初一(上)Unit 6 《Do you like bananas》(Period 1: Section A 1a – 2d).doc

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1、教学设计(教案)基本信息英语年 级七年级教学形式讲授法、讨论法、多媒体教学教 师 单 位 课题名称初一(上)Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(Period 1: Section A 1a 2d)学情分析分析要点:1.教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等;2.学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和水平基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线;3.学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点。要点分析:学习者分析:进入中学七年级的学生,学习谈论他们喜欢和不喜欢食物方面,紧密我们的日常生活。所以,在这个年龄阶段,激发学生的学习

2、兴趣和提升学生的听、说、读、写技能以及他们自主探究和合作学习的水平有很大的协助,但还需进一步引导。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.水平目标;3.情感态度与价值观。Teaching aims :1. Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these words:orange(s), banana(s), strawberry, strawberries, pear(s), apple(s), tomato(es), carrot(s), vegetable(s), hamburger(s), egg(s), ice-crea

3、m, salad, bread, chicken, milk2. Be able to talk about likes and dislikes by using:l I/We /They like hamburgers. He/She likes hamburgers.l I/We /They dont like ice-cream. He/She doesnt like hamburgers.l Do you like bread? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.l Does he/she like bread? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she

4、doesnt.3. Perceive the Countable nouns and Uncountable Nouns. 教学过程Teaching steps:Step 1导1.warning-up and revision (1)Daily greeting to the students(2)Revision:Whats this/that in English? What color is it?T: Whats this in English? (showing a picture of orange ) S: Its an orange.T: What color is it?S:

5、 Its orange.2. Presentation (1) Go on asking: Whats this/that in English? What color is it?T: Whats this in English? (showing a picture of an/a apple and if the student dont know, show the phonetic symbol of the word.) S: Its an apple.T: Spell it, please.S: A-P-P-L-E.T: What color is it?S: Its red.

6、(Present the other three words like the above: pear, strawberry, banana) T: We can call all of these things fruit.(Teach the new word fruit.) Show the pictures and ask the students to spell the plural forms of these words: oranges, apples, pears, strawberries, bananas. Step 2 学 1Get the students to

7、talk about their likes and dislikes in pairs and then in groups, by using the sentences: I like (and ). But I dont like (or ).We/They like (and ). But we/they dont like (or ).She/He likes (and ). But she/he doesnt like (or ).2. Perceive the Countable nouns and Uncountable Nouns.To present carrot, ca

8、rrots, tomato, tomatoes and vegetable, vegatables Students read and write them.3. Get the students to ask and answer in pairs, using the sentences:Do you like (s/es)?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.4.Present more words by showing pictures. Get the students to make an effort to pronounce and spell the new wo

9、rds by the phonetic symbols. Ask the students to guess if the girl and the boy on the picture likes the things shown on the screen. Then get them to ask and answer in pairs like:Does she/he like?Yes, she/he does. / No, she/he doesnt.Step 3 析In this period, weve learned the use of the simple present

10、tense and know how to talk about the food we like and dont like. And weve also learned some language points.words:banana(s), strawberry, strawberries, pear(s), apple(s), tomato(es), carrot(s), vegetable(s), hamburger(s), egg(s), orange(s) ,ice-cream, salad, bread, chicken, milklanguages:Do you like

11、salad?Yes,I do./ No,I dont.Do they like pears?Yes,they do./No,they dont.Does she /he like tomotoes?Yes,she/he does./ No,she/he doesnt.I/We /They like hamburgers. He/She likes hamburgers.I/We /They dont like ice-cream. He/She doesnt like hamburgers.Step 4 练1.Practice(1) 1a. Match the words with the p

12、ictures (2) 1b. Listen and number the conversations.(3) 1c. First, practice the conversations in 1b. Then, make a survey and fill in the chart below. (4) 2a. Listen and circle the food you hear (5) 2b. Listen and fill in the blanks.2. Pairwork Ask the students to imagine they are having lunch with o

13、ne of their friends. Practice the conversations in 2b. Give answers that are true for them.板书设计板书设计Unit 6 Do you like bananas?The key words: banana(s), strawberry, strawberries, pear(s), apple(s), tomato(es), carrot(s), vegetable(s), hamburger(s), egg(s), orange(s) ,ice-cream, salad, bread, chicken,

14、 milkThe target language:Do you like salad?Yes,I do./ No,I dont.Do they like pears?Yes,they do./No,they dont.Does she /he like tomotoes?Yes,she/he does./ No,she/he doesnt.I/We /They like hamburgers. He/She likes hamburgers.I/We /They dont like ice-cream. He/She doesnt like hamburgers.作业或预习Homework(1)Read the conversation in 2a and try to recite it.(2)Write a report according to the survey. 自我评价虽然整节课完整有序,充分调动了学生的参与热情,使学生愿意积极配合完成各个环节,气氛相当热烈,但是有些教学细节还有待于精雕细琢,有些训练还应该根据学生反应出来的问题实行调整。比如学生愿意大胆地用英语讲很好,但是说的过程中,还是发现很多学生口头表达时会出现一些错误。在学生讲的时候不一定当场打断他们,以免挫伤他们说英语的积极性,但是作为老师,要正视这些问题,并且在今后的教学中增强有针对性的训练。


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