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1、物流企业提高物流服务质量研究物流企业提高物流服务质量研究 摘要摘要 随着全球经济一体化、信息电子化的发展,现代物流已经成为社会发展的热点, 企业已开始认识到物流对于推动经济发展、改善投资环境和提高市场竞争力的重要 性,把发展现代物流作为一项涉及经济全局的战略性问题来抓,现代物流已成为经 济腾飞的亮点之一,企业发展要重视提高物流服务的创新。 物流的本质是服务, 如何实现高效、快捷、准确、安全、经济的物流服务, 直接 影响物流企业的生存和发展。因此, 提升物流企业的服务质量, 是当前物流企业亟待 解决的重大问题。从物流企业的实际出发, 从可操作性的角度提出了强化物流服务 质量意识、构建全新的物流服

2、务质量管理体系、细化管理、积极采用先进的物流技 术等提高物流服务质量的对策。 关键词关键词 物流服务;物流服务创新;物流成本;效益背反 课题研究的背景及意义课题研究的背景及意义 20 世纪 90 年代以来 ,随着科学技的进步和经济的不断发展,消费呈现个性化、 多样化的特征。企业面临着缩短交货期、提高产品质量和降低成本的压力。 商品在 进人成熟期以后, 顾客对于商品的比较不仅仅放在质量方面,而更侧重于伴随商品 购买所得到的服务,服务在顾客决策中已占据重要地位。面对激烈的市场竞争越来 越多的企业开始关注客户服务,去主动靠近顾客并以顾客的需求和利益为中心,最 大限度地满足顾客的需求,顾客服务成为企业

3、竞争力重要表现。作为顾客服务主要 构成部分的物流服务,则成为企业提升竞争力的关键。特别是随着网络技术的发展, 企业间的竞争已突破了地域的限制,竞争的中心逐步转移为物流服务的竞争。目前 许多大型制造业、零售业的跨国公司,为争夺全球市场,把物流服务作为自己的竞 争优势。同时,它们也从高效率、优质的顾客服务中获得巨额利润。在日益激烈的 市场竞争环境下,如何提升和确定企业的物流服务水平,保证企业长期竞争优势, 已成为企业需要关注的重大课题。 物流是企业生产和销售的重要环节,是保证企业高效经营的重要方面。对于一 个企业来说,物流包括从采购、生产到销售这一供应链环节中所涉及的仓储、运输、 搬运、包装等各项

4、活动,贯穿企业活动始终。只有物流的顺畅,才能保证企业的正 常运行。同时,物流服务还是提高企业竞争力的重要方面,及时准确地为客户提供 产品和服务,是企业之间除价格以外的重要竞争因素。 物流服务水平是构建物流系统的前提条件。物流服务水平是构建物流系统的前 提条件企业的物流网络如何规划、物流设施如何配置、物流战略怎样制定,都必须 建立在一定的物流服务水平之上。不确定一定的物流服务水平而空谈物流,是“无源 之水,无本之木”。 物流服务水平是降低物流成本的依据。物流在降低成本方面起着重要的作用, 而物流成本的降低必须首先考虑物流服务水平,在保证一定物流服务水平的前提下 尽量降低物流成本。物流服务水平是降

5、低物流成本的依据。 物流服务的涵义物流服务的涵义 物流是物品从供应地到接收地的实体流动中,根据实际需要,将运输、储存、 装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合来实现用 户要求的过程。 服务是指为他人做事,并使他人从中受益的一种有偿或无偿的活动。不以实物 形式而一提供活劳动的形式满足他人某种特殊需要。 物流服务是指对客户商品利用可能性的物流保证,企业的存在就是为了满足顾 客某方面的需要,为顾客提供产品和服务,而物流服务是保证企业能有效提供优质 服务的基础,面对日益激烈的竞争和消费者价值取向的多元化,企业管理者已发现 加强物流管理,改进顾客服务是创造持久竞争优势的有效手段

6、。 物流服务水平是衡量物流系统为客户创造时间和空间效应能力的尺度,它决定 了企业能否留住现有客户及吸引新客户的能力,直接影响着企业所占市场份额和物 流总成本。企业的物流服务水平不是由物流系统本身决定的,而是由整个现代企业 竞争态势决定。理想的物流服务水平,是企业要以适当的质量、适当的数量、适当 的时刻、适当的地点、好的印象、适当的价格,将物品递送给客户。 物流服务相关理论学说物流服务相关理论学说 物流系统的效益背反包括物流成本与服务水平的效益背反和物流功能活动的效 益背反。物流成本与服务水平的效益背反指的是物流服务的高水平在带来企业业务 量和收入增加的同时,也带来了企业物流成本的增加,即高水平

7、的物流服务必然伴 随着高水平的物流成本,而且物流服务水平与物流成本之间并非呈线性关系,投入 相同的物流成本并非可以得到相同的物流服务增长。 产品生命周期是产品的市场寿命,即一种新产品从开始进入市场到被市场淘汰 的整个过程。产品生命是指市上的的营销生命,产品和人的生命一样,要经历形成、 成长、成熟、衰退这样的周期。就产品而言,也就是要经历一个开发、引进、成长、 成熟、衰退的阶段。而这个周期在不同的技术水平的国家里,发生的时间和过程是 不一样的,期间存在一个较大的差距和时差,正是这一时差,表现为不同国家在技 术上的差距,它反映了同一产品在不同国家市场上的竞争地位的差异,从而决定了 国际贸易和国际投

8、资的变化。 通过对物流服务标准的执行情况和效果的分析,通过对物流服务标准的执行情况和效果的分析,提高企业物流服务措施提高企业物流服务措施 在市场竞争日益激烈的时代,企业经营环境的复杂性和不确定性达到了前所未 有的程度,激烈的竞争要求企业具有比竞争对手更加卓有成效地从事物流经营活动 的能力。由于企业物流服务水平的高低在很大程度上决定了企业竞争力能力的高低, 因此,如何提升物流服务水平已成为企业迫切需要解决的问题。让物流管理者参与 供应链前台管理。 1、转变观念,树立顾客至上的服务意识、转变观念,树立顾客至上的服务意识 物流服务水平的确定不应只站在供给的一方考虑,而应把握顾客的要求,从产 品导向转

9、变为市场导向。由于产品导向型的物流服务是根据供方自身需要所决定, 难以适应顾客的需求,容易造成服务水平设定失误,同时也无法根据市场环境的变 化和竞争格局及时加以调整。而市场导向型的物流服务则是根据经营部门的信息和 竞争企业的服务水平有针对性的加以制定,因而需要树立顾客至上的服务意识,进 一步转变观念。更加接近客户的需求,并能对其及时进行控制。 企业在制定物流服务要素和服务水准时,应当保证服务的差别化,即与其他企 业物流服务相比具有鲜明的特色,这是保证高服务质量的基础,也是物流服务战略 的重要特征。要实现这一点就必须具有对比性的物流服务观念,即重视了解和收集 竞争对手的物流服务信息。 2、建立物

10、流信息系统、建立物流信息系统 为了谋求物流服务的高效率与高质量,必须建立一个能够迅速传递和处理物流 信息的信息系统,这是物流服务的中枢神经和支持保障。利用电子化、网络化手段 完成物流全过程的协调、控制,实现从网络前端到终端客户的所有中间过程服务。 现代化的管理主要体现在物流信息化的开发与应用上。物流管理信息化必备条件主 要有三点:(1)一套完整的物流信息管理系统,为物流运作提供电子化管理。 (2) 一个能快速、方便、安全、可靠的交换数据的方法电子数据交换平台。 (3)为用户 提供个性化的物流信息服务。企业应加大投入,建立计算机支持的物流信息系统。 3、借助外部资源、借助外部资源 提高企业的物流

11、服务水平提高企业的物流服务水平 20 世纪 80 年代以来,外包已成为商业领域中的一大趋势。企业越来越重视集 中自己的主要资源于主业,而把辅助性功能外包给其他企业。发达国家的许多企业, 已逐步将物流功能委托给外部的第三方物流公司。有些公司虽然还保留着物流功能, 但越来越多地开始由外部合同服务来补充。物流功能外包方式对于企业物流服务的 质量和效率的提高,以及降低物流成本产生了积极作用。 4、培养高级物流人才、培养高级物流人才 要加大改革力度,加大资金投入,解决人才培养问题,建立人才吸纳机制,加 强学历教育培训,创建多元化的教学体系。按照物流市场和专业素质需要,合理设 置物流专业课程。在具体实施教

12、育过程中,鼓励和允许各高等院校按照市场对人才 的需要和职业类型需要,开办和设置物流专业和课程。注重理论与实践相结合,培 养创新物流人才。由于物流业实践性强,因而,教学活动必须注重理论与实践相结 合,并灵活运用多种教学手段。 附注:本文摘自附注:本文摘自“国际服务科学国际服务科学”管理,工程,技术(管理,工程,技术(IJSSMETIJSSMET) 20112011 年,年,2 2 卷,第卷,第 1 1 期,期,1-141-14(页码)(页码) Logistics enterprises to improve the quality of services of logistics ABSTRAC

13、T With the global economic integration, the development of electronic information, the development of modern logistics has become a hot industry has begun to understand the logistics for the promotion of economic development, improve the investment environment and enhance the importance of market co

14、mpetitiveness, the development of modern logistics as one on the global strategic economic issues, and modern logistics has become one of the highlights of economic take-off, business development to the importance of improving the innovation of logistics services. Is the essence of logistics service

15、s, how to achieve efficient, fast, accurate, safe and economical logistics services, directly affecting the survival and development of logistics enterprises. Therefore, improving the quality of service logistics company, is currently a major logistics problem be solved. From the reality of the logi

16、stics business, from the standpoint of operational logistics service quality of the enhanced awareness, build a new logistics service quality management system, detailed management, and actively adopt advanced logistics technology measures to improve the quality of logistics services. Key Words logi

17、stics services, logistics service innovation, logistics cost, effective antinomy The background and significance of the research With the progress of science and technology and economic development since the 1990s, the consumption of personalized, diverse characteristics. Enterprises are facing pres

18、sure to shorten delivery time, improve product quality and reduce costs. Goods into maturity, customer goods comparison not only on the quality, but rather focus on accompanied the commodity purchase the service, service to occupy an important position in the customer decision-making. The face of fi

19、erce market competition, more and more enterprises begin to focus on customer service, to take the initiative to close to the customer and to the needs and interests of the customer as the center, to meet the needs of customers, customer service become important to the performance of the competitive

20、ness of enterprises. The main components as a customer service logistics services, has become the key for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. With the development of network technology, the competition among enterprises has exceeded geographical constraints, competition in the center of th

21、e gradual transfer of logistics services competition. Many large-scale manufacturing, retail multinationals, to compete for the global market, the logistics services as their competitive advantage. The same time, they also reap huge profits from the high-efficiency, high-quality customer service. Ho

22、w to improve and to determine the level of logistics services in the increasingly fierce competition in the market environment, and to ensure the long-term competitive advantage has become a major issue that companies need to focus. Logistics is an important part of corporate production and sales, t

23、he important aspect is to ensure that enterprises efficient operations. For an enterprise, the logistics, including warehousing, transportation, handling, packaging, and other activities involved in the supply chain from procurement, production to sales throughout the enterprise activities always. O

24、nly smooth logistics, in order to ensure the normal operation of the enterprise. Logistics services to improve important aspects of the competitiveness of enterprises, products and services to provide customers with timely and accurate, it is an important competitive factors other than price between

25、 enterprises. Logistics service level is a prerequisite for building a logistics system. Logistics service level is a prerequisite for enterprises to build the logistics system of logistics network how to plan, how to configure of logistics facilities and logistics strategy formulation, have to be b

26、uilt above the certain level of logistics services. Uncertainty logistics service level and empty talk logistics, river without water, without trees. Logistics service level is the basis to reduce logistics costs. Logistics plays an important role in reducing costs, logistics cost reduction must fir

27、st consider the level of logistics services, reduce logistics costs as much as possible under the premise to guarantee a certain level of logistics services. Logistics service level is the basis to reduce logistics costs. Meaning of logistics services Logistics articles from the flow of supplies to

28、the receiving entity, according to the actual needs of the transportation, storage, handling, transport, packaging, distribution, processing, distribution, information processing function organically combine to achieve user requirements. Service is for others to do things, and enable others to benef

29、it from a paid or unpaid activities. Provide a kind of living labor to meet others in the form of some kind of special needs. Logistics services customers products to take advantage of the possibility of logistics to ensure the existence of the enterprise is in order to meet the needs of certain asp

30、ects of the customer, to provide customers with products and services, and logistics services is to ensure that enterprises can effectively provide quality services to the foundation, in the face of increasingly intense competition and consumer value orientation diversified corporate managers have b

31、een found to strengthen the logistics management, improved customer service is an effective means to create sustainable competitive advantage. Logistics service level is a measure of the logistics system for customers to create time and space scales of effect ability, the ability to determine the ab

32、ility of the business to retain existing customers and attract new customers, direct impact on the enterprise market share and total logistics costs. Enterprise logistics service level is not determined by the logistics system itself, but is determined by the competitive situation of the modern ente

33、rprise. The ideal level of logistics services, to appropriate quality, the appropriate number of the appropriate moment, the right place, a good impression, the appropriate price, the delivery of goods to customers. Logistics services related theories The effectiveness of the logistics system back a

34、nti-including logistics cost and service level of effective anti-back and the effectiveness of the activities of logistics functions antinomy. Antinomy refers to the benefits of logistics costs and service levels is a high level of logistics services in bring enterprise business volume and revenue i

35、ncrease, also brought an increase in the cost of logistics enterprises, that a high level of logistics services must be accompanied by a high level of logistics costs and logistics service level and logistics cost is not a linear relationship, put into the same logistics costs are not can get the sa

36、me logistics services growth. The product life cycle is the market life of the product, and eliminated entire process from start to enter the market to a new product.Product life market marketing life, and the lives of the people, to go through the formation, growth, maturity, recession cycle. In te

37、rms of products, which is to go through a development, introduction, growth, mature, stage of the recession. This cycle in countries of different levels, occurred at a time and the process is not the same as during the existence of a large gap and the time difference, it is this time difference, the

38、 performance of the different countries in the technological gap, which reflects the the differences of the same product in a competitive position on the markets of different countries, to determine the changes in the international trade and international investment. Through the analysis of the impl

39、ementation and effectiveness of logistics service standards, improve enterprise logistics service measures Times, in an increasingly competitive market, the complexity of the business environment and uncertainty reached an unprecedented level, fierce competition requires companies with more effectiv

40、e than competitors in logistics operations. Enterprise logistics service level of a large extent determine the ability level of the competitiveness of enterprises, so how to enhance the level of logistics services has become an enterprise is an urgent need to solve the problem. Logistics managers in

41、volved in the management of the supply chain front. 1. changing concepts, establish a customer-oriented service awareness The determination of the level of logistics services should not only consider the party standing supply should grasp the requirements of the customer, the shift from product- ori

42、ented to market-oriented. Product-oriented logistics services is determined based on the supply-side needs, it is difficult to adapt to the needs of customers, the level of service is likely to cause setting mistakes, but also can not be adjusted timely according to the changing market environment a

43、nd competitive landscape. Market-oriented logistics services is based on the business sector and competitive enterprise service level targeted to be developed, and therefore need to establish a customer-oriented service awareness, and change their ideas further. Closer to customers needs, and its co

44、ntrol in a timely manner. In the development of the logistics service elements and service standards should ensure service differentiation, that have distinct characteristics compared with other enterprise logistics services, an important feature of this is to ensure a high quality of service, but a

45、lso logistics services strategy. To achieve that must have a contrast between the concept of logistics services, logistics service information that emphasis on understanding and collect competitors. 2. the establishment of the Logistics Information System In order to seek high-efficiency and high-qu

46、ality logistics services, we must establish a rapid pass and handling logistics information system, which is the central nervous system and support the protection of logistics services. The use of electronic means of networking to complete the entire process of logistics coordination, control, the m

47、iddle of the process of service from the network front-end-to-end customer. Modern management mainly on the development and application of information technology in logistics. Logistics Management Information prerequisites has three main points: (1) a complete set of logistics information management

48、 system for the electronic management of logistics operation. (2) a fast, convenient, safe and reliable method of electronic data exchange data exchange platform. (3) to provide users with personalized logistics information services. Enterprises should increase investment, to establish a computer-su

49、pported logistics information system. 3. with the help of external resources to improve enterprise logistics service level Since the 1980s, outsourcing has become a major trend in the business field. The enterprises focus their own resources on the main industry more and more attention, and auxiliary functions outsourced to other companies. Many enterprises in developed countries, has been gradually logistics functions entrusted to external third-par


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