胃炎的营养与饮食疗法(Nutrition and diet therapy of gastritis).doc

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1、胃炎的营养与饮食疗法(Nutrition and diet therapy of gastritis)Nutrition and diet therapy of gastritisGastritis is called gastric mucosal inflammation. This is a common disease that can be divided into two categories: acute and chronic. The two types of acute gastritis are simple and erosive. The former is mani

2、fested as abdominal discomfort, pain, anorexia and nausea and vomiting; the upper digestive tract hemorrhage as the main performance, have haematemesis and melaena. Chronic gastritis can usually be divided into superficial gastritis, atrophic gastritis and hypertrophic gastritis. The clinical course

3、 of chronic gastritis, mostly without obvious symptoms and signs, generally only postprandial fullness, acid regurgitation, belching, irregular abdominal pain and other symptoms of dyspepsia. The diagnosis depends mainly on gastroscopy and biopsy of the gastric mucosa.The disease is seen in adults,

4、many causes can stimulate your stomach, such as improper diet, viral and bacterial infections, drug stimulation, etc., may cause the disease. The best method for the treatment of gastritis is self care, as long as they can adhere to treatment, medication, especially pay attention to the law of life,

5、 good habits, diet good nursing, not only can reduce the pain, it is also possible to completely cure the disease.Nutrition and diet therapyThe edible liquidFor acute gastritis. Should remove the cause, bed rest, all fasting diet or drugs to stimulate the stomach, as appropriate, fasting or give foo

6、d, to be bleeding, hemostasis.The diet is rough and excitant foodExcellent eat too spicy, salty, hot, too rough and stimulating strong food. Such as fried food, pickled food, pepper, garlic and so on. Whether citrus juice, tomato products, coffee, alcohol, and any food that directly stimulates the e

7、sophagus can cause stomach acid, and youd better avoid eating.Avoid high fat foodsHigh fat food, wine, sugar, chocolate makes the sphincter to relax, backflow, so if you have heartburn symptoms, you should avoid these foods.The slow digestion - Yue YueXijiaomanyan can definitely help digestion, you

8、should thoroughly chew food, so that adequate food mixed with saliva, meals to avoid stress, can make the digestive function you have a good start.Eating regularlyAttention to diet, conditioning, conservation, regular regular quantitative feeding, in order to maintain normal digestive rhythm of acti

9、vities. Never be hungry, have a full meal, or dont eat breakfast, especially avoid overeating.Pay attention to nutrition balanceFood should choose nutritious, digestible soft foods, eat more vegetable protein, vitamins and more food. You can eat the cooked chestnut, rice porridge, goatsmilk, white c

10、heese, yogurt, kefir. If the symptoms are severe, eat some soft food, such as rice, avocado, banana, potato, pumpkin class. Break up all the vegetables and cook again. Once in a while, eat some steamed vegetables, such as carrots, carrots and broccoli.A small mealMore than three meals a day, such as

11、 six small meals, as long as you feel comfortable. Do not eat before going to bed, the diet should not be too much, too full, so as to avoid excessive expansion of the gastric antrum, and increase gastric acid secretion.Increase the uptake of celluloseFood containing fiber. Fiber is thought to be an

12、 anti-cancer agent, and eating a high fiber diet can also reduce the chance of duodenal ulcers. Fiber is thought to promote mucin secretion and mucin protects the duodenal mucosa.Control drinking waterGastric juice deficiency, avoid dilute gastric juice. Diet should be added vinegar, lemon juice, ac

13、id seasoning crystal, eat less digestible, easy to flatulence food. Drink less water before meals and after meals.Drinking vegetable juiceFresh cabbage juice is rich in glutamine that promotes the growth of mucin cells and helps protect gastric mucosa. Drink immediately after the juice is made. Do n

14、ot store it. For patients with heartburn, drink a cup of stomach pain to dilute the acid.Light the milkFor a long time, milk has been regarded as an excellent acid buffer, but it can buffer the acid, but later, in the milk of calcium and protein will stimulate more gastric acid secretion, make the s

15、tomach more uncomfortable; almond milk is a good substitute for.Avoid taking iron supplementsIf you have gastritis, taking iron supplements may cause severe nausea. Iron is an irritant to the stomach.Supplement nutrientsVitamin B12According to the product specification, chronic gastritis may cause a

16、nemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency.Vitamin E and zincVitamin E is increased by 400IU per day. Zinc 50-80 mg per day, they can increase mucin production, protect the gastric mucosa and relieve pain.Aloe juiceEvery day, 120cc, it can relieve pain and speed up recovery.Protein decomposing yeastBetween

17、 two meals, use to break down foods that remain in the colon and help reduce inflammation. Caution: do not use brands containing hydrochloric acid.Vitamin A emulsion or capsuleDosage 5000IU, drop to 2500IU one month later. Protect the stomach mucosa and help recover.Use Jiang ZhitongGinger is a trad

18、itional remedy used by Indians to treat inflammatory disorders such as stomach upset, flatulence and arthritis. To make the meal ginger calming effect on the stomach. Take about half a teaspoon to one teaspoon (one to two grams) each time, and take it every day if necessary.Health medicated foodThe

19、cactus pork stomach soupCactus 30-60 grams, pork stomach 1. The cactus in pork stomach, one pot add water, simmer stew to heat. Drink soup, eat pork stomach.Efficacy Qi Qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach. Apply to stagnation of Qi, blood stasis, stomach pain, aging and other diseases.The cabbag

20、e soupCabbage 500 grams, 50 grams of rice. The cabbage boiled for half an hour, remove the dish, into the rice porridge. Take 2 times a day.Effect of relieving pain. Apply to stomach pain.Potato gruelFresh potatoes 250 grams (not peeled), honey amount. Wash and chop the potatoes and boil them into p

21、orridge. Add honey when taking. Take an empty stomach every morning for 15 days.Effect of relieving pain.Suitable for stomach discomfort and other symptoms.Pepper and onion soupPepper 2 grams, 3 grams scallion, ginger 6 grams. The first boiling water, ginger, onion, ginger and onion soup boil. Use h

22、ot ginger and onion soup, serve with pepper, or pepper in ginger and onion soup. When you have a stomachache, hot soup will relieve you.Effect of stomach qi pain. Suitable for stomach pain. Stomach pain contraindication.Cinnamon and haw soupCinnamon 6 grams, 10 grams of Hawthorn meat, brown sugar 30

23、 grams. First, water fried Hawthorn meat 15 minutes, after the cinnamon, hawthorn meat will be cooked off, the filter juice brown sugar, and mix thoroughly, while taking hot drinks.Effect of temperature of gastric digestion pain. Suitable for epigastric pain.Family therapyRelax your mindMental stres

24、s is a contributing factor in chronic gastritis and should be avoided. Emotional restlessness and irritability can cause gastric mucosal disorders and gastric dysfunction. Therefore, we should avoid emotional stress as much as possible to relieve tension. Usually do not anger, things are not urgent,

25、 anxious not worry, to maintain a comfortable mood, the rehabilitation of gastritis is very good.Taking antibioticsHelicobacter pylori can cause gastritis and other digestive problems. Antibiotics can be used to beat these bacteria for two weeks. Helicobacter pylori can be measured by examining bloo

26、d and saliva.Use antacidsFor mild gastritis treated with common antacid, preferably in eating about 1 - 2 hours after medication, this is just to the peak of gastric acid, antacid action, such as the ability to 9-10 in the evening at bedtime and a better service effect.Caution medicationWe should av

27、oid taking aspirin, paracetamol, phenylbutazone, indole, erythromycin, tetracycline drugs, prednisone and other drugs, especially in the period of activity of chronic gastritis.Appropriate exerciseProper exercise is a good way to increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, which can effectively promote g

28、astric emptying, increase the secretion of gastrointestinal function, improve digestion, and contribute to the rehabilitation of gastritis.Smoking cessationSmoking can promote stomachache. After smoking, nicotine can stimulate the gastric mucosa caused by increased gastric acid secretion, produce ha

29、rmful stimulation effect on the gastric mucosa, pyloric sphincter dysfunction leads to excessive smoking, caused by bile reflux, gastric mucosal damage, and the effect of the repair and regeneration of gastric mucosal blood supply and gastric mucosal cells, so to give up smoking.Excuse meAlcohol can

30、 directly destroy the gastric mucosal barrier and invade the gastric mucosa, causing congestion, edema and erosion of the mucosa.? attention to daily health careSuffer from chronic liver disease, diabetes, biliary tract disease, can reduce the local defense function of gastric mucosa, gastric dysfun

31、ction and gastritis. In addition, tonsillitis, sinusitis, infection caused by dental caries, such as secretion of the lower pharynx, often can reduce the gastric mucosal barrier function, induced gastritis. Therefore, attention to the above disease control treatment, chronic gastritis rehabilitation

32、 is also very important.Other therapiesWipe pressure massage therapyThe fingers and the palm back massage stomach Shu, liver, spleen Shu and Yu Xue abdominal giant syncope, Zhongwan, tianshu. The method is to use the palm by pressing down on the three points of the spine on both sides, and then with

33、 the thumb and finger to press circle. Then press the abdomen acupuncture points, four fingers massage these points, not too hard to feel comfortable subject. Ginger or garlic can also be hot moxibustion these acupuncture points, but also have a good effect.Clean endsKeep the colon clean and use ene

34、ma regularly.Dangerous Communications* spitting blood or Ambassador with blood, black tarry stool, indicating that you have internal bleeding, Zhuang immediately pillow medicine.* severe stomach pain.Extremely thirsty or oliguria, indicating dehydration.source: Health Net 863 Author: the wind blows I went. Selected: kjkimberly


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