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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟437大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟437大学三级(B)模拟437Part Listening ComprehensionmDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each

2、 question there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen

3、ter. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Thank you very much.B.Yes. What time should we meet then?C.I have seen it.D.No. You go alone.答案:B解析Do you feel like going to a movie tonight?解析 Do you feel like doing sth? 是向某人邀请某人做某事的一种句式,意为“你愿意.?”,回答时应给出对方答复。本题中是邀请对方去看电影,选项BYesWhat time should we meet then?表示接受邀请,并想约定

4、时间,符合语境。2.A.It was wonderful night.B.I went there only once.C.The food there is delicious.D.They dont have seafood.答案:A解析Hey, how was the restaurant you tried last night?解析 本题要抓住关键疑问词how,题目是询问餐馆怎么样,故只有选项CThe food there is delicious“那儿的食物很好吃”符合问话内容。其它选项都是答非所问。3.A.Of course,B.Go ahead.C.So do I.D.No.

5、You can go out.答案:B解析Mind if I have a smoke here?解析 Mind if I.?或Do you mind if I.?是请求对方许可的一种句式,意为“你介意我.?”,如表示不介意可用选项B的句式,本题中go ahead表示“抽吧,没关系”。4.A.Yes, I must.B.Id like to open an account, please.C.I dont want to, but I have to.D.Its already very late now.答案:C解析Are you sure youre leaving now? Its so

6、 early.解析 本题中说话人是在对客人进行挽留,按照礼节,客人此时应该表现出是由于客观原因不得不走,主观上并不想走,因此选项CI dont want to,but l have to符合语增。5.A.Its only 10 minutes walk.B.Its about 50 yuan.C.By bus.D.You have to Wait for another train.答案:A解析 How far is the railway station from here? 解析 How far是表示对距离的询问,因此选项AIts only 1o minutes walk“只有十分钟的路程

7、”符合问话内容。Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogue and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the corre

8、ct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.A complaint.B.A phone call.C.A letter.D.A pen.答案:C解析W: Nancy complains that she never gets any

9、mail.M: Thats too bad. Ill write her right away.Q: What would Nancy like to receive?解析 事实状况题。根据对话中的关键词mail和write可知答案为CA letter。2.A.Waitress.B.Shop assistant.C.Hostess.D.The mans wife.答案:C解析M: The vegetable is so fresh.W: Help yourself to the fish, too.Q: Who is the woman most probably?解析 事实状况题。Help

10、yourself to表示请自用,一般是用餐时主人对客人说的话,意思是请客人不要客气。因此对话中的女士最有可能是CHostess“女主人”。3.A.Jacks opinion is disappointing.B.Most others dont agree with Jack.C.Most people think basketball boring.D.She thinks basketball boring.答案:B解析M: Jack seems to think that this years basketball season will be disappointing.W: Tha

11、ts his opinion. Most others think differently.Q: What does the woman mean?解析 事实状况题。通过think differently可知most others的看法应该是与Jack的看法不同。故答案为选项BMost others dont agree with Jack。其中dont agree是think differently的同义转述。4.A.He is busy now with his final examination.B.He has seen the film for several times.C.He

12、has been ill in hospital for weeks.D.He thinks it will not be a good film.答案:A解析W: Have you seen the film Hero?M: No, I have been busy preparing the final examination.Q: Why hasnt the man seen Hero?解析 事实状况题。应注意对照选项识别对话中出现在关键词语final examination。5.A.They ignore each otherB.They quarrel all the time.C.

13、They get along well.D.They care about each other very much.答案:A解析W: How do John and Mary get along?M: They dont quarrel but they dont pay much attention to each other, either.Q: How do John and Mary get along with each other?解析 选项AThey ignore each other中的ignore“忽视”是dont pay much attention to的同义转述,故为

14、正确答案。Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Shee

15、t in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin Americans like to laugh and 1 .In the United States and a few other countries the first of April, April Fools Day, is a day devoted to harmless practical jokes

16、 and 2 for every American to fool his friends and neighbors. When I was a college student, our daily college news paper always had a 3 April fools edition. It was surprising that many people believed these stories. But probably the 4 practical joke of all time was a national radio broadcast by Orson

17、 Wells. Mr. Wells told his audience that the Earth was being invaded by Mars: His description of this invasion from outer space was actually responsible for the 5 of several people. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:make jokes解析 11-15 Americans like to laugh and make jokes. In the United States and a few ot

18、her countries the first of April, April Fools Day, is a day devoted to harmless practical jokes and an excuse for every American to fool his friends and neighbors. When I was a college student, our daily college newspaper always had a special April fools edition. It was surprising that many people b

19、elieved these stories. But probably the most successful practical joke of all time was a national radio broadcast by Orson Wells. Mr. Wells told his audience that the Earth was being invaded by Mars. His description of this invasion from outer space was actually responsible for the death of several

20、people. 2.答案:an excuse3.答案:special4.答案:most successfule5.答案:deathPart Vocabulary and StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sectionsSection ADirections: There are 10 incom

21、plete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.问题:1. It rained hard yesterday, _ prevented me from going

22、to the park.A.thatB.whichC.asD.it答案:B解析 定语从句句意 昨天雨下得很大,我们没能去成公园。解析 本题考查非限制性定语从句,代替前面整个句子,在从句中充当主语,应该用关系代词which。问题:2. The high standard of the nations literature and art widespread attention.A.was attractedB.have attractedC.has attractedD.has been attracted答案:C解析 时态语态句意 民族文学和艺术的高标准已经引起了广泛的关注。解析 本句强调一

23、种现在的事实状态,因此最好用现在完成时。而主语standard和动词attract之间应该是主动的关系,因此答案为Chas attracted。问题:3. Is it his left kidney(肾) _ the young man donated(捐献) to his mother?A.whichB.thatC.whatD.where答案:B解析 强调句型句意 那个年轻人是把他左边的肾捐给他母亲了吗?解析 本句是强调句型,强调的成份是donated的宾语his left kidney。问题:4. _ before we departed last weekend, we would ha

24、ve had a wonderful dinner party.A.Had they arrivedB.Would they arriveC.Were they arrivingD.Were they to arrive答案:A解析 虚拟语气和倒装句意 如果他们上周末在我们离开前到了的话,我们就会有一次非常愉快的宴会了。解析 根据主句谓语动词的形式would have had和从句中的时间状语last weedent,可知本题是表示对过去事实的虚拟,从句谓语动词应该用had done的形式;而从下面选项看,从句中省略了连词if,故应采用倒装形式。因此答案为AHad they arrived。问

25、题:5. Tony prefers apples and bananas _ other fruits.A.thanB.overC.toD.against答案:C解析 固定搭配句意 在所有的水果里边,托尼最喜欢苹果和香蕉。解析 prefer A to B是固定搭配,表示喜欢A胜过喜欢B。问题:6. The World Cup football match was televised _ on CCTV5.A.livelyB.liveC.livingD.alive答案:B解析 近义词辨析句意 在所有的水果里边,托尼最喜欢苹果和香蕉。解析 Blive在这里作副词使用,表示实况转播,恰好符合题意。A

26、lively“活泼的,活跃的”;Cliving“活的,现存的”;Dalive“活着的”,一般作表语或后置定语,均不符题意。问题:7. She took an umbrella with her this morning _ she should be caught in the rain.A.so thatB.in order thatC.in caseD.now that答案:C解析 状语从句句意 今天早上她带了伞以防被雨浇。解析 Cin case“以防,万一”,符合前后句意。Aso that“以便,因此”,可引导结果状语从句和目的状语从句;Bin order that“为了”,引导目的状语

27、从句;Dnow that“既然”,引导原因状语从句,均不符合题意。问题:8. In an old bookstore, you often _ the early editions of many valuable books.A.come acrossB.come aboutC.come withD.come on答案:A解析 短语辨析句意 在旧书店里,你经常会无意当中发现许多旧版的珍贵书籍。解析 Acome across“不期而遇”,正好符合题意。Dcome about意为“发生,产生”;Ccome with“伴随.发生”;Dcome on“跟着来,开始”,均不符合题意。问题:9. The

28、y usually have less money at the end of the project than _ at the beginning.A.whichB.which wasC.they haveD.it is答案:C解析 比较结构句意 通常情况下他们在工程尾期时的经费肯定要少于工程初期。解析 本题考查比较结构前后形式的一致性。本题中是at the end与at the beginning相比,前后都应该是他们拥有的经费,因此后面的结构要与前面一致,即也应该用they have。问题:10. Jessica is a very religious girl; she believ

29、es that she is always supported by her god.A.spirituallyB.typicallyC.historicallyD.officially答案:A解析 逻辑关系句意 杰西卡是一个虔诚的宗教信徒;她相信上帝会一直在精神上给予她支持。解析 Aspiritually意为“在精神上地”,恰好符合题意。Btypically意为“典型地,代表性地”;Chistorically意为“从历史观点来看”;Dofficially意为“正式地”,均不符合题意。Section BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete state

30、ments here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet问题:1. Our satellite can (launch) _ at a moments notice.答案:be launched解析 时态语态句意 我们的卫星可以立即发射。解析 launch表示“发射(卫星、火箭等)”时,是及物动词,因此此处应该用被动语

31、态,而情态动词can后面应该接动词原形,故答案为be launched。问题:2. The factory is one of the local famous TV sets (supply) _ .答案:suppliers解析 词形转换句意 这家工厂是当地著名的电视机供应商。解析 根据题意,工厂应该是供应商,因此应将动词supply结尾字母y改成i后加上后缀-er;另外注意one of后面应该加可数名词的复数形式,故此处应该填suppliers。问题:3. When (see) _ near the horizon, the Moon appears strikingly larger.答

32、案:seen解析 分词句意 在地平线附近观看月球时,它显得特别大。解析 动词see与其逻辑主语之间是被动关系,因此应该用过去分词seen,在句中作状语。问题:4. What the teacher of the science class does and says is of great (important) _ to the students at college.答案:importance解析 词形转换句意 大学里理科老师在课上的言行对学生来说是非常重要的。解析 介词of后面应该接名词作宾语,故应填importance。be of+名词结构相当于be+形容词结构,因此本题中is of

33、great importance也可以转换成is greatly important。问题:5. The girl couldnt help (cry) _ when she heard that terrible sound.答案:crying解析 动名词句意 听到那个可怕的声音时,小女孩吓得禁不住哭起来。解析 couldnt help doing表示禁不住做某事。问题:6. Last months rainfall was three times (much) _ than the average for that period.答案:more解析 比较级句意 上个月的降雨量是同一时期平均

34、水平的三倍。解析 根据后面的than可知前面应该填比较级more。倍数词+more than.是表示“是多少倍”的一种方式。问题:7. If only I (have) _ more money, I could buy some new clothes.答案:had解析 虚拟语气句意 要是我有更多的钱,我就能买些新衣服了。解析 if only后面经常接虚拟语气,表示“要是就好了”,本题是表示对现在的一种美好愿望,故应该用一般过去时形式。问题:8. The people who try to avoid (pay) _ the tax will be heavily fined in that

35、 country.答案:paying解析 动名词句意 在那个国家,居民逃税将被处以重罚。解析 avoid后面要求接动名词作宾语。问题:9. It is very (thought) _ to pick me up at the airport in such cold weather.答案:thoughtful解析 词形转换句意 天这么冷你还来机场接我,真是太体贴了。解析 此处需要一个形容词作表语,因此应在名词thought后面加上形容词后缀-ful。问题:10. The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plant (grow)

36、 _ .答案:to grow解析 词形转换句意 太阳温暖大地,使植物得以生长。解析 此处应该用不定式形式,是句中真正的宾语,而it代替不定式作形式主语。因此应该用to grow。Part Reading ComprehenstionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructedTask

37、1 Walking is the easiest and simplest form of exercise. By putting one foot in front of the other, you can start to walk your ways towards a healthier lifestyle. Walking is an easy way to challenge the cardiovascular( 心脏血管的) system while at the same time building muscles. But to achieve these goals,

38、 a little more than a gentle walk around the block is required. Walking actually burns as many calories as running the same distanceif done in the correct manner and at a reasonable pace. Start with a basic program that you can complete three or four times a week. This should include five main steps

39、: A beginning warm-up for about 5 minutes. A little bit faster period of 5 minutes at medium level A 10-minute burning at a high level A 5-minute cool down period at a low level again A suitable walking pace of around 5 kilometers per hour will burn around 80 calories in 30 minutes. 1. According to

40、the passage, walking is a simple way to _ .A.lose weightB.cure blood diseasesC.avoid heart attacksD.strengthen heart functions答案:D解析 事实细节题。根据第一段第三句Walking is an easy way to challenge the cardiovascular system while at the same time building muscles“走路是一种简单的锻炼方式,可以挑战你的心血管系统,同时锻炼你的肌肉”可知,答案为D。B项和C项内容错误

41、在于,只能说是有助于治疗血管疾病或避免心脏病。2. Compared with running the same distance, walking in the recommended way burns _ .A.fewer caloriesB.more caloriesC.a fixed number of caloriesD.the same number of calories答案:D解析 事实细节题。根据第二段Walking actually burns as many calories as running the same distanceif done in the corr

42、ect manner and at a reasonable pace“如果方法得当,速度合理,那么行走与跑步在距离相同的情况下会消耗同等数量的热量”可知,答案为D。3. In order to benefit from walking, we should _ .A.take it as a planned exerciseB.move as gently as possibleC.do it in a quiet placeD.go as fast as possible答案:A解析 事实细节题。根据第三段第一句Start with a basic program that you can

43、 complete three or four times a week“一开始,你就要有一个计划,你可以一周练习三到四次”可知答案为A。4. In the first 5 minutes of walking, you should walk _ .A.slowlyB.quicklyC.at top speedD.at medium pace答案:A解析 事实细节题。根据第三段介绍的跑步的五个步骤的第一步A beginning warm up for about 5 minutes“开始应该有五分钟的热身时间”可知,一开始要慢走。故答案为A。5. Which of the following

44、 is TRUE about the suggested walking program _ .A.effective walking lies in the gradual increase of speedB.the same pace should be kept throughout the walkingC.one should not stop suddenly while walking fastD.one should change ones walking pattern every 5 minutes答案:C解析 事实细节题。根据第三段跑步五步骤的第四步A 5-minute

45、 cool down period at a low level again“最后还要再有五分钟的缓冲时期”可知,快走之后不应该立刻停下来。故答案为C。Task 2 Many American women are earning money outside their homes today. Among women who are eighteen to sixty-four years old, fifty percent have jobs. In general, working women have had more education than those who stay at home. Of course those who work, thirty-two percent of them have attended college, compared with twenty percent of those who do not have jobs. Among women with jobs, eight out of ten drive a car to work, and ei


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