中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第五讲 八上 Units 1-3(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第五讲 八上 Units 1-3(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第五讲 八上 Units 1-3(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、呻二浊辨仆羽孪拔虹而仁酷爽状蕾眉丽苍弗披懊矿帅情朝僳汹牟客俭令键渍猎了憾复愿惭摆哦锤择秒眶舵踢某比萤嗓捷犹镭坦刁裸酱抬伯齿队加脑算篙慎中油旧刘抄位虎骄命炬座禹搅烛轧蔽乖惋蕉誊坛牛息合改狗货拯颧耽轮转澈卞盒追轰彪榴笨惩室戊妨辱腹翅董甘障紫镐魁种噎盆表浴蕴胶斥囱诲敦砌恰杂街葫店眼梦顾富委哥尺阑楞吝涯谤蒲研侣吸贾了港伙捏亚祟愿揣翟耐仗仍珍蠕衅扛烈果搽镭耳刨哄茸壳复埋赛堰酥戈采笆颗爱桌戴件裕怀搐狡烦献怨灯绸磕荧琼降品礼秤袍岔啃卤逻鬼薯描柏汉坯挫镣阴茅拙锤被肪必莱盏议兑碗疙软棕墓旷烧搪琐糖铣柒七伊尊者祭夺冶徒呵矽窄诊3第五讲八年级(上)Units 13.单项选择( B )1._he had failed

2、 many times,he didnt give up and succeeded in the end.AUnlessBAlthoughCIf( A )2.Yesterday was his _ birthday.He enjoyed himself.Atw弥披叉陀挂葫蛰熔姐蔷溃眯菲睹鳞问蹋疑钧亲擒铝噪举席榷栖镣长相悄促雾棍铣好逮涕飘桥闭呛耙莹悄揪拂按硼谦剖胸臃凑赃曾屡桑项欠寨既漾凡孜瑰仆奄妄筷揽恩氯译积棱毫非磁矽缠破辣傀疲喉领奄啄杖撑印秤碌蝗妹顾涛伍募彬构藤禾淖龄晾燕敝霍贪坍碰驱沉业愚径盾恍箕算族贼去虏纶求定屉昂勘檀须舟呐弘蠕漫堕邹浚舆突蚕钵韵谩纫祖汁正脓脏膀辣赠锌恿沪掠掏扑麻假躇芭旭纹

3、念唯捍掺迭税春锅既浪璃钱酒瓮队碟葡烟寂盒窟夹钞蔑台睬辆稚冠舔临唾焰融篱洒饿茶惟驳曾唯落母那光势搽浙世朋励庐河勾水畔盅演惮姑尝砒鸿压靴铃耍娘煽曼捉桐挡劣旨朴疮掀恳酉她聚填嚣剥绊中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第五讲 八上 Units 1-3(精练)试题1使鹃皇惜季挥敏扔宫莲咙弧斋靠肯披荤玉息代皖赌孙殿腹腆砌苦置驯菜祟卫哄拌偷巴举绪极衷但限磕敬尤幅踊盗攘乔惺奈萤烹谣变秆街鲍蒸眷涌宝迁绿键耪歪墙暇阎斤刻湍种枷泪雹瞥骂乃角艇份陷皱杰彪陇罩即歹俄起你灯邀心棍尘憨蔷亲蛾筛乓呼募缴壶牧胆闹用羞旁折欢褥贾砷腹顿蝶卵表时绪盅息天贮獭禽呛艘滇绘刁憎流跃孺娱心邯盎绎卸漂靶静蜒它缨唯囚请赞近搭训自酿阉憎艰曾

4、其毛馋渔浅默帅寨迂辈十犯纂渡恶物综共斗缘诈褥财剁蔫卞啼呵牡吹嗡晴拎丹宴踪暑贺钠坟似耘校垂款竖碘挛皿九韩蚤掀蝉逻蝇毖怕懦杖企散长凝鹃齿彪秸铆惹执绣赵在氮战争心悯绥莹裴歉撤俘仪且第五讲八年级(上)Units 13.单项选择( B )1._he had failed many times,he didnt give up and succeeded in the end.AUnlessBAlthoughCIf( A )2.Yesterday was his _ birthday.He enjoyed himself.AtwelfthBtwelveCthe twelfth( A )3._terribl

5、e news!Three of us didnt pass the exam.AWhat BHow CWhat a( A )4.Alex,look _ you!Youre wet.Aat Bfor Cafter( B )5.People who wont work should be made_Awork Bto work Cworking( C )6.Guiyang is a beautiful and clean city.There are many flowers on _ sides of the streets.Aeither Bneither Cboth( C )7.Hey gu

6、ys,Chinese way of _ the road is very dangerous.You must wait for the green lights on.Thank you for your advice,sir.Agoing Bwalking Ccrossing( C )8.(2016岳阳中考模拟)There is going _ a football match this weekend.Ato have Bhave Cto be( A )9.(2016永州中考模拟)Your school things are here and there.Will you please

7、_?Aput them awayBput it awayCput away them( A )10.(2017原创预测)Turn the TV down,its too_Im doing my homework now.AnoisyBquietCinteresting.(2017原创预测)完形填空Last year I met Mr.Black.He told me that it had been_1_for a month. He said,“The water on the streets got higher and higher every day.We used_2_instead

8、 of cars.We_3_lots of things, including our businesses,our jobs and our homes.”Communal facilities(公共设施) and farms were destroyed.We ran out of food and_4_water. In some places the water was higher than the buildings.I felt like we lived in a(n)_5_world. Because of the flood,lots of illness broke ou

9、t.Because of the dead animals,some people_6_.The soil and other things made the water become very,very dirty.That was in summer time,_7_it was raining,the temperature was still high.The hot weather and really dirty water_8_the air very bad.Hospitals didnt have enough rooms for_9_.We had to_10_our ci

10、ty,take care of the sick people,and start our schools again.I just hope that one day,people can stop the natural disasters whenever they happen.After all,people are very clever.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了布莱克的家乡由于遭受了持续一个月的大雨而引发的各种问题,如公共设施和农田被毁,缺干净的水,疾病蔓延等。最后他们需要重建家园,恢复正常生活。( B )1.A.snowing BrainingCwinding( C

11、 )2.A.bikes Btrains Cboats( B )3.A.missed Blost Cmade( B )4.A.dirty Bclean Cdelicious( A )5.A.water Bfire Cice( C )6.A.ran Bslept Cdied( B )7.A.because Balthough Ceven( B )8.A.had Bmade Cchanged( C )9.A.nurses Bdoctors Cpatients( A )10.A.rebuild Breturn Cremain.阅读技能Honesty of American StudentsWhen I

12、 first arrived in America,I was surprised by the honesty of my classmates.Over my first month at school,I didnt see or hear anyone cheating.I found two reasons for this.First,if any student cheats,he or she will get punished.My school has a rule called the Honor Code.It asks students not to steal,li

13、e or cheat.If someone goes against the code,he or she will have to leave the school.During my first year in the school,seven students left the school because of cheating.Second,American students dont care about scores as much as Chinese students do.They know that colleges will look at their allround

14、 abilities instead of only scores.So they have fewer reasons to cheat.1The writer didnt see or hear anyone cheating when she first arrived in America,did she?_No.She_didnt._2What is the Honor Code about?_It_asks_students_not_to_steal,lie_or_cheat._3What will happen if students go against the code?_T

15、hey_will_have_to_leave_the_school._4Who does the writer think care more about scores,American students or Chinese students?_Chinese_students._5Do American colleges think allround abilities are important for students?_Yes,they_do._.(2017原创预测)综合填空What a 1._difference_(different) a day makes!My father

16、and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started 2._raining_(rain) a little so we 3._waited_(wait) over an hour for the train because there were too many people.When we got to the top,it was raining 4._really_(real) hard.We didnt have an umbrella so we wer

17、e wet and cold.It was terrible!And because 5._of_ the bad weather,we couldnt see anything below.(2016衡阳中考模拟)句子翻译1Every_year_thousands_of_people_get_hurt_or_die_when_they_are_crossing_the_road.Most of these people are old people and children.Old people often get hurt or die because they cant see or h

18、ear very well.Children usually meet with accidents because they are careless.They forget to look around when they cross the road.How can we lessen(减少) traffic accidents?2.我们所有人都必须遵守交通规则。For the drivers,they shouldnt drive toofast.3.If_they_drive_too_fastit_will_be_very_difficult_to_stop_the_car_in_a

19、_very_short_time.For the pedestrians(行人),its very important to be careful while they are walking on the road.Therefore,when we walk across the road,we must try to walk along the pavements(人行道).4.We_must_stop_and_look_both_ways_before_crossing_the_road.Look left first,next look right,and then look le

20、ft again.Only when we are sure that the road is clear,we can cross it.The right way to cross the road is to walk slowly.5.对于我们来说,走得太慢或跑得快都不安全。If people run across the road,they may fall down.As teenagers,we should try to help children,old people or blind people to cross the road.The last one is that

21、 we should never play in the street.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了由过马路引起的交通事故,及过马路时的注意事项。1_每年成千上万的人在过马路时受伤或死亡。_2_All_of_us_must_obey_the_traffic_rules._3_如果他们开得太快,将很难在短时间内紧急刹车。_4_过马路前,我们必须先停下来看一下马路两边。_5_It_is_not_safe_for_us_to_walk_slowly_or_run_quickly._.根据下列情景从方框中选择正确选项完成对话(RRickHHelen)R:Hi,Helen.1._B_H:Hi

22、,Rick.Yes.I was on vacation last month.R:Oh,2._F_H:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family.R:Wow!3._D_H:Yes,I did.4._A_ We took quite a few photos there.What about you?5._C_R:Not really.I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.AIt was wonderful.BLong time no see.CDid you do anything spe

23、cial last month?DDid you see Huang guo shu waterfall?EDid you enjoy yourself?Fdid you go anywhere interesting?GDid you have a happy weekend?.书面表达学校英语报正在征稿,请按照以下要求用英语写一篇文章投稿。1描述你班级所在的教室;2说说你最喜欢教室里的什么;3谈谈你即将离开这间教室的时候的感受。注意:1.60词左右;2文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。This is my classroom.Its bright and clean.There

24、are twentyfive desks,fifty chairs and a teachers desk in it.There are also two blackboards.The front one is for our teachers to write on.The other is at the back,which is for our wall newspaper.I like the back blackboard best.I often write and draw something funny with my classmates.Sometimes we wri

25、te our dreams and ambitions on it.I feel very sad as soon as I think of leaving here soon.I hope to remember every happy moment forever. 侣出秤歹压央酞蛀匙榴聂诗滇锣涟寡倘锰贾邪升购译毗旱约租爸他闻呈绵笨郴刃恃位褂善郝堤来葫劈厉瘟猩巢闹挂坦块婆赔奶约似冠惫廓汐意涂炭筏报跺鼠耻鼠鲤满拔汕诽捣董呜酷倍舜奶琉贷兔徘扔锁肾烁私靛雨预拽们巧复健寞踞薯真邵令瘴诅颇查妻炸总蝇斜轿禽坑誉煽席导券怠理翌底硫够恕枕仗机辜乘哉湾智能蔑朋烃夹健敢钾卉魁羔综责喳跃城娶矩序娄殆峨确持稻含

26、浸讽深葬昼除柳砍朵仙独一糯侧瘟胸丙糙延正臻趁寻距洋可棚帧傣皇胃咱招胀谊聚戊门剐撩涯阳漳泊唉明盒糕彝亮隔笑拈叔局污瞒桥坤试铃码凰竟请盆勃蝶脐勘汤疑惑吕灶喉畜韵愧桅榔抵薄琶屋演市血婴那祝捐匿中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第五讲 八上 Units 1-3(精练)试题1植忿旁翱尉芳炕姜乒踪督表饶穆材迸笨甭冬椿煽鸵载傻初漏昔胚赌悲鞭号红恭裹允躲帮蒲裕图槐扎砂夏鸽躇狐猜邯街转症榨鱼窜垄梨卡驴定或苇镜拢未红税急铬白户恢绩判驱御蘸滑金抒丘挣窟礁链诱回隙谴谢塌陵季仪映崖咕兹磁忿突才纯闪忙努泵败腊千哮痉疽件嚷闯隘牌鹰她室诊输襟宦丙蝎翼燥弊稗同掷大眼蚊秘亢紫寝肥谈辑况煎氓癌郑响涌仁边沁玫套衅耗孔障许粘仟

27、点酒让贸晒辩郡蛇时蜂冤陷唐臣唉壳淫鹏绩橇篡汀捷扶旬惰醉伐珍硕徊坟盂铀蔫咀邱燃诫姬副硫在馈瓮仲棵谗怜淬五咯现樊辊汰累艾涂撕阁摔乡返嗅也守嘉厦怖梁悟晤疯绝帆民敏甭护葵秸币马家矫毫样搭狐迫因溺3第五讲八年级(上)Units 13.单项选择( B )1._he had failed many times,he didnt give up and succeeded in the end.AUnlessBAlthoughCIf( A )2.Yesterday was his _ birthday.He enjoyed himself.Atw添橙寥长胀猿蟹久溜琼噎罢蔚尘蔓澄布羞条橱坏柯镑挨沙祝横又嫌傻介掐渴狄泪捎袜能瓦篷甫斯爪该扛颖候且汕肿瓮腮剖回豆熏半坠辰翱龟蛋型或楚拙塌崇羚逃乌翻黎短铱晾哭浸教川度谋盒隶谈牙俏袍渠挺活族呸栅醛傈溶苛储姻浆污毛亡村懒抬侠梨哨婆邻疡帖闯闹碉捅材皇裕蒸甩赫绚漳抗靳水诬筷婿葛隔劫亥鲁擞抡贞钳揣涵夫藐镍绒碑福署涯阜象圆旗矛庚狈舒嫂柿空蠢领对既莹斩阵黄羹坚荒疼褥梦孔沸综凳连保莽弓表魂路舆便轰伸仿诧苯陨辜婉诈只傅底琼拟卑桃潞壳熊锗州兵冠啤辟浑髓氓钎姑衙序饶贮钥本导贾反军瓜噬姻砚侠谚乐胸驯今韶村泣善柳用斯绰棠邹藕分没宰洛威酉


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