks can fit in. HF35/35D型机器的控制说明:雾炮单元控制Fan Unit Controls:单元开关On-off switch for fan unit高压泵开关(控制它必须在单元开关开启后才能被开启)On-off switch

23、for hi pressure water pump (wired so that this switch cannot be turned on until fan unit fan is on)单元转头控制(5个选择)Fan Rotation Control: (five options)1.仅180度水平转头180 degree horizontal only path2.仅180 度垂直转头degree through vertical only path3.180度水平转头,然后180 度垂直转头180 degree horizontal and then 180 degree ve

24、rtical path4.左四分之一圆运动轨迹: 中心水平90度到左水平,到中心垂直,再回到中心水平left quadrant (90 degree only) center horizontal to left horizontal to center vertical and back to center horizontal5.右四分之一圆运动轨迹: 中心水平90度到右水平,到中心垂直,再回到中心水平Right qua-drant (90 degree only) center horizontal to right horizontal to center vertical and b

25、ack to center horizontalHF-35的另加说明:雾炮单元开关控制Fan on off Controls1. 这是唯一的一个设置,这就是什么时候控制器把高压水泵打开。只有当雾炮打开时,高压水泵才能被打开。There is only one setting and that is when the controller turns high speed water pump on.The high speed pump can be only turned on when the cannon has been turned on. 控制开关的位置Location of Co

26、ntrol Buttons:1. 要求有一个小的控制盒与雾炮单元分开,控制盒用至少40英尺的电缆与雾炮单元相连来控制所有的电器部件,还有相当长的电源线给雾炮单元供电。A control box should be separate from the Fan and misting cannon. The separation can be created by either a 40 ft cord that provides the power lines, along with the water line to the misting fan head to control the el

27、ectric motors for the high pressure pump, the fan motor, and the motors that drive the rotation of the misting fana. 连接电缆两头要有插头与雾炮单元和控制盒相连。可插打拨。The cable running from the fan head to the control panel should be able to be unplugged (specifically have plugs at each end that fit into the fan head and

28、to the control panel)b. 电缆的长度应适合不同的情况。There should be additional cables for different cases.注意,雾炮单元有可能放在屋外,房顶,油桶顶部等,控制盒是在室内或地面,以便人能在地面上控制。所以电缆的长度要考虑这一因素。NOTE: This concept is important when the fan unit is located on the side of a building, in a transfer station, or on a top of a oil tank. The contr

29、ol panel needs to be able to be located near the ground so the fan can be con-trolled from where someone can stand on the ground2. Connection points for CATV cables for central control of fan from a central computer using software for controlling on and off, fan unit direction, and other controls. 用

30、于软件从中心计算机来控制雾炮单元的开关,转头和其它控制的连接点。HF35D/35定单及参数表 HF35D/35 Specification and order form金额1: 不再有用的配件 Cost1: The old parts that have no use any more金额2: 可再有用的配件或新购置的配件Cost2: The old parts that can be used or new purchased parts定单信息Order information数量 No.金额1 Cost1金额2 Cost2备注 Remark(填写厂家,型号等)美国和加拿大USA/CAN

31、英国UK 新西兰NZ美国USA加拿大CAN型号 ModelsHF35DHF35DHF35DHF35DHF35HF35定制数量 Order amount(IC-0)同一机型必须保持前后设计参数的一致性,改进项目除外Please keep identical specifications 454431优先级 Priority要得最急9台It is most urgent 144交货时间 Deadline请提供交货时间Please provide deadline雾炮单元 Hurricane unit(包括不锈钢箱体,Including the stainless steel box )风扇体 Fa

32、n body 1Weight重量220kg风扇电机 Fan motor转头电机 Rotation motors123KW2*0.12KW220V,60HZ,三相 3PH;220V,50HZ,三相 3PH;220V,60HZ,单相 1PH;575V,60HZ,三相 3PH;高压泵电机 Pressure Pump motor(IC-12.2)1.5KW220V,60HZ,三相 3PH;X220V,50HZ,三相 3PH;220V,60HZ,单相 1PH;575V,60HZ,三相 3PH;喷头 Nozzles (IC-14.3) 每种型号数量Amount:10, Model型号 #4,#5,#6,#

33、7(增加7号)X高压泵High Pump 1(IC-1) 更换成含HDPE垫片X高压泵压力表meter of the high pump 1X定单信息Order information数量 No.金额1 Cost1金额2 Cost2备注 Remark美国和加拿大USA/CAN 英国UK新西兰NZ美国USA加拿大CAN3+1(35D)5(35D)4(35D)4(35D)3(35)1(35)高压水管 pressure water pipes(IC-1) HDPE 或其它耐化学品材料 HDPE or other chemical resistant materialsX供水系统 Water supp

34、ly system水箱 Water tank 1(IC-1)HDPE 或其它耐化学品材料(Size直径:1300 mm,hight高度1800mm, Volume体积 2000L升, Material料质:HDPE, thickness厚度: 7.5mm).XXXX快接充水系统 filler pipe with a quick disconnect fitting1(IC-6) 请看上面相应的改进描述. Please check above code description.XXXX截止阀 Stop valve1(IC-14)XXXX水箱出水过滤器 Water filter1(IC-5)出水过

35、滤器(80微米/200目的过滤器)80Micron/200 mesh water filterXXXX过滤器档板:Panel for Filter 1(IC-14.1)过滤器必须垂直安装在档板上,并靠近水箱的位置。Filter shall be vertically mounted on flat steel plate mounted close to the water tank. XX低水位补水探头 Low water level sensor1XXXX供药液系统 Chemical supply system药箱 Medical tank1(IC-14.2)HDPE 75L升锥形底XX药

36、箱加热器 Heater(IC-14.2)取消 EliminatedXXXXXX药箱搅拌器 Stirrer(IC-14.2)取消 EliminatedXXXXXX药箱搅拌器小电动机 Agitator motor(IC-14.2)取消 EliminatedXXXXXX药箱低水位感应器Chemical tank sensor(IC-14.2)取消 EliminatedXXXXXX蜂鸣器 Buzzer 1用于补柴油,补水、故障等的报警 for low fuel, low water level or malfunction alarmXX流量计 Flow meter1磁流汁 Magnetic read

37、er typeXX传输管道 Pipes (IC-1)HDPEXX化学配比注射系统(白色) Dosatron (IC-14.2)取消EliminatedXXXXXX管路加热系统 Pipe heating system(IC-4) 取消EliminatedXXXXXXPower system 动力系统风冷式柴油机:Diesel engine (重新购买)17220V,60HZ,三相 3PH;XX220V,50HZ,三相 3PH;(IC-7.3) 10-15 KW,它将要满足15小时连续运行的要求。That will be designed for 15 hour continuous runnin

38、g(IC-7.2)改水冷装置(如用上面大功率的风冷,水冷装置应没有必要了) It doesnt need water cooled device if using big generators.(IC-2) 柴油机要符合美国的NEMA和欧洲的CE 标准 The diesel needs to meet with American NEMA and Europes CE standards.柴油机运行总计时器:Engine hour meter.(IC-7.1)频率表和运行时间计时器, Frequency indicator and Engine hour meter.XX柴油机电子点火器:Di

39、esel ignition 点火器由柴油机自身配备 this device comes with diesel engineXXFoundation system 支撑系统底座 Platform1(IC-16.2)要有供叉车从侧面插入的方钢管,方便叉子插入来搬动机器Need to have fork lift pocket where forks can fit in.XX立柱 Vertical post2用于支撑升降系统。为方便装运,立柱要可拆卸式 For shipping, the post that support the lifting system, have to be detac

40、hable. XX升降支架 Support frame1用于支撑雾炮体,并能升降高度。为方便装运,支柱要可拆卸式 For shipping, the frame that support the cannon have to be detachable. XX船体 Boat 1取消EliminatedXXXXXX梯子系统 Ladder to access nozzles 1(IC-8)梯子系统可让工人接近喷嘴来更换和清洗 The ladder let worker access, clean and change nozzles.XX平衡杆 Balance steel stick4可加宽底座的

41、宽度,以在垃圾场为机体保平衡。(取消Eliminated)XXXXXX平衡杆支撑脚 Support legs4螺纹丝杆(取消Eliminated) XXXXXX升降系统:Lifting sys.手动液压泵站 Manual hydraulic system1XX液压油缸 Hydraulic cylinder1按原设计Keep original designXX高压油管 Oil pipes按原设计Keep original designXX电器部分 Electric partsNEMA和CE标准NEMA and CE standards.(IC-2)所有电器部件要符合美国的NEMA和欧洲的CE 标

42、准 All electric parts need to meet with American NEMA and Europs CE standards.电线接头保护: Elec. connections (IC-2.1)要有防爆保护措施。Explosive proof devices needed.电线出口接头保护Elec. outlet (IC-2.2)出线口线头都要有保护措施,如柴油机与控制箱的电线接口。All electrical connection has to have physical protection design. 控制系统 Control system 操作平台(HF

43、35)Operating platform1控制盒与雾炮单元分开用于地面控制,控制盒用至少40英尺的电缆和水管与雾炮单元相连用于控制,供电和供水。A control box should be separate from the Fan and misting cannon for ground control. A 40 ft cord and water hose that provides control, power, and water, will be connected with the cannon.电子议表盘 Control panel(在控制箱上的) 1(IC-2.2) 包

44、括所有10个控制开关 It includes all 10 control bott. XX柴油机控制面板上的盖子:Control Panel Cover for Generator 1用于防止水和湿气进入 Fo keeping from water and moisture XX可编程(PLC)控制系统: Programmable PLC 1IC-9.2:保持M1-M2,详见改进说明IC-9.3:转头要有5种模式IC-9.4:低油位,过载,和低水位停机。详见改进说明Stop when low fuel level, water level, and overload.变频启动器Frequency starter新的柴油机不用此设备(取消Eliminated)XXXXXX红外线感应启动装置Infra-sensor(IC-9.5) 保持此功能选择,但不用配备相应设备。Keep the option, but dont need any devices for it.XX6键遥控器: Six key remote Co


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