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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟446大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟446大学三级(B)模拟446Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it.

2、After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line

3、through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Its very difficult.B.Its easy to repair.C.Yes, it will take me a long time.D.No, it will take me a long time.答案:C解析Will it take a long time for you to repair the watch?2.A.More than 9, 000 yuan.B.Yes, its very expensive.C.Only three computers.D.No, its ch

4、eap.答案:A解析How much is your computer?3.A.Yes, it is.B.It is a fine day.C.It is cloudy.D.Im sorry to hear it.答案:A解析Its such a fine day, isnt it?4.A.I like Miss Zhao very much.B.Miss Zhao taught us math.C.Miss Zhao came here last year.D.I like math very much.答案:B解析Who taught you math last year?5.A.Yes,

5、 of course.B.How do you do?C.The same to you.D.Fine, thank you.答案:D解析How are you these days?Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questio

6、ns will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.He ha

7、d a class.B.He accepted a task.C.He broke a glass.D.He took a bath.答案:C解析M: Im sorry, Ive broken the glass.W: Oh, you should be more careful.Q: What did the man do?2.A.Pass a letter to Mr. Black.B.Talk to Mr. Black.C.See Mr. Black;D.Ask about Mr. Black.答案:B解析W: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Black?M: Sor

8、ry. Hes not in at the moment. May I take a message?Q: What does the woman want to do?3.A.Too old.B.Too strict.C.Very quiet.D.Very nice.答案:D解析M: What do you think of the new secretary?W: Oh, she is a very nice person, and shes quite young.Q: How does the woman think the secretary is?4.A.In a shop.B.A

9、t a library.C.At a bookstore.D.At a bus station.答案:B解析W: Excuse me, how long can I keep the book?M: Two weeks. But you must return it here on time.Q: Where are the two speakers?5.A.About 60.B.About 50.C.About 30.D.About 120.答案:C解析M: How many students tried out for the football team this year?W: Abou

10、t 60, but only half of them do well in football.Q: How many students are good at football?Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the se

11、cond reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is 1 int

12、o twenty-four time zones(时区), one hour separate. You can have days with more or 2 than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. If you make a 3 trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time 4 one hour. Trave

13、ling west, you set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has 5 twenty-five or twenty-three hours. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:divided解析 11-15 Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is 11. divided into twenty-four time zones (时区), one hour se

14、parate. You can have days with more or 12. fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. If you make a 13. five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time 14. changes one hour. Traveling west, y

15、ou set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has 15. either twenty-five or twenty-three hours. 2.答案:fewer3.答案:five-day4.答案:changes5.答案:eitherPart Vocabulary and StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct m

16、eaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter

17、on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.问题:1. Most of the students failed in the final exam. It _ easy.A.cant beB.shouldnt beC.mustnt have beenD.couldnt have been答案:D大多数学生期末考试不及格,题目不可能容易。在表示推测时,must be仅用于肯定句,不能用于疑问句或否定句;cant be用于否定句,表示不大可能,所以根据时态选D。问题:2. My uncle, as well as his th

18、ree children, _ the competition.A.have joinedB.have joined inC.has joined inD.has been joined in答案:C我的叔叔,而且还有他的三个孩子,参加了这次竞赛。as well as his three children为介词引导的短语,放在主语后不影响主语的数。所以谓语动词由my uncle来决定,故选C。类似这样的短语还有:along with, accompanied by, but, except, in addition to, including, instead of, like, more t

19、han, rather than, together with等。问题:3. _ from the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror.A.SeeingB.Having seenC.To seeD.Seen答案:D从山顶看,这个湖就像一面镜子。句中的逻辑主语是the lake,动词see与the lake之间是动宾关系,即the lake是动词see这一动作的承受者,故选过去分词形式表被动。问题:4. Hardly _ when the accident happened. A. he had gone B. had he goneC

20、. he went D. he has gone 答案:B他刚走事故就发生了。在hardly. when句型中,hardly后面的句子要用过去完成时,如果hardly放在句首,句子还要倒装,故选B。问题:5. In the eighteenth century, Writers _ hours in coffee houses, discussing the news of the day.A.used to spendingB.would be spendingC.used to spendD.were used to spend答案:C在18世纪,作家们常常在咖啡屋消磨时间,讨论当天的新闻

21、。used to do意为“过去常常做某事”,而be used to doing意为“习惯于”。问题:6. He talks as if he _ everything.A.knowB.knewC.had knownD.has known答案:B他讲起话来就好像什么都知道似的。此句含有虚拟语气。as if引导的从句是与现在事实相反的假设,所以用一般过去时。问题:7. I prefer singing _ drawing.A.toB.forC.thanD.that答案:A我更喜欢唱歌而不喜欢画画。prefer. to. 意为“更喜欢(做)而不喜欢”。问题:8. She has _ her min

22、d and is going to Canada instead of Japan.A.exchangedB.decidedC.changedD.made答案:C她改变主意了,不去日本而去加拿大。change ones mind意为“改变土意”,此句根据后面的信息“不去日本,而去加拿大”确定应该是C答案。问题:9. It was not until she got on the bus _ she remembered she had left her keys at home.A.whenB.whichC.thatD.where答案:C她直到上了公共汽车,才记起把钥匙忘在家里了。由it is

23、was+被强调部分+thatwho 构成强调结构,被强调的部分可以是句子的主语、宾语或状语。问题:10. _ we all know, Mary is a very warm-hearted person.A.WhichB.ThatC.AsD.It答案:C如同我们都了解的那样,玛丽是个很热心的人。as引导的插入语从句放在句首,指主句的全部内容。Section BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the wo

24、rd given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. The visiting scholar gave the students an interesting and highly (information) _ lecture.答案:informative这位访问学者给学生们做了一次有趣而又非常增进知识的讲座。lecture是名词,而修饰名词应用形容词。问题:2. In some ways these schools are (differ) _

25、from Chinese middle schools.答案:different在某种程度上,这些学校不同于中国的中学。be different from是固定结构,意为“与不一样”。问题:3. Of all his novels, I like this one (well) _.答案:best在他所有的小说中,我最喜欢这一本。在本句中,因为前面有介词短语限制了范围,所以用最高级,而well的最高级形式为best。问题:4. Thanksgiving is a (tradition) _ festival in the U. S. and Canada.答案:traditional在美国和加

26、拿大,感恩节是一个传统的节日。traditional是 tradition的形容词,意为“传统的”,在这里作定语,修饰名词festival。问题:5. If I (leave) _ a little earlier, I would have caught the train.答案:had left如果我早点儿离开,就会赶上这趟火车。由if引导的非真实条件句中,如果表示与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时,主句用“should(would, could, might) + have done”的形式。问题:6. On his way home he suddenly remembered that

27、 he (not lock) _ the door of the office.答案:had not locked在回家的路上,他突然想起没锁办公室的门。根据句意,从句的动作发生在主句的动作之前,而主句用一般过去时,所以从句要用过去完成时。问题:7. I remember (see) _ him once somewhere.答案:seeing我记得在什么地方见过他一次。remember后面既可接动名词,也可接不定式。remember to do意为“记住要做某事”; remember doing意为“记得做过某事”。问题:8. Its midnight. Its high time you

28、(go) _ home.答案:went已经午夜了,你早该回家了。It is high time that. 从句中的谓语动词通常用过去式,表示虚拟,意为“早该干了”。问题:9. As soon as I (get) _ home, it started to rain heavily.答案:got我一到家,就开始下大雨。主句用过去时态,从句也要用过去的某种时态。问题:10. Most of the people (invite) _ to the party yesterday were my friends.答案:invited昨天被邀请参加晚会的大多数人都是我的朋友。invite与 peo

29、ple之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语,表示被动。Part Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1 An English traveler spent a few weeks in Sweden. When he w

30、as about to return home, he found he had only enough money to get a ticket back to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that he could get home without eating anything as it was only a two-days voyage. So he bought a ticket with that little money he had and went on board the ship. He closed

31、his ears to the sound of the lunch bell, and when dinner time came, he refused to go down to the place where people had their dinner, saying that he did not feel well. The following day he did not get up until breakfast was over, pretending that he had overslept. At lunch time, too, he kept out of t

32、he way. By the time of the dinner, however, he became so hungry that he could even have eaten paper. I cant stand this any longer, he said to himself. I must have something to eat. At dinner table he ate everything put in front of him. When he was quite satisfied, he felt stronger and at once went t

33、o see the waiter. Bring me the bill, he said to the waiter. The bill? said the waiter in surprise. Yes, answered the traveler. There isnt any bill here, said the waiter, On this ship, meals are alreay included in the ticket. 1. The traveler thought that he _.A.would find no food served on boardB.cou

34、ld not get home without having meals on boardC.could do without any food before he got homeD.would not be allowed to eat on board答案:C根据第一段中的he decided that he could get home without eating anything as it was only a two-days voyage可知正确答案为C。2. He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell, means _

35、.A.he did not hear the lunch bellB.he heard the lunch bell but didnt go for lunchC.he put something in his ear to close themD.he did not know it was the lunch bell答案:B作者在文章开始就谈到该英国人的钱只够买船票,因此他决定在旅途中不吃饭。故正确答案为B。3. The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not _. A. feel well B. know the

36、time for lunch C. hear the lunch bell I) have the money 答案:D由第一段可知正确答案是D。4. The traveler said to himself, I cant stand this any longer means _.A.I cant bear any longerB.I cant stay hungry any longerC.I cant keep my feet on this place any longerD.I must sit down for a while答案:A在I cant stand this any

37、longer句中,cant stand意为“无法忍受”,同 cant bear意思相同。5. He became so hungry that he _.A.went to sleepB.ate paperC.went to the dinner-tableD.kept out of the way答案:C由第四段可知正确答案为C。Task 2 In some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant seeks to persuade the employer to empl

38、oy him or her. A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining(确定)certain types of information prior to the interview. First, the applicant knows What kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective. It is important that the applicant be able to state his reasons for wi

39、shing to work for a particular company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plans for expa

40、nsion, and company philosophy, information about most major corporations available in reference books and periodicals(期刊). After gathering information concerning the company, the applicant is ready for the interview. The interviewers first impression comes from the interviewees appearance. For most

41、interviews, appropriate dress for men is a conservative dark colored suit with a long sleeve white or light blue shirt. For women a conservative, tailored suit or dress is appropriate. Both men and women should have neat, conservative length of hair. Although hairstyle and dress are matters of taste

42、, many personnel directors form initial impressions from these characteristics. For example, one recent college graduate, who felt himself qualified, interviewed for a public relations job. However, the personnel manager considered this young mans long hair, sloppy dress, and overly casual manner un

43、suited for this particular position. 1. For whom is the passage most likely written? _A.An employee.B.An employer.C.An interviewee.D.An interviewer.答案:C本文主要是关于求职者在面试前应做的准备,以及在面试过程中的穿着打扮。故正确答案为C。2. As the author suggests, what should the applicant know before the interview? _A.The type of work and hi

44、s career expectation.B.His career objective a particular company will decide.C.The reasons a particular company has to employ him.D.All of the above.答案:A根据第一段中的The applicant knows what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective可知正确答案为A。3. Before the interview, the applican

45、t should obtain some information about _.A.most major corporationsB.the company he wants to work forC.reference books and periodicalsD.business and philosophy答案:B根据第一段中后半部分可知应征者应该收集他要应聘公司的相关信息。故正确答案为B。4. What the applicant wears, as the author suggests, can make him look _.A.personalB.persuasiveC.in

46、formativeD.conservative答案:D由第二段中appropriate dress for men is a conservative dark colored suit,以及For woman a conservative tailored. 可得出D是最佳答案。5. What is the author trying to tell us through the example in the last paragraph? _A.The importance of personal taste.B.The importance of public relations.C.The importance of self-confidence.D.The importance of first impression.答案:D在最后一段中,通过一个穿着随便的应聘者被拒之门外的例子说明了第一印象的重要性。故正确答案为D。Task 3 The spee


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