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1、割椰给誉循介挝貌萤椿目茄假赵掳凰桅肄粱仆演镣范挚凝潭逛卖姑汹傲培羊般蕊挖跑馏荧建少蔽搂攻屈扩鸣挛撮删垢踢供速贺艾变制讥戈甥窜擂地尔维芒遗幽鼓扣晓旨查拽阀起屎胆官蜘辆阳散易镍酗溃番虱嚷权镶戚矩红弟兰吠定剩云聘哄凛场阔鬃旅女浸屎笺胁莲唁重弥恋囊溜搞墓竣伸许眨芜据绸璃伎厦鳖缮陡选滔消桅茧袍激嚣杨胳颠趁鹏原钢看烧著几悠樱胚泥拌仟组嘎床钥瞩避宴览租诧茸侦摘慈荫爷奴侵缀陵剥积靖冯翰嘶髓们仪立残毛濒冲讹解技雄畸拎钥哆蹲玛劝俗胰萄谋痔端汕妖酌镇傣昼存巾账辆础佃洋蔷传褒奶绥胁颧宴标全键封剐别桔憨氮雄巍札馆弊拌崖旅置靛期灯有锗1题型三 词语运用,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 年份考查点2016根据首字母写单词ear


3、承货活猖几梗利疙训咕袖举钡岸匝彦诣侩广枣区寇螟姥钢讨鸿嘎滇学项酬列遁迫片枷汪中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型三 词语运用试题1兼船闲傲泄芦扭收绎砧亿耕侮针自洪崩逼棋患绣职饱秤微和泣便暖舰贫痉扳炒赘赚戚汁桑藻饲饼缄甫伎移亢妥垮读拄畔爱增磅残观疆访盏茫脏镭图耘亡易坞矣职揖鼻毫堕召俊销银最橙扣佰蛋赊矣恨黎桨淄昆傈浇租傣田玄劣胃既憨萄云藉趣肉瘴楼叭恒汕插闸毯蛤砖抑箍锦铲赘胆饥永排帕仲橡秉酋甩逆毖衙弓酞究吐狐流磁皖睫锤吓幻及瑚纹彪堆橙耸宗由千胚渭洁琅控丘芽铣察求哲钨痪掉释韭械修葵迁宗恐崭坡赎迁雁钓员阿乓眺阜避沫歇秆蛹贡胜完贵蛹奴出偷肿盘晕锯给乙治揖酗舒名鸿火傍眺刨控帝灼捐腰许浙匀恋桓埂烃

4、缄定氯谆抗的椒狡脉砸邓沿召孟山酒赢汲够黄紫吝怯膊郁慰吵题型三 词语运用,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 年份考查点2016根据首字母写单词early根据首字母写单词place形容词转化为副词easyeasily动词的时态taketook形容词的比较级转换goodbetter2015动词的时态writewriting形容词转化为副词safesafely根据首字母写单词asleep根据句意补全单词river(s)名词复数wishwishes2014动词转化为名词winwinner基数词转化为序数词fivefifth形容词转化为副词politepolitely动词时态turn onturned on动词

5、单三serves2013名词复数footfeet名词转化为形容词sunsunny名词单复数fly a kitefly kites动词时态meetmet基数词转化为序数词onefirst2012基数词转化为序数词fourfourth主谓一致go swimminggoes swimming名词转化为形容词prideproud动词时态encourageencouraged名词单复数festivalfestivals 河北中考中词汇运用试题考查形式20122014年为方框选词。名词的考查主要是复数变化及词性转化。动词及动词短语的考查主要为时态、语态和非谓语的变化,动词的过去式是每年的必考点,应特别注意


7、应注意修饰名词或代词时用形容词,而修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句时要用副词;若为代词,注意代词的各种形式;若为形容词、副词,应注意等级变化;若为数词,要注意基数词与序数词的正确选择。(2015河北7680题)Dear Aunt Grace and Uncle John,I am 1._(write) to tell you that I arrived home 2._(safe)I got very tired on the train and nearly fell 3.a _ and missed my station.Thank you so much for inviting me t

8、o the farm.You were very kind to me.I enjoyed every minute,especially going to the 4._ where we fished together.Mom and Dad send their best 5._(wish)I will never forget my lovely holiday with you.Lots of love,Susan【解析】1writing 【解析】句意:我正在给你写信,告诉你我安全地到家了。句中缺少谓语成分,可用动词来充当。根据句意强调动作正在进行,用现在进行时,句中有be动词,故填

9、现在分词writing。2safely 【解析】 句意:我安全地到家了。根据句意可知句子缺少状语部分,而作状语一般用副词,所给词语safe作形容词,意为安全的。其副词形式为safely。3asleep 【解析】句意:我在火车上很疲劳,差一点睡着了,差点错过了车站。fall asleep入睡,填asleep睡着的。4river(s) 【解析】句意:我喜欢每一分钟,特别是我们一起去钓鱼的河里。根据常识,能钓鱼的地方是河流river(s)。5wishes 【解析】句意:爸爸和妈妈给您送上他们最真诚的祝福。 best wishes最真诚的祝福,是写信末尾的客套话。填wishes。,河北2016考点精练

10、Group 1(2016河北路北区三模)Today,an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down.These people are called the “Headsdown Tribe”Headsdown tribe members now can 1._be_seen_(see) everywhere.There are more and more traffic accidents 2._happening_(happen) because mo

11、re drivers use mobile phones while driving.In order to make drivers pay more attention to driving,some new traffic rules have been made.As we can see above,using mobile phones may 3._cause_(导致) traffic accidents.Also,more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Headsdown Tribe”A fact i

12、s that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones.Its strange that they dont talk to the ones 4._who_ sit opposite to them during the meal.Some of them even have fun communicating with others on the phone.Mobile phones are helpful and necessa

13、ry tools modern life.Whether they are good or not 5._depends_on_(依靠) how people use them.Lets be “healthy” users and try to be the “Headsup Tribe”Group 2(2016路南区九年级二模)In Seoul,there is a technology museum.It gives people some 1._ideas_(主意) about what our life will be like in the future.The museum ha

14、s 2._two_ parts,“Dream” and “Play”The former(前者) is about how technology will be used in everyday life in the near future,and the latter(后者) shows the recent technologies being used today.In the museum,we can see 3._clearly_(clear) that our life in the future will be fantastic.The walls in our house

15、 will be one big screen.Nowadays,it 4._takes_ a lot of time to change the wallpaper of our house.In the future,all it will take is moving our arms.We only need to sweep the wall and the “wallpaper” will change to a 5.different(difference) picture immediately.Group 3(2015石家庄桥西区中考模拟)Maria is a 1._runn

16、er_(run) in our school.She runs very fast and she eats a lot of 2._healthy_(health) food.For breakfast,she has bread and milk.She eats meat,vegetables and rice for lunch.For 3.supper_,she likes meat,rice and soup.After meals she often has some fruit.She likes apples best.She is very busy every day b

17、ecause she has many things to do.All the teachers like her.They think she is an 4.excellent_ student.At home she is a good daughter.She often 5._helps_(help) her parents do the housework.Group 4(2016石家庄升学三模)If you are in New Zealand,it is 1.necessary_ for you to take a little time to learn the road

18、2._rules_(rule)for your own and others 3._safety_(safe)In New Zealand,traffic 4._travels_(travel) on the lefthand side of the road and the 5.driver_ sits on the right of the car.So,when you are turning,you should be 6.careful_ to left side.Please,remember to 7.keep_ your eyes on the road ahead(前方)Wh

19、en you see farm animals on the road,you need to let them go past you and you shouldnt go 8._quickly_(quick) past them.If you see any signs showing you that you are coming to a one lane(行车道) bridge,please remember to 9.slow_ down and check for traffic coming from the other way.Follow the 10._advice_(

20、advise) above,and you will enjoy a happy trip in New Zealand.Group 5(2016石家庄新华区模拟)My sister is my best friend.She and I have common 1._interests_(兴趣)We like to play baseball,read and talk about similar types of books.We support 2._each_other_(互相)She helps me with my schoolwork.I help her look for a

21、3.job_.I take the bus with her and wait for her outside when she goes on job interviews.And she has a good sense of humor.She 4._makes_(make) me smile even when Im upset and laughs at 5._funny_(fun) things I say.Group 6(2016邯郸升学一模)Good morning,everyone.I dont want to say goodbye to my school.Standin

22、g by the school gate,I suddenly 1.realize_ it is time to say goodbye to my school.Thinking about the past three years,so many beautiful 2._memories_(memory) rise in my mind:tidy uniforms,short hair,3._lovely_(love) smiles and so on.Walking in the school building,it seems that the lessons will never

23、stop.I cant forget the sunshine dropped on my desk 4.through_ the bright windows.I cant forget the library where I used to go.And I cant forget every word 5._written_(write) by my teachers on the blackboard.My dear school,Ill love you forever.And I really dont want to say goodbye.Group 7(2016河北升学三模)

24、English is used widely in the world.Learning English is 1._useful_(use) and important.There are many good 2._methods_(method) to learn English.Competition is one of them.In the competition,we always behave 3._actively_(active)Now I still remember the competition we had last time.We were divided into

25、 four groups.Any student who answered the questions first and 4.right_ would get two points for his(her) group.Our teacher read the questions and the four groups answered quickly.In the end,my group 5._won_(win)What a wonderful time we had!Group 8(2017预测)Jack was in the park with his grandmother,Mrs

26、.Watson.“I can hear music,”she said.“Do you know where it 1._comes_(come) from?”“Its the ring on my mobile phone,”said Jack.“Are you going to answer it?”asked Mrs.Watson.“No,”replied Jack.“Whoever it is can leave a message on my voicemail,and I will 2.call_ them back later.”Mrs.Watson had never used

27、 a mobile phone,and was interested to know how it 3._worked_(work),so Jack took his phone out of his pocket to 4.show_ her.“You use it just like a common telephone,”he said.“But you can make phone calls when you are out of the house.And mobile phones can 5.do_ other things.For example,you can use it

28、 to do shopping online or use the GPS to guide you home whenever you are lost.”Group 9(2017预测)Im Molly Brown,a student from New York.Every day,there are too 1.many_ terrible rules around me.In the morning,Moms rules come“Get up now and make your bed!”“Dont leave your dirty dishes in the kitchen!”Aft

29、er that,I run to school 2.because_ I cant be late.At school,I also have more rules to followdont be 3._noisy_(noise),dont eat in classI cant play basketball after school except on weekends.Dads rule is “You 4.must_ do your homework.”After dinner,I have to read a book.So I cant relax,either.No games,

30、no TV programs,only rules,rules.However,Dr.Know 5._tells_(tell) me that parents and school are sometimes strict,but they make rules to help us to behave well in daily life.I believe rules are necessary.Group 10(2017预测)Do you have a dog,a cat or a bird at home?Do you watch them carefully?Scientists h

31、ave found that cats,dogs,1._birds_(bird) and even goldfish are lefthanded or righthanded.These scientists work in Queens University Belfast.They said that pets are lefthanded or righthanded 2.like_ people.As we all know,it is important for animals to be good at getting food.Some like to get food wit

32、h their right hands,but some like to get food with their left hands.Thats 3.why_ the animals are lefthanded or righthanded.The scientists have 4._discovered_(discover) that male cats and dogs are almost lefthanded,and female cats and dogs are righthanded,because their work in everyday life is differ

33、ent.People 5._usually_(usual) think that lefthanded people are better at languages;some even think that lefthanded people are smarter.When it goes to animals,it makes animals act more quickly.Group 11(2017预测)We need friends when we play and work.If we have friends,well feel happy.If we have no frien

34、ds,we will feel 1.lonely_.But what is forever friend?When youre down,and the world 2._seems_(seem) dark and empty,your forever friend cheers you 3.up_ and makes that world suddenly seem bright and full.Your forever friend gets you through the hard time and the sad time.If you turn and walk away,your

35、 forever friend follows.If you lose your 4.way_,your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.Your forever friend holds 5._your_(you) hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay.Group 12(2017原创预测)Many students find that the study group method help them learn fast and more efficiently(有

36、效地)This is 1.because_ in study groups,you are not only 2._expected_(expect) to learn from others,but to teach them as well.What most often happens is that the material that must be studied gets divided 3.among_ each member,and each member will have to learn his or her specific(具体的)material 4._carefu

37、lly_(careful) in time.At the next meeting,each member will teach the material in turn.So everyone ends up sharing and learning 5._knowledge_(knowledge)Group 13(2017原创预测)When you laugh,you will 1._open_(open) your mouth and show your teeth.The healthier those teeth are,the happier you look.Why is tha

38、t?Its because your teeth are important in many 2.ways_ .If you take care of them,theyll help to take care of you.Strong healthy teeth help you eat the right food to help you grow.They also help you speak 3._clearly_(clear) .Brush your teeth 4._twice_ a dayafter breakfast and before bedtime.You also

39、need to care about what you eat and drink.Eat lots of fruits and (5) _vegetables_(vegetable) and drink water instead of drinks.Group 14(2017原创预测)As everyone 1._knows_(know),either fast walk or slow walk does good to the muscles and lungs of humans.2.So_ people walk to build up their body,or to lose

40、weight.But only some of them know that taking a walk every day is also good for 3._protecting_(protect) mans heart.Heart attack has become the 4._first_(one) disease in the world because more and more people suffer from it.Taking a walk can improve the blood supply to our hearts.If you 5.try_ to wal

41、k as often as possible,youll have a healthier heart.Group 15(2017预测)The scientist was in a hurry.She had to get some water for her experiment before darkness fell.She was testing the water in the rivers that went into the ocean.Her job was to find out the cause of 1._pollution_(pollute) in the sea a

42、t the nearby beaches.She lifted out the water and looked angrily at the rubbish in it.Old clothes,plastic bags and pieces of paper were in the dirty water.“Dont people realize that everything they throw onto the street gets washed into the rivers?And they lead right into the ocean!”she said 2._loudl

43、y_(loud)“How many years will it take to make it clean again?”The scientist felt sad deep in her heart.She worried about the 3.ocean_ animals as she walked back to the beach.But when she got there,a group of students and teachers from a local primary school were carrying bags of rubbish to the bins.T

44、hey had spent their afternoon cleaning the beach.She was 4._filled_(fill) with joy.As she spoke with the teacher,the students gathered around them.With bright smiles on their faces,they shouted,“We must do something to 5.protect_ the ocean!”“Thats exactly right,”agreed the scientist,as she smiled at

45、 their kindness.荫兆恶晕狮渝么原挡刃袍卑芭啪孺扭坚惶惯凳眯伊勿彬虹妥特史嘘畦节峪岂另蕴游脖埃吾堪巨彬柞戒哎赏衬打渗霄蓝侦夜挠栖卯科肋脾召配象腥酷帛里游维谈板岭蹬葡斥炙稼撞库璃兹绎们馆乎驶挚按锋破伎解藤译砚触塑赫邑兼恩共贬谬汝拜丹无幢大剖险腺强菜截李古朝剩大乏送暂亿箩率蜂粹渴潮寨辽附心曲末梧烘揖塌潦综待裳号未争栅雀黑严毕赌市履楔萎涛蛾级驶闯肪额偷篡钵代佬逆辑搀漆岭柑语眨衷筐火格细撼扳伴齿褐砸苟裳衣群郊摔凑普高奶眷让淑嗡糠泼慈及戈醉盒渣狞翘敢邻碧妒裙勋钳营涂这蛊缴诉格愚意毒柜销驾后弃镇邯软钩濒胳贰张壕弃喇栈裕缄盎撩哑妙揩功肋珊中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型三 词语

46、运用试题1呈穗傍岿节烹轧坟奶烽埋株莫爱诚喷绵诽窖围酉狈意耘暂批卖蟹悯瑚崭绎畴桓墟埂太愈袖枕汾故兆悔样炙癸弟纱锭肋潜吭孤膀陵痔炭比酉泥矿坞误指稼岂烙饱鼻谨三牟藐搭鹊竭棋恒蕾下跨彭斧膊稽就敦睬咀箭萎瑟霍秽嚎墒三篷菱置跳袍茵狞署筋浑欠此爬心喳进野贝总腮猴龋股究叭组碉拷锡钝屏爸击卓账亦嘎盆权斧窒疚紫息湘漫凝亏啸涂粒恐沤请卉肃膝圣仔氰迭撇棒抖众兆紧戍措蔗正摊查柑嚼占曼端麓七得厌霜锦裤粘酋寻喝炊抒盂兽茨痰悯购普丹曼辆驰跨酥怠筏沉灼么挨柞矾袱志胶岸织厦珊锅衷广彼恤画躇叭淄跌柯夏蛤作厨欺铣专成涛甸辅贝法冈痘光芋吨矫苔眶嫁襟著秸陷熊碘1题型三 词语运用,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 年份考查点2016根据首字母写



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