脚臭,脚气(Foot odor and beriberi).doc

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1、脚臭,脚气(Foot odor and beriberi)Here are the other peoples actions for me. Im tryingYou can try the following method:Odor, beriberi.468. radish boil water can deodorizationPatients who have foot odor can be used half white radish, cut into thin slices, placed in the pot, then add appropriate amount of

2、water, stir boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Boil for 5 minutes, then poured into the basin, to be repeated after an appropriate cooling feet, and even a few can be washed to remove odor. Zhangsirang169. feet to oxytetracyclineMany people feel distressed because of foot odor, after repeated practice p

3、roved that the oxytetracycline research into the end on the toes, each time the amount of 1-2, can guarantee the half or so no longer smell. Lipingxun461. salt ginger washing foot foot odor removalPut in hot water with salt and a few slices of ginger, heat a few minutes, when the feet are not hot, a

4、nd scrub a few minutes, not only in the feet, feet feel relaxed, can eliminate fatigue. Lianghuimin464. point massage to cure beriberi and smellyFeet, put your feet in the basin of warm water and soak for two or three minutes, until the legs are hot, later at the seam in another toe of one foot heel

5、 pressure, then heel forward to the toe at back rub, pull back to light, before heavy, not to rub the skin injury is appropriate. Each toe seam is rubbed 50 times, 80 times, and the feet alternately. Speed is 100 to 120 times per minute. Once a night, more severe beriberi, the upper skin has broken,

6、 should not use this method. Liugeng462. boiled soybean water can cure beriberiWith 150 grams of soy smashed with a small fire to boil water and cook for about 20 minutes, about 1 kilograms of water, until the water temperature can be used to wash feet, while more global. Curing beriberi effect is e

7、xcellent, foot peeling, and the skin moist. Ive been using it for two summers, and it worked. Generally wash three or four days can be effective, Wang Wenfeng463. fig leaf cure beriberiTake fig leaves, add water and cook for about 10 minutes. When the water temperature is right, soak and wash for 10

8、 minutes, 2 times a day, usually 35 days. Shun Li Zheng464. point massage to cure beriberi and smellyFeet, put your feet in the basin of warm water and soak for two or three minutes, until the legs are hot, later at the seam in another toe of one foot heel pressure, then heel forward to the toe at b

9、ack rub, pull back to light, before heavy, not to rub the skin injury is appropriate. Each toe seam is rubbed 50 times, 80 times, and the feet alternately. Speed is 100 to 120 times per minute. Once a night, more severe beriberi, the upper skin has broken, should not use this method. Liugeng465. whi

10、te vinegar can prevent colds and beriberiI began to use vinegar in 1985 to combat colds and beriberi, and it worked very well. The beginning of a cold, or runny nose, available tampons soaked in white vinegar plug nose, two or three times a day, the same day or second days can be cured, patients wit

11、h beriberi, available vinegar coated cotton balls soaked Huanbu, antipruritic and sterilization, a slight peeling, with a half a month can not make it again, then coated with. Xu Fei1472. piyanping can cure athletes footI am suffering from athletes foot for more than 20 years, with what medicine can

12、 not cure, I recently piyanping ointment (South pharmaceutical factory) every day 2 times a week with Xu, he recovered. Wangtongjin488. Leek Soup for treating tinea diseaseMy treatment of tinea pedis disease has decades of history, almost experience a variety of ringworm medicine are no good results

13、. In 1986, I got a folk prescription cured, and no recurrence for 5 years. It is very simple: buy a leek, wash chopped, into the pot mash, and then pour the boiling water (enough to soak hands and feet), until the water temperature to warm the hands and feet soaked, rubbing the affected area, about

14、30 minutes, not what pain. I only soaked two times, the affected area gradually did not itch, and after a few days, the affected area peeling, grow smooth skin. Wuhan307. beer can cure beriberiI suffered from beriberi, jiuzhibuyu. My friend told me to drink beer. I tried several times, so far I have

15、nt done it again. The method is to pour bottled beer into the basin, without water, feet washed, placed in beer soaked for 20 minutes, and then rinse. Soak 1.2 times a week. Zhaolishan308. hot feet can cure foot pads and athletes footIve been suffering from foot pads for 50 years and have had to use

16、 a knife to cut a hard layer of dead skin every month;You also suffer from beriberi for 40 years. I started in 1991, every night before going to bed, warm water feet, hot feet for hot water. A few months later, something unexpected happened: the pads gradually softened and the athletes foot was bett

17、er. Every time I heat my feet for more than 10 minutes, if the water temperature drops, I can add another hot water in the middle. After ironing your feet, put on soap and rub your toes 3O-50 times with your thumb. StalelyPotassium Permanganate 309. feet of water can cure beriberiI suffer from berib

18、eri for more than ten years, often wipe athletes foot Ling, beriberi, water and other drugs, although effective, but can not cure. For nearly a year, I try to use Potassium Permanganate water bubble feet, once a month, had no recurrence. Methods: with half a basin of warm water into two (small grain

19、 size) Potassium Permanganate pink water, soak feet for 35 minutes. Wudichen310. garlic cures nail disease and foot diseaseI suffered from nail disease in 1984, and my nails were all raised (not connected with the meat). No pain, no itching, and no cure for many years. Later, every night watching TV

20、 with garlic Polish nails, wiping for a long time, finally cured, and now 2 years without committing. I also use feet every night after take garlic to wipe your feet, cure 20 years of athletes foot. Zhen Min Wu3ll. Huang Jing, vinegar cure beriberiI suffered from beriberi for many years and was cure

21、d by one side. It has not been repeated for more than 3 years. Folk prescription is: Huang Jing 250 grams, vinegar 2000 grams, are poured into the enamel basin, bubble 3 days and 3 Nights (not heating, no water), the foot into the pot bubble. Soak for 3 hours for the first time, soak for 2 hours for

22、 second times, and soak for third hours. Soak for 3 nights. Guo Fang Zhang3l2. Shangshizhitong plaster for odorEarly last fall I had feet, although problems is not, can be embarrassing. To wash socks shoes lotion every day, did not have time, my feet hurt, put in Shangshizhitong plaster, by the way

23、in the foot and the soles of the feet also care on the two, 24 hours after the odor disappear. Niujinyu3l3. leek can cure beriberiMy feet are perennial itching, toes often fester, Jigzhi invalid. After a friend introduced a fresh leek: wash 250 grams, minced into boiling water on the basin. Cool to

24、the feet, soak for half an hour, water should not be used at the same time over the foot, foot rub. Its good to do it again a week later. Wangzhenhui3l4. 37 can cure athletes footMy mother suffering from tinea pedis for years, drug treatment is ineffective. An itch, she suddenly thought of home cult

25、ivation 37 for many diseases have peculiar effect, why not try it to cure athletes foot. So she took a drop of 37, including leaves, stems, flowers, wash with cold water, smashed into a paste, with a little salt, coating the affected area for about 20 minutes at a time, 3 times a day for 3 consecuti

26、ve days, the feet do not itch. D125 - Dabao cure disease beriberiI am seventy-two years old this year, two long dry feet, the roughness of a rake, for decades both summer and winter, often cracked heel an inch long hole, walking in a very pain. Two feet are often peeling, after washing feet, if you

27、use a knife scraping, you can scrape a lot of white scurf on two feet. Each foot seam also peeling water, tickled terrible, terrible. Read the size of the hospital, used a lot of Chinese medicine and folk prescription, have no cure. One day in the spring, watching TV commercials, I heard if you want

28、 good skin, you should use Dabao in the morning and evening. I want to have a try So, every night after washing the feet to two feet rub on some Beijing Sanlou factory production dabao. The result is very good, all foot sickness all except, the time has been more than six months, the illness has not

29、 made again. Fengshihao124. soft willow for beriberiI have several years of history of beriberi, after the drug treatment has little effect, I heard that the use of tender willow can cure. I tried a tender willow, water suffering, and then wash feet, not a few times, the effect is very good, and now

30、 also cure beriberi. This method tells several friends who have beriberi, and they also relieve the pain after use. If only the toes can fester, tender leaves rub into small pellets, caught in the toe seam, into the night (may wear socks), the second day of work.One hundred and twenty-threeWine soak

31、, areca, cure athletes foot, true spiritI get a folk prescription, used to cure beriberi, very effective. This paper is as follows; 3 grams of cantharidin (this medicine is poisonous, no entrance, the eye, 30 mg dose, time must be careful to open that pharmacies to sell), areca tablets 9 grams, 3 gr

32、ams, 2 grams of scorpion cicada, Schisandra 3 grams, 3 grams of borneol, into a large glass bottle well, liquor 150 ml for a week, to slag closed standby. Usage: clean the feet, with a cotton swab dipped in drug coated surface of the skin (not painted too much, after the applicator can relieve itchi

33、ng), such as skin blistering, with needle water with gauze bag can be good for two or three days. This treatment of many cases of beriberi, often effective. But it must be used so as to avoid poisoning. Lianghuimin122.APC treatment of specific odorOne of my colleagues, smelly feet, used a variety of

34、 remedies are no effect. After the introduction of a friend, APC tablets can cure. Usage: grind one or two pieces of APC into powder, sprinkle in two shoes separately, throw 1 or 2 days. Indeed unique and effective. Wangjiru263.APC treatment of beriberiThe APC crushing tablets and cream tune into a

35、paste, every night after washing the feet wipe the affected area (toe seam), a week after the withdrawal, 2 days will be peeling. I will relieve itching immediately after using this prescription, and the athletes foot will be better. Xuesuyun264. eat pigs trotters anti foot odorThere is something wr

36、ong with my foot odor, taste is very strong seasons, a very accidental opportunity, we find that each time when I eat for second days is not pigs trotters, foot odor, this situation can be maintained for 3 days, after tested, eat two times a week and now he has not smelly feet pigs trotters. Chaoyan

37、g261. aloe treats beriberiI have been more than thirty years beriberi, tincture, ointment medicines are used, are not a cure. This summer, I wash my feet every night, with aloe leaves rub, leaf juice squeezed on the feet, natural air dried, tasteless, and no pain feeling, every time a foot with a le

38、af, 5 times, no athletes foot, so far has not committed. 100034, Beijing, Xicheng District tea alley 1, Wang Zixia262. for the OttomansMy feet are long foot, walk to the ground more pain, the pain is long, long lasting. After a friend, in a shoe insole pad, the pad area is at the insole to dig a sma

39、ll hole than the foot a little bigger, the foot hanging does not force friction, so that walking is not painful, but two or three months after the Ottomans and heal. 100053, No. 2, unit 305, 16, Xin Xin Road, Beijing, Haidian District, Zhang Fubin55. rifampicin eye drops can cure beriberiOnce, I lov

40、e the beriberi made, itch. Under shortness of breath, he will be Rifampicin Eye Drops applied to the affected area, but the results achieved unexpected effect, when the foot does not itch. Every day on time, only with the two foot swelling of the Zhou Yongqing4l5. surface beriberiFoot sweating in su

41、mmer, susceptible to beriberi. The evening before going to bed, with a spoon surface (i.e. the surface evaporation Steamed Buns), warm water melts, feet in the water in the bath for 0 minutes or so, the light two or three times, or four or five times. Liuzijia4l6. pepper treatment of beriberiI suffe

42、r from beriberi for many years. Last year my friend introduced one party and cured the athletes foot after the trial. Specific methods: pepper can be placed 10 grams, 20 grams of salt, add water slightly cooked, to the temperature will not be hot feet, you can soak wash, soak every night for 20 minu

43、tes, continuous bubble wash a week can be cured. Used pepper salt, heating can be used continuously for second days. Those who have been infected with ulcer are careful with caution. Chenshiqi4l7. pear skin can cure beriberiNot long ago in the hospital, listen to a comrade said, pear skin can cure b

44、eriberi, wipe 3 or 4 times can be good, after coming home, I tried to wipe a few times, really good effect. The method is very simple, peel the peeled pear directly to the athletes foot and wipe it off. Aiyi419. roast aroma can stop beriberi itchA few years ago, I often suffer from beriberi. Sometim

45、es I cant sleep at night. Some drugs have been used, the effect is not satisfactory. Once I tried to bake with a fragrant head, but unexpectedly immediately itching. After a disease, take incense grilled, and later become more and more light,So as not to commit. Attention, incense head fire point an

46、d skin itch point, contact, want to master the distance, so as not to burn the bubble. Et al.108. aureomycin ointment for treating dermatophytosisPeople suffer from old age suffering from beriberi, not serious, but confined to the toe seam, or out of water, or blistering. I put on toilet paper to so

47、p up the water. The evening after the feet, once I wipe the eye with aureomycin ointment, second days actually recovered. After a few days, and then relapse, and then wipe once, at most two times heal. But remember, the wood used aureomycin ointment for further use. Shu Rong Guo109. white sugar can

48、cure beriberiFeet soaked with warm water after washing, take a little white sugar in the area of beriberi, with hand repeatedly rub, rub, wash, not wash, you can also. Once every two or three days, 3 times after the general mild beriberi patients can recover, this method especially for interdigital beriberi curative effect is remarkableAcupoints and finger pressing therapy for beriberiHave the effect of beriberi acupuncture is often used in the treatment of peripheral acupuncture Zusanli depression.The method of finding the Zusanli is to erect the knee so


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