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1、总第( )教案,般现在时复习课时 :第 1 课时目标预设 :1通过复习能比较熟练地掌握一般现在时的用法。2能综合运用所学的日常交际用语和句型。3培养学生的语言运用能力,体现语言的实际性和交际性。4在教学活动中,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维和想象能力,发展学生的发散思维能力。教学重点:理解并掌握一般现在时的用法。教学难点:在教学活动中,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维和想象能力,发展学生的发散思维能力。教具学具准备:听力材料、学生个人信息卡等。教学流程 :Step1: PreparationFree talk:T: What day is it today?51: It s T: What s the

2、date?S1: It s T: What lessons do you have this morning?S2: I have T: What subject do you like?52: I like T: Do you study well?52: Yes, I do./ No, I don t.T: I like PE, because I like sports.Do you like sports?I like playing table tennis. What sport do you like?Do you every day?Step2: Presentation1 R

3、eview the phasesT: Good, we should do some exercise to keep healthy.There are many kinds of sports.Can you say them quickly?S:T: After school, we can do these sports, and what else can you do?I usually read books and watch TV after school.What do you usually do after school?S:T: Now let s play a gam

4、e. ( Do and guess, 先老师示范做一个动作让学生猜,后让学生上台做动作其他的学生猜。 )2复习一般现在时,主语是第一、二人称时的用法1 T: I think, all of you study English well.You know, I have a new friend; he studies English well, too.Do you want to know him? Now you can ask him some questions.S: 人机对话,问 Ruby如下问题What s your name? How old are you? 等T: Let s

5、 read Ruby s self introduction.T: Now please fill in your information card.学生填写自己的信息卡,并模仿Ruby 的自我介绍,向全班汇报。3. 复习一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时的用法T: Look, this is my good friend, Miss Chen. You can ask me these questions.How old is she? Where does she live? And so on.Can you try?T: I have another friend in our clas

6、s. Can you guess who my friend is?S: Is your friend a boy?Where does he live?Does he jump high? I think your friend is T: Yes, you re right. / No, you re wrong.4. T: Now let s guess who your friend is.(Introduce your friend for us.)Tips:总结一般现在时的用法这节课,我们复习的是一般现在时的用法,一起来看一看一般现在时的“自我介绍” ! Hello !大家好, 我

7、叫“一般现在时” ,你想知道我的故事吗? Let me tell you!? 首先, 看看我的本领吧。 我被大家用来表示经常性的动作或存在的状态。? 下面请看我的面目我的构成:我常常与 often, usually, Sometimes ,on Sundays 等词连用 , 动词用原形。不过当主语是第三人称单数时,要在动词后加 s 或 es 。例: I often read books at home.She plays the violin every day.如果是疑问句, 还要用助动词do (主语是第三人称单数用does) 构成,动词用原形。例: Do you usually play

8、football after school ?What does he do on Sundays?小朋友们, 下次见到我时, 千万不要忘记我是 “一般现在时” 啊! Seeyou!我们知道一般现在时, 主语是第三人称单数时动词会有变化。 我们一起来总结一下,有哪些变化呢?顺口溜:肯定句中,他、她、它 . 动词后面加尾巴。一般动词直接加 s 有些加 es, 以辅音字母加结尾的,变y 为 i 加esStep3: Practice1 Finish the exercise with proper words.a. Sometimes, I basketball after school.b. My

9、 father usually newspapers in the evening.c. your mother shopping every Friday afternoon?d. What Helen usually on Saturdays?e. I like Chinese, but my friend, Ben PE.2 Listening exercise.T: I wrote an e-mail to you. Please help me finish it.S: Listen and fill in the blanks.Step4: Production写一篇电子邮件,向我

10、介绍你的好朋友们。This is my friend.Her nameis .she s .She lives in .shelikes 发送至 : 要注意一般现在时的用法哦!Step5: Progress完成小升初复习本练习总第( )教案现在进行时复习课时 :第 1 课时目标预设 :1通过复习能比较熟练地掌握现在进行的用法2能综合运用所学的日常交际用语和句型。3培养学生的语言运用能力,体现语言的实际性和交际性。教学重点:掌握和运用现在进行时态。教学难点:培养学生的语言运用能力,体现语言的实际性和交际性。教具学具准备:CAI教学流程 :Step1: Preparation1.Sing a so

11、ng “ What are you doing ?”2.Free talk:T: Class begins.S: Stand up.T: What are you doing?51: I m standing.T: Yes. Today I m very glad to stand here and learn English with you. You can call meMiss Gu. Good morning, boys and girls. Howare you today?Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?T: I m fine, t oo. Sit down,

12、 please. What are you doing now?52: I m sitting in the classroom.T: Right. What are the teachers doing? What are they doing? (指 向听课老师)53: They are writing.T: Yes. And they re listening to our English lesson. (教师边与 学生问答,边指向黑板,用板书来提示学生)Step2: Presentation1. T( 课件出示我在读书的画面)Look, who is she? Guess! T: C

13、lever.What am I doing? S: You re reading. T: What am I reading? S: You re reading a storybook. T: Yes. What s the name of the storybook? Let s have a look. 出 示 故事 书 封 面 “ Mistery in London(雾者B疑案) It s very interesting. Do you want to have a look? Ss: Yes.( 出现故事书中一幅图片,一位男士正在帮助一位受袭击的女士显示时间为 9:30p.m. M

14、onday) T: Look, what can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see a man and a woman. T: What s the time? S: It s nine thirty in the evening. T: What is the woman saying? Listen! 课件播放女士求救的声音“ Help! Help! ” ) S: Help.点击课件,在女士嘴边出现Help! Help! ”对话框 T: Read the word“ help ” .( 教师领读 Ss: Help. T: What is the m

15、an doing? S: He is helping the man. T: Yes. So who is the killer?课件出现一个侦探头像及“ detective 侦探”的单词解释T: Look. This is thedetective in this story. The man looks cool. Right?课件出现看起来酷句子Read the sentence together. Ss: Yes. The man lookscool. T: Listen! What is he saying? 课件播放男声“ Can you helpmer ) T: What s t

16、he meaning in Chinese?你能帮我吗? T: Good. So can you help him to find the killer?2. 课件出现封信画面T: The detective gives you a letter. The lettercan help you. Do you want to open the letter? T: OK. Let s open the letter. 课件出现信的内容,信上有一位年轻女士的照片。信中用现在进行时介绍了女士在星期一各个重要时间段所做的事情:The womans nameis Annie. Sheis twenty

17、-five. OnMondaymorning, she is sleeping at nine o clock. At ten o clock, she is running in the park. She is having lunch at twelve o clock. At nine in the evening, she is dancing with a boy in a bar.( 酒吧 )T: You have twominutes to read this letter by yourself.(2 分钟后 )What is the woman doing at nine

18、o clock in the morning? S: She is sleeping. T: What is she doing at ten/ twelve/ nine in the evening? S: She is(根据信中内容回答T: Can you translate this letter into Chinese? S:( 请几位学生来解释信中各句话 ) T: Good translator. Now let s havea look at the letter again. What can you find?指着信中用红色着重标记的动词及动词ing形式m整封信使用了什么时态

19、?现在进行时。你了 解哪些关于“现在进行时”的知识? Ss: 各人发表自己的看法。3. Tips:Hi, boys and girls! 我的名字叫现在进行时,初次见面,请多关照。我在时态这个大家庭中可是重要的一员,我表示正在发生或进行的动作。外貌 现在进行时的构成: be(am / is / are)+ 现在分词 (V-ing)这里需要同学们掌握现在分词的构成规则:1. 大多数动词直接在词尾加-ing ,例如: go-going, work-working,study-studying, look-looking等。2. 以不发音的 e 字母结尾的动词,需去掉e 再加 -ing ,例如:ma

20、ke-making, write-writing, skate-skating 等。3. 以重读闭音节结尾, 末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词, 要双写这一辅音字母,再加-ing 。例如:run-running, swim-swimming 等。 特征 现在进行时的判定方法1 .若句首用了提示词 listen 或 look ,则其后的句子常用现在进行时。例如:Listen! Who is singing in the classroom?2 .当旬首或旬末用了副词now时,此句子常用现在进行时。例如:Now the students are writing the new words.3 . 根据具

21、体的语境判定用现在进行时。例如:Dont talk, your brother is doing his homework.-Whats he doing?-He is flying a kite. 特殊 come, go, leave 等短暂性动词常用现在进行时表示将要发生 的动作。例如:Im coming. 我就来。Were going to Shanghai this afternoon. 今天下午我们将要去上 海。Step3: Practice 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Look! The children(swim) in the river.2. Now we(want

22、) to play basketball.3. -you(draw) a picture?-No, Im not. I(write) a letter.4. What are you (do) now? I (eat) bread.5. It s nine o clock. My father(work) in theoffice.6. Look, the boy(put) the rubbish into the bin.7. he(clean) the classroom? No, he isn t.He(play).8. Where is Mak? He(run) on the gras

23、s.9. Listen, who(sing) in the music room? Oh,Mary(sing) there.将下列句子改成现在进行时1 .Tom can speak Chinese.2 .We have four lessons.1.1 watch TV every day.1.5 he works in a hospital.5 .Do you like this book?6 .Kitty and Ben have lunch at about twelve.7 .His father can help them.8 .Danny, open the door.9 .The

24、y watch TV in the evening.Step4: Production用现在进行时态编写侦探与Annie 之间的对话Step5: Progress完成小升初部分练习。总第( )教案There be 句型复习课时 :第 1 课时目标预设 :1通过复习能比较熟练地掌握there be 句型的用法。2能综合运用所学的日常交际用语和句型。3培养学生的语言运用能力,体现语言的实际性和交际性。4在教学活动中,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维和想象能力,发展学生的发散思维能力。教学重点:掌握并运用 there be 句型。教学难点:在教学活动中,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维和想象能力,发展学生的发散

25、思维能力。教具学具准备:测验纸,图片等。教学流程 :Step1: Preparation1 .Free talk2 .T: Now, we are in our classroom. Let s look at our classroom carefully. Can you introduce your classroom ?51: There s a table in the classroom.52: There are two doors in my classroom. T: Is there a swing in our school? S: Yes, there is./ No,

26、 there isnt.T: How many swings are there in our school?S: There are two.Step2: Presentation1. 教师黑板呈现句型What s in the classroom? 请学生用 There be 句 型回答,引出There be句型的概念和用法。它表示在地方有师讲解并小结:(1) 在 there be 句型中, 主语是单数, be 动词用 is ; 主语是复数, be 动词用 are ; 如有几件物品, be 动词根据最靠近be 动词的那个名词决定,即 there be 的句型的就近原则。(2)there b

27、e 句型的否定句在be 动词后加 not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。(3)there be句型与have(has)的区别:there be表示在某地有某物(或人) , 强调的是物体的存在性; have(has) 表示某人拥有某物,强调的是物体的拥有性。(4)some 和 any 在there be 句型中的运用:some用于肯定句, any 用 于否定句或疑问句。(5) 针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是:How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语?How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语?2. Activity One 对教室

28、稍作布置,谈论教室里的事物,如: Theres ablackboard on the wall. Therere some photos on the blackboard.Theres a chair near the teachers desk. Therere two balls under the chair. 等等。3. Activity Two 利用黑板上布置的照片,要求学生用 there be 句型的肯定句式来谈论风景照里某地有某人或某物。 (eg: There is a hill in thepicture. There are many trees on the hill.)

29、4. Activity Three 听画练习, 听一段描绘风景的短文, 让学生边听边画。如: This is a nice picture. Theres a river in it. On the rivertheres a boat. Therere somechildren in the boat. Theyre boating.Near the river theres a tall tree. Therere two birds in the tree.Therere two cats under the tree. Theyre climbing up the tree. They

30、 want to catch the birds. I like the picture very much.Step3: Practice一 . 用所给词的正确形式填空1. There (be) a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box.2. How many (watch) are there in the supermarket?3. There (be) some bread on the plate .4. There (be) a pair of glasses on the desk5. There (be not) any rice in

31、the bowl.6. How many people (be there) in your family?二 . 根据中文提示完成下列句子1. 水壶里没水了。There water in the .There any water in the .2. 操场上现在有学生吗?不,没有。there in the now?No, .3. 餐厅里有一张餐桌四把椅子。There fourand a in the .There a and four in the .4. 碗里有些米饭。 some the5. 这里有许多树吗?是的。 there trees ? , there. 按要求改写句子1. Ther

32、e is a dog in the basket. ( 对划线部分提问 )2. There are four books in the bookcase.( 对划线部分提问 )3. There are four books in the bookcase.( 对划线部分提问 )4. There are some books on the desk. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回5. There are some apples in the kitchen. (6. There is some bread on the table.改成单数句 )(改成否定句)Step4: Production

33、1. 提供两幅大同小异的画,要求学生找出两幅图画的不同之处,让学生用 There be 句型写出表达不同之处的句子。2.谈论班级、年级、学校情况,引出句型How manyare there3让学生两人一组问答学校的情况。Step5: Progress完成课后练习以及小升初复习本。总第( )教案人称代词、名词复数用法复习课时 :第 1 课时目标预设 :1. 通过复习能比较熟练的掌握人称代词、 可数名词复数及不可数名词的用法。2. 能在练习中综合运用所学的语法。教学重点:可数名词复数及不可数名词的运用教学难点:能在练习中综合运用所学的语法。教具学具准备:教学流程 :Step1: Preparati

34、on1. Play the game : Touch and guess2. Say the rhyme I like Step2: Presentation1. Ask and answer: What s his job? 等句型,据学生回答列表格 (我你他她它我们你们他们人称代词主格 I you hesheit weyou they形容词性物主代词 myyour his her its our your t heir)2. Rhyme:我是 am 你是 are ,is 跟着他、她、它,复数后面都用 are.3. 可数名词的复数:(1) 一般在名词的结尾加-s或-es构成复数形式1)一般情

35、况下加s. 例如: books, flowers2) )以 -s,-x ,-sh ,-ch 结尾的加 -es 例如, buses, boxes, dishes, watches.3) 以辅音加 y 结尾的词变y 为 i, 加 es. 元音加 y 结尾的词直接加s,如 : party-parties,city-cities,story stories, boy-boysmonkey-monkeys ,key-keys 等.4) 以 f 或 fe 结尾的词 , 一般变 f 或 fe 为 v, 加 es, 如 : wife-wives knife- knives; thief- thieves( 2

36、)以 -o 结尾的复数形式1) 以 -o 结尾的无生命的名词加-s 例如, photos, pianos, zoos, kilosradios, videos,2)以 -o 结尾的有生命的名词加-e s 例如, potatoes, tomatoes( 3)含-man 的名词的复数形式1)由 -man 构成的复合词的复数形式例如, policeman-policemen policewoman- policewomen; Frenchman Frenchmen, 2)其他一些含-man 的名词的复数形式例如, walkman-walkmans 不用:walkmen .( 4) 单复数同形的名词.

37、 例如,a Chinese-two Chinese ,a Japanese-twoJapanese ,a sheep-two sheep, a fish-many fish .fishes表示不同种类的鱼 ,fish 表示鱼肉时是不可数名词。( 5 ) 名 词 单 数 变 复 数 特 殊 变 化 也 要 逐 个 记 得 如 : tooth-teeth, goose-geese, foot-feet, child-children, mouse-mice等4. 不可数名词:( 1)只有单数形式。如: bread , tea , water , juice , milk ?(2)不能用不定冠词或数

38、词直接修饰。 如:a rice (x),two juice (x).( 3)可以用some, any, little , a little , much, a lot of 来修饰不可数名词。如: some milk , a lot of food , a piece of bread(4)用 howmuch来询问数量的多少。如:Howmuchmilk is there in the bottle ? 可数名词的话就用 How man课提问,如:How many books are there on the desk?( 5)不可数名词作主语时谓语动词用单数,但是当不可数名词前面有复数名词短语

39、修饰时,谓语动词就要用复数。如: There is some water in the glass. There are three bottles of water on the table.Step3: Practice 一、词型转换1. peach( 复数 )?2.he(复数 ) 3.you ( 形容词性物主代词 )_4.eye(复数) 5.dress (复数) 6.women (单数 ) 7.boy (复数) 8.knife(复数 ) 9.our ( 主格 ) 10.bus(复数 ) 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What s (you) name? (I) name is Na

40、ncy.2. Look at (she) skirt. (it) is pretty.3. What s (he) father s job? _ (he) is a worker.4. The woman over there is (we) English teacher. (we)all like (she) very much.三、选择1. The has two .A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches D. boys, watch2. The elephant has four .A. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots3. Her two brothers are both .A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen D. policemens4. How many ?-One , please.A. kilo, kilos B. kilo, kilo C. kilos, kilos D. kilos, kiloStep4: Production1用所复习内容编写一段对话,内容不限。2同桌之间操练。3请几组学生上台表演。Step5: Progress1 Do some exercise.2 完成小升初练习。


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