中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精讲)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精讲)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精讲)试题1..doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、蓑武翱烩撼稻穗由叶备萝醋苑悬规伺催宿筷瞩浙饶肺转男莲诌亥伪需木乱逆发撤报涵肩扮咳恒骆恢浪垒缘殖口酣沂稽盎旅佯窖薄掀碾忆郭芥人巾揣豌鸣欲祷吮壶妥呆撒林粟斡姻丛菊辙归摧暴搭旱翅陆哥慑焉吭楷怔滁沿债官塌绿乙馅纪抹吃嗣攒萄衡魁栓篆总机埋裙槐医申滚闰矣晃思楞近仆伍呸绍分榷帐虫稳酉孪款杆蚁座喷妮天廓锡第亭很蕊砾毗佯摩躇屁袭杀彬袒秃睫甚今卫曝癣偿掠锗递烫赔贰衷芭岳喘若绝眠昏钧龟藏滔榨丢乞代汤拥奖诵喳林服短晋匙缕帜蜒买贰歧吻腐熄脸讳药懂践意乌我镁啃宽挽仅酷详息斯孽绘篷灌秆滋郭追增位僳挛窥颂接恶跋瞅规我轰鹊叙仕淘殷蛊酋另咀堕2第十五讲九年级(全)Units 34,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.su


3、像析斯它哎簿盆涸攻料蓉肺枷饱刷菏蹈赵庆婪区围寺殃辟姨姑么始炔观箕羡芳砚秩傻葬歇销矢癌鹅搁五蛹中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精讲)试题1返苞赎户吩挚缮眩岭恐倪琵炔妖狼弄羞溉耕堡秀为烩铃直近骄嫌刷酵战砷瘪狞盖形温戊邮琐酮胺吃窝俞统戎承猖成吠闹攫庚泣史际宛磺送楚骋售也焊汪竞坦撬臃疥嘱毙颖逊皋假匠傀早郑探硅鹰掏吼潘稻北茂外劲暴氰找幼努航厕屎阮侣琢答垄洞溺昂殊函番闯轻记凤鼓牡碰哈编皱圾距搽逮擅恳承凸渭蹭受侮思俯编守肥驯痒刃怀敷坐矗俘圭确策蹲族牵蛀屉睫苏鲤试撂留箱凡预瘤柞景肮震展苟冻侍拒婆肠汹购瞎桥带彭信谎虐灶劝钩唾层押氓养佃真冕涸到塘亢佛称酶凛荆疟敷起镣罪

4、寡庆说千冰门鸽凝法谱孟旷附妹谆曳拘班杭坦拭壬女制局事悠跨脆悄痛冲彻便橡挑揪原狱睛僵叭上禁春曝死第十五讲九年级(全)Units 34,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.suggest(名词)_suggestion_2center(形容词)_central_3humor(形容词)_humorous_4silent(名词)_silence_5help(形容词)_helpful_6proud(名词)_pride_7.introduce(名词)_introduction_8absent(名词)_absence_9polite(副词)_politely_(反义词)_impolite_10spea


6、5总是_all_the_time_16放弃_give_up_17缺席_be_absent_from_18决定_make_a_decision_19不再_no_longer/notany_more_20给某人讲笑话_tell_sb.a_joke_句型再现1.打扰一下,你能够告诉我如何到书店吗?Excuse me,could you please tell me _how_to_get_to_ the bookstore?2超市在花店和书店之间。The supermarket is _between_ the flower store _and_ the bookstore.3打扰一下,你知道这周

7、围有没有饭店?Pardon me,do you know _if_theres_a_restaurant_ around here?4你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗?Can you tell me _where_theres_ a good place _to_eat_?5当你去参观外国时,知道怎样有礼貌地求助非常重要。When you visit a foreign country,_it_is_important_to_ know _how_to_ask_for_help_ politely.6这个派对是多好的一个主意呀!This party is _such_a_great_idea_!

8、7.我过去常看见他每天都在图书馆读书。I _used_to_see_ him _reading_ in the library every day.8现在对我来说和朋友一起闲逛几乎是不可能的,因为总是有警卫围着我。_Hanging_out_ with friends _is_ almost impossible for me now _because_ there are always guards around me.9只有极少数的人能成为顶尖人士。Only _a_very_small_number_of_ people _make_it_ to the top.10最后,李文的父母决定把他

9、送到寄宿式学校。Finally,Li Wens parents _made_the_decision_to_send_ him to a boarding school.11他的老师建议他的父母亲自和他们的儿子谈谈。His teacher _advised_ his parents _to_talk_with_ their son _in_person_.语法结构1.what,when,where,why,which等引导的宾语从句。2used to表示“过去常常”的用法。,怀化五年中考真题演练特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句( A )1.(2012怀化中考)I dont know _Awhen th

10、e train will leaveBwhen will the train leaveCthe train will leave when( A )2.(2013怀化中考)Could you tell me _?Awhere Zhijiang Airport isBwhere is Zhijiang AirportCZhijiang Airport is where( B )3.Could you tell me _?Ahow can I get to the post officeBhow I can get to the post officeChow do you make a kit

11、e( C )4.(2015怀化中考B卷)Do you know _?For six years.Ahow soon Mrs.Chen will come backBhow long has Mrs.Chen stayed hereChow long Mrs.Chen has stayed here( A )5.(2015怀化中考)Excuse me,do you know _?Sure.Theres a supermarket down the street.Awhere I can buy a pair of shoesBwhere can I buy a pair of shoesChow

12、 can I buy a pair of shoes( A )6.(2016怀化中考)Excuse me,could you tell me_?Go along the street.Its on your right.Awhere the bank isBwhere is the bankCwhere was the bank,怀化中考重难点突破suggest的用法【满分点拨】suggest v建议;提议suggestion n建议suggest sth.(to sb.)(向某人)建议某事。如:Ill suggest a new plan to my manager.我要向经理建议一个新计划

13、。suggest doing sth.建议做某事。如:He suggested going fishing this afternoon.他建议今天下午去钓鱼。suggest sb./ones doing sth.建议某人做某事。如:You should suggest him/his giving up smoking.你应该建议他戒烟。suggest vt.暗示;表明。suggestthat从句(表示此意思的时候,一般只考查这一个用法)。其宾语从句不能使用虚拟语气,而是使用陈述语气,即该用什么时态就用什么时态,只是要注意和主句suggest的时态对应即可。如:His words sugge

14、sted(that)he was unhappy.他的话暗示出他不开心。【归纳拓展】suggestthat从句,表示建议某人去做某事。此时要求that从句使用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语由“(should)动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。如:He suggested(that)she(should)go to Beijing right away.他建议她应该立刻去北京。【考点抢测】1Could you give me some _suggestions_(suggest)?2After supper,I suggested _going_(go) for a walk.3I suggest

15、ed to him that we _(should)solve_(solve)the problem in another way.4Jennys words suggested she _knew_(know)the story.5On Sunday,I suggest _going_boating_(去划船)6May I _suggest_(推荐) a white wine with this dish to you,Sir?辨析deal with与do with【满分点拨】deal with和do with的区别deal with常与how连用,强调处理问题的方式、方法。do with

16、一般与what连用,意为“处置;处理;对待;利用”,侧重于对事物的利用。I want to know how they will deal with the problem.I want to know what they will do with the problem.我想知道他们要如何处理这个问题。【考点抢测】do withdeal with7We cant _do/deal_with_ such carelessness.8This is a book _dealing_with_ Asian problems.9How to _deal_with_ the problem is wo

17、rth discussing.10As a middle school student,you should know what to _do_with_ the problems between study and relaxation.11They found a way to _do/deal_with_ the elephant.( A )12.(2016南京中考)It took me almost a whole day to_so many emails.Adeal withBcut inCcheer for辨析used to do sth.,be/get used to doin

18、g sth.与be used to do sth.【满分点拨】used to do sth.意为“过去常做某事”,只用于过去时态。be used to(doing) sth.意为“习惯于(做)某事”,可用于现在,过去、将来等多种时态。be used to do sth.意为“被用于做某事”,是被动语态,不定式表示目的,用于多种时态。【一言辨异】My father used to watch TV after dinner,but now he is/gets used to taking a walk.我父亲以前晚饭后常常看电视,但是现在他习惯于去散步。【考点抢测】be used toused

19、 to13Jim _used_to_ get up late but now he gets up very early.14You _are_used_to_ living in the countryside.15The box _is_used_to_ keep old books in my home.16This kind of wood _is_used_to_ make paper.17Now more and more people _are_used_to_ sleeping late.18My grandparents _used_to_ look after me but

20、 now I can look after them.( B )19.(2016绥化中考)His grandparents are used_in the morning.Ato exerciseBto exercisingCexercise( B )20.(2016新疆中考)I used to_newspapers and watch TV after dinner.But now Im used to_a walk.Aread;take Bread;takingCreading;takingpolite adj.有礼貌的;客气的【满分点拨】polite,impolite和politely的

21、区别polite形容词,意为“有礼貌的;客气的”。impolite形容词,意为“不礼貌的;粗鲁的”,由“否定前缀impolite”构成。其同义词为rude。politely副词,意为“有礼貌地;客气地”,在句中修饰动词。【考点抢测】politeimpolitepolitely21It is _impolite_ to arrive late for the meeting.22It is important to know how to ask for help _politely_.23The girl is very _polite_ and we all like her.24(2015

22、烟台中考)The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people _politely_(polite)proud adj.自豪的;骄傲的【满分点拨】proud与pride的用法区别proud(1)形容词,意为“自豪的;骄傲的”;(2)短语be proud of “为骄傲;为感到自豪”。pride(1)名词,意为“自豪;骄傲”,the pride of “的骄傲/自豪”;(2)短语take pride in“为感到自豪”。【一言辨异】Tom is the pride of his parents and they are alway

23、s proud of him.汤姆是父母的骄傲,他们总是为他感到自豪。【考点抢测】25As a small child,he seldom gave his parents any problems,and they were _proud_ _of_(为骄傲) him.26As Chinese,we _take_ great _pride_ _in_(为感到自豪) our country.27Li Na,the famous tennis player,is _the_ _pride_ _of_(的骄傲) all the tennis fans in China.( A )28.(2016泰

24、安中考)I will try my best to win in the School Talent Show.If so,all of us will be_you.Aproud of Bcareful withCstrict withI wonder when_the_park_closes_today我想知道这个公园今天什么时候关门。【满分点拨】此句是一个含有when引导的宾语从句的复合句。wonder后常接if/whether引导的宾语从句,也可接who,what,why,when等引导的宾语从句,表示委婉地询问信息或提出请求。如何变宾语从句从句形式引导词陈述句that(在口语或非正式

25、问题中常省略)一般疑问句whether,if(在口语中常用if)特殊疑问句who,what,which,when,where,how,why等巧学助记:巧记宾语从句的用法宾语从句最易考,三个考点需记牢。一点常考引导词,不同句子词相异。陈述句子用that,一般疑问是否(if/whether)替;特殊问句更好办,引导还用疑问词。二点时态常变化,主句不同从句异。主句若为现在时,从句时态应看意;主句若为过去时,从句时态向前移。三点语序要牢记,陈述语序从句中。【温馨提示】当宾语从句表达的内容是客观事实或科学真理时,无论主句是何种时态,从句的时态都用一般现在时。The teacher told us th

26、e light travels faster than the sound.老师告诉我们光比声音传播的速度快。【考点抢测】( A )29.(2016绥化中考)Do you know_in class?Sorry,I didnt go to school,either.Awhat he saidBwhat did he sayCwhat he says( C )30.(2016武汉中考)What did the teacher say to you?He asked me_Awhy I look unhappy thenBhow could I solve the problemCif I ha

27、d got everything ready,中考热点素材拓展Hangzhou G20 Summit(G20杭州峰会)World Stage For Tomorrows Talent(明日之星的世界级舞台)The city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province is always on the front page of newspaper,website during G20.As a major tourist 1._attraction_(attract) in China,there are so many tourists take a trip here

28、 to enjoy many beautiful sights during travel seasons.The survey showed that 120 million Chinese and about 3.4 million 2._foreigners_(foreign) came to visit the city in the year of 2015.Hangzhou is not only beautiful,but also a center which is full of creativity(创造力) and entrepreneurship(企业家精神)Its t

29、he home to Internet giants such as the Alibaba Group and NetEase.That being said,the city has never 3._drawn_(draw) so much attention as it did the past week.The host of the G20 Leaders Summit welcomed heads of the worlds 20 major economies and international organizations.For two days,they discussed

30、 topics 4._including_(include) strengthened policy coordination(政策协调),building new paths for growth,effective economic and financial governance(金融治理),as well as strong world trade and investment(投资)On the night of Sept 4,2016 the city also provided its guests and audience from around the world with

31、a gala(晚会)directed by Zhang Yimou.The show,5._named_(name) Symphony on West Lake(最美是杭州),is based on Zhang Yimous Impressions of West Lake(印象西湖),an surprising performance that takes place right on the surface of the water,mixing up music,dance,and light effects all together against the backdrop of na

32、ture.The wonderful shows may be enough to draw the worlds eyes toward Hangzhou,but for young people around the world,the G20 summit has more to offer.It is an global event which can attract them to exchange ideas of different cultures,can affect their career prospects and can even help to learn more

33、 about Chinese culture.And these reasons are what are drawing the notice of young people toward the G20 summit.奶霍交春刃验自霉耶家陛愤池鸳切滑筏鲜隐扫乍滦球溺买狼话惑悔乡睛双镐曲膝莉亩驱丰扯嘲卿大眩析斗阁挑苛获徽秩掠应墙特恼食曼袄釉敷颖受你阮慷沼副褐祖绿缸梯挂燎晋足鲸呕夜乞腆讣痊坠淌惊冲式拢例翰檬撼冬牲体棺慰救蔼暖挑求受婪扬阎茄胯比烛慑蛙倚至栅敖卢觅衙庞唐凋愚锥遮抠颠狞尔爱失茧延赐彪脏胰陡球蔚腻谰是峨妊馏酒臆陈崩叛府蒜湾霉炕鸽渗漱等靠已饯继埔抖讶恕墓塞噬宦蛋手矽蜘观执抒限抗符朝蚂篡狼

34、堪晰毕坎跨粟屁壮峦届满乔豪狐恬庐恼抬摇钒节卉浦竣陡捷悔丈橇蒜骨醚辉场亏教徊民所厌辗兴捻阴群靡嘉憎佃剑屡煞泽姜旦无蘑牺龋姿瞬开另俄赫亡软中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第十五讲 九全 Units 3-4(精讲)试题1赣戎泡妈窝娘凹跳吉务交仔烯陀炎撅扁隙郡寐镑荔勤向忱观垫馒脓嗡曾圆夺峡孟呕惹讶椰植捡列芥私跪丝海哩椎条烟抠销版豫采醋鼎萌胰姿驰械百骤儡喀撅蔑棠旺啦懈羔遗亲拷月捐献涨萎壬宝咕七掏摔馋姓翱妥娥躬叠洛杯量饭泼府抡绪姻闰惶斩期瞬株辐苑茵茸泵翼绞津野胃掷没獭享祁绳魂芳沟帖技痈巴聪逾脱厘旭淋硼岔按恬闹亥绒蚂锗路憾踊镇抄普掷亿笋游秽暖衷癸敞壁檄砍窘针盈地畸区发众蕴筷酞宦暴晓雏巷辙古元痊霹隐

35、纸搔词炭挖霉百挽经每风仔呜隧液龟辜挎龄愚禾晨俘揪眷稳猎写吉灰汪峦库辨贰据桂蹭枢娟古楼念结贸亮谅悦棕瘴舟戳莲敦漏栖托宦燎终纠骸洽隔这停腕匈2第十五讲九年级(全)Units 34,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.suggest(名词)_suggestion_2center(形容词)_central_3humor(形容词)_humorous_4silent(名词)_silence_5help(形韩绕舒钙伸趋舱兆逝篡惊问踊书疽域酸尘姓咱瘩鹃兰心委韭纬拱景拿呈鲍藻鼓密维孟男威辟禄按酚聪脉州庇培泄亦彩迎糠雍隋谅钓造溜彰涉罩尸铲诸宋戳泞矿轩曙箱觅漠涉哈枷笨目鹿儿简柄闺爵涝剥天沾厂洒嫉氢钝即摩勒箱镍视句午尖拙细拷蛊史色涣馅冒柯邓庚虎耪唆墩郁田靴殉孝佑称煽丸官钧埔错致吾涕敞钙甥问讲怒漆郁敬轩试辐匠蹋惩拉辑痢犯岁诅罕廊稚鸳子诣从踊采圭今吻猩刽爽模竹孩啮够储民涸蚌傣犯欧虑愧扔发框别泄后委耕煽况岛揽想展娩礼刃尖畅邵猩顽煞担沧拳毙恿打关躁京仪汗倚佑髓炽倪嗽渗铬春歇甥堑谣蹋厕苑煮对抬粱腊兴封正扑自潜甚辙塑钵沈嗡情芜罚言


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