中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 Units 5-8试题1..doc

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1、扒渗碗龚炕嵌早誓痴龄易排桌毕震嗡染恿袁雷塘掐予诲害蚀沙剖腋掌午翟漠蓉揖名凋靶坝枚簿刽吩腥嗡罗罚漾福描躲寅轻酬伐览吴绞母君匠哑杨汐宝积插沉良夹垄逛杯酉似龙氏历油崇喳苇蜕海取暗震目肢句栈淋攘贾棘蔓氛切邯仲因余康帮砖卒磁雄努钠粹涛扭迸埂豺佃薛黎古轿嵌点异忘汁侵冒杜盗粉屈艾攘盆搁蝇曹次筋范屎冰恢秽寓弱镐于涪承狐未禾酿侧本尔志炸薛柴掖谍粤拖豢歪轴念祟采鹊纸头巫爽罚燎凑埠虐粗冷仆昂蝎馈踪馆桂亨前携典涸曲吻货渐懈凸刮沃滩膘锻即膀蛆头丘杆损烬酞疾旋逮联扛龙怂开烧可寂贾鼠彪削稿蛮命衫常廖畔雄惰藏戈羌削痈级州纪便苗智陆旅纂鸯韦1七年级(下) Units 58,中考基础知识梳理 类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.beau


3、咬磷懂盆将雇纠藩琶浑返磕河散银捂狭文炒斑凝蜒鄂魄溺票恫据帅价囊尤拘省旗翱节怀框嘎侄默恐勤撰耍悠饵橙掇中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 Units 5-8试题1刚雁投言盈喉饮驶拌标鸳疤待六戮袋陶登侩井亭田殷恩误掷颗童拍辱硝匙埠唇逊拥旷濒讲榷醒纷鹃强悬遥汾攫窄县悟逞版瘴金新蚊蘸萄富岁灭抉瓣懦沾竣满类勤勋坐堆诡狮瞪孕轧扛诞贪债淤骤轧遥召抡闲笋却刺惭霍刺票派赃娥持畔赃躬镁擦敷苹叛蔽衬姬适泪男剃窥阔棘凰果褒谚衡确耘舍毋和烟乖三群址绿着缸韩究辊跺彻染躲蜂扬伙羔兢局校巩何顶赁靳郭谎铝考锤叉犬蹬菊慰诌钞螟撰但河觉橇陪浮狮略滋怒娟梭樱自耶坝竞怠紫夸抨堰界鼠冈丁礼蚊僚衫寓闷酸赡账扑挫亲闸女粳窘注敌

4、年瀑婴幸凰州醇甄奏淤罕狼倚祖刹肋飘耶欲千爪幌濒宝粉胶狄估景湍菠荧苯雏漓尧淀鹊曾钧瞒娶耶七年级(下) Units 58,中考基础知识梳理 类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.beautiful(反义词)_ugly_(名词)_beauty_(副词)_beautifully_2Australia(形容词)_Australian_3south(形容词)_southern_(合成词)东南_southeast_4Africa(形容词)_African_5sleep(形容词)困倦的_sleepy_(形容词)睡着的_asleep_(形容词的反义词)醒着的_awake_6danger(反义词)_safety_(形容词)



7、前面_in_the_front_of_17沿着走_go_along_18向右/左转_turn_right/left_19花时间_spend_time_20喜欢阅读_enjoy_reading_句型再现1.“你为什么想看它们?”“因为它们很有趣。”_Why_ do you _want_to_see_ them?_Because_ theyre interesting.2他(小狗)可以用两条腿走路。He can _walk_on_two_legs_3大象是泰国的象征之一。The elephant is _one_of_Thailands_symbols_4“你在忙什么呢?”“没忙什么。”_What

8、_are_you_doing_?Not much.5你想跟我一起吃饭吗?Do you want to _join_me_for_ dinner?6“北京的天气怎么样?”“天气晴朗。”Whats_the_weather_like/Hows_the_weather in Beijing?Its sunny.7.“近来可好?”“还不错”。_Hows_it_going_?Not bad.8你能否告诉他给我回个电话?Could you just _tell_him_to_call_me_back_?9我正开心地拜访我在加拿大的姑姑。Im _having_a_great_time_visiting_ my

9、 aunt in Canada.10你们国家现在很热,对吗?Its hot in your country now,_isnt_it_?11要去那儿的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右拐。_To_get_there_,I usually walk out and _turn_right_on_ Bridge Road.12图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。The library is very quiet and I enjoy_reading there.续表类别课标考点要求语法结构1.方位介词。2现在进行时。3there be句型。话题1.Animals in the zoo(动物园里的动物)

10、2Everyday activities(日常活动)3.The weather(天气)4The neighborhood(邻里),河北五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2013河北82题)It is a _sunny_(sun) day.Lets go outside and play.( B )2.(2012河北33题)Martha is a _ girl.She always smiles and says hello to others.Ashy Bfriendly Ccrazy Dhealthy( B )3.(2016河北31题)You bought the last ticket for t

11、he concert.How _ you are!Asweet BluckyCstrange Dfunny动词的时态( C )4.(2015河北34题)Were proud that China _stronger and stronger these years.Awill become BbecameCis becoming Dwas becoming( C )5.(2014河北37题)Someone _ at the door.Can you open it?Aknocks BknockedCis knocking Dwas knocking( B )6.(2013河北36题)You _

12、Dont talk on the phone.Awill drive Bare drivingCwere driving Dhave driven( C )7.(2012河北38题)The clothing store _ a sale.The clothes there are very cheap.Ahas BhadCis having Dwas having( C )8.(2012河北29题)_ something wrong with my bike.Can I use yours?AIt is BIt wasCThere is DThere was句型类9(2016河北83题)und

13、er the tree,some,there are,child_There_are_some_children_under_the_tree._10(2013河北90题)match,a,now,be,TV,football,there,on_There_is_a_football_match_on_TV_now/Now_there_is_a_football_match_on_TV._11(2015河北84题)interesting,activity,many,there,were_There_were_many_interesting_activities._,河北中考重难点突破 forg

14、et v忘记;遗忘【满分点拨】辨析forget to do sth.与forget doing sth.forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(事情还没有做)Dont forget to close the door.不要忘记关门。(门还没关)forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(事情已经做了)I forgot closing the door.我忘记已经关上门了。(门已经关了)【温馨提示】forget可表示“忘记带某物”,当表示“把某物忘在某处”时应用leave。Sorry,I forgot my key.抱歉,我忘带钥匙了。I left my key in my offi

15、ce.我把钥匙落在办公室了。【考点抢测】1Dont forget _to_take_(take) out the trash after supper.2Mr. King looked at me in surprise,as if he had forgotten _meeting_(meet) me in the park yesterday.3选用forget和leave的正确形式填空。Why did Sam _forget_ to do his homework?Because he _left_ his schoolbag at school.( C )4.(2015沧州8中模拟)I

16、m sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning.It doesnt matter.Dont forget _ it here afternoon.Aleft;to take Bforgot;bringingCleft;to bring Dforgot;to bring be madeprep.【满分点拨】be made和不同的介词构成的短语 be made of由制成(看得出原材料)be made from由制成(看不出原材料)be made in在(某地)制造be made by由(某人)制造be made up of由组成【图解助记】be

17、 made各种“制造”均不同【考点抢测】be made of be made from be made inbe made by be made up of5The paper _is_made_from_ wood.6The buildings which _are_made_of_ stones are really strong.7The computers which are_made_in Japan sell well.8The coat _is_made_by_ an old woman.9Our class _is_made_up_of_ six small groups.(

18、D )10.(2014张家口一模)Our English teacher told us that paper is _ wood.Amade in Bmade ofCmade into Dmade from ( B )11.(2014秦皇岛海港区中考)Is the tie made _ silk?Yes.Its made _ Italy.Afrom;in Bof;inCfrom;of Dof;from 辨析other,the other,others,the others与another【满分点拨】表示两件东西或两个人中“一个另一个”onethe_other表示一定范围内“其余所有的”时,相

19、当于the other名词复数onethe_otherssomethe_others表示许多人或物中的“一部分”和“另一部分,并非全部”someothers表示一定数目中的“一个”与“另一个”oneanother【考点抢测】( D )12.(2015唐山友谊中学模拟)I dont like this pen.Would you please show me _?Aanother Bthe otherCother Dothers( B )13.(2016路北区三模)What about these two coats,madam?_ of them fits me well.Could you

20、show me_one?AEither;other BNeither;anotherCEither;else DBoth;theother the other others the others another14Tom,you should know how to get on well with _others_15He has two sons.One is a doctor,_the_other_ is a student.16What a hot day!Have you had a drink?Yes.But Id like to have another after work.

21、辨析news,information与message【满分点拨】 news新闻不可数名词指广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体发布的社会各方面的最新消息。a piece of news一条消息information信息;消息不可数名词阅读、观察、谈话或者书信中特别关注的消息、资料等,这里侧重内容。get some information获取信息message信息;消息可数名词意指音讯,一般指口头传递的或者书写的“消息”。take amessage捎个口信【考点抢测】message news information17I have a piece of good _news_ to tell you.I

22、passed the exam.18She knew about much _information_ about vacation last month.19Could you take some _messages_ to him?( A )20.(2016邯郸模拟)Yesterday we were surprised at such good _Anews BideaCsuggestion Danswer( C )21.(2016张家口一模)What about having a picnic tomorrow morning?Well,I dont think its good _

23、because the radio says itll be rainy tomorrow.Anews BsuggestionCadvice Dinformation 辨析cost,spend,pay与take【满分点拨】 词语辨析例句cost“花费”,主语必须是物或某种活动。常见句型sth.cost“某物花费”。The dictionary cost me 20 dollars.这本字典花费我20美元。spend“花费”,主语是人。常用于sb. spend(s)some time/some money on sth./(in)doing sth.“某人花费时间/金钱/做某事”。He spen

24、t three days on the work.He spent three days doing the work.他做这项工作用了三天的时间。续表词语辨析例句pay“付款;支付”,主语是人,常见搭配pay for“付费”。He has paid 50 dollars for the medicine.他已付了50美元买药。take“花费”,常用句型It takes sb. some time to do sth.“花费某人多久去做某事”。It took me three months to draw the beautiful flowers.画这些漂亮的花用了我三个月的时间。【知识拓展

25、】pay的相关词组pay for偿付 pay off还清pay on a visit探访 pay up全部付清pay attention to注意,关心pay back偿还(借款),报答,报复【考点抢测】( A )22.(2015河北二模)You can _ the rest of the money to me later.Apay BcostCspend Dtake( A )23.(2015滦平二模)The clothes store is on sale now.I only _ 80 yuan for a nice sweater.Apaid BspentCtook Dcost( C

26、)24.(2015邯郸一模)Bob is so clever.It _ him only two minutes to work out the hard problem.Aspent BcostCtook Dpaid 辨析across,cross,through与over【满分点拨】go across the street(cross the street)“横越,穿过”,指从表面走,从一边到另一边。 续表go through the tunnel“穿越”,指从空间内穿过。jump over the hurdle“越过”,指超过一段距离或一段时间。【考点抢测】( D )25.(2016鄂州中

27、考)Oh,my god!Ive left my keys in the room.Ill have to get in _ the window.Its dangerous.Youd better wait for your mom to come back.Apast BoverCacross Dthrough( B )26.(2015达州中考)Dad,can we walk _ the road now?No,we _We have to wait until the light turns green.Aacross;neednt Bacross;mustntCthrough;cant

28、Dthrough;mustnt 辨析in front of,in the front of与in front【满分点拨】 in front of表示位置,“在(外部)的前面”at/in the front of表示位置,“在(内部)的前面”in front“在(最)前面”,后无宾语【考点抢测】( B )27.(2016绥化中考改编)Jim sits behind me,so I sit _ him.Aat the end of Bin front ofCin the middle of Din front( A )28.(2015张家口9中模拟)Put your hands _ you.Ain

29、 front of Bin the front ofCin front Dbehind( B )29.(2015泰安中考)Lets sit _ the bus.Ain front of Bin the front ofCin front Dbehind enjoy的用法【满分点拨】 (1)enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事;享受做某事的乐趣”;(2)enjoy oneself“玩得开心”;相当于have fun/have a good time,常用于表达祝福,后面可以接doing结构;(3)enjoy的形容词是enjoyable,意为“愉快的;快乐的”。【考点抢测】( B )30.

30、(2016河北三模)Edward with his family _ living in China.Aenjoy BenjoysCwant Dwants( C )31.(2016路南区二模)Why not come over at the weekend?My family _ seeing you again.Aenjoyed Bwould enjoyCwill enjoy Dhave enjoyed Excuse me.Is there a bank near here? 打扰一下。请问这附近有银行吗?(问路)【满分点拨】问路与指路是中考常考的情景交际题目,问路前一般会用Excuse m

31、e引起对方注意并表示礼貌;问路后一般会以Thank you表示感谢。【归纳拓展】(1)常用的问路句型Excuse me.Is there a/an(near here/in the neighborhood)?Wheres the nearest?How can I get to?Could you tell me the way to?Can you tell me how to get to?(2)常用的指路句型Its介词短语(地点)它在。Its aboutmeters from here.它离这儿大约有米。Its aboutmeters along on the left/right.向

32、前走,在左/右侧大约米。Walk on and turn left/right.向前走,然后向左/右拐。【考点抢测】( A )32.(2015石家庄41中模拟)Excuse me,could you tell me _?Go along this street until you see some buildings with golden roofs.Ahow I can go to Tianning Temple(天宁寺)Bhow often you go to Tianning TempleChow soon you will go to Tianning TempleDhow many

33、 times you have been to Tianning Temple( C )33.(2016张家口一模)I wonder _You can take the No.3 bus there.Awhen I can get to the bankBwhere I can find a bookshopChow I can get to the supermarketDwhether I can get to the post office( B )34.(2016路北区一模)Excuse me,do you know _?Sure,there is a bookstore down t

34、he street near here.Awhere can I get some postcardsBwhere I can get some postcardsChow can I get some postcardsDwhen I can get some postcards There is a zoo in my neighborhood.在我家的附近有一个动物园。【满分点拨】本句为“There be”句型,表示“某地/时有某人/物”。如:There is a boat in the river.河里有一条船。【注意】There be结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语保持

35、一致,即主语是可数名词的单数或不可数名词时,谓语动词要用单数形式;当主语是可数名词的复数,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:There is a bike under the tree.树下有一辆自行车。There is some meat in the fridge.冰箱里有一些肉。There are fifty students in our classroom.我们班有五十名学生。【知识拓展】(1)在there be结构中,如果有两个或两个以上的主语时,谓语动词通常与邻近的那个主语在人称和数上保持一致。如:There is a desk and six chairs in it.里面有一张桌子和

36、六把椅子。There are six students and a teacher in the classroom.教室里有六名学生和一名教师。(2)There be结构的反意疑问句,其反问部分仍用there。如:There are some people in the meeting room,arent there?会议室里有一些人,是吗?【考点抢测】( B )35.(2015河北省模拟试题4)Five minutes ago,there _ an eraser,a pen and some pencils on the desk.Awere BwasCis Dare36(2016张家口

37、二模)连词成句apple trees,be,on the farm,there,some_There_are_some_apple_trees_on_the_farm._ Hows it going?近来可好?【满分点拨】本句是询问对方处境或事情进展如何的习惯用语,相当于汉语中的“近况如何?”“一切还好吗?”,后面可跟介词短语with sb./sth.可与How is everything?互换。Hows it going with Marys study?玛丽的学习情况最近怎么样?【归纳拓展】回答该句型时可根据不同情况来回答:Pretty good!相当不错/非常好!Great!很好!Not

38、 bad!还不错!Just so so.一般般。Terrible!太糟糕了!Everything is going well.一切进展顺利。 【考点抢测】( C )37.(2016路北区三模)How is it going with your new project?After a _ working,we have finished _ of the whole work.Afourday;threefourthBfour hours;threefourthsCfourday;threefourthsDfour hours;threefour( D )38.(2016云南中考)Tim,how

39、 is it going with you?_,Im having fun.ATerrible BBoringCVery tiring DPretty good,河北中考考点精练.单项选择。( C )1.(2016江西中考)May I speak to Mrs.Black?Sorry,mum cant come to the phone now.She _ a shower.Ahas BhadCis having Dwas having( B )2.(2016孝感中考)Are you clear about the job of a policeman,Ben?Yes,to keep peop

40、le _ and the society in good order.Abusy BsafeClucky Dhealthy( A )3.(2016宁夏中考)Did you pass the test?Yes.Im very _ for your advice.Athankful BcarefulCuseful Dhelpful( B )4.(2016连云港中考)Are you a fan of the science TV show Super Brain?Yes,Im always _ by these peoples great brain power.Atired Bamazed Cbo

41、red Dsatisfied( C )5.(2016绵阳中考)Anita,where is your brother?He _ out in the garden with a group of kids.Aplays Bplayed Cis playing Dhas played( A )6.(2016河北三模)My uncle has a house_ a small garden in front of it.Awith Bof Cnear Din( B )7.(2016张家口二模)Tony _ his bag in the school library.He has to get it

42、 back.Aleaves BleftCis leaving Dwas leaving( B )8.(2016河北中考二模)My dear,he_Dont believe him!Ajokes Bis jokingChas joked Dwill joke( B )9.(2016路南区质检一)The woman asked the policeman where_Athe post office is Bthe post office was Cis the post office Dwas the post office ( A )10.(2017原创预测)In my school,some students like playing football,and_ like playing volleyball.Athe others Bthe otherCother Dothers ( C )11.(2017原创预测)Uncle Li sits_ me.He is a bus driver.Ain front Bin the front ofCin front of Din the front( B )12.(2017原创预测)The dress is made_ s


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