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1、六年级英语上册单词拼写同步练习沪教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 补全单词,并译成汉语。1.fact_ _y_ 2.bus_n_ssman_ 3.scie_t_st_4.p_l_t_ 5.c_ _ch_2. 按括号内要求写出单词。1.older(原级)_ 2. taller(原级)_3.longer(原级)_4.tall(最高级)_5.long(比较级)_6.older(最高级)_3. 根据图片补全短语。1go_ 2see a_3go to the_ 4go for a_5make a_4. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Hi, Im Bill. Im from_.2The_from the factor

2、y makes the air dirty.3Dont litter. You should put the_in the bin.4The queen wanted to_Snow White.5My uncle is a policeman. He is brave. He_the bad people.6My aunt has a s_. He is a taxi driver.7Some_are in danger now. We must protect(保护)them.5. 按要求写单词。1.she_(宾格) 2.country_(复数)3.close_(现在分词) 4.three

3、_(序数词)5.China_(形容词) 6.I_(名词性物主代词)7.boy_(复数) 8.swim_(现在分词)9.photo_(复数) 10.mouse_(复数)6. 根据汉语或提示完成单词。1保持_,(过去式)_2干净的_, (反义词)_3制造,使变得_, (现在分词)_(过去式)_4空气_5垃圾_6肮脏的,罗七八糟的_7(形容词)死的_8垃圾箱_7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I_(have)adreamlastnight.2.She_(go)toafarmyesterday.3.He_(do)gotoschoollastnight.4.Petercame_(four).5._(do

4、)Kenwintheraceyesterday?6.Whowas_(one)intherace?7.Weregoingto_(run)insomeraces.8.Whatareyougoingto_(do)?9.Joe_(win)theraceyesterday.10.She_(clean)thehouselastnight.8. 用所给的字母组合成正确的单词,并写出其汉语意思。1. e d i d c e_ _2. d o e l m_ _3. p p r a e_ _4. b o h t r u g_ _5. i f n i h s_ _6. a s e p c_ _7. r a v t

5、l e_ _8. a n t o i n l a_ _9. 根据示例写出单词或短语的正确形式。例:longlonger watch TVwatched TV1. strong 6.play football2. big 7.read books3. nice 8.go hiking4. thin 9. take pictures5. happy 10.buy presents10. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Our Earth l_like a ball in space.2We will p_trees on Tree Planting Day.3We should plant m_t

6、rees to make the place more beautiful.4Jack s_on Lilys foot yesterday.5Spring in Changsha is beautiful and c_.11. 看图写单词。_12. 将下列字母重新组合成一个新单词。1. u, m, t, s 2. r, e, w, a 3. f, r, c, t, i, a, f_ _ _4. i, l, g, t, h 5. o, u, t, h, c 6. e, m, t, e, h, l_ _ _13. 看图写单词。1.I_in Hainan last Sunday.2.Do you_w

7、ith your parents?3.He_yesterday.4.Plant the seeds in the_.5.The park is next to the_.14. 根据语境,补全对话。A:_1_canIdoforyou?B:Idliketobuysomemooncakes_2_theMid-AutumnFestival.A:Wehavemany_3_kindsofmooncakeshere.Whichkinddoyoulike_4_?B:Theone_5_meatinit.A:How_6_doyouwant?B:Ten.A:What_7_doyouliketobuy?B:Doyouhave_8_todrink?A:Yes.Theyareoverthere.B:Iwantthreebottles_9_orangejuice.A:OK.Hereyouare!B:Howmucharetheyall_10_?A:Fiftyyuan.B:I11takethem.Heresthemoney.A:Thankyou.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._15. 补全单词并写出汉语意思。1. l_ntern(_)2. m_on cake(_)3. drag_n(_)4. fest_val(_)5. h_ng(_)5 / 5


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