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1、六年级英语上册单词拼写课堂知识练习题冀教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用动词的适当形式填空。(1)Mike_ (like) cooking.(2)They_ (have) the same hobby.(3)My aunt_ (look) after her baby carefully.(4)You always_ (do) your homework well.(5)I_ (be) ill. Im staying in bed.(6)She_ (go) to school from Monday to Friday.(7)Liu Tao_ (do) not like P.E.(8)The ch

2、ild often_ (watch) TV in the evening.(9)Su Hai and Su Yang_ (have) eight lessons this term.(10). What day_(be) it today?Its Sunday.2. 按要求写出单词。(1)we are (缩写)_ (2)theyre (完整形式)_(3)family (复数)_ (4)two(序数词)_(5)buy(过去式)_3. 按要求写单词。1. two (序数词)_2. good(最高级)_3. France(语言)_4. big (比较级)_5. study(三单形式)_6. leaf

3、 (复数)_7. write(过去式)_8. come (-ing形式)_9. Chinese (国家)_10. invent (发明家)_4. 按要求写单词。1. long(比较级)_ 2. thin(比较级)_3. heavy(比较级)_4. go(过去式)_5.sleep(过去式)_5. 按要求写单词。1.sing(现在分词)-_ 2.bird(复数形式)-_3.shine(现在分词)-_ 4.look(现在分词)-_5.photo(复数形式)-_ 6.fly(现在分词)-_7.have(过去式)-_ 8.start(现在分词)-_9.swim(现在分词)-_ 10.sandwich(复

4、数形式)-_6. 根据图片填写短语或单词。 1._ 2._ 3._ 7. 看图并根据首字母提示写单词,把句子补充完整。 man is feeding the s_.2.The traffic is very h_and slow.3.He has a h_.I think he should take some medicine.4. We often e_mooncakes and watch the moon at Mid-autumn Festival.5.The man is short and f_.8. 看图写单词。1. Now he has a_an

5、d he can call people anywhere. 2. Were going to make some cakes and_. 3. Were going to watch_in the evening. 4. There is not much coal and oil on_. 5._comes from trees.9. 按要求写单词。1. play(现在分词)_ 2. radio (复数)_3. right(同音词)_ 4. rainy(动词)_5. cloudy(名词)_ 6.bring(过去式)_7. teach(过去式)_ 8. happy(反义词)_9. took(

6、原形)_ 10.drink(过去式)_10. 补全本课出现的单词。1. di_aur 2. b_h 3. me_e4. ha_ 5. ol_r11. 看图,根据所给首字母补全单词。1p_ 2t_3c_ 4a_5p_12. 写出下列单词的适当形式。1.play(过去式)_ 2.have(过去式) _3. worry(动名词)_ 4. kid (同义词)_5. skate(过去式)_ 6.party(复数形式)_13. 根据所给提示信息写出正确的单词或词组。1-Are these all yours? -Yes, they are my pictures. They are m_.2My favo

7、urite season is s_.The weather is hot, hot, hot!3I like_s. Because we have English class.(星期三)4Miss Green is very_(有趣的)5There is a nice_in my room.14. 根据句意和已给出的首字母,补全单词。1、He wto a park yesterday?2、I cmy room last weekend.3、Did you rthe magazine?4、Did Lucy ca mountain5、Last Saturday ,Candy vher uncle.15. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1She_(想念她儿子) very much.2Simon likes_(中国舞蹈).3Do you_(想要) go to Chinatown?4_(有) a bus station near here.4 / 4


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