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1、倒装与强调1. I finally got the job I had been dreaming of. Never in all my life _.(feel)我终于得到了我梦寐以求的工作。 我一生从未感到这么高兴和激动过。2. He says he has never been to England; _ the United States.(be)他说他没去过英格兰,也没去过美国。3. Never _since they got married.(quarrel)他们结婚以来都从来没有吵过架。4. We have been told that under no circumstanc

2、es _ in the office for personal use.(use)我们被告知任何情况下都不能私打办公室电话。5. Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _my progress.(satisfy)我很努力的提升我的英语,但是无论如何我的老师都不满意。6. No sooner _than it began to move.(get)我刚上火车,车就开动了。7. Hardly _ the phone when I was told that the hotel had been booked full.

3、(pick)我刚一拿起电话就得知旅馆全都订满了。8. Not only_ the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)不但要协助残疾人找工作,还要协助那些有需要的人接受医疗。9. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _, but students became more interested in the lessons.(save)电脑用到了教学上。结果,不但节省

4、了老师们的精力,学生们也对课堂更感兴趣了。10. Not until the last moment _the possible danger.(remind)直到最后一刻我才提醒他可能的危险。11. He kicked her dog one day. So _ did she forgive him.(apology)那天他踢了她的狗一脚。所以直到他向她道歉,她才原谅他。12. Only when you read between the lines several times _ the main idea of this passage.(sense)只有多读几次言下之意,才能明白文章

5、的大意。13. Only after she had prepared her lessons and marked the test papers _ interview her.(chance)等她备好课,改完试卷后,我们才有机会采访她。14. So _ that I can hardly tear myself away from it.(interesting)这本书这么有趣,我爱不释手。15. Such _ that he has been praised.(make)他取得了很大的进步,得到了表扬。16. _, he made a living by himself.(as)即使他

6、是个孩子,但他自力更生。17. _with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.( as)即使他对待遇不满意,但他还是为了得到一些工作经验接受了这份工作。18. My good friend is showing me around her new flat, _ a beautiful garden.(lie)我的好朋友在带我参观她的新公寓,它的前面有个美丽的花园。19. Present at the concert _ who were popular with young people.(be)出席会

7、议的是一些受年轻人欢迎的电影明星。20. From the distance _ who was riding a horse.(come)远方来了一位骑马的士兵。21. Had _, I would never have left her alone.(happen)我要知道会发生什么事的话,我绝不会留下她一个人。22. Had _ computer games, he would have passed the examination.(spend)他要是没花时间玩电脑游戏的话,他就会通过考试了。23. Should _, your health care and other benefi

8、ts will not be immediately cut off. (lay)万一你被解雇了,你的健康医疗和其他福利都不会立刻中断。24. It was not until a month later _ the managers reply.(receive)直到一个月后我才收到经理的答复。25. Oh, where is my wallet? -Was it when that man knocked into you _?(steal) 我钱包呢? 是不是那个人撞你的时候偷走了你的钱包?26. As is reported in the latest newspaper, it is

9、 the operator, along with some officials in the station, _.(blame)据最新报道,是研究所的操作员和一些官员们该受到责备。27. _ the local guide that the mountain climber was rescued? (help)是不是在当地向导的协助下,那个登山员才得救的?28. _ that you called me yesterday?(when)你昨天到底什么时候给我打的电话?29. The police were looking into the traffic accident, hoping

10、 to find out _ that had caused it to happen.(what)警察正在调查那起交通事故,希望能找出到底是什么引起的。30. It was on the shelf _ that I found my car keys. How careless I was!(put)在我放鞋子的架子上我找到了我的车钥匙。我真是粗心啊!倒装与强调1. had I felt so happy and excited2. nor has he been to3. have they quarreled (with each other)4. can we use the tel

11、ephone5. is my teacher satisfied with6. had I got on the train7. had I picked up8. will help be given to 9. was teachers energy saved10. did I remind him of11. not until he made an apology to her 12. can you make sense of 13. did we have a chance to 14. interesting is the book15. great progress has

12、he made 16. Child as he was17. Unsatisfied as he was18. in front of which lies19. were some film stars20. came a soldier21. I known what would happen22. he not spent time (in) playing23. you be laid off24. that I received25. that he stole your wallet26. who/that is to blame27. Was it with the help o

13、f28. When was it29. what it was30. where I put my shoes倒装与强调1. had I felt so happy and excited2. nor has he been to3. have they quarreled (with each other)4. can we use the telephone5. is my teacher satisfied with6. had I got on the train7. had I picked up8. will help be given to 9. was teachers ene

14、rgy saved10. did I remind him of11. not until he made an apology to her 12. can you make sense of 13. did we have a chance to 14. interesting is the book15. great progress has he made 16. Child as he was17. Unsatisfied as he was18. in front of which lies19. were some film stars20. came a soldier21.

15、I known what would happen22. he not spent time (in) playing23. you be laid off24. that I received25. that he stole your wallet26. who/that is to blame27. Was it with the help of28. When was it29. what it was30. where I put my shoes倒装与强调1. had I felt so happy and excited2. nor has he been to3. have t

16、hey quarreled (with each other)4. can we use the telephone5. is my teacher satisfied with6. had I got on the train7. had I picked up8. will help be given to 9. was teachers energy saved10. did I remind him of11. not until he made an apology to her 12. can you make sense of 13. did we have a chance t

17、o 14. interesting is the book15. great progress has he made 16. Child as he was17. Unsatisfied as he was18. in front of which lies19. were some film stars20. came a soldier21. I known what would happen22. he not spent time (in) playing23. you be laid off24. that I received25. that he stole your wallet26. who/that is to blame27. Was it with the help of28. When was it29. what it was30. where I put my shoes


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