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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟295大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟295大学三级(B)分类模拟295TranslationDirections: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. There are 20 sentences and 5 short paragraphs in this part. Each of the sentences is followed by three choices of suggested translation marked A,

2、B and C Make the best choice and put the paragraphs into Chinese. Practice 1问题:1. Im sorry to have caused you so much trouble.A.很抱歉给你带来这么多麻烦。B.我很遗憾地说,我将会给你带来很多麻烦。C.我感到很抱歉的原因是由于给你带来这么多麻烦。答案:A问题:2. Id like a single room with bath for about $50 a night.A.我要一间单人间,带浴室,价格大约每晚50美元。B.我想要一间每晚约50美元的带浴室的单人间。C.

3、我喜欢单人间,它的价格一般为每晚约50美元,而且带浴室。答案:B问题:3. Please take the medicine according to the instruction.A.请根据这个命令把药吃下。B.请按指示服药。C.请服从命令把药拿走。答案:B问题:4. Mr. Chen has been waiting for you,but now he is talking with someone else.A.陈先生一直在等你,不过,他现在在跟另一个人谈话。B.陈先生现在正跟另一个人谈话,但他一直在等你。C.陈先生等了你很久,虽然他现在正跟另一个人谈话。答案:A问题:5. His

4、best film, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi.A.他的影片是关于甘地生平的,因荣获了几项奖,所以被认为是最佳的。B.他的最佳影片,就是荣获几项奖的那部,是关于甘地生平的。C.他的荣获几项奖的那部最佳影片,是关于甘地生平的。答案:B问题:6. Ive got a cold so I have no taste.A.我伤风了,因此尝不出味道。B.我觉得很冷,所以没什么味道。C.我伤风了,感觉很乏味。答案:A问题:7. Its hard to measure his ability when we havent s

5、een his work.A.很难知道他的能力,因为我们没有见过他的作品。B.我们没有见过他的作品,很难估计他的能力。C.看到他的工作,我们才知道他的能力。答案:B问题:8. It seemed like a disaster at the time.A.在当时就觉得是一场灾难。B.一场灾难就像回到了当时。C.在当时那就像是一场灾难。答案:C问题:9. We dont read books for amusement.A.我们读书不是为了消遣。B.我们寻找消遣,而不读书。C.我们不读书,是为了消遣。答案:A问题:10. It was the last service he was to ren

6、der his fellow countrymen.A.这是他要为他的乡亲做出的最后一次贡献。B.这是他为他的乡亲已经做出的最后一次贡献。C.他为他的乡亲同胞做出的上一次贡献。答案:A问题:11. Here are the questions the author thought the average people would like answered.A.下述的是作者认为一般人想要回答的问题。B.这些是作者思考的普通人喜欢的问题。C.下面是作者认为一般人想要得到解答的问题。答案:C问题:12. The composer began his musical career as a viol

7、inist.A.作曲家开始了拉小提琴他的音乐生涯。B.作曲家开始了小提琴手的音乐生涯。C.作曲家以拉小提琴开始他的音乐生涯。答案:C问题:13. It is evident that the responsibility of the citizen involves more than just paying taxes to buy defense hardware.A.很明显,公民的责任不仅仅在于纳税,让国家购买国防硬件。B.很明显,公民的责任不仅仅是在于纳税,让国家购买国防武器。C.很明显,公民不仅负责纳税,还要负责购买防卫硬件。答案:B问题:14. Throughout his li

8、fe, he continued his education, learning from human contacts as well as from books.A.在他的一生中,他继续他的教育,从人的接触中学习,也从书本中学习。B.他一生都在受教育,从与人的交流中学习,而且也从书本中学习。C.他一生都在受教育,不仅从书本学习,而且也从与人的交往中学习。答案:C问题:15. He did not remember his father, who died when he was three years old.A.他三岁时父亲就去世了,所以记不得父亲了。B.他记不起父亲了,因为他三岁时父亲

9、就去世了。C.他三岁时就去世了,所以记不起父亲了。答案:A问题:16. Candidates are required to present themselves fifteen minutes before the examination begins.A.候选人须在考试前介绍自己,时间15分钟。B.候选人须在考试前15分钟介绍自己。C.考生须在考试前15分钟到达考场。答案:C问题:17. We admire him for his ambition to become a first-rate scholar in international finance studies.A.我们很赞赏

10、他雄心勃勃,要做一个国际金融研究方面的一流学者。B.我们羡慕他有雄心想成为一个国际金融界的一流学者。C.我们鼓励他,要有雄心从事国际金融研究方面的学习。答案:A问题:18. It is impolite not to return telephone calls regardless of whom they are from.A.不管谁的电话都不回,这是不礼貌的。B.不返还电话是不礼貌的,不管是谁呼的。C.不回电话是不礼貌的,不管电话是谁打来的。答案:C问题:19. Women are going after equality themselves instead of waiting fo

11、r organizations to deliver it.A.妇女在等待组织机构带来平等,相反地自己则在后面跟着。B.与其等待组织机构赐予,妇女更愿意自己去追求平等。C.妇女正在自己追求平等而不是等待组织机构赐予平等。答案:C问题:20. To reduce pain, take two tablets with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required.A.为了减轻疼痛,按要求先用开水服用两片,然后再每八小时服用一片。B.为了减轻疼痛,用水吃两片,然后按要求每八小时再吃一片。C.为了降低疼痛,用水吃两片,紧跟着

12、每八小时吃一片,按要求。答案:A问题:21. Everybody has his own likes and dislikes. People talk mostly about their personal interests and their likes or dislikes to somebody or something in everyday life and social communication. Therefore, talking about the likes becomes a very important part of the social communicat

13、ion. Generally speaking, people can state their views of likes frankly.答案:人人都有好恶。在日常生活和社会交际中,人们谈论最多的莫过于个人对他物的好恶。因此,从这个意义上讲,谈论喜好对人际交往有重要作用。一般而言,谈论喜好可以直叙胸臆,明确表明自己的好恶。问题:22. We have received your samples and are impressed with the quality of your goods. However, you will agree that the prices offered a

14、re slightly higher if you consider the large amount of our order. Therefore, we would like to ask you if you can make a further discount of 2%.答案:本公司已收到贵公司的样品,并对其质量印象深刻。不过,倘若考虑到本公司庞大的定货量,贵方必定也会同意贵公司所报的价格稍微偏高。因此,我方希望您能再作2%的降价。问题:23. Only a few years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electric

15、ity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles (微粒) of some kind, but trying to separate electricity into individual particles

16、 puzzled them.答案:还只是在数年前,科学家们对电仍只有很模糊的概念。他们之中不少人认为电是一种“流体”,这种流体就像水流经管道一样流过导线。但他们并不了解什么东西使电流动。他们之中的许多人觉得电是由某种极小的颗粒构成的,但试图把电分离成单个的小颗粒却使他们束手无策。问题:24. The solar battery make electricity from sunlight. It is a new invention which had its first practical workout in 1955. In that year a solar battery was p

17、laced on top of a telephone pole and connected to a telephone system. It furnishes enough electricity to operate several telephones.答案:太阳能电池用太阳光“制造”电。这一项新发明于1955年第一次得到实际应用。在那一年,把一个太阳能电池放在电线杆的顶端,并且与电话系统连接在一起。这台电池能提供足够几部电话机工作的电力。问题:25. Email lives somewhere between a phone call and a formal letter: it

18、 can be unprepared or carefully constructed. The trouble is that you cannot always be sure how the recipient (收件人) is going to interpret your message so it helps to be as clear as possible. You can do a few simple things to ensure that people wont be offended.答案:电子邮件介于电话和正式信件之间:其文字可以是即兴、现想现写的,也可以是精心构思组织的。问题在于你并不总有把握对方会怎样理解你的意思,所以要尽量表达清楚,这是有帮助的。你可以注意几点简单事项,就能保证不会冒犯别人。 9 / 9


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