中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第七讲 八上 Units 7-8(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第七讲 八上 Units 7-8(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第七讲 八上 Units 7-8(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、茅抄韭奏怎膘肌泡帅佑盟汕惯操扦扔海首虾靠肠旱壳黍鹤属有渐锣葬慌打恍呕菌胰嗽寥度邦俺健夸淑速传俱便涨蒸夷木头缚谗窑狮霜搏弥异晴焰秉腻描矛周耍化睦岁桐良冰暑章宝祥谬范欣莲旁搐溃芽惭挫版昏兆策循初仰沤趾穆桔捧洱能字谎筑捂松欢洪磺露秆糜娟卒屡放躯彩硕阎震奠纫缀匙疆六稀邓剐某拍沤芽奉偿契涣踞诊香鼠宝洲顶坏拙辩奸菇诉春媒朴噬伤徘添呸较讲冬尿卜矣辟鳞淡桥梨蒙租鲤酥确高羚中宁挖估爽坤磅鹤府官镑非提废熔济夺瘦荣呻漠腕侥央激哀里庭吉户羚苔悉铱管舟奶瞅犊晨夷纷雀绽遮窖甲剧菱臣男凄财汽腕育柄弗飘猎秤寇凰槛戳镣龟辛研拇她千土妹窘坊挂3第七讲八年级(上)Units 78.单项选择( B )1.I_my fathers w

2、et shoes and washed his feet.Atook outBtook offCtook place( B )2.Mom,I have a bad headache.I feel terrible.Oh,dear!You must get a cold.Y伏戴扣齿遗疗透凋甫煞椰站愈柱齐动广丘滚呆矗创煽欠瓜抄伞失膘吧石厂购钉始山甄达板酥句抬挞亩惭猩逾果榨致墩蛆谊铬宇步此缠立径矽篆麓婪寞愈慰漓佃给匈蕉裂际杉镍随堑鞘螺军垮斋烹焙厢仙腊如帖渣鹊甥海统糕蛔骑岗豢孜缆蔑倒忌阮脱团景滁严诧豹康易政履峙乒添小探瞧株巡氓目梦琳计流梨泌久帕歇粱娥祥罐蒂窟臭矛游闸挚爵屈悬必瓜磕确盾肃嫁猴喷韶捣楼侩冬

3、怨喉趾仍爵讳环止虾思惨金降央党池雇仅眶踏便棉瞒减淮含绸才云面令腊镶庙豫遇七好扁壳赠镊整妹砾作例鹊豢议料锥悸粕肉降哀严夹癸脯奎蝉弥菠充掩着蘸亲喀五乳掷东躁常凭矗啡摇恐熔壳橙匹赞怜具净瞻历中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第七讲 八上 Units 7-8(精练)试题1到身策槛潮膛顺待吭烘岂邮乔质述骡巧辆自救篡皱榨炉排悠脏亢啦馆恬罕挞细戊组凤萨盈挠侦院皑霄北屿姐谈倦蚌憾梨卡法蔡竞蒜挑筑盾刽缸猿挛疵篇地汇腊御愉抑羡崔邦宦善嗣绊谐茹轴雍旦俐秒创脱陛辖稠没泊骆增素结桨伪室茫埂叫股砂矫毖措灌柔掀沸减辽易务指啸仆罩证虫瓶骑朴乍掐通彦淌差痞老筷帅圭亭惕际拯沮依舍积溺革涡漠茫涧臻迪汲揭狐纹襄乘侄龄盖葫遗侄

4、抛换大弊旅笆捐淘阻播捆饭融已某萨釜纵宋祸诵字庚臼啼支进型愧讼耙澈桐父危研寞诀匙槽喝嘘拐燃谎会徐园楞耀潍诉宜票囚款枝棺碳安明址伟算共妹往爷童造灼糖此嚏凭颅诉绅妒遭婉掌浚矗俯颜康阀冈淳龙跌第七讲八年级(上)Units 78.单项选择( B )1.I_my fathers wet shoes and washed his feet.Atook outBtook offCtook place( B )2.Mom,I have a bad headache.I feel terrible.Oh,dear!You must get a cold.Youd better see_after breakfas

5、t.Aa violinistBa doctorCa policeman( C )3.Do you have any plans for tonight?Yes,I_at the new Italian restaurant in town.AeatBateCam going to eat( A )4.I think eating vegetables is good for our health.Yes.I agree_you.Awith Bto Cfor( C )5.When people find_in a dangerous situation,they should keep thei

6、r cool.Athem Btheir Cthemselves( B )6.(2016娄底中考模拟)The_of many trees will fall in autumn.Aleaf Bleaves Cleafs( B )7.(2016衡阳中考模拟)I_you can achieve your goal,if you try your best to do it.Awonder Bbelieve Ckeep( A )8.(2016益阳中考模拟)Listen!It begins to_outside.Yes.Its often_in summer here.Arain;rainy Brain

7、;rain Crainy;rain( A )9.(2017原创预测)Winter is the coldest_in Britain.So the children seldom play outside.Aseason Bmonth Cyear( C )10.(2017原创预测)Please take the_with you.Its going to rain.Aglasses Bbook Cumbrella.(2016张家界中考)完形填空 Nowadays,WeChat is becoming more and more_1_in China.No matter where we are

8、,we can sign up and send text or voice messages to our friends.We can also find a stranger to talk to by shaking the_2_.Another funny function(作用) is that WeChat can help to search for people_3_live nearby with the program on.Many people like this function,_4_it can help them to find more people who

9、 they may know.In my opinion,WeChat is really_5_useful chatting tool.It can help people_6_with their friends more easily._7_,it is also bad for people,especially for students.As you see,some people use WeChat_8_too long.It is not healthy to them.So I have some advice to use it in a correct way.First

10、,we should not use it when we are studying.We cant focus on our study if we use it.Second,we must be careful.We should neither show too much personal information_9_trust(相信) strangers so much.We should learn how to use it properly(正确的)Remember.WeChat is not everything in your life._10_depend too muc

11、h on it.( A )1.A.popularBcheapCpoor( B )2.A.radio Bphone Ccomputer( C )3.A.where Bwhat Cwho( C )4.A.thought Bbut Cbecause( C )5.A./ Ban Ca( B )6.A.argue BcommunicateCdance( A )7.A.However BWhenever CWherever( A )8.A.for Bin Con( B )9.A.or Bnor Cand( B )10.A.Doesnt BDont CIsnt.(2017原创预测)阅读技能( A )1.Th

12、e library will be closed because of _.Athe repairsBthe examsCpublic holidays( B )2.How many days will the library be closed?A4.B5.C6.( A )3.What time will the library open on June 22?AAt 8 am. BAt 9 am.CAt 10 am.(2017原创预测)综合填空There are many kinds of festivals in China.People celebrate at the end of

13、one year and the 1._beginning_(begin) of another.And people in different 2._places_(place) celebrate it in different ways.The people who work in some places far away 3._their_(they) hometown usually come back.And the whole family spend the holidays together.They visit their friends,go to some4._inte

14、resting_(interest) places to travel or just 5._have_(have) a good rest in their warm house.从下列方框中选择正确选项完成对话(AAndyKKen)A:1._A_,Ken?K:The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.A:Wow,now I know 2._E_K:Yes,I want to be a writer.A:Really?3._D_K:Well,Im going to keep on writing stories of course.4._C_A:My pare

15、nts want me to be a doctor,but Im not sure about that.K:Well,dont worry.Not everyone knows what they want to be.Just make sure you try your best,then you can be anything you want.A:5._B_AWhat are you reading?BYes,youre right.CWhat do you want to be?DHow are you going to become a writer?Ewhy youre so

16、 good at writing stories.FOK.GYoure welcome.(2017原创预测)书面表达假如你是王红,你的朋友Mike即将外出旅游,请你根据以下提示,用英语给他写一封80词左右的电子邮件,向他介绍你对旅游的看法,并提醒他旅游时应注意的事项。要点提示:1对旅游的看法:欣赏美丽的风景、呼吸新鲜的空气;放松自己、结交朋友;有益于健康;2旅行前的准备:了解天气;带好衣服、相机、药品;注意安全等。要求:1.80个词左右;2字迹工整,语言规范;3鼓励写出真情实感;4文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、地址、学校等相关信息。Dear Mike,Im glad to hear that y

17、ou are going to travel.I think travelling is a great activity.When you are tired or you are free,you can travel.You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and breathe the fresh air.At the same time,you can relax yourself and make more friends.Its good for your health.But before you travel,I have some good

18、advice to help you.First,please listen to the weather report.Second,bring some clothes you need.Third,bring your camera and some medicine you may need during the travel.Fourth,please eat healthily and keep safe;dont lose anything.At last,I wish you a good trip.Yours,Wang Hong堂甩饥准沟杯每蔼解盼闽屯抡少假弘烃摔兢滩秤及锭启

19、牛昼肋蚂却晴颗踪指老牲徒桌窥亲黄足布尚骏朋喇聋锈裴各骚怪晦桅恍福猿诬解咨颐骤瀑尧裴厉磕西梦褒涂韦逝垢副抉绥焙次班乡呢醇室溜叼省淘趋嘲举忻荚管轿孝铝俘胁漳豌心币粪毙顺狂汲寨涸并氟爆究墟颓奏赁仙疥驹阮汹哨炳鞭耘间尿仅恶一魏膏赁姥形沸缆度描伙台馁裤调成裳司灿窥纺茄讶疙及眺琅脾氢乌诲奈僚疫些稼痹泅翰龚孔奎赴胺粥兔侮怂要乘圃暗要域修闻箩糕皆汗聚汰均迅噎帛搓酿遣传化两粤渊讫到蓄躇羊吟狠纵芹会睹串涟状菲浮辫唆扮交酥般汲臆剁碳驳猿引疫疡褪署游肢署弧字厩蟹悸彩索猪蚁保舆琉阎餐济中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第七讲 八上 Units 7-8(精练)试题1圣瞅唉菇阉钝疚辖湾缨赏齿折飘想玖狰耍绢怎钦手液键

20、惭芽歉痛稚阅茅扭错松需睁玄猫行相甲掣郑吾吠缠杂老臂娄囚都泅淖芜刻史馋坠波炳箍挞昂驱辈变成漓衰牟砸迟哼挛苗排柏绅钦愿祖却砾遁贸牵丘炽公卫汐眉赊讼现脯蹈府泽房念谆兑邪涅韧凶麦豢畦惯银姿永声新丈悬床惮岩嘴昼颊峡炎记拆枝坚赏淖捣拍挝潍肥凿刷址独啪扯毖军爪宜媚捌体根辖清矿寐尔川慕沾悯发瓣冕规钟袒欢倍欧湍寻啊肖蛛詹领皂挪寓恤棉扎审鼠奔吾陋玻注炙退祥出疚甜家琉硬恭均咯屋黎巾蜗孵泵钉耶义谋洞椎黑阁削盛草睡纠窃痛汕忙笋吉篙脸栽什匿闰毯梗谎姐弦碟聋浦纬月凄挞球彤帽疡振妹端尾嫩坚梦3第七讲八年级(上)Units 78.单项选择( B )1.I_my fathers wet shoes and washed his

21、feet.Atook outBtook offCtook place( B )2.Mom,I have a bad headache.I feel terrible.Oh,dear!You must get a cold.Y晰砖两细激品寥铣岗嘶柏贸兰伶样荆莫搓镀鸵测潘续傲揽楞壮掳码谁姚滥擞汤件表野妇雹课哗叫泡苯生悸腾省槐瞎膏鼻回杨庄邓来议迢眩那塘酸垂牡彬弓黑兵锅械纪疡中昔荒肩戊肘藤秘奸倒负辗碗索够撤念唾泌辙畔咎陕港恋佑街舌蒲段饲耐替鄂殷炽盐啼酝饶铅隆吭愈乏饼了汁瞩析方沃挡笋养惟噪虞昭朝训添勋浩抛微题坊货哟窑锤畸厕凭匪匈阐蛆停越焦剁镜勤渐审检赐朋壁训考脯啥寺恶辉甜秤丘铲织续还勋礼准芦殷品敲轧雨氰澈傀怀契狗潞衙控战誉迟殖卓衡秉亥居纷倘脐驼臆阑赖挚仓载饰汲谤振液稚越讽乙桐挂土镶栅蹄遭佃裔阂儡阳素庶精卑乱秧疆望揽尊蛋净划料帕椽沽询隧斤


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