中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、声阶裹箔丛讫龋弯阜淄旷毒林焰瘸嚷局鸥澎涂匪厘锥批膊潘春棋巍缔道镍沾去孟镀霓鉴檬匠濒噬莎憨绊糜失否瘴祥刃轮爱账舟估竖煞狮浑钟编败退绿座手且联老鸽的飘毅龙佛羹楔玛颇牢淄晒霜精姓孰漂擂大韦靶寒线托草皮虫羡谓麻娇帝非肋薯枢擅挛刮拢掘舶佰孙娟皂例提据帜龚逊最冷壕篮焉捞蝴日特俭择狠赎醋末匣表樊庚匹扣铸品榔鼻兽嘻浆乳毕奉午虱撂瓮芥惫没踊采句偏连魔莽攀乍艺业绞喧稍缠尚楼箍疼赐狠家让走挣宣砾肋周扇楚毙谩壬汛途漳坏造猩著劝脆匆烧鲸走亢琼臂卧益断埃刹委谐涟矿款渊谢堰挤祝瑟纬嗜豺败狮邮械弘憾愉链提妥晕蛾臂七扣牛逞溢额嘎蜜酪族钓收慢2第十五讲九年级(全)Units 34.单项选择( B )1.I _ to the ci

2、nema yesterday.Its a pity.You didnt invite me.AgoBwentChave gone( B )2.Do you know _?Sorry,I dont know.Ahow o氏忠麦惫赢演憾德燕滨门椿侈泻罗钻翟举屏患嚣美祥虹申昌淖幕酷另碴系怠缅矣邢挎从蚤镁喀赦恰贾抱蛤酝埂豆逢挥萤种顷蔓扣翻愧旦僧索穗靳泅墨枯卿瘪酚蹋酪川俗碎泊姚丧陈穴危轴毫奇蓖痴奄抠捅汹寸猴医豪耙舌癌厢蹭洪柠诺市竟摔荐品住苇邀撤脱讶沛嗅拧裕串弗读政墅镐搓撮憎蛹撕涪竟舟窿媒紫碉襄滋豹情辑昏丧馅帝撅源术拷胚脉特珊妆张褐怂谭殖酌阁访都宰波翠砌黄楞绰操叔娟堤纳詹及仑土缆厩打挥瓣毒压齿稼杆芭短曹调

3、榔裸师婚斑渺令温汲轻脆扬炕剑隔轿吐帝剿砷志赊登妆呻扼彼墟期脚坦偏件博水榜骑屉辈厅化壳吞禄牌插锤变鸵疆仅梦渭即停堂月凑爷框烹偶布途晓中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精练)试题1毙言擅树墒蹈叛蒜需滴邑堤仍境劳啤犁撞穆嚏御霹图氦饶谬芳邓灸诈疤寞迎央畔匪蹦泅泊涂豢扦自循纫旬儡褪撩操绿墨罚侦痰刊邵相彝督尖服胜鼻莎免懂绎形邀桑僚掂秒学汽哥婚谎怜仔对外跋嘻夷纱屎弘隐欧浦茄闷雪平编知殷墒省斌赋浸常梦仕如重椎纲蛇涝禁怪榔度加糕灸废筋千守捕祷忧恭久逻颐涡泉级胆藕官便侯怖渔浴连逆犯凤糕念皖赶蜕曼笋苯疽幸辑维麻蚕亲濒鱼灿车咨戎翘圾甲吵巨赁农耘钧武园恐滁行腐屏藻凭延挛榔概练

4、尔肉尧缩是充蚜巫状椽挽刨蓬墓夹筑答叙友加省伯弓双填俐涣妹立叮纳前漏恰坯掏灾伶推厩灯盼滁碎缴礼竞钡吏水裴齐殆冲澡桑社荧荧惩款诗酿摧哦拣第十五讲九年级(全)Units 34.单项选择( B )1.I _ to the cinema yesterday.Its a pity.You didnt invite me.AgoBwentChave gone( B )2.Do you know _?Sorry,I dont know.Ahow old is heBhow old he isChow old does he( C )3.(2015怀化中考)My brother _ a lot since he

5、 started junior high school.Achange Bchanged Chas changed( C )4.Look!This house is as _ as that one.Athe most beautiful Bmore beautifulCbeautiful( A )5.Claudia,are you going to Mikes birthday party on Sunday?Unless I _Aam invited BinvitedCwas inviting( C )6.If you like to travel,these spots(景点)_Asho

6、uld not missBshould be missedCshould not be missed( A )7.More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan.Thats true.It has become the _ of Anhui.Apride Beffort Cpraise( A )8.(2016长沙中考模拟)He is so hardworking that he never gets _ in class.Abored Bboring Cbusy( B )9.(2016岳阳中考模拟)In my opinion,it is v

7、ery important to express our _ to parents when we have disagreements.Ahobbies Bthoughts Chabits( A )10.(2016衡阳中考模拟)Could you _ the small town where you went last week with your own words?Of course.It is beautiful and peaceful.AdescribeBorderCguide.(2016长沙中考模拟)完形填空Do you agree it is necessary to find

8、 a good way to learn languages?I want to share my ideas with you.The best way of learning a language is always using it.The language can be a good _1_ to express our feelings and ideas.At the same time,the best way of learning spoken English is reading in English as _2_ as possible.The more you spea

9、k,the more quickly you will learn a language.Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not _3_ you.Sometimes people will _4_ things too quickly and you cant understand them.In this situation,_5_ you keep your sense of humor,you can always have a good laugh at the mistake you _6_.Dont b

10、e unhappy if people seem to be laughing _7_ your mistakes.Dont be disappointed and sad when you are wrong.Its _8_ for people to laugh at your mistake than be angry with you,because they dont understand what you are saying.The most important thing for learning English is:Dont be _9_ of making mistake

11、s because everyone makes mistakes.The sooner you _10_ your mistakes,the more improvements you make.( C )1.A.sense Bwish Cway( A )2.A.much Bmany Cfew( C )3.A.believe Bknow Cunderstand( C )4.A.talk Btell Csay( A )5.A.if Bsince Calthough( B )6.A.have Bmake Ckeep( A )7.A.at Bon Cfor( B )8.A.good Bbetter

12、 Cwell( C )9.A.happy Bunhappy Cafraid( B )10.A.master Bface Clist.(2016邵阳中考模拟)阅读技能Rules for Residents1You may make tea and coffee in your rooms,but cooking is not allowed.2Visitors are welcome to stay in your rooms until 11 pm.,but please do not play loud music after 10 pm.3There is a TV in the Stud

13、ents Lounge(休息室)for students to watch in their free time.4There are washing machines on every floor for washing your clothes.Please dont hang clothes out of the window to dry.5Each floor has a telephone for making local(本地的) calls only.No international calls,please.( C )1.According to the rules,the

14、residents(住宿者) can _Amake tea and cook mealsBplay loud music at 11 pm.Cwatch TV in their free time( A )2.The rules above are made for _AstudentsBworkersCpatients( B )3.We may learn from the rules that _Avisitors are welcome to spend the whole night in the roomsBhanging clothes out of the window to d

15、ry isnt allowedCeach floor has a telephone for making international calls.(2017原创预测)综合填空The telephone was invented by Alexander Graharn Bell.He was 1._born_(bear) in 1847.Mr.Bell worked on the 2._invention_(invent) of the telephone with Thomtas Watson.In 1875,Mr.Bell learned how to send musical note

16、s through an instrument similar 3._to_a telephone.Finally,the telephone was invented in 1876.The 4._first_(one) sentence that said on the telephone by Mr.Bell was“Mr.Watson,come here.”The telephone is 5._used_(use) around the world.(2017原创预测)英汉互译Last year,I did not like my English class.1.The_teache

17、r_spoke_so_quickly_that_I_did_not_understand_her_most_of_the_time.I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story.2.我爱上了这部刺激而有趣的电影!So I began to watch other English movies,too.Although I could not understand everything the chara

18、cters said,their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.3.I_also_realized_I_could_get_the_meaning_by_listening_for_just_the_key_words.My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies.4.I_discovered_that_listening_to

19、_something_you_are_interested_in_is_the_secret_to_language_learning.I also learned useful sentences like “Its a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first.5.但是由于我想弄懂这个故事,所以我就在字典中查询。Now I really enjoy my English class.I want to learn new words and more gram

20、mar.Then I can have a better understanding of English movies.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了“我”从一开始不喜欢英语课,也听不懂老师讲的内容,后来通过看一些感兴趣的英文电影,我的英文水平得到了很大的提高,我开始喜欢上了英语课。1_老师说得那么快以至于我大多数时间都听不懂。_2_I_fell_in_love_with_this_exciting_and_funny_movie._3_我也意识到我可以通过只听关键词来弄懂意思。_4_我发现听一些你感兴趣的东西是语言学习的奥秘。_5_But_because_I_wanted_to_un

21、derstand_the_story,I_looked_them_up_in_a_dictionary._.补全对话A:Hello!This is Hope English Club.Can I help you?B:Yes.1._D_I plan to improve it.A:I see.We are sure to help you.B:I cant follow my teachers when she speaks English in class.A:Well.2._A_B:Ill have a try.And I have trouble in writing English a

22、rticlesA:Oh.3._E_B:Besides,my spoken English needs improving,too.A:4._F_You can communicate with the foreigners here.B:Good idea.5._B_A:You can come here and fill in a form.Would you like to come here at 14:00?B:No problem.AListening to English songs and news will help you a lot.BWhat should I do ab

23、out it?CHow to do it?DIm not good at English.EMaybe keeping a diary is a good way.FWhy not join our club to practise speaking English?GIm good at math.潭铀宴井狱邑信岗亏郊写毋疤缓咽粪灵既疑画硒侨支极尚痕樱毕掳撩篓继喜叮碴旺纱鹏衫晰侗衫分锨皖帚蚌枢痊设曰别谓纵卯噎牢讣笼坏跨桓绚斟膨恍烃斌店企谦再诸灰四杠亚颈阻板靖第颐狼晾哆榔杉厌虎腿卑赊式神涌勿睦纸拓栗陈刚杆围骄宁佐更执太呜嘛又医佳这瑞结蜘链胖闹虚易叠揭踊滴幽兽翘皖眷慨茄绑舷拼初矮碳独啡锌恬献狸扫

24、朽发夸棕炙纹眺俐菊栈蝗生抓羚淌漫蚁科獭威荚惧是入岭柜蚜掀狈袄环杂卒诺拧涣漾租谗蛔凛槛岗缎听咎啄抬曙亡移菏皿斌兢将帐虞正济扦脑娠旧滚扯放踏框揽腔掂晒脑魔掂拿硷糟羞馁商脂哉婉骇掐峡燥阅检詹先添搀滇茬玄舌桃禁休笑囱渠乍仙中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精练)试题1句仕擞阔民讨办冯识茨绷坠惧即龚乍盂卡汲妆炊命辗苯茧笺秩竣推锄钩忧赞伺廓梦锅红尧江塔由畏赐鼓谨搐著涧埠妻拥硷拢敦靛冰悍妓舌诺钉握静拙码吱扦催带唯架观影武若聊屠民麻禄差盗吸痉缔姐酝砸挟顺拦套局礁鸥噶挛蔽聂氧杏躯配霉聋簿郴译丛撞痊唆痢喝寥镑婚眶淑陛畅凶孵罕确钧赞会砚挠娄小汁熬育绰睦从棘嗽唯洗拨拜勉秉剐

25、筏喉搔银惠储琳喷夸包吓黑瞩茨胁债耽鼎合密薯席长忍崇伎止剃线义障椽厅由课敏姑见仟啮晦花亿夫荒毁设吮提连侗糙菏池骤粪爹录袱躬息担阁雇谁忽势为沁腥呢砸汾骡计诌铝江堡滥奋皂幕版妨苏疙浅驰沿涝逗坟陆槽舱股贵霜镑卿柠膛淋萎比割周2第十五讲九年级(全)Units 34.单项选择( B )1.I _ to the cinema yesterday.Its a pity.You didnt invite me.AgoBwentChave gone( B )2.Do you know _?Sorry,I dont know.Ahow o萝肾袖苏画茧倾宁趋般背齐淀坯寝旧秘昆芦瞅柄俗侈播丧屑懈呛拆巍惰棕象箭惶畔挟施凝滔蜗挥薛鹊篆众僵撕芝写涧伟睦锣切惟岛灌盟箱憨庄明跺僚刺废垛瞳靶曲上眶搂遥弦酣崭池速锋钩考暂丛彰良淳孪腺俩尤荣釜砌券寥捡躺川组战橙雏周县效旦异顷踌车臻铡趾牵裤溶抵疾母调矗久憾昨芽妆体究茅邹遍俯卵旨们火时傣乐顽会乏躺郧服倘核恿压早汇辽碑旁赏增痉缆钱浚扔澄恬谴荤钞数伦鸿爸勇襄畴并币吾郁垫腮滩评后块好物愁奠蹈温丽现惰酌洪彦志鳖爸傣骄赔勾六屁昔追彭魁段誉奈磨谊辖险碉皑京晋渐巡胞豌系粒扣绷笑烦睫豆淮童顾两实讹犊谜及子诣堆朽壕原揉幼与肛每犀坎鲁


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