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1、1,连锁零售物流配送中心的规划与建设,2,Distribution Center 配送中心 Transfer Center 转运中心 Process Center 流通中心 Customized Logistics 定制物流 AS/RS :Automated Storage and Retrieval System 自动化立体仓库 ASW:Automatic Stereoscopic Warehouse自动化立体仓库技术,3,JIT: Just In Time 实时管理 B2B: Business To Business 企业对企业电子商务 B2C: Business to Customer

2、企业对客户电子商务 EDI: Electronic data interchange 电子数据交换 EOI: EDI on Internet VAN: Value Added Network 增值网络中心 EOS: Electronic Ordering System 电子订货系统 POS: Point Of Sale零售销售点终端 WMS:WarehouseManagementSystem仓库管理系统 TMS: TransportationManagementSystem 运输管理系统 VMI:Vendor Managed Inventory 供应商管理库存技术,4,CRM:Customer

3、 Relationship Management顾客关系管理 DRP: Distribution Requirements Planning 配送需求计划 ERP:EnterpriseResourcePlanning企业资源计划系统 MRP: MaterialRequirementPlanning物料需求计划 MRP-Manufacturing Resource Planning制造资源规划 EOQ: Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量 GPS: GlobalPositioningSystem 全球定位系统 GIS: GeographicInformationSyst

4、em 地理信息系统 Automated Sorting System 自动分拣系统 EIQ E: Entry订单件数,I: Item品项,Q: Quantity数量 SLP: systematiclayoutplanning系统布置设计,5,Bar Code: 条形码 RFID: RadioFrequencyIdentification 射频识别,俗称电子标签 ,标签(Tag):由耦合元件及芯片组成,每个标签具有唯一的电子编码,附着在物体上标识目标对象 阅读器(Reader):读取(有时还可以写入)标签信息的设备,可设计为手持式或固定式; 天线(Antenna):在标签和读取器间传递射频信号

5、RF:Radio Frequency射频技术,6,SCM:Supply Chain Management供应链管理 T&T:Track and Trace位置追踪 VMI:endor Managed Inventory供应商管理库存技术 OA办公自动化系统 FMS财务管理系统 QMS质量管理系统 HRMS人力资源管理系统 ECS:CEnvironmentally Conscious Supply Chain 环境意识供应链 ESC: Environmentally Supply Chain环境供应链 GSCM :Green Supply Chain Management 绿色供应链管理,7,零

6、售业的本质以其广泛、专业的商品 知识,庞大的采购、物流、销售、服务的体系,帮助消费者从成百上千种同类商品中选择能够满足特定消费需求的商品。因此,零售企业需要建立一个高效的物流管理体系,从整个供应链的角度分析整个服务过程,提高效率,降低服务成本。 随着连锁零售企业门店数量的增加、异地跨区域开店数量增加,物流配送中心日益成为连锁零售企业供应链中的关键环节(如图1)。,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,单仓库设施选址重心法迭代法实现,单设施选址模型有不同的名称,如:精确重心法、网格法和重心法等,因为选址因素只包括运输费率和该点的货物运输量,所以此方法较为简单。 我们

7、以预计仓库点位到达各个目的点位的成本最低为考察目标: Min TC=ViRidi遍历所有目的地 (0) 其中:TC总运输成本; Vii 点运输量; Ri到 i 点的运输费率; di从待定仓库位置到i 点的距离。,20,在坐标平面中设待定仓库坐标为(X0,Y0) ViRiXi/di X0=.(1) ViRi/di ViRiYi/di Y0= . (2) ViRi/di 其中di可以坐标间公式 di =SQR(X0-Xi)2+(Y0-Yi)2) . (3),21,该方法求解过程: 1、确定各目的地点的坐标,同时确定各点货物运输量和直线距离运费; 2、不考虑距离因素,用重心公式估算初始选址点: Vi

8、RiXi X0 =. (4) ViRi ViRiYi Y0 =. (5) ViRi 在坐标平面中设待定仓库坐标为(X0,Y0),22,3、根据公式(3),用步骤2得到的(X0,Y0)计算di; 4、将di代入公式(1),(2),得到修正的(X0,Y0)坐标; 5、根据修正的(X0,Y0)坐标,再重新计算di; 6、重复步骤4和步骤5直至(X0,Y0)坐标在连续迭代过程中都不再变化或变化在误差范围内; 7、最后,如果需要,利用公式(0)计算最优选址的总成本。,23,24,25,26,27,28,迭代法VC+程序如下: 软件应用如下,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,图9:平面

9、规划草图,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems(AS/RS),57,Components,S/R Machine Storage Modules Pick&Deposit Station Computer Interface Storage Structure (Framework),58,Load CapacityMax. weight.4,000 lbs.Max. load size.42x48Retriever Specification

10、sMax. height.100 ft.Max. horizontal speed.800 fpmMax. vertical speed.150 fpmMax. extractor speed.150 fpmAcceleration/deceleration.2.5 ft secVertical drive.variable AC motorsHorizontal drive.variable AC motorsType of hoist.wire ropeType of extractor.shuttleType of shuttle.single/double deepPower supp

11、ly.480V, 60HZ, 3PHOn board controller.PLC,Specs. for the R/S on the Previous Page,59,Speeds and Power,Speed Vertical 131,150 fpm Horizontal 450,525,800 fpm Unspecified 377 fpm,Power 480V 480V, 60HZ, 3PH,Wide Ranges,60,SK Daifuku (SLC),http:/,61,Costs,$500,000 for one aisle of a mini load (totes) $1

12、million for one aisle of the standard pallet size AS/RS,These prices come from Jim Nunor at SK Daifuku and are just estimates. The prices include all hardware and software, installation, warranty, and service agreement.,62,VNA= very narrow aisle man aboard industrial truck,Cost comparison between VN

13、A and AS/RS,63,Uses,Industries that commonly use AS/RS include: food and consumer goods manufaturing, grocery and retail, automotive, chemical, and electronics. Anything that can be put into some kind of unit load can be stored in an AS/RS.,64,Supporting/ Companion Technology,Warehouse Management Sy

14、stem (WMS) Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) Automated Electified Monorail (AEM) Refrigeration,65,Integration,66,Application Rules,67,Limitations,Speed Load Cost,68,Industry Standards,Some of the ANSI/ASME B56 standards apply AS/R systems are rated by load capacity. But nothing is standard since loads

15、 can range between 2000lbs and 4000lbs.,69,Vendors,70,Technical Paper,Modern Materials Handling. “Delivered to your dooorstep” by Megan McCoy, Associated Editor. July 2003, pp. 37-39.,71,Class Application,Given the information on the second page of the article about the AS/RS at the Chicago Tribune,

16、 find the foot print of the AS/RS. Assume there is a 3 inch gap on all sides of all pallets.,L = ny(y+b),= 50(52in+3in+3in) = 2900 inches = 241.67 feet,Wrow = nx(x+a),= 2(52in+3in+3in) = 116 inches = 9.67 feet,Waisle = 2Wrow + (x+a) = 290 inches = 24.17 feet,Wtotal = 2Waisle = 580 inches = 48.33 feet,241.7 feet by 48.3 feet,72,References, http:/ http:/ http:/,73,Summary,AS/RS is cool AS/RS is expensive AS/RS could save you even more,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,


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