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1、北师大版六年级英语上学期单词拼写复习练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据提示或句意,完成句子,使句意完整,每空一词。1.There are lots of doctors and nurses in a_.2. Where are my_ (眼镜)?一They were in the study just now.3.Would you like_ (watch) a film with me?4.They are from the USA. They speak_.2. 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1. addrss_ 2. chpsticks_3. knfe_ 4. Astralia_5. pl

2、esed_3. 写出下列动词的过去式。(1)ride_ (2)hurt_(3)fall_ (4)eat_(5)go_4. 根据句意和首字母提示写单词。每空一词。1. It is_.2.Whats this?Its a_.3.Its my birthday_week. 4.We are going to visit Ben at_house on April_.5.I will go to school on f_with my sister.5. 根据所给中文或者首字母提示写出合适的词。1Its a sunny day today. We can see the sun and blue s_

3、.2We went to the park y_. We were very happy.3Some boys_(带来) their mobile phones to school last Friday.4Sam is talking about his p_for the National Day holiday.5Black_(烟雾) from some factories makes the air dirty.6. 根据意思和所给的首字母写出单词,注意单词的形式。1The kite f_high. I couldnt hold into it.2Its w_today. Lets g

4、o to fly kites.3She usually m_new clothes for her doll.4I dont like w_red clothes.5There w_some boys under the tree.7. 按要求写单词。1. mouse (复数)_ 2. sad (反义词)_3. good (反义词)_ 4. chase (-ing形式)_8. 写出下列单词的适当形式。1.want(过去式)_2.go(过去式)_3.worry(过去式)_4.kid(同义词)_5.skate(动名词)_6.arm(复数形式)_9. 看图并阅读短文,将内容补充完整。The Eart

5、h wasandin the past,but now some parts are We should stop throwinginto riversWe should stop cuttingso many trees and usingbags10. 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。Before the So chi 2014 Winter Olympics (2014年索契冬奥会), Han Tian yu was a strange name to many people. Now, it has become a 1.f_name.On Fe

6、bruary 10, Hart won the first medal for China in the mens 1,500 short track speed skating (短道速滑). To many people, the 17-year-old young talent was a surprise medal winner. I never thought I could get the medal, he said.Han started 2.s_when he was about five years old. At that time, he took skating a

7、s his hobby. He 3.n_thought that he could make his way into the national skating team.When Han was in primary school, his mother found that Hart liked skating 4.m_. His parents supported him to follow his heart.11. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. Thanks for_(同意) to let me watch the match on TV.2. The city stre

8、ets are full of_(来往车辆).3. Xi Jinping is the_(国家主席) of China.4. The children took a boat_(旅行) along the Yellow River last Sunday.5. We had to move_(里面)when it started to rain.6. Im p_for the trip to Guangzhou. It will cost a lot of money.7. They a_at the stop too late, so they missed the bus.8. The t

9、eacher w_who broke the window.9. Our team w_the basketball match final today.10. He stayed at home and watched TV i_of going out to play with his friends.12. 根据中文意思补全单词。(_)1.bminton(羽毛球)A.adB.edC.id(_)2.hlthy(健康的)A.aeB.eaC.ee(_)3.mo(移动)A.ld B.ve C.od(_)4.bght(明亮的)A.riB.liC.ni(_)5.diction(方向)A.leB.re

10、C.ne13. 根据所给提示信息写出正确的单词或词组。1-Are these all yours? -Yes, they are my pictures. They are m_.2My favourite season is s_.The weather is hot, hot, hot!3I like_s. Because we have English class.(星期三)4Miss Green is very_(有趣的)5There is a nice_in my room.14. 根据所给提示信息写出正确的单词或词组。1I want to buy some word books. I need to go to the b_.2Im hungry. Id like a_.3-What would like for lunch? -Id like some fish and_.4-Whats your uncles job? -Hes a_.5I can use_.15. 根据图片补全短语。1go_ 2see a_3go to the_ 4go for a_5make a_4 / 4


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