c-c语言趣味程序设计编程百例精解(2)(C-c language program design programming (2).).doc

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1、c-c 语言趣味程序设计编程百例精解(2)(C-c language program design programming (2).)Juan Qiu something Yi Qi Pian at Zhu just accumulate that Fan burden that Yin whiteprince mandshurica between the Guo were up, Hui Jia Bang Bang Hong 1990 Qian chain? the Jin Pu Liao Dao arrowheads at Zhu Fan that accumulate between

2、Yin now that mandshurica bundle up the persons,. This Han Juan di Tiao. Yun / tin mutual opening. Thats the Fu Cang Fan pointed at Hui Shans mandshurica were up at the Guo Yin Cang Xiang?*. To take Jian Juan Tiao Cheng ping1 Die Cong?Ive just more Kan hammer. Zhan stretch hammer mutual Hao woo bin I

3、 He Juan Shu fine Zhu detonation1) $990 Cheng Cong Qian chain? We in the milk of fierce arrowhead Juan Lei center. Just embarrassed arrowheads have resolution that still having Fuzeng MW argon2) of the variable Fan tip at large ho Cang mandshurica and Cang Xiang Jian Yin bank ho don. There were well

4、 wrought? Still having, at $Xiao Cong Xi GA fierce Cheng her. Thats been married covered? Huang adze?3) I Kan you has covered to name He hes a at Di Cang Fan at Hui Shan, catalpa pointed up at Yin Xiang Cang, Ho Fu personsPan? Has you covered Juan? Ben? Ben? Ben, hes just like Da Di at the tip of Fa

5、n Cang mandshurica?Its Yang Da Cang Xiang up at Yin Ho?This to Juan Juan Di An, a Yang, Juan the pumping field, the Die Shu Qian? 990? Chain? Li Juan embarrassed Lei arrowhead arrowheads unit something Hao, just. Just to name He in Gan Qian Juan, Cui calls into a tin plate. Hook chain Lian negative

6、29 Lao bald, still having red hook, Qian Juan? 8 that the Suo Zou inch gauge. Yeah. Qian. Ji Xuan of mutual opening Yi. Suo can moisten preparation and adze?So, if (Qian Ju Yao consulted.? Ao Juan? Dont that Ju? 00 Yao AO) I can borrow? 400 Yao AO)Dont check it? Zou Qian Xuan fierce of FuzengNo, Yan

7、g Da Juan. Hook plate.?C for Yin Juan Xuan. Yao Chi Xi a surname Yang Jiao Wan Luan Die of holiday Xiu boom? Die makes an insect?I * and Shi Xuan Juan held open reading stored nuts?#includeInt days (struct date day);Struct dateInt year;Int month;Int day;Int main ()Struct date today, term;Int yearday

8、, year, day;Printf (Enter year/month/day:);Scanf (%d%d%d, &today.year, &today.month, &today.day); / * * / just press Ai arrowhead Center branchTerm.month=12; / * Cong Xinjiang Xi. Just the latest drama and the Put an alkali / fine chain?Term.day=31; / * Cong Xinjiang Xi. Just the latest drama and th

9、e Pu ant alkali / fine arrowheads?For (yearday=0, year=1990; year0&day4) printf (he was fishing at that day.n); / * * / if that press Yan in galliumElse printf (He was sleeping at that day.n);Int days (struct date day)Static int day_tab213=0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31, / *, Qian Chong Jiao.

10、 It Pit. Suo / tweezers?0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,;Int i, lp;Lp=day.year%4=0&day.year%100! =0|day.year%400=0;To Lei Juan year / * Zouqian, Hong Shan Qian Cuo, lp=0 hook, the hook to Qian Juan Juan Hong Zouqian /?For (i=1; iday.month; i+) / * $Cheng Juan Cong chain hook Mei 1 chain? Pound

11、. Suot arrowheads. /?Day.day+=day_tablpi;Return day.day;It was that if youd like to *Enter year/month/day:1991 1025He was fishing at day.Enter year/month/day:1992 1025He was sleeping at day.Enter year/month/day:1993 1025He was sleeping at day.Pick the * Hui GangAn out and Fan Xuan Feng plate painted

12、 more. Juan Yuan Qian Cui called guillotine?I had 12. Kun Yun Peng Robinson widow fine heliumJuan at right Ze but these branches Qi Kun Yun to swell the helium, so how Han Yang Xiao an ancient sedan chair at Bao. Yao Di drying up too to be a change in to Juan Han bang for the bare Cheng, mustard dis

13、ease, Huan Huan. Cuo chain splash, Juan Feng just just just spilled milk wind. The dust filter and Juan bang at Yao Ai Xuan of atlas, dont give out all right fine Juan, Qin Suo Shi, Shi tin plate out. Out of Wu, Xuan Chu, dont fine all right then, Juan Qin Suo Shi, Shi tin plate out. Cheng Yi Shan J

14、uan Juan, bald, Qin dont Qian adze?Juan has that Suo in. He falsely, you Se argon clothes or something. The Buddha places Qi to assess it. Juan ar Suo. A surname Qian Nan. Ta bug I Kan and to cross out reservoir Cha Wan Jing god Buddha. Qi effect?*. To take Jian Juan Tiao Cheng ping1 Die Cong?Juan L

15、ing, whip Zhen Qus cover Suo were out of here at Cha Shan Juan Juan Juan, Qin Suo as their Shi Juan, and then to the Yang Tai to Yan Qin Suo as Shi Yi, pick from a broken bare tin. Qian. Juan Cun Zhang dont help, then a surname Suo stamp to He Xuan lawrencium Beauty Center Suo a surname well, thats

16、a version of tin. Juan Suo. A surname Qian Nan Bo bug?I * and Shi Xuan Juan held open reading stored nuts?#include#includeInt main ()Int i, J, K, c;For (i=1; i=9; i+ /*i:). Ji Lao Wan Qi Buddha brand. Just a / the places?For (j=0; j=9; j+) /*j: Lao Wan Qi Yang Buddha behind. Just a / the places?If (

17、I! =j) / * He Qin Suo to name Shi, bang bare plate Xi, release his.K=i*1000+i*100+j*10+j; / * Cong $Cheng make a sound. Chi. Suo deposit covered *.For (c=31; c*ck; c+; / *) to He beauty center, covered Xi Juan Xuan Yue Juan Suo deposit covered the coax hook. / dont?If (c*c=k) printf (Lorry O. is%d.n

18、 Huang Ho, K); / * Pan center, Fan, an Bai Man / play?It was that if youd like to *Lorry _No.is 774413. Xiang that ar least am Xuan fierce?The chimney pot Juan the threshold idle Qian Ying Xi Yill just keep a surname. Zhuan chain.63%. Yao Juan Si quickly? Di Hui bang up the plate falling Juan Juan a

19、t a baking Liu hold him bald, quilting Hua Cheng Di opening Yu tin gallium Tiao. Liu. Qian Juan Gou Bang village just a big Gan 1000, a fashion to play bang Liu hook Ka by Xiao and arrowheads stamp Lian E, Cheng. He Ying Xuan wind detonation Xi Pi Ying Hua Ai hold arrowheads stamp that ar least.?*.

20、To take Jian Juan Tiao Cheng ping1 Die Cong?Dont take Jian Ying Xi Makis Xiao. I hold that we argue Yuns Chi and Yong of lumira, at Shu line. Juan Nan Ping at the most Ta Gui quilting Pi Die Chuo Qian Qian Cun hook chain Fu town just? 000. Fashion, to. Zhuan Die Hong Luan. Qian Cun bang Liu hook an

21、idler.ve threshold Ying Zhan hold Suo help finePi Qian Cun Wai Ying Hangve =1000/ (1+12*0.0063)Zhu Ling painted line just Se great ship mutual effect Se Qian Cha out at the 7th quilting quenching Juan . The going to hook ho Wai Cun Qian Ying.ve threshold idle Zhan hold Suo for fineArticle Se Qian vi

22、llage bank to hook Xiang Rao? (Pi Qian Cun hook to Hang Bank Xiang Rao? 1000) / (1+12*0.0063)Article Zhu Qian village bank to hook Xiang Rao? (Se Qian Cun hook to Hang Bank Xiang Rao? 1000) / (1+12*0.0063)Article Lao Qian village bank to hook Xiang Rao? (Zhu Qian Cun hook to Hang Bank Xiang Rao? 100

23、0) / (1+12*0.0063)Article. Qian village bank to hook Xiang Rao? (Lao Qian Cun hook to Hang Bank Xiang Rao? 1000) / (1+12*0.0063)He stretched them into. We Yun Hao Bian Wan Jing God Chixi fierce. And Qiao Di version of her Die gauge Juan the hook to Hui Ying Cun Qian Hua Ai that I will at least ar?I

24、* and Shi Xuan Juan held open reading stored nuts?#includeInt main ()Int i;Float total=0;For (i=0; i5; i+) /*i Juan Suo, just a hook to help the negative Qian / 04?Total= (total+1000) / (1+0.0063*12); / * this, Qian Ying Cun Wai PI spokenearaxle Suo with Ben Chuve Bang great ships cover boom?In that

25、 if an negative charge Zhan. * / macesPrintf (He must save%.2f at first.n, total);It was that if youd like to *He must save 4039.44 at first14. pick can hold to Xi 2000 Ying Ying that?The chimney pot threshold Suo Xiang Suo village village idle Xiao Yingve dont Qian chain Gao. Juan tweezers seams li

26、able to Beng now embarrassed He to negative adze?0.63% chain =1 Qian Gao liable?0.66% chain =2 Qian Gao liable?0.69% chain =3 Qian Gao liable?0.75% chain =5 Qian Gao liable?0.84% chain =8 Qian Gao liable?Dont = * Yin chain chain Si quickly Zhuan fissiumfs *12* Ying Si quickly to Qian Gao.ve pinch?Ri

27、ght now, Yun Mo Han GA for the Fu chain? 000. Just Kun Yun Gang hold tight to $Cheng Han Juan Cong Kun Ao Xiang Hun Nan Bian crepe at Yu nya. You do Xiangwei lumira Gou Bian down Chen Qian Cun 0 man? Then, dont Beng atlas Lang town Ying that pot? Embarrassed Lei Fen. Huo threshold inert silicon Xian

28、g nhieu torch Yao just embarrassed Yao Lu,. D. He Ni Juan to pay its fallen arrowheads). Si quickly?*. To take Jian Juan Tiao Cheng ping1 Die Cong?Juan Huanyu, the chain that Jane went to Yang., Xiang. Lumira Si quickly just like the bank. I Pishi Bian Lang chain can just a big time Shen Wan Jing Go

29、d., then an Quan Hao bin lawrencium stamped right. division chain Yin Makis Beng town Ji Bi Feng now. He Hu Juan Zhong. Juan Long read, drying Xiang lumira Chen E, this man. Dont you know what He di e a more Li version to version 20 Qian Cui Shu arc negative, of variable large. Beng couldve Yingt wh

30、en not E, and the tin gallium tin Chu Yingve not. gage. (Qian pinch Gao) Ying Qian Gou Cun? 0. Dont dont, dont the Si quickly. They are the wind.?Dont take Jian hammer just 2000ve more. 20. Xiang Qian, a flower village Xiang Qian Fu 1 I1 * 2, Qian Cun Rao Rao, Xiang I2 * 3 I3 * Xiang Qian Cun Qian C

31、un Rao, 5 i5, 8 * Xiang Rao Qian Cun Xiang I8, Luo Lang chain to Rao. I canve time Ying Bang coax Pi atlas. Juan Long to, Lang Hao Cong negative adze?2000* (1+rate1) i1* (1+rate2) i2* (1+rate3) i3* (1+rate5) i5* (1+rate8) I8A single rateN Fu Juan Liu Xiang to seize Yao Yao. Dont fear bake hook. Fiss

32、iumfs, Song Yi. It is running well Gou to Juan Yan Gao to each other by the rudder and correct fine Jiujiang0=i8=20=i5= (20-8*i8) /50=i3= (20-8*i8-5*i5) /30=i2= (20-8*i8-5*i5-3*i3) /20=i1=20-8*i8-5*i5-3*i3-2*i2Just one of the mutual - Juan torch. The chain Ling tight bee women. I8. GA 5. Height heig

33、ht 3. 2 I 1 modest height. If you Zhe Yu, Yang Xi e Ai Cha, Long to fissiumfs. A $Cheng. Ying Cong spinning drying and the alkali, that distinguish the chain, Hao Huan Chong Xiang Rao Ju Nan Jin which were?I * and Shi Xuan Juan held open reading stored nuts?#include#includeInt main ()Int I8, i5, I3,

34、 I2, I1, N8, N5, N3, N2, n1;Float max=0, term;For (i8=0; i83; i8+) and the bee and GA / * something Chi. Ying. * /ve rose spinningFor (i5=0; i5= (20-8*i8) /5; i5+)For (i3=0; i3= (20-8*i8-5*i5) /3; i3+)For (i2=0; i2max)Max=term; n1=i1; n2=i2; n3=i3; n5=i5; n8=i8;Printf (For maxinum profit, he should

35、so save his money in a bank:n);Printf (made fixed deposit for 8 year:%d timesn, N8);Printf (made fixed deposit for 5 year:%d timesn, N5);Printf (made fixed deposit for 3 year:%d timesn, N3);Printf (made fixed deposit for 2 year:%d timesn, N2);Printf (made fixed deposit for 1 year:%d timesn, N1);Prin

36、tf (Toal:%.2fn, Max);Where the press hereve / *. * / GUI Ying FangIt was that if youd like to *For maxinum profit, he should so save his money in a bank:Made fixed deposit for 8 year: 0timesMade fixed deposit for 5 year: 4timesMade fixed deposit for 3 year: 0timesMade fixed deposit for 2 year: 0time



39、嶏細X-1鍚庡彲琚?鏁撮櫎锛屼綑涓嬬殑楸间负4 *(X-1)銆?銆傝嫢X婊冻涓婅堪瑕佹眰锛屽垯X灏辨槸棰樼洰鐨勮銆?*绋嬪簭璇存槑涓庢敞閲?#包括国际main()int n,i,x,旗= 1;/*旗锛氭帶鍒舵爣璁?/对于(n = 6;标志;n + +)/ * * /閲囩敤璇曟帰鐨勬柟娉曘備护璇曟帰鍊糿閫愭鍔犲对于(x = n,i = 1和;i = 5;i +)如果(X-1)% 5 = = 0)x = 4 *(X-1)/ 5;其他标志= 0;/*鑻笉鑳藉垎閰嶅垯缃爣璁癴ALG = 0閫鍑哄垎閰嶈繃绋?/如果(旗)/ * * /鑻垎閰嶈繃绋嬫甯哥粨鏉熷垯鎵惧埌缁撴灉閫鍑鸿瘯鎺殑杩囩打破;其他标志=

40、 1;/*鍚垯缁画璇曟帰涓嬩竴涓暟*/printf(“总数量的鱼抓住= %dn”,N);/ * * /杈撳嚭缁撴灉*杩愯缁撴灉鱼抓住=总人数3121*闂鐨勮繘涓姝璁?绋嬪簭閲囩敤璇曟帰娉曪紝璇曟帰鐨勫垵鍊间负6锛屾瘡娆瘯鎺殑姝暱涓?銆傝繖鏄繃鍒嗕繚瀹堢殑鍋氭硶銆傚彲浠湪杩涗竴姝垎鏋愰鐩殑鍩虹涓婁慨鏀规鍊硷紝澧炲璇曟帰鐨勬闀垮硷紝浠噺灏戣瘯鎺鏁般?*鎬濊冮璇蜂娇鐢叾瀹冪殑鏂规硶姹傝鏈銆?16。鍑哄敭閲戦奔In Suo Su Xiao. Cen Dong Juan. The meat put Yin fried He Bang mandshurica tapestry great ship mak

41、e a sound. Yang Fei Juan Lou Dong Cunrao polished rice meat into a make a sound. People at an Ji. Juan to Bangs He. * Fuzeng. For this article Lao Rao Dong Juan Juan. Hongkun widow. Something for the He. E to get Zhu Heicha. Ce Juan * Zhu Fuzeng. The article Dong Juan. Rao Hongkun widow. He Cen. E t

42、akes the river bank for you to Se. Ce Juan * Se Fuzeng. The article Dong Rao. Hongkun Juan. Liu He Heicha widow bang for the blade. Get to the Pi. Ce Juan. * Fuzeng chain at Yi. Hongkun Juan Dong Yang. 11 degrees. The widow Suod cut now. I can pick a tapestry Zhan Ben Fu. Have you read on: Ben, Xun?

43、*. To take Jian Juan Tiao Cheng ping1 Die Cong?Hammer Zhen Qu Juant Ling. And a chain to Pi nhieu. ., locked out of her. my sore Dong Jiang Wei, Qianll release, Dong Ji J strain Rao and.? j+1) to the Ce. Juan. Ji Ao 1/ (j+1) degrees. The Yao Bang Bang takes great ship Hao Huans tears and this great ship? 1. into an. Janes?The pot of Ben Lei embarrassed. Juan nhieu sewing a word used in persons name at Chu, Han Da Juan painted covered quilt $Wang Juan fine Bi nhieu a word used in persons n


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