高中化学学业水平测试复习资料(Review of senior high school chemistry proficiency test).doc

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1、高中化学学业水平测试复习资料(Review of senior high school chemistry proficiency test)Review of chemistry academic level test in Jiangsu high school in 2008Knowledge assemblyClassification, structure, reaction and basic operation of a subjectClassification and transformation of substancessolutionMixture colloidEmu

2、lsion of organic compoundsPhysical compoundA pure substance; inorganic compoundNonmetalElementalMetalTwo. Types of chemical reactions1, four basic reaction types: chemical reaction, decomposition reaction, displacement reaction and metathesis reactionThe relationship between 2 and four basic reactio

3、n types and redox reactions:The replacement reaction must be a redox reaction, and the metathesis reaction is not necessarily a redox reaction. The chemical reaction may be the redox reaction3. Redox reactionThe essence of electron transfer (or loss offset) features: the change of valence (judgment

4、of redox reaction on the basis)Concept: l (valence) - lost (Electronic) - oxygen (oxidation) - (reducing agent)Drop (valence), (E) - (oxidation), oxygen (reducing agent)Representation method:Single track bridge2e- loses 2e-1 0-100, -12 KBr + Cl2=Br2+2KCl 2 KBr + Cl2 = Br2+2KClGet 2e-Three, the amoun

5、t of material1. Definition: a collection of symbols representing a certain number of particles: n units: mol2, the Avogadro constant: 0.012kgC-12 contains the number of carbon atoms. Expressed in NA. About 6.02x10233, the relationship between the amount of particles and substances: Formula: n=4. The

6、 mass of a substance in the quantity of a unit of substance expressed in M: g/mol is equal to the quantity of the substance5, the relationship between mass and material quantity: Formula: n=6, volume and material quantity relation: Formula: n= standard condition, 1mol, any gas volume is about 22.4l7

7、, A Vogaderos Law: the same temperature and pressure, any gas of the same volume all contain the same number of molecules8 the amount of substance in a unit volume solution; the amount of solute B. Symbol CB units: mol/l9, the amount of matter concentration and the amount of material relations: Form

8、ula: CB=10, the amount of material concentration, preparation, preparation before checking the capacity of the bottle is leakingProcedures: 1. Calculate m=c * V * M. Weigh. Dissolve. Transfer. (wash 2-3 times, wash liquid into volumetric flask)5. 6. 7. A constant volume strain bottling labelFour 、 d

9、isperse systemColloidal suspension1, scatter size (nm) 10-72. The nature of colloids: the daughter phenomenon (bright pathway) used to distinguish between solutions and colloids3: electrolyte: a compound that conducts electricity in aqueous solution or in a molten state4. Non electrolyte: compounds

10、that can conduct electricity in aqueous solution and molten state. Sucrose, alcohol, SO2, CO2, NH3, etc.Strong acid HCl, H2SO4, HNO35 strong electrolyte: electrolyte that can be ionized completely in aqueous solution. Strong alkali NaOH, KOH, Ca (OH) 2, Ba (OH) 2Most saltweak acidWeak electrolyte: a

11、n electrolyte weak base that can ionize partially in aqueous solutionwaterFive, the separation and purification of substances1, filtration method: suitable for separation of a soluble component, another insoluble solid mixture such as salt purification2. Evaporation crystallization: the solubility o

12、f each component in the mixture in the solvent3, distillation: apply to separate components of each other, but different boiling point of liquid mixtures. For example: the separation of alcohol and water, the main instrument: distillation flask condenser4, sub liquid: separate incompatible two kinds

13、 of liquid5: extraction of solute in immiscible solvent in different water solubility CCl4 layered upper lower colorless orange red without alcohol extractionSix, ion testingThe flame reaction of sodium potassium flame: yellow flame: Purple (through cobalt blue glass)Cl- test: the white precipitate

14、produced by adding silver nitrate is not soluble in dilute nitric acidSO42- test: the white precipitate produced by adding Ba (NO3) 2 is not soluble in dilute nitric acidNH4+ test: red litmus paper joined the NaOH heating gas wet blueFe3+ test: adding KSCN solution appears red Fe3+3SCN-=Fe (SCN) 3Al

15、3+ test: after adding NaOH, white precipitate first appeared and then disappearedSeven. Atomic structureProton ZNucleus1 atom AZX neutron N = A-ZExtra nuclear electron Z2, mass number = proton number + neutron number3, nuclear charge number = = = = the number of protons outside the atomic nucleus el

16、ectron number4 isotopes: different atoms with the same number of protons and different neutrons are called 11H, 21H and 31H respectivelyEight, ion reaction1, the conditions of occurrence: (1) the formation of insoluble substances (2) to generate volatile substances (3), the formation of difficult to

17、 ionize substances2 steps: 1. Write the writing. (material into easily ionized ions, soluble and insoluble to ionizable substances, gases, elemental, chemical formula. The oxide retention). Check (delete the charge conservation, conservation of the atomic number)Examples of common errors in ionic eq

18、uations:Cl2 reaction with water soluble in hydrochloric acid calcium carbonate H2O+Cl2=2H+Cl-+ClO- CO32-+2H+=CO2 = +H2OIron reacts with ferric chloride, Fe+Fe3+=2Fe2+ sulfuric acid reacts with barium hydroxide H+OH-=H2OTopic two chlorine and sodiumI. chlorine gas1. physical properties: chlorine is y

19、ellow green, pungent smell, soluble in water, density, larger than the air, easy to liquefied toxic gas. 2. chemical properties: chlorine has strong oxidizing property(1) able to follow metals (such as Na, Fe, etc.): 2Na + Cl22Na, Cl, 2Fe+3Cl22FeCL3(2) and non metal (such as H2): H2 + Cl22HCl reacti

20、on flame is pale, mouth mist generated.(3) and water reaction: Cl2 + H2O=HCl+HClO hypochlorous acid properties (weak acid, strong oxidizing stability, not easy to see light decomposition equation) was 2HClO=2HCl+O2 =, save the new system containing chlorine,The main component of water for long.(4) r

21、eact with alkali: 2NaOH+Cl2=NaCl+NaClO+H2O (used in tail gas treatment and bleaching)The reaction equation for the preparation principle of bleaching powder is that. The ingredients of the bleaching powder are the active ingredients. What the bleaching powder does is.Method 3.: laboratory chlorine r

22、eaction principle: MnO2 + 4HCl (MnCl2 + Cl2 = +2H2O thick);Generator: round bottom flask, separating funnel; removing impurities with saturated salt water absorption HCl gas; the absorption of water by concentrated H2SO4; collect up air; inspection: the starch iodide paper wet blue; exhaust gas trea

23、tment: exhaust gas absorbed by sodium hydroxide solution.4. bromine and iodine were extracted (1) 2KI + C12, =2KCl + I2 (2) 2KI + Br2 = 2KBr+I2 (3) 2KBr + Cl2 =2KCl+Br2Two, sodium1. the physical properties of sodium: silvery white, metallic luster of solid, heat and electricity of good conductor, so

24、ft, small density, low melting pointChemical properties of 2. sodiumThe sodium and water reactionThe phenomenon and explain: (Note: floating sodium density is lower than the water density) the melting: (note the low melting point of sodium; the reaction is exothermic reaction) the tour: (the gas pro

25、duced) the ring: (shows the gas): red solution drops of phenolphthalein (marked in red; that alkaline solution generated). The chemical formula is 2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2 = 2Na+2H2O=2Na+, +2OH-+H2 = ion equation.The reaction with oxygen: 4Na+O2=2Na2O 2Na+O2Na2O24. The use of sodium. (1) important compound

26、s for making sodium. 2. As the heat exchanger of neutron reactor, smelting Ti., niobium, zirconium, vanadium and other metal, sodium light sourceThree. Comparison of sodium carbonate with sodium bicarbonateSodium bicarbonate; sodium bicarbonateChemical formula Na2CO3 NaHCO3Name of soda sodaColor, st

27、atusThe solubility is smaller than that of sodium carbonateThe thermal stability of 2NaHCO3 - +H2O+CO2 = Na2CO3With hydrochloric acid Na2CO3+2HCl=2NaCl+H2O+CO2 = NaHCO3+HCl=NaCl+H2O+CO2 = severe than Na2CO3Reaction to NaOH - NaHCO3+NaOH=, Na2CO3+H2OReciprocal transformationImpurity removal: Na2CO3 s

28、olid (NaHCO3) is fully heated with Na2CO3 solution (NaHCO3) NaOHIdentification of two solids: sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. Heating occurs when the gas is sodium bicarbonate or with acid. The gas that appears first is sodium bicarbonate.Special topic three aluminum, iron, siliconAluminum

29、and its compoundsAluminum is the largest metal element in the earths crust, mainly in the form of chemical compounds, and the main component of bauxite is Al2O3Properties of aluminium 1.(1) physical properties of silver white metal solid, density 2.70g/cm3, strong toughness, good ductility, thermal

30、conductivity(2) chemical properties: aluminum is a relatively lively metal, with a strong reducibilityReaction with oxygenAt room temperature, oxygen reacts with oxygen in the air to form a strong oxide film, so aluminum has a good resistance to corrosion4Al+3O2=2Al2O3Reacting with non oxidizing aci

31、d2Al+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2 = 2Al+3H2SO4=Al2 (3+3H2 = SO4)Concentrated nitric acid passivation of aluminium and concentrated sulphuric acid at ambient temperatureReaction with strong base2Al + NaOH + 2H2O=2NaAlO2+3H2 = 2 (only one)Thermit reaction2Al+ Fe2O3 2 Fe + Al 2O3 welded rails for refractory metals2

32、.Al2O3 (amphoteric oxide)Reacted with sulfuric acid by Al2O3+3H2SO4=Al2 (SO4) 3+3H2OReacts with sodium hydroxide, Al2O3+2NaOH=2NaAlO2+H2OIonic equation Al2O3+2OH-=2AlO2-+H2O3.Al (OH) 3 (amphoteric hydroxide)React with acids, Al (OH), 3+3HCl=3AlCl3+3H2OReacted with sodium hydroxide Al (OH) 3+NaOH=NaA

33、lO2+2H2OIon reaction: Al (OH) 3+OH-=AlO2-+2H2O2Al (OH) 3 Al2O3+3H2O was decomposed by heatingAl (OH) 3 laboratory preparation: common aluminum salt and sufficient ammonia water reactionChemical equation: AlCl3+ (OH) 3NH3 H2O= Al: +3 NH4Cl 3Al3+ 3NH3 - H2O= ion equation: Al (OH): NH4 + 3 +34. alum: T

34、welve hydrated aluminum potassium sulfate KAl (SO4) 2 - 12H2O soluble in water, soluble in acidic water,Because Al3+3H2O=Al (OH) 3+3H+, so alum is often used as a water purification agent, because the hydrolysis of aluminum ions to produce aluminum hydroxide, and aluminum hydroxide adsorption, absor

35、ption of suspended particles in water and sink.Laboratory preparation of ammonia water5. conversion relationship HCl, AlCl3, Al (OH) 3Al2O3 electrolysis, Al, NaOHNaOHNaAlO2Two iron and its compounds1. the physical properties of ironA silvery metallic metallic luster with a good electrical conductivi

36、ty, thermal conductivity, and ductility, and can be attracted by magnets2. chemical properties of ironReacting with oxygen 3Fe+2O2Fe3O4 II reacts with nonmetal 2Fe+3Cl2, 2FeCl3, Fe+S, FeSThe water reacts with 3Fe+4H2O (g) Fe3O4+4H2 = 4 and Fe+H2SO4= H2 = FeSO4+ acid reactionReact with salt, Fe+CuSO4

37、=FeSO4+Cu3. iron oxide: reacts with acid Fe2O3+6HCl=2FeCl3+3H2O4.Fe3+ test: red blood solution appears with KSCNMutual transformation between 5.Fe3+ and Fe2+Fe2+ Fe3+ Fe3+ Fe2+Oxidant reducing agent2FeCl2+Cl2=2FeCl3 2FeCl3 +Fe=3FeCl2 Cu+2FeCl3=CuCl2+2FeCl26.: preparation of ferric hydroxide: FeCl3 +

38、3NaOH=Fe (OH) 3: +3NaClReacting with acids: Fe (OH), 3+3HCl=3, Fe, Cl3+3H2OThermal decomposition: 2Fe (OH) 3Fe2O3+3H2O7.: preparation of ferric hydroxide: FeCl2+2NaOH=Fe (OH) 2: +2NaClReacting with acids: Fe (OH) 2+2HCl=2Fe Cl2+3H2OOxidation in air: 4Fe (OH), 2+, O2+2H2O, =4Fe (OH) 38. corrosion of

39、iron and steel: erosion of steel by its contact with surrounding material and erosionElectrochemical corrosion: a contact between an impurity metal and an electrolyte solution to produce a micro current and a redox reaction. The 1. surface is covered with a protective layer9. the transformation rela

40、tionship between iron and its substance HCl FeCl2Fe Fe Cl2 metal corrosion prevention method 2. change the internal structureCl2 FeCl33. electrochemical protectionThree silicon and its compounds1.SiO2 chemical properties: not lively, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistanceNo water and acid

41、 (except HF) reaction SiO2+4HF=SiF4 = +2H2O glass bottles can not be installed HF acidReaction with alkaline oxide SiO2+CaO=CaSiO3React with alkali, SiO2+2NaOH=Na2SiO3+H2O laboratory, NaOH reagent bottle and rubber stopperSilicon is present in nature in the form of SiO2 and silicates, knowing that c

42、rystalline silicon is a good semiconductor material2. physical properties of silicon: crystalline silicon has black, metallic hard and brittle solid.SiO2+2C=2CO = +Si (coarse silicon) Si+2Cl2=SiCl42 SiCl4+2H2=Si+4HClTopic four sulfur and nitrogenFirst, the nature and role of sulfur dioxide1, physica

43、l properties: colorless, pungent odor of toxic gases, the density is greater than the air.2, chemical properties(1) reaction with water, SO2+H2O=H2SO3 reversible reaction, instability of H2SO3, 2H2SO3, +O2=2H2SO4(2) reductive 2SO2+O2 2SO3;(3): SO2 bleaching fuchsin solution combined with the princip

44、le: fade colored material generates colorless substance, the substance is not stable (temporary chlorine bleach) permanent bleaching principle: HClO has strong oxidation3, acid rain: PH 5.6 normal rain pH value is about 6,CO2 dissolved in waterThe formation of acid rain acid: SO2Source: (primary) bu

45、rning of fossil fuels and their products. (secondary) smelting of sulfur-containing metallic minerals and waste gases from sulphuric acid plantsPrevention and control: the development of new energy sources, the desulfurization of sulfur bearing fuels, and raise the awareness of environmental protect

46、ionThe common problems of environmental protection: Acid Rain: greenhouse effect of SO2: CO2: NO2 photochemical smog, ozone hole: CFCs white trash: plastic garbage alcohol: CH3OH indoor pollution: formaldehyde red tide: phosphorus washing powder CO and NO combined with the hemoglobin toxic heavy met

47、al ion pollution: BatteryTwo. Preparation and properties of sulfuric acid1. Contact process sulfuric acidPrinciple: (1) sulfur reacts with oxygen to form SO2 S+O2=SO2(2) SO2 reacts with oxygen to form SO3, 2SO2+O2, 2SO3(3) SO3 is converted into sulfuric acid SO3+H2O=H2SO42, the nature of sulfuric acidThe characteristic


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