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1、Unit 6 Sectionc . 填空题 1. Along the street you can see many traffic _(sign). 2. The girl cant walk on because of _(hungry). 3. There were many _(home) children in the village after that earthquake. 4. Our English teacher once _ (coach) several excellent students for the English contest. 5. There are

2、all kinds of _(advertise) on TV these days, and we shouldnt believe all of them. . 根据句意和汉语提示,填写恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1. Can we _ (推迟) the meeting till next Monday morning2. Would you please _ (分发) the exam papers? 3. He must feel sad now. Lets_ (使他高兴起来). 4. Cant you _ (想出) a better excuse than that5. The roo

3、m is too dirty. It should be_ (打扫干净). . 根据括号内所给的词语提示,翻译下列句子。 1. 好好利用你的时间。(put to good use) _ 2. 我认为作为一名志愿者非常有趣。(a lot of fun) _ 3. 圣诞节离现在只有一周了。(from) _ 4. 他们总是自愿花费时间来照顾这些孩子。(volunteer) _ 5. 黄先生不但去过加拿大,而且还理解了很多加拿大人。(Not only but also ) _ . 下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1. He asked these students volunteer in th

4、e after-school study program. _2. My uncle wants to help the poor people in the city by set up a food bank. _3. Some of my classmates volunteer to sing for the old people to cheer up them. _4. What do you think could I do for you? _5. Be a volunteer is great. _ Section B & self check . 根据句意和汉语提示,填写单

5、词或短语。 1. Here are some useful _(网站) for you to collect information. 2. Who is helping the teacher _ (分发) the students exercise books3. The two girls are twins, and they look very _ (相似的). 4. Dad got his watch _ (修理) yesterday afternoon. 5. Jim has _ (张贴) many “No Parking” signs outside his gate. . 从

6、方框内选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。 ask for, fix up, take after, work out, run out of 1. Five days passed. They _all the money. 2. Mr Green has two children. His son looks like him and his daughter _his wife. 3. We will meet with some problems, although everything _fine now. 4. They _ the house before they move

7、d in. 5. Whenever you have any problems, you can _help. . 根据句意,用适当的介词或副词完成下列句子。 1. When the sun began to go down, he stopped and put _a tent (帐篷). 2. We tried to cheer her up _telling her funny stories. 3. Could you please come up _some ideas for making money4. We gave _some money to some poor child

8、ren in Yushu. 5. He called _ his parents asking for some money. . 英汉互译。 1. 今天,我有很多事情要做。 _ 2. 她经常自愿打扫教室。 _ 3. My dad is busy fixing up his car. _ 4. I want to know how their strategies work out. _ 5. He gave away his food to those classmates who didnt have breakfast. _ Reading . 根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。 1. D

9、ont f_ the bottle (瓶子) with hot water. Its very dangerous. 2. Can you i_what life on the moon is like3. This is a club s organized for football fans. 4. Please s_the door when you leave the office. 5. The old man seems a little d_. Please speak louder, or he cant hear you clearly. . 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当

10、形式填空。 1. Would you like to play computer games with us Yes, with_(please). 2. Could you_(fetch) me some hot water, dear Sure, Mom. 3. Lets raise money to help the_ (disable). 4. There are many helpful social (社会的) _ (organize) in the world. 5. She is blind. That is to say, she is_ (able) to see. . 将

11、下列句子翻译为英语。 1. 我的宠物狗使我的生活充满了乐趣。 _ 2. 谢谢你捐钱给“动物助手”。 _ 3. 我已计划下周去上海。 _ 4. 你使我去参观香港成为可能。 _ 5. 给慈善事业捐钱很有意义(meaningful)。 _ Key: Section A . 1. signs 2. hunger 3. homeless 4. coached 5. advertisements . 1. put off 2. give out 3. cheer him up 4. think up 5. cleaned up . 1. Put your time to good use. 2. I th

12、ink being a volunteer is a lot of fun. 3. Christmas Day is only a week from now. 4. They always volunteer their time to look after these children. 5. Not only has Mr Huang been to Canada, but also he has got to know quite a few Canadians. . 1. volunteer 前加to 2. set setting 3. cheer up them cheer the

13、m up 4. could I I could 5. Be Being . 1. I dont know what I should do 2. What do you like doing 3. Thats a good idea / Good idea 4. Can / Could you tell me your name and your telephone number 5. Thanks a lot / Thank you very much Section B & Self check . 1. websites 2. hand out 3. similar 4. repaire

14、d 5. put up . 1. ran out of 2. takes after 3. works out 4. fixed up 5. ask for . 1. up 2. by 3. with 4. away 5. up . 1. I have many things to do today. 2. She usually volunteers to clean up the classroom. 3. 我爸爸正忙着修理他的车。 4. 我想知道他们的策略的成效怎么样。 5. 他把自己的食物分给那些没吃早饭的同学。 Reading . 1. fill 2. imagine 3. spec

15、ially 4. shut 5. deaf . 1. pleasure 2. fetch 3. disabled 4. organizations 5. unable . 1. My pet dog has filled my life with pleasure. 2. Thank you for donating money to “Animal Helpers”. 3. I have planned to go to Shanghai next week. 4. You made it possible for me to visit Hong Kong. 5. Its very mea

16、ningful to give away money to charity. . A. 1. disabled 2. arms or legs 3. animals 4. kind donation 5. a photo of the dog B. 1-5 CBBCA用所给动词的适当形式填空(A_B_C_D_E)A:【答案详解】 1. took。and连接两个并列谓语,后一个动词用过去式,那么前一个动词也用过去式。 2. takes, to get。根据句意“到邮局常花我半小时的时间”,可确定第一空用一般现在时,且主语是it,故动词用takes。在句型It takes sb some time

17、 to do sth中,第二空用不定式to get。 3. Were。由时间状语last week可确定此句用be的过去时,主语是your friends,为复数形式,故用were。 4. doesnt rain。在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,如果主句为一般将来时,从句应用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 5. arrived。从句意“当我们到达车站时,火车已经离开了”我们可知,主句用了过去完成时,那么从句则用一般过去时。 6. has been。动作发生在过去,持续到现在,这是现在完成时的一种用法。 7. to keep。在Im sorry后常接不定式表原因。 8. going。在stop sb

18、 from doing sth中,from为介词,那么动词go应用going。 9. playing。根据句型prefer doing sth to doing sth,我们可知此空用动词的-ing形式。 10. put。根据句意“我刚把钥匙放在这儿,但现在找不到了”,我们可确定前句用一般过去时。put的过去时仍是put,无词形变化。 11. carries。从句中的时间状语at times(有时),我们可确定此句的时态为一般现在时。主语为单数第三人称,故动词carry变为carries。 12. has。根据句意和时间状语every day,我们可知该句时态为一般现在时,且主语Sue为单数第

19、三人称,所以have变为has。 13. will go。根据句意和时间状语tomorrow evening,此句用一般将来时。 14. has gone。句意为“Beth不在这儿,她去北京了”,如表示“到某地去了”,用have (has) gone to + 地点。15. was doing。句意为“当我进来时,妈妈在做饭”。从句用一般过去时,主句应用过去实行时。B: 【参考答案】1. draw 2.to sing 3.speaking 4.be kept 5.reading 6.was born 7.writing 8.to arrive 9.would go 10.bring 11.no

20、t be 12.give 13.to get 14.to come 15. to attend 16.to choose17.walking 18.would play , didt leave 19.grows 20.not to answer 21.to meet 22.to come 23.watching 24.play 25.would go 26.going, getting 27.meeting 28.eating 29.has taught, came 30.to take.C: 【答案与解析】 1. were talking句意是:我实行时,他们正在谈论那部电影。came是一

21、般过去时,talk应是过去实行时。(from ) 2. has been taught因为主语English是谓语teach的承受者,即English与teach是被动关系,所以用被动语态,又由since 1978(从1978年以来至现在)可知,要用现在完成时,所以用现在完成时的被动语态。 3. began两年前当然是过去,所以用一般过去时。下列时间状语通常与一般过去时连用:“时间段+ago”,just now(刚才), in 1998(在1998年),yesterday(昨天), the day before yesterday(前天),last year(去年)等。 4. is sleep

22、ing根据上文可知,“这个婴儿正在睡觉”。另外,look, listen等也常与现在实行时连用,如Listen! Lily is singing in Chinese. 5. rains, wont have由tomorrow(明天)可知是指将来发生的事,又因在条件状语从句或者时间状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以前空填rains。后空用一般将来时will have的否定式wont have。 6. is going to hold由next week(下周)可知要用一般将来时,一般将来时可用will hold和is going to hold表示,但由后面的疑问尾句isnt it?

23、可知,只能用is going to hold;若将isnt改为wont,就只能用will hold了。 7. had left因为got to(到达)是过去,火车应是在到达之前就已经离开了,即leave是“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时态。 8. was going to visit或would visit由the next week可知是将来,又因主句谓语said是一般过去式,所以visit就应是过去将来时,表示在过去某时(说话时)看来是将要发生的动作。 9. singing, had learned因为enjoy, finish, feel like等动词后只能接动词的-ing形式作宾语。

24、“by the end of+过去时间”通常与过去完成时连用。 10. goes表示客观真理要用一般现在时。D: 【答案与解析】1. dont stop主句中用一般将来时,在条件状语从句中就用一般现在时。2. became在1974年(in 1974)显然是过去,用一般过去时。3. was listening因为“没听清楚(didnt hear)”发生在过去,“我”没听清楚是因为我当时“正在听”音乐,所以listen用过去实行时。 4. comes表示持续重复发生的事用一般现在时,注意主语是第三人称单数时,要加s。另外,参照定语从句中的谓语sleep和主句谓语start也可知道从句的谓语com

25、e应用一般现在时。5. has gone由后文可知,“父亲”去巴黎还没回来,英语中表示某人“到某地去了(还没回来)”就说have gone (to),又因主语是第三人称单数,所以have要改为has。顺便说说,若表示某人到某地去过,现在已经回来了,就用have been (to)。6. goes表示持续重复发生的事或者习惯性的动作通常用一般现在时,所以always, usually, often, sometimes, every day/week/month/year, how often等常与一般现在时连用。7. to drink因为tell是谓语动词,所以drink是非谓语动词,根据句型

26、ask /tell /want /order sb to do sth可知,用不定式作宾补。8. is watering由上文now可知,他现在“正在给浇水”,所以用现在实行时态。9. will visit或am going to visit由上文问的是即将到来的假日的计划可知,理应用一般将来时。10. has taught由is可知Mr. Green现在还在我校教书,又由for five years可知,他从五年前开始一直到现在都在我校教书。表示从过去某一时刻开始一直到现在的动作或状态,要用现在完成时。E: 【参考答案】 1. go 2. seems3. are playing 4. was listening5. is going to rain 6. will bring7. has taken 8. would come9. had left 10. have lost11. sat 12. has gone13. hasnt eaten 14. will go15. rains 16. comes17. did, buy 18. have been19. were, doing 20. did, cost


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