病理学模拟试题(一)(Pathology simulation test questions ).doc

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1、病理学模拟试题(一)(Pathology simulation test questions (1))Simulated examination questions (1)A single choice (1 points per day, a total of 30 points)1 the sign of death is.A respiratory arrest, B mydriasis, C brain death, D heartbeat, respiratory arrest2 the common causes of myocardial steatosis are:A feve

2、r, B poisoning, C malnutrition, D, severe anemia3 coagulation necrosis is common inA heart and kidney, B, heart and brain, C, stomach and spinal cord, D, lung and brain4, long-term compression of local tissue, the pressure suddenly lifted, the local vascular height expansion, congestion known asA ph

3、ysiological hyperemia, B active hyperemiaC hyperemia after decompression, D collateral congestion5 the main component of white thrombus isA red blood cells, B lymphocytes, C, platelets, D neutrophils6 what is the balance of water and electrolyte in the normal body mainly through which of the followi

4、ng?A neuro humoral regulation of B endocrine regulationC nervous system D lung and kidney7, the most common form of hyperkalemia isA extensive burns, B, oliguria, acute renal failure, oliguriaC massive transfusion of D:Addisons disease in banked blood8, a patient diarrhea three days, the most likely

5、 acid-base poisoning isA, hypokalemic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, B respiratory acidosisC: metabolic acidosis D: respiratory alkalosis9 the most important sign of inflammation isA exudative changes in response to the core of the vesselB proliferative changesC metamorphic changeD liquid exudati

6、on mainly changes10 the number of white blood cells increased mainly in blood during allergic inflammation and parasitic infectionsA neutrophils, B, eosinophilsC lymphocyte D monocyte11 the most common cause of fever isA large area wound B bacterial infectionC malignant tumor D virus infection12 the

7、 key to shock isThe microcirculation of A tissue was less than B and the blood pressure decreasedC cardiac output was reduced by D renal failure13 when the shock occurs, the organism produces metabolic acidosis mainly due toA excessive intake of acidic substances, B hyperkalemiaC produces too much l

8、actic acid and D alkaline digest is lost too muchThe main difference between 14 benign and malignant tumors isA growth mode; B; growth rateThe degree of differentiation of C tumor cells was secondary to that of D15 the most significant type of hypoxia that causes increased lung ventilation isA hypox

9、ia hypoxia B tissue hypoxiaC hypoxia, D, circulatory hypoxia16, the leading link of chronic pulmonary heart disease isA pulmonary hypertension, B pulmonary congestion and pulmonary edemaC pulmonary capillary bed decreased D pulmonary arteriolar spasm17 the characteristic pathological changes of rheu

10、matism areA fibrous degeneration, B, lesser corpusclesC myxoid degeneration, D congestion, edema and infiltration of inflammatory cells18 the mechanism by which catecholamines strengthen the contractility of the myocardium isA cardiac stress dilated B myocardium strengthens the ability to use oxygen

11、C myocardial hypertrophy D strengthens myocardial excitation contraction coupling19 the most common complication of peptic ulcer disease isA bleeding, B cancerationC pyloric obstruction, D perforation20. which of the following belongs to the characteristic lesion of chronic active viral hepatitis?A

12、liver cells are extensively denatured and punctate necrosis of hepatocytesB debris necrosis and bridging necrosisInfiltration of C lymphocytes and monocytesD portal area, fibrous connective tissue hyperplasia21 the main mechanism of renal volume enlargement in acute nephritis isA renal interstitial

13、hyperemiaB infiltration of renal interstitial inflammatory cellsC interstitial edema of kidneyD increased glomerular volume and edema of renal tubular epithelial cells22 the most serious complication of acute renal failure isA hyperkalemia, B, metabolic acidosisC, water intoxication, D, blood stasis

14、 syndrome23, the pathogenicity of TB mainly depends on the body of bacteriaA lipid, B protein, C polysaccharide, D, endotoxin24 the pathological changes of gonorrhea are characterized byA hemorrhagic inflammation, B purulent inflammationC cellulose (protein) inflammation, D, inflammatory25 the most

15、common site of intracerebral hemorrhage in hypertensive patients isA cerebral cortex, B cerebellumC hypothalamus D basal ganglia and internal capsule26 enterogenous cyanosis is dueA cyanide poisoning, B, thiamin poisoningC nitrite poisoning, D, riboflavin poisoning27 precancerous lesions are defined

16、 asA, an early lesion in B, is a benign lesion with potential for carcinogenesisC benign tumor before malignant transformation, D cancer formation before lesions28 the organ blood perfusion at the initial stage of shock is correctA gastric and intestinal blood flow increased slightly, B cerebral blo

17、od flow decreased significantlyC renal blood flow changed little, and the blood flow of D coronary artery increased obviously29 when acute inflammation, local tissue swelling is mainly due toA inflammatory congestion, exudation of B fluid and cellsC infiltration of inflammatory cells, D, vascular en

18、dothelium and fibroblast proliferation30 when alkali poisoning occurs, the main reason for the increase of nerve muscle stress in the body isA K+: B serum Ca2+: SerumC Mg2+: D serum Na+: SerumTwo, fill in the blanks (1 points per empty, 20 points)1, according to the strength of regeneration, the hum

19、an tissue cells are generally divided into the following three categories: cells,Cells and cells.2 after sweating, only add water, not add sodium, easy to cause dehydration.3 when PaCO2 is below normal, it indicates pulmonary ventilation and is seen after poisoning or decompensationPoisoning.4 the b

20、asic pathological changes of inflammation are, and.5 the growth of tumors is as follows.6 common complications of lobar pneumonia are, and.7 the main mechanisms of myocardial contractility decrease are, and.Three, determine the title (1 points per day, a total of 10 points)In 1 portal cirrhosis, the

21、 surface of the liver is usually 12cm. ()2 blood borne infection causes pyelonephritis, the most common pathogenic bacteria is Escherichia coli. ()3 the main clinical manifestations of endometrial hyperplasia are menstrual disorders and infertility. ()4, when the amount of TB bacillus is high, the v

22、irulence is strong or the immunity of organism is strong, the nodules are usually formed. ()5 anemic infarction is coagulative necrosis. ()6, the treatment of hypertonic dehydration, general intravenous infusion of 10% glucose can. ()7, all acidosis, plasma PH are less than 7.35. ()8 single hair fol

23、licle and the sebaceous gland abscess occurred is called furuncle. ()The main difference between 9 carcinomas and sarcomas is that the metastatic pathways are different. ()10% extensive myocardial infarction is the most common cause of congestive heart failure. ()Four, interpretation of the term (ev

24、ery day 4 points, a total of 16 points)1 death, 2 metaplasia, 3 hypoxia, 4 heart failureFive questions (8 points per day, a total of 24 points)1 、 besides cardiogenic shock, how does cardiac function change from the initial stage of shock to the later stage of shock? What about the mechanism?2 what

25、are the main differences between benign and malignant tumors?3 to investigate the mechanism and main clinical manifestations of portal hypertension in cirrhosis.Reference answerFirst, individual choice questions1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 C, 5 C, 6 A, 7 B, 8 C, 9 A, B, 10 B, 1112 13 14 15 16 c c b d 17 18 19 2

26、0 21 22 of the b, d23 24 25 26 27 b d c b d b (b 28 29 30二、填空题1 不稳定细胞、稳定细胞、永久性细胞.2 低渗.3 过度, 呼吸性、代谢性.变质、渗出、增生 4.膨胀性生长、浸润性生长、外生性生长 5.中毒性休克、肺脓肿及脓胸、败血症、肺肉质变 6.收缩偶联障碍 心肌收缩性减弱、心肌能量代谢障碍、心肌兴奋 - 7.三、判断题1 x 2 x 3 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 9 x 10 x 8 四、名词解释死亡 机体作为一个整体功能的永久性停止 其标志为脑死亡:, 1.2 化生: 一种分化成熟的组织类型转变为另一种分化成熟的组织类型

27、的过程.3 缺氧: 任何原因引起的组织供氧不足或利用氧功能障碍, 以至引起机体的功能、代谢和形态结构发生异常改变.4心力衰竭: 指由于心肌舒缩功能障碍, 使心输出量减少, 以至不能适应全身组织代谢需要的病理过程.五、问答题1 除心源性休克外的休克, 在初期出现心脏兴奋, 表现为心率加快、心肌收缩力增强, 心输出量增加.机制为交感 - 肾上腺髓质系统兴奋, 儿茶酚胺大量释放, 冠状动脉舒张.休克晚期, 出现心力衰竭.机制为:(1) 血压降低、心率加快和心肌间dic等使冠状动脉血流减少; (2) 心脏兴奋使心肌耗氧量增加; (3) 酸中毒和高钾血症使心肌的兴奋 - 收缩偶联障碍; (4) 心肌抑制

28、因子 (mdf), 对心肌的抑制作用; (5) 内毒素和氧自由基对心肌的损害作用.良、恶性肿瘤的主要区别为: 2区别点 良性肿瘤 恶性肿瘤组织结构 分化程度高, 异型性小, 与 分化程度低, 异型性大, 与其起源组织相似, 核分裂象少 其起源组织不相似, 核分裂象多生长速度 缓慢, 很少发生出血、坏死 迅速, 常发生出血、坏死生长方式 膨胀性和外生性生长, 常有 浸润性与外生性生长, 常无包膜,包膜, 边界清楚, 移动性大 边界不清, 移动性小转移 无转移 可有转移复发 很少复发 较易复发对机体影 危害性小, 主要为局部压迫与 危害大, 除压迫与阻塞外, 常响 阻塞作用 破坏局部组织器官, 引起出血、坏死、感染, 晚期出现恶病质3 肝硬化时门脉高压症形成的机制: (1) 假小叶压迫小叶下静脉; (2) 小叶中央及肝窦周围纤维化, 使中央静脉及肝窦阻塞, 妨碍门静脉的回流; (3) 肝固有动脉与门静脉之间形成吻合支, 动脉血流入门静脉, 加重门静脉高压的形成.主要临床表现: (1) 脾肿大与脾功能亢进; (2) 胃肠淤血, 消化与吸收功能障碍; (3) 腹水形成; (4) 侧枝循环形成 主要表现为1 胃底与食管下端静脉从曲张 痔静脉从曲张); 2); 3) 脐周静脉从曲张.


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