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1、人教新起点六年级英语上册单词拼写假期作业练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写单词。1. leaf(复数) _ 2. before(反义词) _3. tooth(复数) _ 4. lose(过去式) _5. will(否定形式) _2. 根据所给中文、英文及首字母提示完成句子。1.How many_(猴子)does the zoo have?2.He listens to the teacher as_(仔细)as his cousin.3.The old man lived in a_(not quiet)street , so he couldnt sleep well every day.

2、4.W_(the fourth day in a week)is my busiest day.5.My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f _at 3:00 p.m.3. 按要求写词。(1)big(比较级)_(2)fall(过去式)_(3)five(序数词)_(4)write(名词)_(5)story(复数)_4. 根据图片填写短语或单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _5. 看图补全单词。6. 选择正确的一项,补全单词。(_)1. g_ve A. a B. e C. u(_)2. str_t A. ei B. ea C. ee(_)3. m_st A. e

3、 B. t C. u(_)4. f_st A. u B. a C. o(_)5. le_on A. sc B. sx C. ss(_)6. m_n A. uu B. oo C. ee(_)7. cl_b A. a B. e C. u(_)8. j_n A. ai B. oi C. an(_)9. s_ A. ea B. ei C. ae(_)10. f_l A. ee B. ea C. ii7. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Let me_(tell) you about my daily life.2.I_(be)fromEngland.3.School_(begin)at night.4.I

4、 have four_(class)in the evening.4.He usually_(work)in the office8. 按要求写出下列单词的过去式。(1)fly_ (2)live_(3)grow_ (4)fall_(5)eat_ (6)heat_9. 按要求写单词。1. bring(过去式)_ 2. put(现在分词)_3. understand(过去式)_ 4. happy(比较级)_5. smile(现在分词)_ 6. friend(形容词)_7. dictionary(复数)_ 8. many(同义词)_10. 补全单词。(_)1. r_ _d A. ea B. ae C

5、. ee(_)2. tw_lv_ A. o; e B. e; e C. i; e(_)3. s_ _g A. au B. en C. an(_)4. m_d_ A. a; e B. u; i C. i; i(_)5. w_ _t A. on B. en C. im11. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Where are you going this_?(viegnen)2Does Sally do word p_in the evening?3My mum is_about my health.(wirdeor)4Go s_and you can see the zoo.5She goes to t

6、he park_.12. 根据首字母提示及上下文完成填空。1.There w_ a parrot s_ in the zoo yesterday. We s_ many interesting birds. We h_ lunch in the zoo. We b_ some bread and honey and some drinks. But there w_ ants on t_. We could not eat them. Then it rained. We were h_ and wet. W_ a day!2.Many years ago, there w_ not many

7、 cars in the city. I c_ only ride to school. Now I t_ the metro to school. I also have a c_. I can read an w_ news on the Internet.13. 单词拼写。1. The_(魔术)show is wonderful.2. Its Manchester United, my_(最喜爱的)team.3. Having a_(野餐)in the open air is cool.4. My family usually go to the park at_(周末).5._(保持)

8、healthy, and you can do the work well.14. 看图写单词。15. 综合填空。What do Chinese people usually 1. e_when Chinese New Year comes? There are different 2.k_of “lucky” food in Chinese New Year celebrations. Almost all the Chinese people eat dumplings 3.o_New Years Day. We call them “jiaozi” in Chinese. Fish are important, too. In Chinese, “yu” means rich. We can see the whole fish on the plate, with head and tail. That stands for a good4. b_and ending. The rice cake stands for a sweet life. Noodles stands for a 5. I_life. Be sure not to cut them.4 / 4


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