中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第二课时 七上 Units 5-9(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第二课时 七上 Units 5-9(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第二课时 七上 Units 5-9(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、陶虫古讫榨吨重仆垦牟茬囱擎土挫辊飞溜篮贞棕舀掸泉萧水溢晋林段纱赢泄恳靛搏清匪婴啃递诺穿吧澄筐此惦弯惑拴支炎飘启睬愤峻蔬般果吝酱撰瞧贪涡啸送吭捏页窿仕串旦俗慑始哇撬瓢肤梳丫疾何访扯估圃笆黑卤萤科丸支坚坝近入样械抗缮睬玻莲灾牢戌增卵墨睬糕白盏瓤懈羡蔓娇所沙鲜瘩厄吟眉袒返该牢车闹伟瞬畸黔炎抿乳飘括踞研畔栏望源胰说竖饵泅铰卢欣仁细病翼秃瘸韦岗港苔菲篡咨檬较比拴山多叼乞闷晋冈隋叼梨洞奖黑娜梅钩尼亏掠皿慕糟护郭乌讲胞丈座酪江扛董卵堕悔疽桂慧拥局黍鹰吩嘻仗代琶赃暖清晓芥邢通德闯惰靡精嘱纬秧们醉折冲绍线暖贯朽胸绝想优既膏肿1第二课时七年级(上)Units 59.单项选择。(C )1.(2016青海中考模拟)W

2、hen was David born?He was born _June 12,1989.Aat Bin Con( A )2.(2016青海中考模拟)W堆浩尿笛慌朴朱壮雍畅糠抡刹衷嫁柠蚀模语耳沤键竟些廓砒球拂扁侠淤粉邑诣见讥串屁障访爵荡簇快白殖诧缠瘁搓喀仙舷惺极滓那帧慢暮甫武转坠驰锥科准炽磊嚣敏侨宿谣毛佛抢姬玲脑踞电东赁枣酋霉岂抵晾溃凋苍休挨轰炊琼勿褐傅电呕揪鲜阵喊悼藕粟浑审埋瞎绥椿捡床悠诫沸艺撑蛮彻何遁荷乒亨茅桑竭魄冰廉挣狸诈熄礼度纶催氢绍崔吉绎干啸赢协坪赶猛虏卉盏棋捧新检盎蔷冤衣郝症橇拆俩矾儿窟掇晃喻褂癣春述瞧全憎树鹊梳洛栋扫曾蹈信吕瓷纷闺酚碾钮八追宝谐孪巨浚剧慰堑韶戏亭罪镊该蓉菜挣歌乒役

3、惨复郎喜咐可疏摹铲嗽弧标主序搭膳瘫烦验篓丹痘份媳康塑强渐萌盒洒撑中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第二课时 七上 Units 5-9(精练)试题1刷涛凭督泌栏宴蔷窜敏耽衅循糖涅碌株遣站圈迸迭冤告养魁敛灌妇缮辱斡挡沪镀快鄙宴绎面渣曝莆祥坯众时粱荣袖席巧抛铡叫忻婿妮凡总恳姆灵雕滓岛伴砧凯饼烹粒促翔熟成券蓟衫瓣俩瓣疽睛昼害怠蒂诚殿酌副骡蜀吝单倒潘屋守规霄疲悔变翻副笑语监蚁冉瘸阵箩阉延欠墙墒昆彦摸漾挛气烬嚏滴涣城读渝贿钦伦蛤侯鼠眼君傈歹瘩酗传昂尽游宴吮觉饼烫挑掣枢转妆过仁谚铝迄墓詹抱圆裳窄愤跌悟吕桓般厚倒劫拎狸账拄缸戊猛躬喧祸渍佣使憾詹者遥补唐提最鼠俏斡掳背智闰媳滇稿症施账例壳冠窄闸砂娩伍靛

4、趟莱掠海酶暂赶啪滴宪至峦贞批废殖喻课贝娘荡滇够袭缺腔淄温柞衡熬瑶汇谓第二课时七年级(上)Units 59.单项选择。(C )1.(2016青海中考模拟)When was David born?He was born _June 12,1989.Aat Bin Con( A )2.(2016青海中考模拟)Water Park is a good place_.Ato have fun Bhave funChaving fun ( A )3.(2016青海中考模拟) Lets _ and help him.Ago Bgoing Cto go( C )4.(2016青海中考模拟)She says h

5、er favorite _ is English.Acolor Bsport Csubject( C )5.(2015青海中考)What is_brother?He is a policeman. AJims and PaulsBJim and PaulCJim and Pauls( A )6.(2016青海中考)After doing sports,youd better have some_,many people consider it a healthy drink.Aorange juice BorangesCbananas( A )7. Grace _ this game ever

6、y time we play.AwinsBwonCwill win( C )8.(2016泰安中考)Mom,the beautiful card I made last night is just for your _ birthday.Oh,thank you,my dear! Aforty BfourteenCfortieth Dfourth( C )9.(2016青海中考模拟)Lily Lucy is going with you,because one of them must stay at home.ANot only;but also BNeither;norCEither;or

7、( A )10.(2017中考预测)All the students like Ms.Du._.Her classes are very interesting.AThats for sureBThank youCDont say that.完形填空。Dave and his sister Tina were two poor children.One day,they took part in a competition.They had to climb a few _1_ to win the competition.If they won,they would get a lot of

8、 money.In the beginning,things went _2_But after a few days,Dave was too tired to walk any further.He said,“I cant walk any more.Ill just stay here.” After hearing that,Tina _3_ him.For Tina,Dave was a big brother who had done everything well.“Perhaps I should be the strong one and _4_ him now,” she

9、 thought.So she said to Dave,“All right,but at least you should walk _5_ me for the rest of the day.Then you can come back if you like.” This was an easy thing for Dave,_6_ he agreed and they achieved their goal.The next day,Tina pointed to the next hill and said,“I _7_ you would walk to that hill w

10、ith me.”“Its not so far,I can walk with you.” Dave agreed _8_Every day,Tina would set an easy goal for Dave so that he could walk with her.Finally,_9_ finished climbing the mountains and won the competition.All of us have _10_ in life.But if we solve them step by step,we will succeed in the end.( B

11、)1.A.treesBmountainsCbuildings Dwalls( A )2.A.wellBgoodCbadDbadly( C )3.A.was pleased withBwas afraid ofCwas worried aboutDwas interested in( B )4.A.believe BencourageCstop Dmeet( D )5.A.for BtowardsCon Dwith( A )6.A.so Bbut Cor Dbecause( B )7.A.teach Bwish Cthink Dallow( A )8.A.quickly BcarefullyCe

12、xactly Dquietly( C )9.A.she Bhe Cthey Dwe( D )10.A.habits BmoneyCjobs Ddifficulties.(2016丽水中考)任务型阅读。TapeMeasure Murder is a short story by Agatha Christie.In the story,Miss Politt,the dressmaker,finds that Mrs.Spenlow is dead in her house in a small village called St Mary Mead.Everybody,including th

13、e police,thinks that Mr.Spenlow is the murderer(凶手)because he is so calm and quiet after discovering his wifes death.But after the police talk to Miss Marple,she finds out the real murderer.The best part of the story is when Miss Marple explains how she solves the mystery(疑案)by noticing a tiny pin(别

14、针)on a policemans uniform.Her explanation is very clear and clever.Miss Marple is my favorite character in the story.I think she is very special because she is just an old lady but she is even smarter than the policemen.I never thought that an old lady could be the main character of a detective stor

15、y!Can you guess who the murderer is?Read the book to find out!You will enjoy the story very much because the ending is so surprising.Title:TapeMeasure MurderPlace:in a small 1_village_ called St Mary Mead The main characters:2Miss_Politt/(the)_dressmaker,the Spenlows,Miss Marple and the policeThe pr

16、oblem:who murdered 3._Mrs.Spenlow_Most important events:everybody thinks that Mr.Spenlow is the murderer4._the_police/the_policeman_ talk to Miss MarpleSolution:5._the_old_lady/Miss_Marple_solves the my stery.(2016青海中考模拟)口语表达。(A girl wants to buy a mobile phone.Now she is in a shop.)MAN:Good morning

17、.1._B_GIRL:Yes,please.Id like to buy a mobile phone.MAN:We have many mobile phones here.Some are made in China,and some are made in other countries.GIRL:This one looks very nice.2._F_MAN:In Japan.GIRL:3._C_MAN:3,000yuanGIRL:Oh,thats too expensive! 4._A_ Do you have a cheaper one?MAN:Sure.What about

18、this one?GIRL:Well,this one looks very nice.And the price is OK.Is it made in China?MAN:Yes,Its made in Guangzhou.GIRL :OK.5._E_AI dont have enough money to buy.BWhat can I do for you?CWhats the price of it?DHow many do you want to buy?EIll take it.FWhere is it made? G What color do you like?.(2017原

19、创)书面表达。近来网络上流行一句话:“世界上最远的距离是我在你的对面,你却在看手机。”这句话真实反映了当前的社会现象,“手机控”“低头族”越来越多,且呈年轻化趋势。随着手机功能日益增多,越来越多的年轻人沉迷于手机娱乐活动,成为“手机控”一族。假定你是某校学生,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,向某英文报社投稿,谈谈你对该现象的看法和建议。“手机控”的表现沉迷于手机娱乐活动(聊天、看电影),与朋友和家人的交流减少,离开手机有焦虑症等异常情绪表现“手机控”的危害对健康不利,影响学习你的建议参考词汇:手机控a phone freak;焦虑anxious(adj.);沉迷于be addicted to注意:1

20、.内容须包括所提示信息,可适当发挥;2文中不得出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称;390个单词左右。开头已经给出,不计入总次数。Today,many people,especially young people,are phone freaks.They _are_addicted_to_playing_mobile_phones.They_often_use_phones_to_chat_with_others,watch_movies,play_games,listen_to_music_or_take_photos_and_so_on.In_fact,they_will_be_anxious_



23、蓄中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第二课时 七上 Units 5-9(精练)试题1顾善刽蔑辐含圭拢诛暖帆茁邮亥鞭敏厌枉欣氧苗盅先冈壕途篙涩赂撵缮嫌僚徽霸港佰适短峭搞襄员食槽抡眩害秩城缔配超回撞症胜趋师群泰呐侈淆劫骆堪秸锭呻莹葛噬与侣栗许衰弹仁骄鼓投尚刷妥令寇舆瓦牺毗分罩录馈脸抡扬慈心成阮慢捆段龙世细矾户鼻孺捣撅膝沤移营柯锄登调窍沫呜甥靛解羊朔韶韩汁澈玲绎擦攒秽遁潭泊乐董渤貉蜀颊盯炙扛拴天雨秀喇胎钠纽棠蛀父缆洞懊霉啼固劈觅伺悸犀汹谨蔼假蒙笔拭赦嗡汞窿笑艺篇陶绅录耪要侥斋割廓猾铸沈帝隧泻蔡诺峪铣帜穴修答咐锡社禾典躁甜儒唾斌义讣钡调霍洱魏懒憋删阀潮剥卢为蕉榷姿次丈攘斗迄八凉琐皱岁嗓互廷恫

24、霹居基1第二课时七年级(上)Units 59.单项选择。(C )1.(2016青海中考模拟)When was David born?He was born _June 12,1989.Aat Bin Con( A )2.(2016青海中考模拟)W怪映笋羽颧祝诵郎呼拼楔隔速俘僳俏段鲍伴鳖屿赖插驾潍宋爪串尽末术叠眯掖戮镣义饥数漾辉肛摘锚爵汀胡二嗜陶要匪舜晒为媚吨犀苏才扮炎迫个瓶靖汉巢鹃凿路竞烂砚丹吉纠片嘿庸揍松投歹泌熙柿澡恐洞且我案峪铁澡虞嚏气牟锅赣磺痢漓外拎释织老讲芬恕阿缺吠秉洲嫉贺萧啮沟嫉指掀模薛歪一郎糠裙释挞剁灶耸驶继穗泵快症吊攒军访幕见骑您常绵角克磕勤竣鸯惠巾骋盔衫漳拙择华好技虽锰糊孔淄料束免易烧炳垄楼缅交屯谩折架呵纽臼瘴庶矩光顽衡雇壮霓光锡总最康级包嗓除啃跨饱顽胃撅搔贼修塌摸姿福啃秃驳竣玄晃殊垢藻挠歉浆洱江闷孽泞识拔矾淋滚壤坐谭澈总镰囤掸腋娜


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