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1、品类管理与消费者关系研究,1,Category Management,Understanding the consumer as key to success Dionisio Seissus Garca Ana Cludia Fioratti,ESOMAR, Mxico October 2004,品类管理与消费者关系研究,2,Consumer Panel,Methodology,Continuous Research that has the main objective to understand the same group of households, the spontaneous

2、purchase behavior of consumers. Diary Purchases of more than 70 mass consumption categories (Food, Household Cleaning, Personal Care and Non Alcoholic Beverages),品类管理与消费者关系研究,3,Latin American Coverage,Coverage: 14 Countries Sample: 25,000 HouseHolds,品类管理与消费者关系研究,4,Category Management Analysis,品类管理与消

3、费者关系研究,5,Opportunities for manufactures and retailers permiting to : Identify the customers of a Chain A, evaluating in which other channels of distribution and supermarket chains they also do their purchases Know the buyers loyalty level of a Chain A, searching for possible categories or product po

4、rtfolios mixed business opportunities Quantify the “lost business” of Chain A: Who the real competitor is at the consumer moment of deciding to purchase? How much could be gained in sales, when a concrete marketing strategy is developed to recover the lost expense ?,Benefits of the tools presented,品

5、类管理与消费者关系研究,6,Phases of Category Management,品类管理与消费者关系研究,7,10 million,100 million,40 million,Category Volume of the Chain: Chains market share,Category Volume in all channels of distribution,Category Volume made by the chainscustomers,10 million,Only a small proportion of the Chains consumers, buy t

6、he category at the same chain,Assessment of the Chains Sales Volume,1. Know the business volume, the chainss market share, and the customers of the especific chain,品类管理与消费者关系研究,8,The loyalty is 25% then total potential is 30 million.,Loyalty of the Chains Sales Volume,2. Measure chain loyalty in det

7、ermined category and the expense competitors loss,品类管理与消费者关系研究,9,Which chains and channels of distribution are the “receivers” of Consumers Chain X lost expenses ?,Assessment of the lost expenses of Chain X (%),3. Expense analysis,品类管理与消费者关系研究,10,Where does the Chain X stand at the moment? What shou

8、ld we focus on to attract more customers or keep the loyal current one?,HIGH POTENTIAL,LOW POTENTIAL,Many category buyers, who buy elsewhere.,Few category buyers, who buy elsewhere.,Many category buyers, buying at Chain X,Few category buyers, who however buy at Chain X.,OPPORTUNITIES,STRENGTHS,WEAKN

9、ESS,PROFIT/ GAINS,LOW LOYALTY,HIGH LOYALTY,4. Know the chain and competitors positioning,Market Potencial Evaluation,品类管理与消费者关系研究,11,5. Measure the main factors which generate losses,It establishes whether theses losses are the results of sensitivity to prices, promotions and advertising activities,

10、 etc. This analysis is based on time periods that have shown significant changes in the chain market share, when evaluating ones chain actions and competitors.,品类管理与消费者关系研究,12,6. Know different customer gruops in the chain (targets),As the market is increasingly competitive it is clearly important t

11、o identify the customer groups which are contributing negatively for the chains results and focus ones aim on these specific consumers, attracting and making them loyal.,7. Make the correct decisions to keep and improve the chain market share, and work more closely with manufacturers to enhance bett

12、er sales and profit results.,品类管理与消费者关系研究,13,The Latin American Consumer: Comparing the Argentinean, Brazilian And Chilean Analysis,Through the Consumer Panel information, the Category Management methodology is analized for: Hair Care Category (Shampoo and Hair Conditioners) In Argentina, Brazil and

13、 Chile in a specific Chain, mentioned: Chain A During the period between July 2003 and June 2004 Sample: 11,100 households,品类管理与消费者关系研究,14,Relative importance of Personal Care between 9% - 10% of the FMCG total Hair Care represent between 2% - 3% of the total, being of great relative importance in C

14、hile Different market share of Shampoo in Hair Care per Country: Brazil 46%; Argentina 35% and Chile 29%,1. General Diagnosis,Share of Market: FMCG, Personal Care and Hair Care (%Value),品类管理与消费者关系研究,15,Argentina shows a smaller market share for Supermarkets Brazil and in Chile more than 60% of purch

15、ases are done by this channel,1. General Diagnosis,Share of Market Distribuition Channels FMCG (% Value),品类管理与消费者关系研究,16,Great participation of pharmacies/ drugstores, direct Sales and door to door channel in all countries,1. General Diagnosis,Share of Market Distribuition Channels Personal Care (%

16、Value),品类管理与消费者关系研究,17,A third part of purchases in these categories occurs out of the supermarket channel In Argentina the importance of Traditional Channel is considerably high,Share of Market Distribuition Channels Hair Care (% Value),1. General Diagnosis,品类管理与消费者关系研究,18,Consumers buy Hair Care i

17、n Chain A: 42% in Argentina 27% in Brazil 51% in Chile,2. Importance of Buyers at Chain A and Hair Care (%),品类管理与消费者关系研究,19,3. Lost Expenses and Loyalty Buyers of Chain A,Loyalty in Hair Care buyers of Chain A: 17% in Argentina 10% in Brasil 27% in Chile,品类管理与消费者关系研究,20,Traditional Channel and Pharm

18、acies/ Drugstores represent almost 50% of lost expense in Hair Care. The most important supermarket competitor is Chain B, with only 8% of total expense,4. Lost Expenses in Hair Care Buyers of Chain A Argentina,品类管理与消费者关系研究,21,31% of the lost expenses is out of Supermarkets; Pharmacies/ Drugstores,

19、Department stores and door-to-door channels,4. Lost Expenses in Hair Care Buyers of Chain A Brasil,品类管理与消费者关系研究,22,Competition is among different supermarkets chains. 34% of lost expense come from Chain B,4. Lost Expenses in Hair Care Buyers of Chain A Chile,品类管理与消费者关系研究,23,The Chain A is placed wit

20、h a few buyers of Hair Care, but the supply happens inside the chain. Good relative loyalty,5. Chain and Channels Positioning of Hair Cares Market Potential and Loyalty Evaluation Argentina,STRENGTHS,PROFIT/GAINS,OPPORTUNITIES,WEAKNESS,品类管理与消费者关系研究,24,Low loyalty and low potential, Hair Care purchas

21、e is done out of Chain A,5. Chain and Channels Positioning of Hair Cares Market Potential and Loyalty Evaluation Brasil,STRENGTHS,PROFIT/GAINS,OPPORTUNITIES,WEAKNESS,品类管理与消费者关系研究,25,Similar position of Argentina, but much closer in potential with their main competitors Chain B and Other Supermarkets

22、,5. Chain and Channels Positioning of Hair Cares Market Potential and Loyalty Evaluation Chile,STRENGTHS,PROFIT/GAINS,OPPORTUNITIES,WEAKNESS,品类管理与消费者关系研究,26,6. Lost Expenses Distribution of Chain A among Hair Cares buyers and non buyers,Brazil opportunity in buyer of Chain A and non buyer Hair Care

23、which concentrate 76% of lost expense is 19,1% of households,品类管理与消费者关系研究,27,7. Social Economic, demographic Pro Life Style of Chain A buyers Argentina,Greater concentration of middle class people Housewifes who bought Hair Care in the chain are younger than those who didnt buy Most households didnt

24、 buy Hair Care in the chain without children,品类管理与消费者关系研究,28,7. Social Economic, demographic Pro Life Style of Chain A buyers Brazil,Buyer not bought Hair Care in Chain A: Higher Low Level Households without children,品类管理与消费者关系研究,29,Two different groups of buyers: Buyers not bought Hair Care in Chai

25、n A: lower social-economic lever, older housewives, with children, housewives seeking for balanced between quality and price Buyers bought Hair Care in Chain A: higher social-economic lever, younger housewives, indifferent purchase style,7. Social Economic, demographic Pro Life Style of Chain A buyers Chile,品类管理与消费者关系研究,30,Objective Continuous Comparative Results (periods and countries) Microanalysis (one category) and Macroanalysis (group of categories) Easy,Advantages of Category Management from Consumer Panel,品类管理与消费者关系研究,31,


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