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1、北师大版六年级英语上学期单词拼写提高班日常训练班级:_ 姓名:_1. 写出下列单词的ing形式。1.swim_2.playthepiano_3.run_4.writealetter_5.takepictures_6.skate_7.fly_8.see_9.read_10.have_2. 根据句意和已给出的首字母,补全单词。1、He wto a park yesterday?2、I cmy room last weekend.3、Did you rthe magazine?4、Did Lucy ca mountain5、Last Saturday ,Candy vher uncle.3. 看图片

2、,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_4. 看图写单词。1. It means you cant_here.2. Im hungry. Lets go to the_.3. It means you cant_here.4. This is the biggest_in our city.5. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. What_(行动) should we take to protect giant pandas?2. We should_(鼓励) the farmers to plant more trees.3._(令人难过的是), farmers cut down tree

3、s and_(森林).4. A bear has long and_(厚的) hair on its body.5. I had a call just now. After that , I_(继续) to eat my lunch.6. If you are ill, youd better take some m_.7. Many wolves are dying out because of the l_of living areas.8. Hundreds of people lost their l_in the big earthquake in Wenchuan.9. What

4、 do bears h_for food in winter?10. The Chinese government is taking many actions to p_all kinds of wild animals6. 按要求写出单词。(1)watch (三单)_ (2)take (过去式)_(3)put (原形)_ (4)run (现在分词)_(5)good(副词)_7. 单词拼写。1Tom can_.1Fruit is_(o, o, d, g) for us.2My friend is from_.3 What time is it now? It_five o_.4s_5This

5、 my new_.6Tom can_.8. 根据要求写单词。1. then(对应词)_2. active(对应词)_3. fun(形容词)_4. worry(形容词)_5. wear(现在分词)_6. cycle(现在分词)_7. dont(完全形式)_8. thats(完全形式)_9. can(过去式)_10. was(否定形式)_9. 写出下列动词的ing形式。1.cook_ 2.watch_3.collect_ 4.read_5.write_ 6.eat_7.run_ 8.swim_9.take_ 10.play_10. 用be动词的适当形式填空。( )1.I_anEnglishteac

6、hernow.( )2.HelenandNancy_goodfriends.( )3.Look,there_lotsofsheepthere.( )4.Today_thesecondofJuly.( )5.Allthestudents_veryexcited.11. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. Thanks for_(同意) to let me watch the match on TV.2. The city streets are full of_(来往车辆).3. Xi Jinping is the_(国家主席) of China.4. The children took

7、a boat_(旅行) along the Yellow River last Sunday.5. We had to move_(里面)when it started to rain.6. Im p_for the trip to Guangzhou. It will cost a lot of money.7. They a_at the stop too late, so they missed the bus.8. The teacher w_who broke the window.9. Our team w_the basketball match final today.10.

8、He stayed at home and watched TV i_of going out to play with his friends.12. 补全单词。(1) dea _聋的(2) bli _d失明的(3) an _ry生气的;愤怒的(4) _rotewrite的过去式,写(5) unive _ sity大学13. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。My grandma_(watch) TV every day.2.Jims parents are doctors. My parents are_(farm).3.Please help_(they) do some housewor

9、k.4.Can you speak_(Japan)?No, I cant.5.How many_(child) can you see in the picture?6.I live on the _ floor in this building. (one)7.Lucy is tall and _, She must eat less. (fat)8.Many _ doctors wear glasses, too. (woman)9.Your room is between mine and the _. (twin) Theyre the same age, but theyhave different _. (hobby)10.The boy sits there and reads a comic book _. (happy)14. 看图写单词。 h_ p_ c_ g_ t_15. 看图片,写出单词或短语。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_ 6_7_ 8_9_ 10_5 / 5


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