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1、9童话剧五个苹果历险记剧本人 物:苹果兄弟(然然、清清、梦梦、创创、行行)、森林虎大王、小猴、狗熊、狐狸、黄蜂及若干动物、昆虫。Character: The Apple Brother(Ranran, Qingqing, Mengmeng, Chuangchuang, Xiangxiang), The tiger king of Forest, Little Monkeys, Black Bear, Fox, Hornets and a number of animals, Insects.情节设计:五个苹果兄弟散落在黑森林中,被动物王国困禁,动物们打算着吃掉他们。五个苹果兄弟表现出了不同的心

2、态:慌张、出卖、逃跑、自杀。在这形势危急的时刻,苹果兄弟中最小的行行把其他四个兄弟的心聚集到一起,心手相连,发挥出了宇宙超能量,打败了森林大王老虎,逃出了黑色森林的魔爪Plot: Five brothers scattering in the dark woods were trapped by the animals planning to eat them in the animal kingdom. The brothers presented different states of mind: panic, betray, fleeing, suicide. In the moment

3、 of the critical situation, the youngest of the brothers, Xiangxiang, using the cosmic super energy which comes into being by gathering the heart of other brothers, heart-in-hand, debated the tiger king in the forest, escaped from the talons of dark woods. 旁 白:公元2011年4月27日的凌晨,五个可爱的苹果兄弟迷失在了恐怖的黑森林中,开始

4、了惊险的历程!Voiceover: Five lovely Apple Brothers lost in the horrific dark woods, and start their breathtaking progress in morning on the April 27, 2011!场 景:(黑色的森林,弯弯的月亮,背景音乐响起,鸟鸣声,小溪声。五个苹果在翻板后出现,十只小猴子将苹果逮住,苹果兄弟挣扎,高喊着)Scene: (Black forest, the crescent moon, Background music ringing, twitter, stream mur

5、muring. Five apples appearing after the platform trap door are seized by ten little monkeys. They are struggling and shouting loudly.)苹果兄弟:放开我们,放开我们!Apple Brothers: Let us go, let us go.小猴甲:哈哈!放开你们?做梦吧!哈哈!兄弟们!对不对?The first little monkey: Haha! Free you? Dreaming. We will send you to our king. He wil

6、l very be pleasant. Haha! Is it right?小猴齐说:对!对!走!快走!All little monkeys said neatly: Right! Right! Go! Go! Quickly!小猴乙:大王!大王!看我们拿什么来孝敬您了!The second little monkey: King! King! See what we take to you!虎大王:(惊讶状)哇噻!哇噻!哇哇噻!好大的苹果啊!五个?哈哈!我怎么吃得下?The tiger king: (surprisingly) Wow! Wow! Wow! For me! How big t

7、he apples! Five? Haha! How do I eat down?狗 熊:大王!您知道我是最馋的了,先给Black bear: The king! You know that I am the greediest. Please give me first The tiger king: You No way.狐 狸:(抢着说)可敬的大王,我想拿一个最圆的苹果搞一次森林足球赛,您看怎么样?Fox: (Hurrying to say) Dear King, I have a good idea. We can hold on a football match with the m

8、ost round apple. OK?虎 大 王:好!开始吧。The tiger king: Good idea. Go猴子:(高喊)慢!大王!我有一个妙计,不如我把它们五个榨成汁儿尝尝,您看怎么样?Monkey: (Shout loudly) Wait! King! I have a wonderful idea, how about squeeze them into juice, and taste it. OK?动物齐说:对!对! 对!All animals together said: Right! Right! Right! 虎大王:(哈哈大笑)谁还有更新的创意让朕听听!The

9、tiger king: (Roar with laughter) Anyone else? Say it out and let me hear!旁 白:动物们七嘴八舌地说着,这时五个苹果兄弟在一旁垂头丧气。Voiceover: When animals talk at the same time, the five apple brothers lose their spirits aside.然 然:唉!我们怎么这么倒霉,我们要死了!Ranran: Alas! How unlucky! We are dying soon.清 清:谁说不是了!兄弟们,我可管不了这么多了,我要逃走(说完抬脚就

10、跑,没几步,猴子丙、丁追了上来,将清清按倒在地)Qingqing: Yes, I agree! My brothers, I cant care so much, and I will run away.( No sooner had he said it than he began to run, but few steps later, the third and fourth monkeys go after him, then press him to the ground). 猴子丙丁:还想跑,我看你是活腻歪了吧!The third and fourth monkeys: You s

11、till want to flee? I see that you want to die.梦 梦:(扭扭捏捏地走到大王面前)大王,我叫梦梦,大王,苹果就是用来吃的,您说您愿意吃什么口味的?Mengmeng: King, Im Mengmeng ! What kind of apples do you like?虎大王:(满不在乎地粗声说)什么口味?费 啊就话!谁不愿意吃甜的!The tiger king: What kind of ? Nonsense! Nobody is not willing to eat sweet.梦 梦:对呀!大王,这几个兄弟中,就我没见过阳光,始终在暗面长大的,

12、您看我这一身颜色,又青又绿的,可不好吃了,您要吃我准得坏肚子!Mengmeng: Right! The king, you see, among our brothers, only I havent seen the sun. My body is so blue and green that I am not delicious. You are going to be sick if you eat me.旁 白:虎大王摸着自己的肚子,有些怀疑。Voiceover: The tiger king touches his abdomen and feels suspicious.狐狸:大王

13、,大王,哈哈,我我我。Fox: King, king, haha, I 众 猴:我我什么我?你想说什么呀?All monkeys: What do you want to say?狗 熊:我喜欢吃苦的,我来解决这个青果子吧!Black bear: I like bitter, so I could have the green fruit.The tiger king: You Go away.旁 白:一听这话,梦梦害怕地敢紧缩了回去Voiceover: The moment Mengmeng hear what the black bear say, he recoils with fear

14、 immediately.创 创:这个世界太残酷了,上帝为什么创造了我又折磨我?兄弟们,我宁愿自杀,也不让他们吃掉,我先走一步了。Chuangchuang: The world is so cruel. My brothers, I would rather commit suicide than being eaten, so I will die first.旁 白:话音未落创创就撞向石头,这时被行行拉住。Voiceover: Hardly finish speaking had Chuangchuang crashed to a stone, but was held on by Xia

15、ngxiang.行 行:兄弟们,你们又要自杀,又出卖兄弟,这是办法吗?我们是宇宙中的精灵,如果我们兄弟五人联合到一起,将宇宙能量汇聚起来,或许能创造出宇宙超能量呢!Hanghang: Brothers, to die, to betray, is it a good idea? No. we are the spirit of the forest. We five brothers unite together and we will have the forest super power.然 然:对呀!我怎么没想起来?Ranran: Yes! Why dont I think of tha

16、t?清 清:我们五个兄弟,他们人多,而且个个心狠手辣,不行,肯定不行。Qingqing: We are only five, yet they are many and each one is ruthless. No, for sure no.梦 梦:刚才是我不好,行行,你们原谅我吧!Mengmeng: Im sorry that its my fault just now, and Xiangxiang , please forgive me.创 创:没关系。现在我们都听行行的吧!行行,你说,怎么发挥宇宙超能量!Chuangchuang: Never mind. And now we al

17、l follow Xiangxiang! Xiangxiang, you say, how to play the super power?行 行:然然你跑得快,清清你有耐力,梦梦你最壮,创创你最善良,我呢就用智慧。我想 Hanghang: Ranran, you run fast. Qingqing, you are friendly. Mengmeng, youre strong. Chuangchuang, you are kind. And I,have wisdom. Therefore I think苹果兄弟:快说!快说!行行,求你了!求你了The apple brothers:

18、Speaking quickly! Quickly! Please, please, Xiangxiang!旁白:(低声神秘地)我想一般做大王的都想长生不老,我打算拿些我们苹果家乡的特产给他吃,就说是不老丹药,但之前我们要把苹果醋涂在上面,麻醉他,然然你去弄绳子,清清梦梦负责绑它,创创和我断后。治服了老虎黑森林就会大乱,然后我们就能逃出去,你们看行不行?旁白: (In a low voice mysterious) they intend to take some special product as the ageless panacea from our apple hometown to

19、 the king. But before that they will first besmear apple cider vinegar on top, then inject him anesthesia. Ranran get a rope, Qingqing and Mengmeng are responsible for tieng him. Finally, they are in charge of dealing with the last procedure. After they conquer the tiger, the woods will be confused,

20、 and then they can escape from here.苹果兄弟:好哇!太好了!The apple brothers: Wow! Thats wonderful!梦 梦:行行,行行,你勇敢,这事就你去办吧!我们等你的好消息。Mengmeng:Xiangxiang, you are brave, so well pass the buck to you. We will wait for your good news.清 清:(打了一下梦梦的头)我们一起去,行行,你会说话,你说,我们配合你!Qingqing: (Hitting Mengmengs head) Lets go to

21、gether.Xiangxiang, you know what to say, and you say, we will follow you!行 行:好!兄弟们,看我眼色行动!Hanghang: Good! You see my hint when you take actions, brothers!旁 白:苹果五兄弟将手搭在一起,超级宇宙能量瞬间迸发!Voiceover: When the apple brothers put their hands together, the Comic super energy bursts out immediately!旁 白:超宇宙能量汇集后

22、,五个兄弟分好工憋足了劲儿等着机会的到来。行行走到老虎面前,温和地说Voiceover: After the Comic super energy is collected, the five brothers divide the work well to wait for the coming of the opportunity. Xiangxiang walks to the tiger, and says gently.行 行:尊敬的虎大王, 我们非常爱你。Hanghang: Dear tiger king, we love you so much.虎大王:(瞟了瞟行行)什么?The

23、 tiger king: (Giving Xiangxiang a side glance) What?行 行:我们兄弟五个特意来给您献上一份好礼,可您手下的都把我吓坏了,是不是,兄弟们?Hanghang: we five brothers will take a good gift to you. But they scare us, dont they?苹果兄弟:是是。The apple brothers: Yes! Yes!虎大王:哈哈!什么宝贝?快让朕看看。The tiger king: Haha! What gift? Let me see quickly!行 行:好嘞!Hangha

24、ng: Ok!旁 白:行行凑到虎大王耳边,细声说Voiceover: Xiangxiang goes to the king, lean over and whisper in his ear.行 行:大王,你看。Hanghang: You see, king!虎 大王:咦?这是什么?The tiger king: Yi? Whats this?行 行:长 生 不 老 苹果丹。Hanghang: An apple panacea. It can make you live forever.虎 大 王:能不老?The tiger king: live forever?行 行:能不老!Hangha

25、ng: Yes!虎 大 王:真能不老?The tiger king: Really?行 行:真能不老!Hanghang: Sure!虎大王:哈哈,朕年年苦于命运这般有限,今天,我得以此丹药,定会长命百岁,一统森林,哈 哈 哈The tiger king: Haha, Today I will live forever and unify the forest! Ha haha!旁 白:虎大王“咚”的一口嚼碎了所谓的苹果仙丹,满口牙齿顿时酸倒,神志模糊,软倒在地。行行一挥手,苹果四兄弟一同冲了上来。虎大王被苹果兄弟们绑了个结结实实,然然将绳子系在虎牙上,猴子们、黄蜂们、狗熊们都吓得乱做一团,四处

26、逃窜。Voiceover: The tiger king chews up the so-called apple panacea, at the same time the acid apple set all his teeth on the edge at once, make his mind blurred and his legs gave out to the ground. Xiangxiang waved his hand, and then the other four brothers rushed up together. The tiger king is tied

27、tighten, Ranran tied the rope onto the teeth of the tiger. Monkeys, Black Bears, Hornets are frightened in great confusion, in addition, go thither and thither. (音乐过渡)(Music interim)旁 白:冲出了恐怖的黑森林,苹果五兄弟也磨炼出了健康的体魄与奔跑的速度,瞧!他们多快乐!Voiceover: Out of the scary dark woods, the five apple brothers possess good health and run faster. Look! How happy they are!The more we get togetherThe Happy Song背景音乐响起,欢腾,舞蹈,谢幕,退场。The background music is sounding, and everyone is rejoicing, dancing。 curtain call, then walk-off.


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