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1、Unit 10 What pretty flowers!,1,学校教课,countryside,2,学校教课,field,3,学校教课,flower,4,学校教课,hill,5,学校教课,river,6,学校教课,town,7,学校教课,tree,8,学校教课,9,学校教课,10,学校教课,11,学校教课,12,学校教课,Listen and answer .,1.Are there any shops and houses in the countryside?,2.Where are the tall trees?,3.Are there any rabbits in the river

2、?,Yes, there are .,They are next to the river.,No, there arent .,靠近,13,学校教课,/taun/,This is the countryside.,That is our town .,Look,Robert!,countryside,乡村,town,城镇,/kntrisaid/,我们的,our,/ auE /,14,学校教课,There are shops and houses in the countryside.,And there are farms.,shop,/ SOP /,商店,house,/ haUs /,房屋

3、,farm,农场,/ fA:m /,15,学校教课,/riv/,There are tall trees next to the river.,小河,/ tri: /,树,16,学校教课,/flau/,What pretty flowers ! Yes!,花,17,学校教课,Look!There are sheep on the hills.,And there are cows in the fields.,/fi:ld/,田野,/ Hil /,山丘,/ kaU /,奶牛,18,学校教课,Come back,Dan!,There arent rabbits in the river ,Dan

4、 .,And there are rabbits !,回来,19,学校教课,Grammar Focus 语法重点:短语,在乡下,in the countryside,靠近,next to,在山丘上,on the hills,在田野里,in the fields,回来,come back,在河里,in the river,20,学校教课,请用“There be句型翻译以下句子。,1.有两只兔子在树下。,2.有一些牛在山丘上。,3.有一条鱼在小河里。,4.有一本英语书在我的书包里。,There are two rabbits under the tree.,There are some cows

5、on the hills.,There is a fish in the river.,There is an English book in my schoolbag .,21,学校教课,重点单词:,countryside,field,flower,hill,river,town,tree,重点短语:,Come back,本课小结,next to,in the countryside,on the hills,in the river,in the fields,22,学校教课,重点句型:,There are,物品,地点,There arent,物品,地点,23,学校教课,听:U10录音并跟

6、读,复习U4U9的四会单词和句型 说:学会使用四会句型There are+名词复数+地点,并造3句,写出其否定句 写:四会单词3+1,并背上,24,学校教课,Lets review,在山丘上,on the hills,在乡下,in the countryside,靠近,next to,回来,come back,在田野里,在河里,in the river,in the fields,25,学校教课,请用“There be句型翻译以下句子。,1.有两只兔子在树下。,2.有一些牛在山丘上。,3.有一条鱼在小河里。,4.有一本英语书在我的书包里。,There are two rabbits under

7、 the tree.,There are some cows on the hills.,There is a fish in the river.,There is an English book in my schoolbag .,26,学校教课,重点句型:,Are there ?,Yes ,there are.,No ,there arent.,“There be”句型的一般疑问句 有。吗?,重点单词:,road,/rEud /,公路,27,学校教课,1、There are shops in the town .,Are there shops in the town ?,Yes , t

8、here are .,No , there arent .,28,学校教课,29,学校教课,Read.,There are shops and houses in my town.,There are houses in my town.,There are shops in my town.,30,学校教课,There are cars in my town.,There are buses in my town.,There are cars and buses in my town.,31,学校教课,32,学校教课,Listen to me and answer my questions

9、 .,Q1. whose house is it ?,Q2. What are these in front of the house ?,Q3. are there houses next to my aunts house ?,Its my aunts house .,There are trees and flowers in front of the house .,No, there arent .,33,学校教课,Please listen to me .(read),我阿姨的家在乡村里。 它是个有黄色门和蓝色窗户的小房子。 在房子前面有树和花。 田野和山丘在房子的后面。 没有房子

10、在我的阿姨家旁边而且没有商店。,My aunts house is in the countryside.,Its a little house with a yellow door and blue windows.,There are trees and flowers in front of the house.,There are fields and hills the house.,There arent houses next to my aunts house and there arent shops.,34,学校教课,但是那有从乡村通往城镇的公路。 而且在城镇里有商店。,B

11、ut there are roads from the countryside to the town,and there are shops in the town.,from to ,从到,35,学校教课,按课文填空(1)。,My aunts house is in the countryside.,Its a little house with a yellow door and blue windows.,There are trees and flowers in front of the house.,There are fields and hills behind the ho

12、use.,There arent houses next to my aunts house and there arent shops.,36,学校教课,But there are roads from the countryside to the town,and there are shops in the town.,37,学校教课,按课文填空(2)。,My aunts house is in the countryside.,Its a little house with a yellow door and blue windows.,There are trees and flow

13、ers in front of the house.,There are fields and hills behind the house.,There arent houses next to my aunts house and there arent shops.,38,学校教课,But there are roads from the countryside to the town,and there are shops in the town.,39,学校教课,40,学校教课,down 向下,clown 小丑,town 城镇,crown 皇冠,cowboy 牛仔,brown 棕色,

14、cow 奶牛,flower 花,now 现在,/au/,41,学校教课,42,学校教课,Lets review,/i: /,/ I /,/e /,/ Q /,/ E: /,/ E /,/ eI /,前元音:,中元音:,双元音:,/ O: /,/ O /,后元音:,/ A: /,/ V /,43,学校教课,Daddys taking us to the zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, Daddys taking us to the zoo tomorrow. We can stay all day . We are going to the z

15、oo, zoo. How about you, you,you? you can come too, too,too,were going to the zoo,zoo.,44,学校教课,Lesson eleven,/ u :/,/ u :/,o,oo,u,ou,ui,move,lose,to,cool,soon,moon,blue,true,glue,wound,you,soup,juice,gruit,移动,浪费,到,酷,不久,月亮,蓝色,真实的,胶水,伤口,你,汤,果汁,45,学校教课,Please turn to page 910. (小音标),46,学校教课,他无所事事。,He is

16、 at loose end.,别发火。,Keep your wool on.,我累得动不了啦。,Im to tired to move.,47,学校教课,/ u /,/ u /,oo,烹调,cook,好,good,foot,oul,could,would,u,放,put,推,pull,满的,full,48,学校教课,A good cook is reading a good cookbook, the cookbook is good for the good cook.,一个好的厨师正在看一本好的食谱,这本烹饪书对于好的出事来说的确是本好书。,49,学校教课,Please turn to page 11. (小音标),50,学校教课,Hokey Pokey,51,学校教课,


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