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1、功能对等理论视角下2018政府工作报告翻译策略研究A Study of Translation Strategy of Government Work Report in 2018 from the Perspective of Functional EquivalenceContentAbstract (in Chinese)Abstract (in English)Chapter 1Introduction1.1Background of the Study 11.2 Objectives of the Study 11.3 Outline of the thesis 2Chapter 2

2、 Literature Review2.1A review of Functional Equivalence 32.1.1A review of Functional Equivalence abroad 32.1.2. A review of functional Equivalence at home 52.2. Study of Translation of Government Work Report 52.2.1Study of Translation of Government Work Report abroad 62.2.2 Study of Translation of G

3、overnment Work Report at home 62.3 Space of this study 7Chapter 3 Research Design3.1 Brief Introduction to Functional Equivalence 83.2 Contributions and Defects of Functional Equivalence 9Chapter 4 Case Study4.1 Lexical Level 114.1.1 Collocation Equivalence 114.1.2Translation of high-sounding words

4、144.1.3 Translation of Neologism 144.2 Syntactic Level 174.2.1 Zero-subjective Sentences 174.2.2 Parallel Structure Sentences 184.2.3 Complex Sentences 204.3 Discourse Level 214.3.1 Combining and Dividing 214.3.2 Cohesion 224.3.3 Reference 234.3.4 Conjunction 23Chapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Finding

5、of the Study 255.2 Implication of the Study 255.3 Limitation of the Thesis 255.4 Suggestions for Further Study 26Reference 27摘要改革开放的深入发展,中国综合国力和国际地位的提升,越来越多的国际友人想要了解中国的方针政策。每年的政府工作报告包括了我国政治,经济,文化的发展现状和下一年的工作部署,因此准确翻译政府工作报告有利于世界了解中国,也有利于提升中国的文化软实力。本文选取2018 政府工作报告为研究对象,根据奈达的功能对等理论,重点从词汇,句法和语篇三个层次对政府报告


7、可以实现译本和原文的对等。总的来说,在功能对等理论指导下,政府工作报告原文和译文的表达实现了一致,从而能让读者更好的理解中国的方针政策,达到了翻译的目的。可见,翻译政府工作报告这种文体,应用功能对等理论是可行的。同时也为我们以后翻译政治文本提供了借鉴。关键词: 功能对等, 政府工作报告,翻译策略AbstractWith thedeepeningofreformandopeningup,enhancementofChinascomprehensivenationalstrengthandpromotionofits international status, more and more fore

8、igners want to know the China. The annual Government Work Report includes the current situation of, political, economic and cultural development in China and the development of work in the coming year. Therefore, the accurate translation of Government Work Report can make the world understand China

9、and improve the Chinas cultural soft power.In this thesis, GWR in 2018 are selected as the research object. Basing on the functional equivalence, the author will analyze the translation of Government Work Reports from lexical and syntactic and discourse levels. Applying to the translation examples i

10、n GWR, the author adopt observation and example to analyze the text. Under the guidance of functional equivalence, examples are given to illustrate that the English version has achieved functional equivalence.By analyzing the original text and its English version, the author draws the following conc

11、lusions. First,because Chinese is different from English, it is impossible to get a translation,which is absolute equivalent to the original text. So The translator need adjust in the form of the language so as to achieve the functional equivalence in meaning. Second,the language used in the Chinese

12、 GWR2018 is formal. The translator should apply formal expressions in English. Third, The cultural gap between the East and the West, especially the different political systems, brings many difficulties to the C-E translation of the GWR2018. The translator transfers the accurate political connotatio

13、n. At the same time, the translator should choose English expressions which are more easily to be accepted by the target readers.In short, under the guide of theory, the expression of original and target text achieved equivalence, which can make the target reader understand Chinas policy and reach t

14、he purpose of translation texts. As for this type of Government Work Reports, the application of functional equivalence theory is feasible for the translation. Meanwhile, the process expanded the scope of translation field.Key Words: Functional Equivalence Theory; GWR ; translation strategyChapter1.

15、IntroductionIn this chapter, background, objectives and outline of the study will be introduced. According to this part, the reader can have a basic understanding about this study.1.1Background of the StudyGovernment Work Report plays an important role in fields of economy, politics, culture and dip

16、lomacy in China. Foreigners know Chinas development by translation of the Report on the Work of the Government. However, there has been a dispute about it. The dispute is form or meaning which is more important in the process of translating. In translation,some argue that translator need to understa

17、nd the meaning of the original language and then express it in the target language. But others insist that the form should be placed above the meaning in the translation process. This dispute has never stopped in the history of translation. In fact, they do not find the target receptor need to be co

18、nsidered in translation. The translator need target receptors help in translation so that they can find effective translation methods. So Nidas functional equivalence theory is the best choice,which highlight the text-reader relationship.Based on functional equivalence theory, we take the translatio

19、n of GWR 2018 as the material to analyzed,try to settle some difficulties in translation and show some effective methods to C-E translation.1.2 Objectives of the StudyThis thesis is supposed to illustrate that functional equivalence theory has been realized in the Chinese-English translation of the

20、GWR2018. And appropriate methods for Chinese-English translation of this political text will be explored.Hopefully, it will provide answers to the following questions:1) .How is functional equivalence achieved in the translation of GWR in 2018 in lexical and syntactic and discourse levels respective

21、ly?2) What methods are adopted to achieve functional equivalence in the translation of the Report on the Work of the Government in 2018?1.3 Outline of the thesisThis thesis is mainly composed of five chapters.Chapter 1 makes a general introduction to the background, objectives and the outline of the

22、 study. Chapter 2 provides a brief review of the previous work in relevant field, including a brief introduction of contributions made by numerous researchers. Chapter 3 introduces theoretical framework. Chapter 4 gives some examples to explain the functionalism translation theory. Chapter 5 conclud

23、es the study with a discussion on major findings, limitation of this thesis and some suggestions for the further study.Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1A review of Functional EquivalenceThe functional equivalence theory is put forward by American Eugene Nida in 1964. In order to reduce the cultural dif

24、ference between the original text and target text, we need a theory to guide. In this paper,Nidas Functional Equivalence is the fundamental theory of Government Work Report, which should be briefly introduced2.1.1A review of Functional Equivalence abroadThe word equivalence firstly appeared in trans

25、lation during the period from the mid 18th to the end of 19thcentury. The early equivalence theory origin from Russia and following country like States, Germany, Britain and other European countries. In 1934, Smirnov wrote The Soviet Union Encyclopedia Literature and proposed the theory of “equivale

26、nce translation”, who believes translators should faithfully re-exhibit the real intentions of the authors, including the contents, feelings and structures. Fedorov(1953) proposed “translation equivalence” on the basis of Smirnov. He thought that the equivalencerelationbetweenthesourcelanguagetextan

27、dthetargetlanguagetextisthatthe source language text is totally equal to the target language text. Afterwards Barkhudalov, inherited and developed the translation ideas of Fedorov. His theory centers on the translation unit, which is the smallest unit getting equivalence in the source language text.

28、 At the same time, he divides the translation unit into six layers: phone, phoneme, word, phrase, sentence and discourse.In the 1980s, Nida put forward the theory of dynamic equivalence. In his book Toward A Science of Translating, some details are included.He thought that “ in the translating proce

29、ss,translators emphasize the dynamic relations rather than the static relations;therelationbetweenthetargetlanguagerecipientandthetargetlanguageinformationisbasically the same with the relation between the source language recipient and the source language information.” Nidas theory emphasizes the eq

30、uivalence of communication effects rather than the popular formal equivalence The literary style deeply influences the accuracy of information. Consequently, Nida pointed out that formal equivalence is unacceptable. In his opinion, “ translation is not only a kind of skill, but also a science; and d

31、ynamic equivalence emphasizes that language translation cannot be limited to the formal mechanic equivalence, but it should emphasize more the spiritual connotation of the target language text andguaranteethatthetargetlanguagereadersandthesourcelanguagereadershavethesamereactions.” Compared with for

32、mal equivalence, dynamic equivalence is not limited to form, but emphasizes that meaning is the first and form is the second. However, Nida also pointed out that does not mean to neglect the formal equivalence.In the later stage, in order to avoid having misunderstanding of “dynamic equivalence”, Ni

33、da changes it to functional equivalence . It is because that he thought that dynamic is not to show the communicative function of translation and functional more focus on the contents and results of translation. According to the surface structure theory of Chomsky, Nida proposes that translation is

34、communication; if translation fails to play the role of communication and fails to be understood by the translation recipients, it is meaningless. Nida indicates that language translation is the process of optimization and regrouping of language, which includes two main categories: formal category a

35、nd functional category. Afterward,the“functional equivalence” indicates the equivalence performances such as literary style, grammar structure and language unit of the source and target language; its core is to seek for the functional equivalence of the two languages. Nida also focused on readers pa

36、rticipation in the translation processHowever, “translationequivalence” hasbeendiscussedinthe translation studies. Many translators are very interested in “equivalence”. Different schools put forward their views about equivalence. Mary Snell-Horny(1995:88)once stated that “Because this notion has be

37、come a major bone of contention in recent years, it deserves some discussion.” Wilss (2001:134) said, There is hardly another concept in translation theory which has produced as many contradictory statements as the concept of translation equivalence. In spite of that, many translation theorists do n

38、ot share completely same opinions on the definition of translation equivalence. And its value and role in translation practice are various in different theories. Catford(1965:20) at first gave the translationaelectionas“thereplacementoftextualmaterialinonelanguage(SL)byequivalentmaterialinanotherlan

39、guage(TL).”Andheemphasized “the central problem of translation practice is that of finding TL translation equivalence.” Newmark is another great translation theorist in the West. Newmark(2001:46)stated that“semantic translation is personal and individual, follows the thought processes of the author

40、tends to over-translate, pursues nuances of meaning, yet aims at concision in order to reproduce pragmatic impactBut in the 21st century, functional equivalence theory has again attracted the attention of many scholars. The application and research of functional equivalence theory have entered a new

41、 era. People have extended functional equivalence theory to the translation practice of literature, theology, history, politics, sociology and other fields.2.1.2. A review of functional Equivalence at homeAt home, before the appearance of functional equivalence theory, there are many translation the

42、ory similar to it . After the Nidas functional equivalence theory coming to China, many Chinese scholars researched Nidas functional equivalence.Nidas functional equivalence theory has a big impact on the academic world. In China, there are about 4000 papers about the theory such as Liaos the Explor

43、ation of Modern Western Translation Theory; Xiongs The Remarks on Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory ; Xus The Choice of Significance in Translation; Wangs The Translation of Hotspot of CPC. In fact, many Chinese scholars have the same opinions as the Nida.Early in 60s of the last century, Nida(196

44、4) proposed “functional equivalence”. He thought that essence of information determines the contents and forms and translators goal determines the anticipated goal. At the same time, he hope that source readers and target readers have the same understandings. But at that time, China had gone through

45、 the great change: one-sided strategy after establishing the new state and the Great Cultural Revolution in the later period. So Nidas functional equivalence theory was introduced until the 70s and 80s of the 20th century. In 1981, Nidas book The Brief introduction of translation theory published in

46、 China. This book has made the brief Introduction in Three Aspects:the origin and development of the functional equivalence theory, the definition of the translation and the procedures of translation steps, and the comparison of Chomskys conversion generating methods and Nidas opinion. In 80s of the

47、 20th century,more than 30 articles have been published. Functional equivalence theory begins to be accepted by Chinese translation scholars. In 1998, Jin put forward the equivalence in the book The Exploration of Equivalence Principle, which is similar to Nidas equivalence.In the late 80s and the m

48、is-term of 90s of the 20th century, Nidas theory began to be challenged. In China, Lv and Lao has repudiated the Nidas functional equivalence theory and began to find drawbacks of the theory. Lao (1998) indicated that it is impossible to reach the equivalence of the same feeling between target reade

49、rs and native readers. Zhang (1999) pointed out that there is no absolute equivalence.However, when the 20th century is coming, the government has seen the importance of the translation. The Chinese scholars had conducted a series of studies on this theory. And they also begin to apply the theory to studying o


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