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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟214大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟214大学三级(B)分类模拟214Reading ComprehensionTask 1 A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrow money from a bank. Borrowing money from a bank to buy a house

2、is called take a mortgage. The bank usually lends money or gives a mortgage for twenty-five years. Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as 50000. In other words, they will have a 50000 mortgage. How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to

3、 a bank. The bank will research your financial history and decide if they think you are a good risk. They will want to know what kind of job you have, what kind of salary you make, and how long you have had the job. They will also want to know how much money you have. In addition, the bank will requ

4、ire a down payment. Depending on which state you live in, the bank may require as much as 30% of the price of the house as a down payment. The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house. Many people are never able to buy a house because they cannot save enough money for the down

5、payment. 1. What does a house mean in the United States?A.It is a dream which many people can hardly realize.B.It is so expensive that many people cannot really buy them.C.It is the most important property that many people try to buy.D.It doesnt belong to people if they cant borrow money from the ba

6、nk.答案:C解析 主旨细节题。文章第一句话从购买房屋说起,“A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy”,房子是人们所要购置的最重要的财产。选项C最接近原文本意。2. If American people borrow money from the bank for 25 years, this means that the person who borrows _.A.has twenty-five years to pay back the moneyB.has more than twenty-five y

7、ears to pay back the moneyC.has less than twenty-five years to pay back the moneyD.has about twenty-five years to pay back the money答案:A解析 细节判断题。文章第一段有这样的描述“The bank usually lends money or gives a mortgage for twenty-five years”,可以看出银行的借期是25年,四个选项中只有A是准确的数字。3. What does down payment refer to in the

8、passage?A.Money borrowed from a bank as a mortgage.B.Money paid to a bank before the mortgages is given.C.Interest received by a person who borrows money as the mortgages.D.Interest charged by a bank on a mortgage.答案:B解析 词语释义题。从“down payment”的后一句话The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to

9、buy the house”可以推测出,down payment是在取得贷款之前自己先支付的那部分款项,即首付款。4. Which is NOT one of the things researched by a bank?A.How much money the borrower owns.B.What salary the borrower makes.C.What kind of job the borrower has.D.What kind of house the borrower lives in.答案:D解析 细节查读题。本题题干询问的是银行查询的内容,集中在文章第二段,可以用

10、对比排除的方法得出答案。A、B、C三项文章都有提及,剩下的一项即为正确答案。5. The most suitable title for this passage would be _.A.How to Save Money on the HouseB.How to Borrow Money from a BankC.How to Take a MortgageD.How to Buy a House答案:C解析 主旨理解题。文章从第一段购买房屋是最昂贵的的花销说起,第二段展开阐述如何进行抵押贷款,旨在说明如何抵押贷款。所以文章标题可能是“如何获得抵押贷款”。Task 2 How men le

11、arnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that-men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon

12、certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words. The power of words, then, lies in their associations-the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled wi

13、th meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also expres

14、s these thoughts in words which appeal (吸引) powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling (有效的,有力的) words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and associa

15、tion can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately (精确地), or they will make our speech silly and vulgar (粗俗的;无礼的) 1. One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that _ .A.they could agree upon certain

16、 signsB.they could write them downC.they could communicate with each otherD.they could combine them答案:C解析 本题为推理题。从第1段第2句中的目的状语从句“so that they could communicate with each other”就可推断这就是原因之一。故选C。2. In expressing their thoughts, great writers are able _ .A.to confound the readersB.to move our actionC.to

17、 puzzle our feelingsD.to move men to tears答案:D解析 本题为细节推理题。从最后一段第4句中的“.and which by their position and association can move men to teals”可以看出,真正的诗人可以使人感动得落泪。而从最后一段可知,诗人属于“great writers”,因此D为正确答案。3. We can make our speech refined and polished _ .A.by using words with care and accuracyB.by using words

18、at randomC.by using bombastic wordsD.by using resounding words答案:A解析 本题为细节推理题。题中refined与polished分别意为“优美的,润饰的”和“文雅的”,与最后一段最后一句的“silly”和“vulgar”形成鲜明的对比。也就是说,如果要使我们的话优美和文雅,我们可以按照最后一句的建议去做,即谨慎而且精确地用词。故可以推断A是正确的。4. What is true about words?A.They are used to express feelings only.B.They are simply sounds

19、.C.They can not be written down.D.They are mysterious.答案:B解析 本题为细节推理题。从第1段第2句中的“the origin of language is a mystery”推断选项D不正确;从第2长句可知,词不仅可用来表达感觉,还可以表达“actions and things”(行动和事物),而且这些词还可以写下来,因此可以排除选项A和C。根据本段最后一句“Those sounds,.,we call words”,可以判断选项B是正确答案。5. Which of the following statements is true?A.

20、The more we read and learn, the more ignorant we are.B.The more we read and learn, the more confused we will be.C.The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.D.The more we read and learn, the more snobbish we become.答案:C解析 本题为细节推理题。根据第2段最后一句“.and the more we read and learn,the more the numbe

21、r of words that mean something to us increases”可推断选项C为正确答案。Task 3 Make our Tourist Information Centre your first call when planning your visit to Cheltenham. Our friendly team can provide a wide range of services to make your stay enjoyable and unforgettable. We can book your accommodation (住宿), fro

22、m a homely bed and breakfast to a four-star hotel. We can provide tickets for local events and we are booking agents (代理商) for National Express and other local coach companies. In summer we organize our own various programs of Coach Tours of the Cotswolds, plus regular walking tours around Chehenham

23、, all guided by qualified guides. We also stock a wide range of maps and guidebooks plus quality gifts and souvenirs (纪念品). We can help you with advice on what to see, where to go and how to get there. We look forward to seeing you in Cheltenham. Tours of Chehenham Tour Services Provider: 1 Services

24、 Offered : (1) booking accommodation (2) providing tickets for 2 (3) booking tickets from National Express and other 3 (4) organizing Coach Tours and regular 4 in summer (5) providing various maps, 5 , gifts and souvenirs 1.答案:Tourist Information Centre解析 本题要求考生找出旅游服务的提供者。根据第一段第一句话“Make our Tourist

25、Information Centre your first call when planning your visit to Chehenham”可知如有旅游计划,旅游信息中心是首选。广告中旅游服务的提供者当然是旅游信息中心。2.答案:local events解析 该题询问的是旅游信息中心提供的服务中包括为游客提供什么活动的门票。从第一段最后一句话中“We can provide tickets for local events”可以直接找到答案。3.答案:local coach companies解析 该题询问的是旅游信息中心提供的服务中包括为游客预定什么票。从第一段最后一句话“we are

26、 booking agents for National Express and other local coach companies”中可以直接找到答案。4.答案:walking tours解析 该题询问的是旅游信息中心提供的服务中包括为游客组织什么活动。从第二段第一句话“In summer we organize our own various programmes of Coach Tours of the Cotswolds, plus regular walking tours around Cheltenham”中可以直接找到答案。5.答案:guidebooks解析 该题询问的是

27、旅游信息中心可以为游客提供什么。从第二段第二句话“We also stock a wide range of maps and guidebooks plus quality gifts and souvenirs”中可以直接找到答案。Task 4 ACertificate of Health BFire Insurance CIndustrial Accidents DInsurance Company EInsurance Policy FLife Insurance GMarine Insurance HNatural Insurance INatural Losses JSocial

28、Security Fund KTotal Loss Only LWar Risk MCoverage NInsurance Premium OSpecial Clause Pinsurance Agent QInsurance Contract RInsurance Tax 1. _战争险 _社会保障金答案:L、J2. _人寿保险 _保险费答案:F、N3. _健康证书 _火险答案:A、B4. _全损险 _保险公司答案:K、D5. _海上保险 _生产事故答案:G、CTask 5Dear Mr. Harrison, It was a pleasure speaking with you on th

29、e phone this afternoon. I am very happy to accept the position of Project Manager with Harrison Consultants (哈里森咨询公司). Thank you very much for the opportunity for me to join your team. I am excited about the possibilities for this position, and I am eager to work with your team. As we discussed in o

30、ur conversation, my starting yearly salary will be $50,000. I understand that after being employed for 30 days, I will receive health and life insurance benefits. After working for Harrison Consultants for six months, I will receive one weeks paid vacation. I am prepared to start work on January 1,2

31、014, as you requested. If there is any paperwork I need to complete before I start work, or if you need any additional information, please contact me at (732) 294-5103. I appreciate the help your associate (合作伙伴) Mr. Ken Knox provided by recommending me for this position. Thank you. Evelyn Wauson 1.

32、 What position is the letter writer going to accept? The position of _. 答案:Project Manager解析 应聘职位此题是问:写信人申请的是什么工作岗位?从信的第1段,我们读到I am very happy to accept the position of Project Manager with Harrison Consultants,所以答案是Project Manager。2. What is the starting yearly salary for the position? It is _. 答案:

33、$50,000解析 起薪此题是问:此岗位的起薪是多少?在信的第2段有As we discussed in our conversation, my starting yearly salary will be $50,000,明确指出起薪是$50,000。3. What benefits will the letter writer receive after working for 30 days? Health and _ benefits. 答案:life insurance解析 福利此题是问:写信人在工作30天后会得到什么福利?回答中已给出Health and,再根据信中的after

34、being employed for 30 days, I will receive health and life insurance benefits,只要填写life insurance即可。4. When will the letter writer be able to have a one-week paid vacation? After working for the company for _. 答案:six/6 months解析 时间此题是问:写信人何时能享受一周的带薪假期?根据答案中已给出After working for the company for,再从信中找到:A

35、fter working for Harrison Consultants for six months, I will receive one weeks paid vacation,就可得到答案:six months。5. Who recommended the letter writer for this position? Mr. _. 答案:Ken Knox解析 推荐人此题是问:是谁推荐此写信人的?信的最后一段提到:I appreciate the help your associate Mr. Ken Knox provided by recommending me for this position。这句话的意思是“您的同事肯诺克斯先生举荐我担任此职位,对他的帮助我很感激”。由此可见,答案是Ken Knox。 14 / 14


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