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1、五年级英语上学期单词拼写复习针对练习科教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图写词。1. My grandfather is a_.2. There_on the desk.3. My aunt is a_.4. He is a_.2. 根据句意及首字母或中文完成句子1. What are you doing?Im_(看) TV.2. You shouldnt eat anything_(甜的).3. These_(葡萄) are not good. I dont like to eat them.4. His brother is doing the the d_.3. 按要求写出下列各词。1.st

2、and(过去式)_ 2.use(形容词)_3.man(复数)_ 4.there(对应词)_5.cannot(缩写形式)_4. 看图片根据提示填写单词。 f_ h_ r_ l_ m_5. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Please_(open)thedoor.2.Doyouwant_(play)chess?3.Areyou_(feel)angrynow?4.Icant_(find)mywatch.Doyouseeit?5.They_(win)achessgameyesterday.6. 根据括号中所给的汉语用适当的词语填空。(1)They are arriving on _ (星期三)morni

3、ng?(2)When do they _ (旅行)to Beijing?(3)Do you watch TV on _ (星期六)evening?(4)Hereare some new _ (计划)for next year.7. 按要求写单词。(1)speak(现在分词)_ (2)clean(现在分词)_ (3)write(现在分词)_ (4)wash(现在分词)_ (5)come(现在分词)_ (6)call(现在分词)_ 8. 看图写单词。 _ _ _ _9. 尽可能多的写出含有th的单词。1th /_2th /_10. 读一读,根据图片将单词补充完整。1 po_te 2 h_lpf_l

4、3_y 4 h_d-working5 cl_v_11. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。1. Today I won a chess game. Now I feel h_.2. Yesterday I lost my pen. I am s_.3. I want to eat something. I feel h_.4. I helped my mother tidy the room. I am t_.5. She took my beautiful dress. I feel a_.12. 写出下列单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_13. 根据首字母提示填空。Some students

5、 talk a_their hobbies. Mike likes p_basketball and football. He l_drawing too. He usually d_pictures w_his brother Tim. Liu Tao is g_at football. He a_likes p_table tennis. Yang Ling likes r_books. She h_many books. W_about the twins? They b_likes s_.14. 根据汉语意思,补全单词。(_)1. p_n(钢笔) A. e B. s C. i(_)2. t_cher(老师) A. ea B. es C. is(_)3. nine_(九十) A. ty B. ly C. vy(_)4. pen_1(铅笔) A. li B. ci C. ni(_)5. hun _ ed(百) A. dt B. rd C. dr15. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(1)do_ (2)read_(3)cook_ (4)make_ (5)fly_ (6)write_(7)swim_ (8)wash_4 / 4


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